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NOTE Nov. 2020


Building a Democratic System

1.1 Basic Principles of the Ethiopian Constitution

The Ethiopian Constitution has the followingbasic principles:
_ The sovereignty of the people;
_ The supremacy of the Constitution;
_ The respect of human and democraticrights;
_ The separation of state and religion;
_ Conduct and accountability of the government.
The Ethiopian Constitution is an expression of peoples’ sovereignty. The
sources of power in the country are the Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of
Ethiopia. This means that elected officials are given their power by the citizens
of the country.
Article 8, sub-articles 1, 2 and 3 of the Constitution express the sovereignty of
the people as follows:
1. All sovereign power resides in the Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of
2. This Constitution is an expression of their sovereignty.
3. Their sovereignty shall be expressed through their representatives elected in
accordance with this Constitution and through their direct democratic
Another principle is the supremacy of the Constitution. Accordingly, all other
laws have to conform to the Constitution.
Article 9, sub-articles 1 and 2 express what the supremacy of the Constitution
1. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Any law, customary practice
or a decision of an organ of state or a public official which contravenes this
Constitution shall be of no effect.
2. All citizens, organs of state, political organizations, other associations as well
as their officials have the duty to ensure observance of the Constitution and to
obey it.
Respecting the Constitution is the foundation for the prevalence of the rule of
law in the country.
When the Constitution is respected and the rule of law prevails, then the
human and democratic rights of citizens are respected. Respect to human and
democratic rights is one of the principles of the Constitution. So, citizens have
the right to exercise their human and democratic rights. These rights are
expressed in the Constitution. Article 10, states the following:
1. Human rights and freedoms, emanating fromthe nature of mankind, are
inviolable andinalienable.
1.2 Human and democratic rights of citizens andpeoples shall be
Another fundamental principle of the Ethiopian Constitution is the separation
of state and religion. Separation of state and religion is essential for a
democratic state. This makes Ethiopia a secular state. A secular state is one
that separates state and religion as two independent institutions with different
objectives. Article 27, sub-article 5 of the Constitution declares the Ethiopian
state as a secular state. However, in the past, Ethiopia was not a secular state
because the state and the church worked together. We now live in a secular
state. The separation is necessary because state and religion have different
missions, objectives and values to promote, and thus cannot function as one.
The act of the separation of the state and religion created the condition for
religions to be equal. Equality of religions is part of the human and democratic
rightsof citizens.

Human &democratic rights do not exist in separation, rather they form a

They are fundamental rights.

human rights
 are inviolable &inalienable rights
 Are natural rights
 Are given for all people regardless of age, sex ,religion,language ,

Some of these rights are :-

- the right to life (Art-15)

- the right of the security of a person(Art-16)

-the right to liberty(Art-17)

-prohibition against inhuman Treatment(Art-18)

-the right of persons Arrested (Art-19)

- >>>>>>Accused(Art-20)

-the right to Equality(Art-25)

- >>>>privacy(Art-26)

Democratic rights: are rights given by the government.

Some of these are:

The right of thought, opinion&expression (A-29)

The right of assembly, demonstration&petition(A-30)

Freedom of association (A-31)

Freedom of mov’t (A-32)

Right of nationality (A-33)

Marital, personal & family rights(A-34)

Right of women(A-35)

Right of children(A-36)

1.3 Citizens’ Obligations /Duties

Obligations are something that must be done because of legal or moral duty.

The constitution states both your rights and obligations as a citizen to enjoy
and fulfill respectively.

Rights are given,but they come with duties.

Failure to respect constitutional obligations is punishable by law.

Some of these include:-

• Obeying the law

• Respect for religious equality

• ” ” gender equality

• ” ” the rights of others

• ” ” the national flag

• Defending your country from invasion Etc…

1.4 Features of a democratic system

In a democracy power resides in the people. B/c, the people are the source of

Accountability and transparency are the basic features of a democratic system.

Accountability –the state of being answerable or responsible for any failure.

Transparency –the quality or the state of being transparent- is an essential

ingredient for good governance.

Good governance promotes the political, social & economic dev’t.

Limiting transparency may be necessary during national emergencies (wars,


These features are important to check abuse of power & corruption.

The other feature is promotion of political tolerance

These enable individuals to express their d/t viewpoints freely.

Tolerance –acceptance of d/t views

-tolerating of some body or some thing

- the ability to endure hardship

It helps to unify differences (ethnic, religious,linguistic, political,…)

It helps to handle diversity

It helps to create national unity

1.5 Federalism

Federalism is a system of government where by power is divided b/n federal &

regional governments.

Devolution of power is the principle of federalism.

-the practice of assigning power to the lower levels of administrative

-the transfer of power to the regions that constitute the federation.

-It makes neither the federal nor the regional governments supreme.

-This helps to avoid monopoly of power.

• These days,power is divided b/n the federal &nine regional states.

• Regional states have their own respective constitution .

• The federal constitution outlines the function & power of regional


Some of the Powers and functions of the Federal Government

 Protect & defend the constitution

 Formulate & implement the countries policies , strategies & plans.

 Establish& implement national standards &basic policy

criteria(health , education, science , technology ,….)

• Formulating & executing the country’s financial,monetary &foreign

investment policies.

• Establish & administer national defense

• Administering the National Bank ,printing money &regulating

foreign exchange

• Determining & administering the utilization of waters or rivers and

lakes linking two or more states.

(refer the FDRE constitution Art-51)

Some of the Powers and functions of regional states

 establishing a state administration that best advances self-


 enacting & executing the state constitution and other laws

 Formulating & executing economic,social & development policies,

strategies &plans

 Establishing &administering a state police force

( refer Article -52 of the FDRE constitution)

• In our federal state , there are two houses :

 House of peoples representatives

o a law making body
o are elected by the direct participation of the people based on universal
o are representatives of the Ethiopian people as a whole.
o are governed by :- constitution, the will of the people and their
o they serve for 5 years

 House of federation

-are representatives of all nations, nationalities & peoples of Ethiopia.

-are elected by the state councils or directly by regional people

-has the power to interpret the constitution.

 Retaining its federal structure, Ethiopia remains unitary in spirit.

1.6 Ethiopia and international relations

 Ethiopia has a long established tradition in foreign relations.
 After the battle of Adwa, Ethiopia entered into formal modern
international relations.
 Italy became the first European country to recognize Ethiopia as an
independent & sovereign state.
 Diplomatic legations were established in Addis Ababa.
 Ethiopia joined the League of nations in 1923.
 Ethiopia - became one of the UN founding members.
- pioneered the establishment of OAU(1963),now the
AU(2004),and A. Ababa became its head quarter.
- is one of the pioneers in creating the Non-Aligned
movement(aims to be non-partisan in the cold war politics of East
& West).
-contributed to the formation of sub-regional organizations
such as COMESA and IGAD(aims to promote peace through
economic integration in east & central Africa).

• At present Addis Ababa is one of the diplomatic hubs of the world.

It is the home to the UN Economic Commission for Africa(ECA) and
over hundred diplomatic missions.

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