Tahreem Javaid Bc200411358

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Tahreem Javaid


Q1. One vital concept of reading comprehension is to evaluate texts. Two passages have
been given to evaluate the writer’s intention regarding running on a treadmill. Read the
passages carefully and answer the multiple choice questions given below.
(2*5=10 Marks)

Passage (1)
The treadmill began to whir, and I gripped its handlebars as the belt started moving me
backwards. All I could do now was run -- or begrudgingly barrel forward -- toward an outdated
screen that showed me the terrain I was supposed to be running on. It was made of red squares
stacked up, one on top of another: the higher stacks were supposed to be steep hills, and the
lower ones, valleys. I tried to picture them as burning coals to see if that would make me speed
up or at least feel like this exercise was somehow connected to nature -- even one of its cruel

Passage (2)
The treadmill began to whir, and my heart sped up faster than the belt could go. Instead of
pressing "select" on my remote control to escape into a TV show, I had just selected "Power
Run." A sleek screen with a simple set of red lines showed me the terrain on which I was
running. Those red lines looked like a pulse, and they got me to run farther and faster than I
could ever run when I'm outside, worried about weather, cars, or other people. It may not have
looked like I was going anywhere that night, but I had just broken out of a ten-year slump.

1. How would you describe this author's attitude towards the treadmill in Passage 1?


2. How would you describe this author's attitude towards the treadmill in Passage 2?


3. In passage 1, imagination of the author, “the red squares as burning coals” shows that:

It does not sound pleasant.

4. In passage 2, "heart sped up faster than the belt could" shows:

5. In passage 2, “they got me to run farther and faster than I could ever run when I'm
outside” shows:
Benefits of running inside

Q2. Humans need visual and lingual components in order to feel compelled towards
something and descriptive writing is one of them. In fact, it is an art which gives
individuals a chance to use their aesthetic sense and compose new ideas. Given below is a
picture and you have to describe it in 150-200 words. Your description should be
interesting, coherent, well composed, and grammatically perfect. (10 Marks)

Picture Description:
A giant and heavyweight rhino is shown in this picture. He is standing on the edge of a wooden
beam while the beam connecting another building rooftop. He wants to go to a nearby building's
rooftop. As he steps forward for crossing the bridge, wooden planks started spanning down. He
realized that a wooden bridge is build using weak and imperfect laths. Moreover, laths are tied
loosely so frail bridge can’t bear his weight and he will fall to earth. The fear of fall down
stopped him to cross the bridge. Due to his heavyweight, he cannot move back easily. He has no
idea, how to get rid of this trouble. He freezes like stagnant water on the edge of the bridge.
Nobody presents here to help him so he is standing hopeless.

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