Rubric For Evaluating Modules

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Rubric for Evaluating Modules


There are four major dimensions to the modular course evaluation rubric:

Structure -- Organization of the components

Content -- Presentation of Information
Processes -- Human Aspects/Relationships/Interactions
Outcomes -- Mastery of Content and Course Evaluation

There are both quantitative and qualitative measures. Each element within the overall dimension can be scored with 0 to 3 points, with a
numerical total summed for each dimension. Qualitative evaluation can be accomplished via comments on each element, each dimension,
or overall course design.
Structure – Organization of the components

Element 0 1 2 3 Score Comments

Course Design No Several course Course modules are Course modules are
– Segmenting modules/course modules exist, but self-contained and self-contained and
of Content, i.e., segments exist progression progression is less have varying
Learning Units for content, between course apparent and not lengths depending
only modules/ based on learning on the learning
assignments are information objectives objectives, with
listed segments is not apparent
apparent progression to
facilitate learning

Appearance of Poor color Color scheme Color scheme is Appearance is

Material choice – harsh minimal acceptable appealing/
to easy to read
eyes/difficult to
read Appropriate color
Minimal uniformity Icons are acceptable choice that is easy
Icons are “busy” of icon style in on the eyes
and not uniform uniformity of style
in style All icons are
and appearance uniform in style and
Scrolling Requires Framed Information is Information is
/Scanning extensive information appropriately framed appropriately
Within the scrolling/scanni somewhat lengthy, with more than framed with
Course or ng to find requires more than minimal minimal scrolling
Within information minimal scrolling/scanning /scanning required
Documents within frames scrolling/scanning/ required

Assignment Assignments Assignments Assignments are Assignments are

Navigation within the within the course easily found within easily discernable
course are are found with the course within the course
difficult to find minimal searching

Accessibility There is no Minimal efforts Limited Accommodations

evidence that are obvious accommodations to students with
students with related to are evident with disabilities are
disabilities are accommodation of some obvious evident and
accommodated students with alternative delivery alternative
in this course disabilities methods delivery methods
are available
Variety of No variety in At least two types At least two types At least three
Assessments assessments is of assessments are of assessments are types of
evident evident evident assessments are
Instructions for Instructions are Instructions are
assessments are provided, but are provided but are Clear and concise
minimal and confusing limited instructions are
unclear provided

Learning No learning Learning resources Learning resources Learning

Resources resources are are minimal exist in different resources and
posted areas but are not links are
clearly articulated comprehensive,
and links may or clearly
may not be active articulated, and
Use of No varieties of Only one Only two varieties of More than three
Instructional instructional instructional media instructional media varieties of
Media media are used in are used in course are used in course instructional media
(Charts, PPT course delivery delivery delivery are used in course
Presentations, delivery
Streaming Video,

Internet Links,
Case Studies,
Content – Presentation of Information

Element 0 1 2 3 Score Comments

Content of No learning Content in Limited consistency Modules/units are
Learning modules/units in modules/units is from designed and
Modules or course inconsistent module to module presented in a
Content of uniform and
Learning Lacks relevant Resources current consistent manner
Segments material related to and information
learning objectives relevant to learning Resources are
and material is not objectives current (at least
current within 5 years) and
Only an introduction information is
Does not have an or summary/ relevant
introduction or a conclusion is to learning
summary/ conclusion included objectives

presented is
manageable with
both an introduction
and a conclusion
Discussions No new Faculty reinforces Faculty adds limited Faculty adds to the
- synchronous information is student ideas and new information body of knowledge
- Asynchronous presented or student-presented during asynchronous and information
ideas previously information during and/or synchronous presented during
stated are not asynchronous or discussions or asynchronous
reinforced in synchronous interactions with and/or synchronous
either discussions/ students discussions or
asynchronous or interactions interactions with
synchronous students
Links No links to Web Minimal links are An appropriate An appropriate
based apparent in either the number of relevant number of credible
information are learning links add to the and relevant
added to the modules/units or the learning experience selected links add to
learning course; some are the learning
modules or to irrelevant experience
the course

Course and Learning Learning objectives Measurable, Measurable,

Unit Learning objectives are are identified but are behavioral learning behavioral learning
Objectives not identified not always objectives are objectives are
measurable, identified for the identified and the
behavioral, or course, and at least number is
appropriate in one learning appropriate for the
number for the objective engages content and time
content and time of the learner in for the course
the course activities of
analyzing, More than one
synthesizing, learning objective
evaluating, and engage the learner
creating in activities of
evaluating, and
Course Assignments, Some assignments, Assignments, Assignments,
Assignments, activities, activities, readings, activities, readings, activities, readings,
Readings, readings, and/or projects and/or projects and/or projects
Activities and/or and/or within the course within the course within the course
Projects projects are related to the are related to are related to
within the learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives
course are and are
not related to manageable
Writing Style Course Basic principles of Information within Information within
(Syntax, contains grammar and the course follows the course follows
Grammar, grammatical sentence structure principles of principles of
Punctuation & and sentence are present grammar and grammar and
Flow) structural sentence structure, sentence structure,
errors Numerous typing and has few typing and is without
errors are present errors typing errors
typing errors
are present

Knowledge Limited Inconsistent Expertise in Expertise in

expertise is expertise in content content area is content area is
evident in area is evident in evident in evident in
presentation presentation of presentation of presentation of
of content knowledge knowledge knowledge and in
throughout the interactions with
course students
Processes – Human Aspects, Relationships, Interactions

Element 0 1 2 3 Score Comments

Access to No Consultation hours Consultation hours Consultation hours  
Faculty consultation are posted are posted for both are posted for both
(Consultation hours are phone, face-to- phone, face-to-
Hours) posted face, and virtual face, and virtual
times times

Times vary to
accommodate a
variety of work

Assessment of No Some information Specific Specific  

Learning assessment of is provided about information is information about
Styles learning styles skills and provided about skills and
is available personality skills and personality
required for personality required for
learning required for completion of the
successful course course is presented

tools are available
for the learner.
Teacher and No guidelines Only guidelines Some guidelines Clear guidelines are  
Learner are established related to learner exist that establish established for the
Responsibilities for the learner and instructor learner and learner that include
related to responsibilities are instructor learner and teacher
& Guidelines learner and evident responsibilities, responsibilities,
for Learning instructor communication, communication and
responsibilities and/or techniques techniques to
to support the support the learner
learner; but
guidelines are

Outcomes - Mastery of Content and Course Evaluation

Element 0 1 2 3 Score Comments

Student Work Student work Student work Student work Student work
Reflects reflects basic reflects average demonstrates demonstrates
Mastery of achievement of understanding and above average mastery of course
Course course achievement of understanding and content and
Objectives objectives course objectives achievement of course objectives
course objectives

Student Work Student work Student work Student work Student work  
Reflects reflects basic reflects demonstrates demonstrates
Analyzing, knowledge, knowledge and complexity with progression of
Synthesizing, identification, some work the majority of complexity from
Evaluating , or reflects analysis of assignments below knowledge to the
Creating understanding information Analyzing, level of Analyzing,
Synthesizing, Synthesizing,
Evaluating , Evaluating , and
Creating Creating for major

Learner No rating scale Majority of the Majority of the Majority of the  

satisfaction for learner learners rate the learners rate the learners rate the
with the satisfaction learning experience learning experience learning
modular as not satisfying as satisfying experience as very
learning (low) (medium) satisfying (high)

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