6.3 Pre-Assessment A

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Pre- Assessment
1. D. Computing quickly and accurately
2. D. Mathematics is a mental discipline.
3. A. A learners learns best through repetition, drill and practice.
4. D. obediently follows assigned task
5. B. Discovery
6. A. Recalling definitions and rules
7. C. Multi-embodiment aids learning mathematics
8. B. Use a balance scale to illustrate the rules of equality
9. B. begin with a problem that shows the real-life application of radicals.
10. A. students have short memory recall
11. C. teaching and assessing are interdependent processes.
12. B. to identify our students’ strengths and weaknesses.
13. A. Task, rubrics, collaboration
14. C. Use various techniques to get a more accurate picture of the learner.
15. D. Uses rubrics and judgement of human evaluators.
1. The most important thing they can learn from my mathematics class is the thinking skills to solve problems or
equations easily.
2. My students learn through patterns, relationship and problem solving.\
3.4. First is the Problem-based Learning (PBL) this strategies leads the students to an investigative procedure to solve
the problem and the cooperative learning which I let my students to work in pair or to work as a group to attain
and to finish their task by helping and sharing their knowledge to one another.
5. One’s should assess students’ learning in mathematics by having a balanced assessment that includes pen and
paper, performance and portfolio assessment.

Lesson 1
Activity 1.1
1. agree
2. agree
3. agree
4. disagree
5. agree
6. disagree
7. disagree
8. disagree
9. disagree
10. disagree
11. agree
12. agree
13. agree
14. disagree
15. disagree

Activity 1.2

Can Circumference © Diameter (D) C/D

A 6.3 in 2in 3.15
B 9.5 in 3 in 3.16
C 12.55 in 4 in 3.14
D 15.7 in 5in 3.14

SCQ 1.1
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. In mathematics, there are formulas in which you need to substitute the given data or number to solve what is
SCQ 1.2
1. I will emphasize that Mathematics is a tool, I will encourage my students to do good in Math if they want to have
a successful career someday because many professions use a great deal of mathematics to do their work.
2. Yes, because some of the statements are proven by the people I interact with, the students I teach and I, myself
with the experiences I had makes me agree with it.
SCQ 1.3
1. Yes, because they believe that it can help them in their everyday living.
2. Yes, because in that way I can see if they really learn the lesson or if they just copied from their classmates. It also
helps them to gain trust and self-confidence to their selves.
3. Yes, every time I teach my students I see to it that there is always a problem solving involved in my lesson and I
use it as a problem opener to help gain the attention of the learners to help the motivate to listen to the discussion
of the lesson.
4. Yes, I think because they have the mastery of the four basic fundamental operations.

Activity 1.3
1. Agree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Agree
5. Disagree
6. Disagree
7. Agree
8. Agree
9. Agree
10. Disagree
11. Agree
12. Agree
13. Disagree
14. Disagree
15. Disagree
16. Agree
17. Agree
18. Agree
19. Disagree
20. Agree

Activity 1.4

Behaviorism Cognitive
Accumulation of responses Development of strategies to
View of Learning
through selective reinforcement encode and retrieve information

View of Learner Creators of understanding Empty receptacles

Partner in the process of

Controller of the environment
meaning making; helps students
Role of Teacher through reinforcement and cues
organize and make sense of
for appropriate student behavior

Passive recipient of stimuli from Active meaning-maker through

Role of Learner
teacher and environment strategy use

SCQ 1.6
1. Math should be taught through a series of drills and practice, he/she is the source of the information and her
or his task is to transfer the information to the learners.
2. I will use a concrete experiences and move gradually to abstraction; integrate knowledge in a meaningful
way; and value reflection and discussion.
3. Mathematics is a study of patterns and relationships; a way of thinking; an art, characterized by order and
internal consistency, a language, using carefully defined terms and symbols and a tool (NCTM, 1989).

Lesson 2
SCQ 2.1
Advantages of the deductive method
- Less preparation as there is less need for materials and activity sheets
- Coverage of a wider scope of subject matter
Disadvantages of deductive method\
- It does not support the principle that learning is an active process
- A tendency for chalk and talk of the teacher
Advantages of the inductive method
- Higher order thinking skills of the students are developed
- The experiences of our students are used to become the lesson more interesting
Disadvantages of inductive method
- More time is needed
- Time consuming and a lot of preparation is needed at the side of the teachers

SCQ 2.2
1. Use synthetic division to apply polynomials. This will take time to attain this kind of objective using the inductive
2. State the formula for finding the volume of a sphere. This concept is exciting to explore because of the use of
manipulatives engages the students and leads them to desired generalization.
SCQ 2.3
Advantages of the interactive direct instruction strategy
1. Easy and convenient to do
2. Covers more content of a given time
Disadvantages of the interactive direct instruction strategy
1. Encourage passive learning
2. Does not engage the learners in meaningful activities

Activities 2.1
1. L
2. H
3. H
4. H
5. L
6. L
7. L
8. H
9. H
10. H

SCQ 2.4
1. It shows the students how the lesson applies in real life.
2. So that the students can have a visual and concrete representation of the concept, which makes the lesson more
realistic and relevant.
SCQ 2.5
1. To encourage cooperation and teamwork instead of competition and individualism and enhance student’s social
2. Yes, because they love to work in pair.
3. Advantage
It improves human relations in the classroom by promoting interdependent activities that teach collaborative
Takes up a lot of class time
4. Cooperative learning will be suitable for the lesson on non-standard measures since this lesson usually requires
students to work together in measuring objects in the classroom with their body parts and comparing the results of
the measurements obtained.
SCQ 2.7
1. Problem-based learning is similar to the inquiry method in that both start with a real life problem for the students
to solve. Yes, problem –based learning is a type of inquiry method. It is broader because it can branch out and the
students may investigate these new problem as well.
2. We study mathematics primarily to solve real-life problems.
3. It is most suitable when the problem that is involved in developing the concept is complex enough to encourage
critical thought and group effort.
1. Yes, it is fun and enjoyable to perform.
2. No, since peer practice is used to develop deeper understanding of the concepts by practicing previously
taught information, it is best used in the application or practice portion of the lesson.
3. Advantages
Trains students to communicate effectively
Time consuming

SCQ 2.11
1. D
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. A

Lesson 3
SCQ 3.1
1. Yes, essay questions can be used to enhance students mathematical reasoning. Student must be asked to define
their answers.
2. Is division commutative? Justify your answer.
Is ab equal to ba? Explain

SCQ 3.2
1. A fraction whose numerator is less than its denominator is called a/an
a. Proper fraction c. unit fraction
b. Improper fraction d. similar fraction
2. What is the place value of 2 in 0.123?
a. Tenths c. thousandths
b. Hundredths d. ten thousandths
3. Which one of the following is larger than 0.65?
a. 0.5 c. 0.7
b. 0.6000 d. 0.60000
4. Which of the following is a polygon?
a. Circle c. cube
b. Square d. prism
5. What do you call a polygon with 4 right angles and 4 equal sides?
a. Quadrilaterals c. rectangle
b. Parallelogram d. rhombus

SCQ 3.4
1. A circle is a polygon
2. An equilateral triangle is always equilateral
3. The radius of a circle is half a diameter
4. An isosceles triangle is always an acute triangle
5. Euclid organized today a geometric system.

SCQ 3. 4
Match the kind of triangle in column A that fits the description in column B. The answer may be used once or more.
1. Has a right triangle a. equiangular
2. Has equal angles b. equilateral
3. Has equal sides c. isosceles
4. Has no equal sides d. obtuse
5. Has two equal sides e. right
f. scalene

SCQ 3.5
Completion Type
1. A triangle with 3 acute angles is called a/an _______.
2. A quadrialterlas with 2 pairs of opposite sides parallel and congruent is a/an ____________.
3. A square is a parallelogram with four ________ sides and four _________ angles.
4. A triangle with two congruents sides is a/an __________ triangle.
5. A chord that contains the center of the circle is called ___________.
Activity 3.1
The statements that characterize authentic assessment are 1,2,4,6,9,10,11,13,and 15

Activity 3.2
1. Why do we need to assess?
 To check our student’s strengths and weakness and how well they are learning
 To identify which students should be promoted, retained or placed in special or remedial program.
 To know how well are doing as a teacher and as a class

2. What should we assess?

 Processes
 Skills and knowledge
 Whatever is worth learning
3. How should we assess?
 By pen and paper test
 By portfolios
 By observations

SCQ 3.7
1. No
2. No
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes

SCQ 3.8
1. It depends on the nature of the task. Some of the performance task maybe finish in just a few minutes and some
requires a bigger time to finish it.
2. To give them a lot of time to prepare and really work on their task so they can give us the best answer they could
ever give.
SCQ 3.9
1.  An analytic rubric resembles a grid with the criteria for a student product listed in the leftmost column
and with levels of performance listed across the top row often using numbers and/or descriptive tags
while a holistic rubric consists of a single scale with all criteria to be included in the evaluation being
considered together (e.g., clarity, organization, and mechanics). With a holistic rubric the rater
assigns a single score (usually on a 1 to 4 or 1 to 6 point scale) based on an overall judgment of the
student work.
2. A holistic rubric is used when you need to give quick scores to the task or product that is not complex.
3. When the task is more complex and/or extended and you want more information that is time you need
to use the analytic rubric
SCQ 3.10
1. Reflection, self-assessment, growth and development
2. Each entry has a corresponding reflection that explains its relevance to the learner and to the course objective.
3. The teacher is the one who guide the students in the assessment process.
4. From being passive test-takers, students will now be active participants in the assessment process, posing
questions not just answering them , and evaluating themselves and their peers instead of just being at the receiving

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