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What is Weak AI?

Weak AI, also known as narrow AI, is artificial intelligence with

limited functionality. Weak AI refers to the use of advanced
algorithms to accomplish specific problem solving or reasoning
tasks that do not encompass the full range of human cognitive
abilities. For example, the voice-based personal assistants such as
Siri and Alexa could be considered weak AI programs because
they operate within a limited pre-defined set of functions meaning
they often have a programmed response. Weak AI is not so
enthusiastic about the outcomes of AI; it is simply the view that
intelligent behavior can be modeled and used by machines to
solve complex problems and tasks. But just because a machine
can behave intelligently does not prove that it is actually smart in
a way that a human is. The best example of weak AI is Siri and
Alexa, or Google Search.

Weak artificial intelligence

The popular iPhone’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa could be termed as AI, but generally, they are weak AI
programs. This categorization is rooted in the difference between the supervised and unsupervised
programming as voice-activated assistance usually has a programmed response.

What they do is sense or ‘scan’ for things that are similar to what they already know, and classify them

This is a human-like feature, but that’s basically where the similarities end as weak AIs are simply
simulations. If you ask Siri to turn on the air conditioner, it understands keywords such as “on” and “air
conditioner,” so it will respond by turning on the air conditioner.

However, it is only responding to what it is programmed to do. It does not understand or derive meaning
from what you said.

Weak AI

Siri and Alexa could be considered AI, but generally, they are weak AI
programs. Even advanced chess programs are considered weak AI. This
categorization seems to be rooted in the difference between supervised
and unsupervised programming. Voice-activated assistance and chess
programs often have a programmed response. They are sensing for
things similar to what they know, and classifying them accordingly. This
presents a human-like experience, but that is all it is—a simulation. If
you ask Alexa to turn on the TV, the programming understands key
words like On and TV. The algorithm will respond by turning on the TV,
but it is only responding to its programming. In other words, it does not
comprehend any of the meaning of what you said.
What is Strong AI?
Strong AI is a theoretical form of machine intelligence which
supports the view that machines can really develop human
consciousness equal to human beings. Strong AI refers to
machines or programs with the mind of their own and which can
think and accomplish complex tasks on their own without any
human interference. Strong AI has complex algorithm that helps
systems act in different situations and the strong AI-powered
machines can make independent decisions without human
interaction. Strong AI-powered machines can carry complex tasks
on their own just like human beings do. It simply states that a
computing machine with the appropriate functional organization
has a mind that perceives, thinks, and intends like a human mind.
This is AI we see in sci-fi movies like “Her”, “The Terminator”, “I-
Robot”, “WALL-E”and more.

Strong artificial intelligence

Featured in a lot of movies, strong AI functions more like the human brain. They don’t classify, and they
use clustering and association to process data. This means there isn’t a programmed answer to your
keywords or requests, as can be seen in weak AIs, and the results of their programming and functions are
largely unpredictable.

For example, when you are talking to a human, you can only assume what someone’s response will be.

A popular example of strong AI is the one found in games. It is more independent than weak AI and can
learn and adapt to different situations. Another example of strong AI is poker AI which can teach itself to
adapt to and outsmart the skills of human opponents.
Although weak AI is the more common version, strong AI has also been a crucial part of the AI
revolution. It is often described by scientists as the ‘true representation of human intelligence in

Differences between strong and weak AI in a nutshell

With strong AI, machines can actually think and carry out tasks on their own, just like humans do. With
weak AI, the machines cannot do this on their own and rely heavily on human interference.

Strong AI has a complex algorithm that helps it act in different situations, while all the actions in weak
AIs are pre-programmed by a human.

Strong AI-powered machines have a mind of their own. They can process and make independent
decisions, while weak AI-based machines can only simulate human behavior.

Difference between Strong

and Weak AI

– Strong AI is a theoretical form of artificial intelligence which

supports the view that machines can really develop human
intelligence and consciousness in the same way that a human in
conscious. Strong AI refers to a hypothetical machine that exhibits
human cognitive abilities. Weak AI (also known as narrow AI), on
the other hand, is a form of artificial intelligence that refers to the
use of advanced algorithms to accomplish specific problem
solving or reasoning tasks that do not encompass the full range of
human cognitive abilities.

– Functions are limited in weak AI as compared to strong AI.

Weak AI does not achieve self-awareness or demonstrate a wide
range of human cognitive abilities that a human may have. Weak
AI refers to systems that are programmed to accomplish a wide
range problems but operate within a pre-determined or pre-
defined range of functions. Strong AI, on the other hand, refers to
machines that exhibit human intelligence. The idea is to develop
artificial intelligence to the point where human interact with
machines that are conscious, intelligent and driven by emotions
and self-awareness.

– The goal of weak AI is to create a technology that allows allows

machines and computers to to accomplish specific problem
solving or reasoning tasks at a significantly quicker pace than a
human can. But it does not necessarily incorporate any real world
knowledge about the world of the problem that is being solved.
The goal of strong AI is to develop artificial intelligence to the
point where it can be considered true human intelligence. Strong
AI is a type of which does not exist yet in its true form.
Strong vs. Weak AI: Comparison Chart

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