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Bachelor of Science in Biology, Spec: Animal Biology

Topic: Realism, Neo-classicism, and Romanticism


 Differentiate Realism from Neo-Classicism and from Romanticism


 Choose two favorite paintings write the title and name of the artist.
The realism, neo-classicism and romanticism as the arts movement
emerges showcasing their unique way of presenting ideas most
especially to the aspects of arts, the three movements were varied to
each other.
Dating back in the year 1850’ realism were emanated. The term
realism was used by Mercure français du XIXe siècle a French artist in
1826, describe the truthful and accurate depiction of the models that
nature and contemporary life offer the artist. Realism used to presents
the art on the walks of life in an honest reality and its actual truths in
everyday themes of life. Realist puts to showcase the ethics based on
realistic situations rather than that of imaginations, glorification of the
past and exaggeration of emotions in order to capture visual perceptions
without alteration and a look at the poorer classes. Portrays on the
struggles of working class and of the inhumane labor as well as the
isolation of society. On the other hand, in the 1750s to 1850s the new
style of art arise the neo-classicism. Neoclassicism inspired on the art of
Greece and Roman, it is all about reason and structured for its simplicity
and symmetry as well as the objectivity to portray the beauty, balance,
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harmony, and universality of the art as to where it is based,
demonstrating olden times of Greek and Roman histories, bravery, and
courage. Such as for example in the work of Jen Auguste –Dominique
Ingress the “Achilles Receiving the Ambassador of Agamemnon” to
depicts the scene from Homer illiad.
Lastly the romanticism, which differed from the other, romanticism
emerges on the year 1800-1860s. Inspired by the medieval and baroque
period. It the milieu of sensitivity and individual perception,
romanticism does not mean a sexual expression and were full of
romance but it was an expression of emotions conveyed in the work of
art not just to the art but as well as the domination of other genres such
as music , architectures and literary works. Romanticism is all about
passion, an art with a heart, showing the physiological states of artists
emotion as an expression of feelings , that romanticist gives emphasize
to the subject as to what it conveyed and also to provide an imagery in
an aesthetic way in individualized, poignant, presentation of personal
emotions and idealism. The major themes was all about nature, human
creativity, pastoral life, feelings and emotion.

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