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Lab 3 BiologyI

The Cell

The cell (from Latin cella, meaning "small room") is the basic
structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms.
A cell is the smallest unit of life that can replicate independently, Cells
are classified into two major groups: Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.

Cells consist of cytoplasm enclosed within a membrane, which

contains many biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids.
Organisms can be classified as unicellular (consisting of a single cell;
including bacteria) or multicellular (including plants and animals). While,
the number of cells in plants and animals varies from species to species.

Prokaryotes: are organisms without a cell nucleus, or any other

membrane-bond organelles. Most are unicellular, but some Prokaryotes
are multicellular. Example Monera (bacteria).

Eukaryotes: are organisms whose cells organized into complex

structures by internal membranes and cytoskeleton. The most

Lab 3 BiologyI

characteristic membrane bound structure is the nucleus. Example

Animals, Plants, fungi.

Differences and Similarities between Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells:

No. Characteristics Eukaryotic cell Prokaryotic cell

1 nucleus Present Absent
Number of
2 more than one one but not true
usually unicellular (some
3 Cell type usually multicellular cyanobacteria may be
True membrane
4 Present Absent
bound nucleus
Lysosomes and
5 Present Absent

6 Microtubules Present Absent or rare

Endoplasmic absent
7 Present
8 Mitochondria Present Absent
9 Ribosomes Larger Smaller
10 Vesicles Present Present
11 Golgi apparatus Present Absent
Absent; chlorophyll
12 Chloroplasts Present (in plants)
scattered in the cytoplasm
13 Flagella Microscopic in size Submicroscopic in size
Permeability of
14 Selective not present
nuclear membrane
only in plant cell and fungi usually chemically
15 Cell wall
(chemically simpler) complexed
16 Vacuoles Present present
17 Cell size 10-100 microns 1-10 microns
18 Example Animals and Plants Bacteria and Archaea

Lab 3 BiologyI

differences between Eukaryote & Prokaryote

Structure of Eukaryotic cell

Cytoplasm: It is a membrane which protects the cell by keeping

the cell organelles separate from each other. This helps to keep a cell in
stable. Cytoplasm is the site where many vital biochemical take place.

Nucleus: The membrane bound organelles which are found in all

eukaryotic cells. It is very important organelle of a cell as it controls the
complete activity of a cell and also plays a vital role in reproduction.

Nuclear membrane: The bilayer membrane which protects the

nucleus by surrounding around it and acts as a barrier between the cell
nucleus and other organs of a cell.

Nucleolus: It is an important membrane found inside the nucleus.

It plays a vital role in the production of cell's ribosome.

Chromosomes: It is made up of DNA and stored in the nucleus

which contains the instructions for traits and characteristics.

Endoplasmic reticulum: It helps in the movement of materials

around the cell. It contains an enzyme that helps in building molecules

Lab 3 BiologyI

and in manufacturing of proteins. The main function of this organelle is

storage and secretion.

Ribosome: It plays a vital role in protein synthesis.

Mitochondria: They are double membrane, filamentous organelles

which play a vital role in generating and transforming the energy.
Mitochondria play a vital role in various functions of the cell
metabolisms including oxidative phosphorylation.

Golgi Bodies: It helps in the movement of materials within the


Lysosomes: It helps in cell renewal and break down old cell parts.

Vacuoles: It helps plants in maintaining its shape and it also stores

water, food, wastes, etc.

Chloroplast: They are the site of photosynthesis.

Lab 3 BiologyI

Structure of Prokaryotic cell

Capsule: It is the slimy outer coating of the cell wall. Is composed

of the polypeptide. The main function of the capsule is to protect the cell
from getting dry and also helps in protecting cells from external

Cell Wall: It is the structure which provides the shape and protects
the internal organelles of a cell. It is middle layer which is present in
between the capsule and cell membrane.

Cell membrane: It is the inner structure which plays a role in

regulation the entry and exits of materials in the cell. It acts a permeable
membrane and separates the cell from its environment.

Cytoplasm: It is the liquid membrane, It plays a vital role in

storing all types of materials.

Nucleoid: It is the cytoplasm region containing genetic material.

The DNA of prokaryotic organism is one big loop or a circular, which is
located inside the nucleoid. It plays a vital role in cell division.

Ribosome: It comprises of both RNA and proteins. It helps in

protein synthesis in the cell. They are smallest membrane present inside
the cytoplasm.

Plasmids: They are smallest membrane of a cell with double

stranded DNA.

Pilli: It is the thinnest membrane of a prokaryotic cell. They are

composed of protein complex called pilin and are mainly involved in
sticking to the objects especially during sexual reproduction.

Lab 3 BiologyI

Flagella: It is the helical shaped membrane and plays a vital role in

motility of an organism from one place to another place. It also helps in

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