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‘Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V - BICOL. SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF ALBAY | © — TIME: __— }-ANTROL * 1 Indorsement ~ December 17, 2020 Respectfully retumed to Ms. Freedah Paula D. Abiada, Proponent, Lourdes Elementary ‘School, Polangui North District, Polangui, Albay the herein attached document for I- Based Training-Workshop on Interactive Audio/Radio-Based Instruction Serjptwriting and Broadcasting scheduled on December 18-19, 2020 per Division Memorandum No.100, s. 2020, INTERPOSING NO OBJECTION to the proposed initiative for professional an: development with the conditions that proponent must ensure the conduct of activity adheres to the safety health protocol for the limited face-to-face proposed delivery platform and that post training report be submitted online 10 days after the completion of the approved activity, NORMA a tibeas cESO ‘Schools Division Superinter Scanned with CamScanner 1 4 M. uw. vu. hud pl Reublic of the Poitippines Department of Education Reygion Vt SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF ALDAY LOURDES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Lourdes, Polangul, Albay PROPOSAL TO CONDUCT SCHOOL-BASED CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES FoR TEACHING AND NON-TEACHING PERSONNEL SY 2020-2021, Title of the Web-based Seminar School-Based Training-Workshop on Interactive Audio/Radio Based Instruction Scriptwriting and Broadcasti Rationale: The formulation of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (8F-LCP) placed into motion the marching orders of the DepEd Secretary: ensure that learning continues while guaranteeing the health, safety, and wellbeing of all learner teachers, and other Depfd employees. the UCP recognizes that alternative learning delivery modes must be adopted to ensure that all earners, regardless of who and where they are shall be reached Distance Learning (DL) became the most chosen delivery mode nationwide for Public schools, Among the DL delivery mode, interactive instructional radio Programming is seen as an innovative, inexpensive, and highly elfective educational tool In interactive radio programming, lessons are provided by a radio instructor, but unlike other radio education programs, the instructor prompts responses from the radio audience, provides pauses for audience responses, and then supplies the correct response to the prompt. The District of Polangui North have opted to use Radio Based Instruction as aide in the implementation of modular learning using the Depfd prescribed Self Learning Modules (SLMs). Being a new learning platform, atraining-workshop that will enable all teachers of Lourdes €S on the effective use of these instruc medium is therefore prioritized for in-service training this school year Program/Course Description (Please refer to the attachment for the details of the course description) Lead Implementing Unit: Lourdes Elementary Schoo! Target Participants 7 teaching staff of Lourdes ES Number of Hours: 16 hours Resources Needed: Laptop, Projector, Portable Speakers, Lapel/Microphone, Ppt, Presentations, SLMs Sample Radio Script, installers for Virtual OF Application and Adabe Audition, Audio ecords of Stingers and other teaching related music @ Zone 4, Orgy Lourdes, Polangut, Albay € (063) 9991622558 / (063) 9277342414 fy 1119KB@ deped gov ph ‘Scanned with CamScanner Vill. Ust of Resource Person: Name: Charlie G. Salting Position: Head Teacher! Email Phone No.: 09991622558 Name: Jocelyn C. Cepe Position: Teacher Ill Email: Phone No.: 09456927911 Name: Freedah Paula D. Abiada Position: Teacher I! Em: PhoneNo 09277342414 Name: Julie Ann S. Chicogo Position: Teacher! Email: Phone No.: 09158440549 1%. Delivery Platform: Formal Face-to-Face X. Indicative Dates of Implementation: December 18-19, 2020, Prepared by: Noted by: ot see FREEDAH PAULA D. ABIADA ‘CHARLIE 6 SALTING Teacher |, Proponent/School T&D Coordinator Head Teacher! Reviewed by: Evaluated by: tc 6 E To develop the initiatives and creativity in designing learning episodes and ‘segments of RBI and to come up with sample resource materials for learning continuity in times of pandemic. Enabling Objectives: 1. Understand the mechanics of radio-based instruction. 2. Convert the self-learning material into an interactive, engaging, meaningful SCRIPT for RBI 3. Develop at least one learning episode/segment for RBI based on an assigned competency. 4. Apply the competencies learned in delivering an effective radio program. 5. Demonstrate understanding of RBI through simulation, Il DETAILED PROGRAM/COURSE MATRIX Time [| etivitios (December 18, 2020 10:06 - 10:30 AM | Bringing the Classroom into the Ai (1:01-1:30 AM | Approaches in Develo Developing Scripts for RBI | ~ Julie Anns. Chicogo | _ Teacher! |Workshop 1: MELCs Matrixof Approaches | 1 for RBI Scripts | Charlie G. Salting Head Teacher | “| Freedah Paula D.Abiads | | Techer i Workshop 2: Draf ing a Sample Radio Script i from Self-Learning Modules __ | 4:31-5:00 PM | Plenary/Wrap Up of Day 1 Participants © Charlie G. Salting __Head Teacher | & Zone 4, Bray. Lourdes, Polangu, Albay (063) 9991622558 /(063) 9277342414 111988 @deped gov ph ‘Scanned with CamScanner {time December 19, 2020, [BOO AOARL | Proton Aativitien es | Hast /tacitita | 10) Abiada ah Pa oxen 901 ~ 100M | Workshop aie Maun Oration | Participant 1001-1018 AM | Health teak | BTL 900 AM latioto Virtual DF Application | etal Paula D Ablada locher tt rar ttedpants 10.16 10.45 AM Intro to Adobe Audition [2046-12 00NN | Workshop 4 Explor | LUNCILIMRL AK 1o0-1a0PM | “tive RIE Aiaadde ast hoe (131 200PM demo Trache 1H Auto ‘iaivon "| nee WW [201-00 eM | wortshoy': Recording an Sarg “tana {01-00 pa entation of Output Hortielpants Ing Proy MODULE AND LEARNING RESOURCES TO BE USED MELCs, Self-Learning Modules, Technical Gu tte Ive Radio Instauction (IKI) within sel Number Four (4), Principles in Waiting for Radio, Sample Script vy seript, Th ln Regio annple Huartouns IV, ASSESSMENT PLAN Participants shall receive eof Parties their respective RBI Scripts and recorded learning episode to be forwarded to the District Quality Assurance Te: lon o able to subsnit ‘School Head (SH) to m (DOAT) for review and evaluation, The DQAT shall recommend the issuance of certificates to the SH. V. BUDGETARY REQUIREMENT Food Php 100 «7 pax A days Php 2,100.00 Certificates/Handouts Php 15 «7 Php 105,00 Hygiene kits Php O57 Php 455,00 Training Supplies Php 1,500.00 TOTAL Php 4, 160.00 VI. FUNDING sourct Source of fund shall be the school MOOE subject to usual re and regulations rules Vil. MONITORING AND EVALUATION The following documents shall be secured at th and documentation of the INSET Workshop Outputs (sample learning episode) Retlection QAME Attendance end of the activity for compilation Vill, INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN The training workshop will use a combination of exercises, writeshops, workshops far practical foailitation with guided reflection & feedback short lectures, readings, practical ercises, simulations and supported 2 Lone 4, Brey Lourdes, Polangui, Albay © (063) von t622558 /(06n 9277442014 198A deped gow gh ‘Scanned with CamScanner IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The training will run for two days from December 18-19, 2020 immediately after the Division-led INSET to be held at Ponso South Elementary School, Polangyi, Albay. X. IMPLEMENTATION GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS There are some areas that makes it a challenge for some teacher-participants to join in virtual seminars and the school’s location at the moment experiences poor internet connection, thus the option to conduct formal face-to-face activity is necessary. Tr school head and training team shall ensure the strict observance of IATF guidelines for the training-workshop in the venue. Seating arrangements during the conduct of INSET shall be 1.5 to 2 meters apart. Sharing of computers is discouraged and food shall be individually packed, Personal hygiene kits shall be made available to Participants such as, but not limited to: face mask, face shield, alcohol, hand sanitizers, tissue, and garbage bags. Body temperature shall be checked and made sure that participants are in normal temperature upan entering the training venue. Prepared by: Noted by: hae aa FREEDAH PAULA D. ABIADA (CHARLIEG. SALTING Teacher |i, Proponent/Schoo! T&D Coordinator Head Teacher! Reviewed by: Evaluated by: 2 lm, : NANET Bl KAPITBAHAY CRIES SOS, Polangui North District SEPSI, Recommending Approval: SANCITA B. PEIARUBIA, Ed. D. Chief EPS — Curriculum implementation Division APPROVED: NORMA B. SAMANTELA, CESO VI ‘Schools Division Superintendent 2 zone Brgy. Lourdes, Polangu, Alba © (063) 9951622558 / (063) 9277342614 FF 111988@deped gov.oh ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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