FPP Tracking Sheet 03-02-2021

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OverAll FPP % Compliance
Sr. No. FPP Attributes Key Actions / Vital Requirements

ID card to be issued only after pre-medical tests

and EHS induction training

1 Workmen ID Cards
Workmen having valid ID card are only allowed
to work on Railway sites.

Safety Marshal to be deployed from external

security agency/Gang leader and will report
only to PM.

2 days mandatory training to Safety Marshals on

2 Safety Marshal (Track and OHE, On-Road) specific Roles and responsibilities
2 Safety Marshal (Track and OHE, On-Road)

Safety Marshal should be in ORANGE coverall

and to be equipped with Whistle/ Mega
phone/Red and green Baton

Must have Client approved written Block permit

for working on Live tracks. ( Both Traffic block
permit and power block permit) . Section In-
Charge has to give go-ahead in
writing/WhatsApp message to commence the
site work
Power Block & Traffic Block in writing from
3 Client
Gang working during Power Block shall be
earmarked based on competency (each
member to be listed)

No site work to start in the absence of work


Must have approved WAH permit by Site

Engineer after site specific Risk Assessments.

Only Standardised ladder trolleys with handrail

to be used and flagmen to be deployed at 350
4 Risk Control measures in OHE m distance at both sides during work on live

OHE workers to adhere Helmets mounted with

Induction Tester ( at least one per gang for gang
OHE workers to adhere Helmets mounted with
Induction Tester ( at least one per gang for gang

Overhead lines must be verified by VAV prior to

start any OHE work ( to be part of WAH
permit )
5 VAV and Discharge Rod
Discharge Rod must be hooked at both ends
after VAV verification within 1 KM of upstream
and downstream ( must be a part of WAH
permit )

Designated and identified area for mobile use

in each work location.
Must display " Mobile drop off point" and
"Mobile call point" in the designated locations.
Site Supervisor can retain his mobile post
permission of Site In-Charge. Exception: Site
Supervisor ( Only for Contacting Section In-
6 Prohibition of Mobile usage
Safe and designated areas earmarked at a
distance of at least 3.5mtrs away from the
track/behind the OHE Mast

Violation Memo and penalty Issued for using

mobile phone on track
Competent and experienced personnel to be
deployed through security agency ( to be
mentioned in PO/ Contract document )
Patrolling team must undergo EHS induction
( associated Hazards & Risk in Patrolling )
before deputing at site (must undergo through
ID Card Process)

Patrolling Buddy & communication

7 Always maintain distance to walk 3.5 m away
mechanism from track/behind the mast

Patrolling team must be equipped with

- High Focussed lights
- Whistles
- Batons
- Reflective Jackets with Blinkers

Walkie Talkies to be available

8 Walkie Talkie for effective communication -where there is no mobile network & number
shall be decided based on activity planned

Ensuring effcetive supervision during mast

Mast Erection with grouting nearby live erection near existing overhead line & Must be
9 done within Block permit period (if the distance
track from live track is less than 8m Block permit to
Ensuring effcetive supervision during mast
Mast Erection with grouting nearby live erection near existing overhead line & Must be
9 track
done within Block permit period (if the distance
from live track is less than 8m Block permit to
be ensured)

Engineering work permit with a photo attached

of KEC supervisor/engineer (competent person)
for particular activity with drawing &
methodology to be signed by
Work Permits (Engineering Permit/ Client/supervisor/PM
General work permit etc.)

Use of underground Utility Cable detectors prior


Mandatory 4 display boards/ Standees in each

working locations ( at least 3.5 mtrs away from
live track/behind OHE mast)
- No Mobile usage
- Work only with Block permits.
- Applicable PPEs for the activity
11 Display Boards - Do's and Don'ts of the activity
11 Display Boards

Display boards to be placed every 100 mtrs for a

longer stretch where multiple gangs are
engaged and also for warning / making aware
security personnel / workmen

1 site safety visit per week lead by PM

1 site level safety review with site team / week

lead by PM
TSV (Team Safety Visit) & WER (Weekly EHS
12 Review) Time bound closure actions for the site
deviation observed and record the same

Circulate the Visit and review report in all sites

of the region

Fortnightly site safety visit with site team lead

by Regional Heads

Fortnightly site safety review with site team

lead by Regional Heads
RSV ( Regional Safety Visit ) and Regional Safety
13 Review ( RSR) Time bound closure actions for the site
deviation observed and record the same

Circulate the Visit and review report in all sites

of the region

Availability of Emergency Vehicle

14 Emergency Response Plan

Availability of Emergency Vehicle

14 Emergency Response Plan

Tie-Up with nearest Hospital

Where the work is in dark condition (Low

15 Illumination at Workplace visibility area) portable solar lighting towers
must be ensured

Vehicles should only be allowed at site with

Green Tag after inspection (Each Vehicle like:-
16 Vehicle Movement
Dumper, Hydra, Truck etc. should be inspected
and must have Green Tag)

Everyone is empowered to stop the work if any

Project Manager to empower everyone to
17 of the above are not being adhered as per the
ensure a safe workplace at project site
mandated compliance
Governance Mechanism

1. The principal ownership for the FPP compliance and its monitoring : Regional Head of his/ her respective region
2. Review frequency of compliance of all attributes : 1 in every week chaired by RMs of the regions.
3. PCH Review and FPP Compliance Dashboard : PCH has to review twice in a month.SBU EHS Head to prepare the
4. Review of overall FFP compliance of the entire SBU : 1 per month by CE – Railways
5. Where it is not practicable to maintain 3.5 meter distance from the Centre of live track, derogation to be applied
Railway SBU, INDIA Week 1 % Complaince
Lingampet-jagtial-Nizamabad/RE-004/EPC-05/South01 Week 2 % Complaince
2020-21 Week 3 % Complaince
Feb-21 Week 4 % Complaince
Responsibilty Performance Indicators
Week 1 (PM)

Commercial Total No. of workmen at site 171

No. of Civil Workers at site 73

Project Manager No. of ID cards Issued after pre-medical test

(wherever applicable-Medical test) and EHS 168
Induction training

No. of Safety Marshal Required 4

Project Manager/
No. of Safety Marshals deployed 3

Project Manager No. of Safety Marshals covered under 3

specific Roles and Responsibilities Training
Section In-Charge No. of Safety Marshals with Whistle/Mega 3

Number of gang identified for work during 4

Power/Traffic Block

Section In-Charge

No. of Block permit Required 1

No. of Block Permit issued from Client in 1


No. of identified WAH activity 26

No. of WAH permit issued after Risk 26


No. of standardised ladder trolley required 2

Section In-Charge
No. of standardised ladder trolley available 2

No. of helmet with Induction Tester 0

No. of helmet with Induction Tester 0

Total No. of Gangs at site 0

No. of VAV required 0

No. of VAV Available 0

Section In-Charge

No. of Discharge Rod Required 0

No. of Discharge Rod Available 0

No. of active work locations (within 3.5m 9

from center of track)

Section In-Charge

No. of identified area for mobile use (3.5m 9

away from center of track)

No. of Violation Memo Issued for using 0

mobile phone on track
No. of security personnel required 5

Project Manager
No. of security personnel deployed with ID 5
cards after EHS induction

Section In-Charge No. of Violation Memo Issued 0

No. of Patrolling team member 0

Project Manager
No. of Patrolling team member with
patrolling equipment available (1/ each 0

Identified location where mobile network is 0

not available

Project Manager No. of Walkie Talkie Required (Due to 0

unavailablity of mobile Network)

No. of walkie talkie provided 0

No. of Mast Erection planned 31

Section In-Charge / Project

No. of Mast Erection completed under Block 31
Section In-Charge / Project permit
No. of Mast erected without power block 0
within 8m from center of live track

No. of identified activity for Engineering 68

work permit / General work permit
Project Manager
No. of Engineering work permit / General 68
work permit issued

No. of Utility Detector Required 1

Section In-Charge
No. of Utility Detector Available 1

No. of Display Board Required (for working 20

on/near 3.5 m from live OHE track)

Section In charge
Section In charge

No. of Display Board available at site (for 20

working on/near 3.5m live OHE track)

No. of TSV Planned (Current Week) 1

No. of TSV Conducted (Current Week) 1

Project Manager No. of WER meeting Planned (Current 1


No. of WER meeting Conducted (Current 1


No. of RSV Planned (Current Week) 1

No. of RSV Conducted (Current Week) 1

Regional Manager
No. of RSR meeting Planned (Current Week) 1

No. of RSR meeting Conducted (Current 0


No. of Emergency Vehicle required 1

Project Manager
No. of Emergency Vehicle available 1

Project Manager
No. of Hospital Tie-Up required (For anti- 3
dote, Burn, Fracture, etc.)

No. of Hospital Tie-Up Done 1

No. of Low visibility work location identified 0

Project Manager No. of Solar Lighting Tower Required 0

No. of Solar Lighting Tower Available 0

No. of Vehicle at site (Each Vehicle including 12

Dumper, Hydra, Truck etc.)
Project Manager

No. of Vehicles with Green Tag 12

Project Manager Number of WSN issued by individuals other

than EHSO
of his/ her respective region.
of the regions.
BU EHS Head to prepare the dashboard of FPP compliance and release to all PCH & SBU Head.

ack, derogation to be applied after approval of RM

97.8593272171254 EHS COORDINATOR / OFFICER
Gap Identification & Action Plan (Review)
PM (Gap identification) PM-Action Plan RM's Review (Gap identification)

Documents verification under process

completed todays on wards

Will be done on next week

Mega phone & Whistle avilable at site

Not Applicable/No work on Live track

No Power block required/Only

traffic block required
Block permit completed under traffic block
Block permit completed under traffic block

Only general work permit applicable

Display board printed from side ends

Display board printed from side ends

One Staff Transport vehicle is using at

Emergency vehicle
One Staff Transport vehicle is using at
Emergency vehicle

Due to COVID-19, no hospital ready to Tie-

UP, already try is going on from site ends

No reported in current week


RM-Action Plan Week 2 (PM)


PM (Gap identification) PM-Action Plan RM's Review (Gap identification)

RM-Action Plan PCH Review Action Plan
Week 3 (PM) PM (Gap identification) PM-Action Plan
RM's Review (Gap identification) RM-Action Plan
Week 4 (PM) PM (Gap identification) PM-Action Plan
RM's Review (Gap identification) RM-Action Plan
PCH Review Action Plan
% Compliance 97.8593272171254

Gap Identifi
Sr. No. Performance Indicators
Week 1
1 Total No. of workmen at site 171

2 No. of Civil Workers at site 73

3 No. of ID cards Issued after pre-medical test (wherever 168

applicable-Medical test) and EHS Induction training

4 No. of Safety Marshal Required 4

5 No. of Safety Marshals deployed 3
No. of Safety Marshals covered under specific Roles and
6 Responsibilities Training

7 No. of Safety Marshals with Whistle/Mega Phone/Banner 3

8 Number of gang identified for work during Power/Traffic 4

9 No. of Block permit Required 1
No. of Block Permit issued from Client in
10 1
11 No. of identified WAH activity 26
12 No. of WAH permit issued after Risk Assessment 26
13 No. of standardised ladder trolley required 2
14 No. of standardised ladder trolley available 2
15 No. of helmet with Induction Tester required 0
16 No. of helmet with Induction Tester available 0
17 Total No. of Gangs at site 0
18 No. of VAV required 0
19 No. of VAV Available 0
20 No. of Discharge Rod Required 0
21 No. of Discharge Rod Available 0
No. of active work locations (within 3.5m from center of
22 9
No. of identified area for mobile use (3.5m away from
23 center of track)
No. of Violation Memo Issued for using mobile phone on
24 track

25 No. of security personnel required 5

No. of security personnel deployed with ID cards after
26 EHS induction
27 No. of Violation Memo Issued 0

28 No. of Patrolling team member 0

No. of Patrolling team member with patrolling equipment
29 available (1/ each member)

30 Identified location where mobile network is not available 0

No. of Walkie Talkie Required (Due to unavailablity of

31 mobile Network)

32 No. of walkie talkie provided 0

33 No. of Mast Erection planned 31

34 No. of Mast Erection completed under Block permit 31

No. of Mast erected without power block within 8m from

35 center of live track

No. of identified activity for Engineering work permit /

36 General work permit

No. of Engineering work permit / General work permit

37 issued

38 No. of Utility Detector Required 1

39 No. of Utility Detector Available 1
No. of Display Board Required (for working on/near 3.5 m
40 from live OHE track)

No. of Display Board available at site (for working on/near

41 3.5m live OHE track)

42 No. of TSV Planned (Current Week) 1

43 No. of TSV Conducted (Current Week) 1
44 No. of WER meeting Planned (Current Week) 1
45 No. of WER meeting Conducted (Current Week) 1
46 No. of RSV Planned (Current Week) 1
47 No. of RSV Conducted (Current Week) 1
48 No. of RSR meeting Planned (Current Week) 1
49 No. of RSR meeting Conducted (Current Week) 0
50 No. of Emergency Vehicle required 1
51 No. of Emergency Vehicle available 1
No. of Hospital Tie-Up required (For anti-dote, Burn,
52 Fracture, etc.)
53 No. of Hospital Tie-Up Done 1
54 No. of Low visibility work location identified 0
55 No. of Solar Lighting Tower Required 0
56 No. of Solar Lighting Tower Available 0
No. of Vehicle at site (Each Vehicle including Dumper,
57 Hydra, Truck etc.)

58 No. of Vehicles with Green Tag 12

59 Number of WSN issued by individuals other than EHSO 0

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 98

Gap Identification & Action Plan (Review)

Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Average
0 0 0 43

0 0 0 18

0 0 0 42

0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1

0 0 0 1

0 0 0 1

0 0 0 1

0 0 0 1

0 0 0 1

0 0 0 26
0 0 0 26
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

0 0 0 9

0 0 0 9
0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1

0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 31

0 0 0 31

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 68

0 0 0 68

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

0 0 0 5

0 0 0 5

0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

0 0 0 3

0 0 0 3

0 0 0 0
Action Point

1 ID Card

2 Safety Marshal

Prohibition of
Mobile phone usage
3 at track/OHE
the track

4 Display Boards

5 Walkie Talkie

6 Power Block &

Traffic Block

7 Standardised Ladder
8 Work Permit

9 Patrolling Buddy &

Exchange of code

10 Do’s & Don’ts

11 Mast Erection

VAV & Discharge

12 Rod

13 Station Master room


14 Load bearing
Accessories Supplier

15 Illumination at work

16 Team Safety Visit


17 RSV & RSR

General electric
18 Work
Voltage Detection
19 Helmet

20 Response Plan
Action Plan

 ID card will be issued only after pre-medical, and EHS induction training (Validity 3 Months)
 ID Card to be carried by all & Only those workmen who are having ID card are allowed to
work on Railway sites.
 Track Pass to be signed by Client with proper stamp
 Height pass to be issued only after pre-Medical Check-up and should be renewed and
checked on regular basis

 To be deployed at every critical work area to ensure safe working and basic safety
 Marshal must be well-qualified personnel to monitor work and reporting of the same to In-
 Activity where safety marshal to be deployed: one for straight visible track, one for every
curved track, one for every yard, one for every non-visible area

 Supervisor must collect mobile phone of all workmen during work

 Supervisor/Engineer shall mark a safe designated area for making calls at their respective
work location
 Supervisor/Engineer should use safe designated area only to make calls Penalty for those
who are found using mobile phone/earphones on track
 Safe designated area must be at a distance of at least 3.5m/behind OHE mast away from
the track for using mobile phone

 Display of warning Sign as per the activity to be displayed before start of the activity
 Location for display board must be identified
 Safety and work related topics must be displayed on display board (Cont.)
 Distance of at least 3.5m/behind OHE mast must be maintained for display board
 Work at height, Electrical safety, Train movement, Mobile Phone usage policy, use of
Banner flag, Deployment of Flagmen, Use of megaphone, Importance of PPE’s, …etc. to be
displayed for OHE/Foundation work

 Walkie Talkie must be used where there is no mobile network for communication
regarding rail vehicle movement

 Power Block and traffic Block must be taken in a written format from client
 To ensure risk minimization during working near/on live track Power block and Traffic
Block must be taken from Client
 Gang working during Power Block shall be earmarked and shall attend specific EHS training
 Only Section In-charge is allowed to circulate the permit to the concerned
 Standardised ladder trolley with handrail must be used with banner flag on live track
during block
 Stopper should also be used
 Engineering work permit with a photo attached of KEC supervisor/engineer (competent
person) for particular activity with drawing & methodology to be signed by

 Patrolling buddy and exchange of code must be practiced by all security personnel at all
location during their work hour
 Must have EHS induction before deputing for patrolling (to go through I Card Process)
 Must have reflective jacket with blinkers
 Buddy system to be implemented ( meet every specific time period with each other)
 To walk 3.5 m away from track
 Do’s & Don’ts must be displayed in local language at all identified location for local
 Do’s & Don’t must be specific to work

 Only be done in power block

 During erection in power block grouting must be done during block to avoid tilting of mast
on live OHE
 Grouting activity must be completed under supervision during block

 VAV to be used before and after power block to ensure proper cut-off of current
 Discharge Rod must be hooked at both ends after using VAV
 After hooking discharge rod VAV must be used to ensure no current flow
 Every gang must have 1nos. VAV & 2nos. Discharge Rod

 Availability of KEC staff in the room of station master

 A personnel must be deployed at station master room during working near/on track
 Walkie Talkie to be provided for communication
 Load bearing accessories supplier to be identified for quality safety items to minimize its
 Evaluation of the supplier must be done to prevent poor quality material
 Where the work is in dark condition or at night portable solar lighting towers must be
ensured by PM

 PM to do TSV on weekly basis. It must be monitored by RM.

 TSV once a week, min 4 hrs., & weekly review, min 2 hrs. by PM and MOM to be circulated

 RSV twice a month, min 4 hrs. to be devoted. RSR twice a month and MOM to be sent to
all sites under their control and CC to SBU EHS

 Availability & use of Cable detector

 Use of voltage detection helmet in OHE Work

 Dedicated Emergency Vehicle shall be available

 Hospital tie up to be done (anti-dote, burn, fracture etc. depending on stretch of projects,
nature of hazards)
 Emergency Contact numbers available to all
Responsibility / Remark

 Commercial: for directing new persons to EHS,

 Safety Officer – to give EHS induction training

 Site Engineer: To give activity specific training

 PM & EHSO to decide critical activity of OHE Foundation/Track

 PM Shall ensure safety marshal presence at their site
 Supervisor in OHE can be trained to be a safety marshal
 Separate document will be circulated related about safety
marshal duties, equipment required and other details

 Site OHE In-Charge/Activity In-Charge shall ensure its


 Training to the Supervisor/ Engineer to be conducted

regarding mobile phone usage at site and its penalty by Safety

 Dimension: -
Three Board with size 2.5 feet x 2.5 feet (framed)
One White Board for Do's and Don'ts of above size

 Site In-Charge must ensure display before commencing the

 Safety Officer – provide sign board
 Site Engineer: To give activity specific training

 Walkie Talkie to be provided by PM as per need

 Section In-charge to ensure availability of walkie talkie during

 Section In-Charge – To take written block permit from Client

and circulate to concerned supervisor/ engineer
 RM-EHS : Shall conduct specific training for earmarked gang
specialised in work during Power Block

 Standardised ladder trolley vendore finalized and circulated

 PM to ensure a competent person deployed for engineering
work permit
 Anybody can report any deviation in permit
 Permit to be circulated and monitored by RM

 Commercial : for directing new persons to EHS and provide

reflective jacket with blinkers
 PM/Commercial to monitor security activity

 PM Shall ensure its availability

 Section In-Charge to ensure its completion on the same day

 OHE In-charge: - to ensure presence of VAV & Discharge with

all gangs
 OHE In-charge will give go ahead for the activity after
receiving WhatsApp message regarding discharge rod hooked

 OHE In-Charge/P-Way In-charge - must ensure a competent

person deployed at station master’s room

 PM shall ensure quality product for load bearing accessories

 PM to ensure its presence where there is a low level of


 RM to monitor TSV by PM

 PCH to monitor RSV/RSR by RM

 General electric In-Charge

 PM to ensure testing at their site before procurement

 PM Shall ensure compliance of ERP

No. of Recommendation ( based
S No Process Severity Responsibility of Violation
Violation on investigation )

a)1 Section Manager a)First Warning

Non compliance b)2 Engineer/Supervisor/ EHS officer/ b)Second Warning
1 High
EHS Process Process implementer / Admin c)Dismissal/Terminatio
c)3 head/PM n

Non compliance a)1 a)First Warning

of statutory
2 High . b)2 PM / Responsible head of location b)Second Warning
/FPP/MMR c)Dismissal/Terminatio
Accident resulting
a)1 a)First Warning

Section Manager /Engineer /Safety b)Dismissal/

officer /PM Termination of Section
i) LTI b)2
In Charge and others
3 responsible

a)Investigation/ Action
including Dismissal/
ii) Fatality High a)1 PM/ RM
Termination to PM
/Warning to RM

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