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Los Angeles Abrasion Test for Small-Size Coarse Aggregate

Aggregates undergo substantial wear and tear throughout their life due to the continuous traffic
moving on surface. Aggregate abrasion characteristics are important because the constituent
aggregate in Hot Mix Asphalt must resist crushing, degradation, and disintegration in order to
produce a high-quality Hot Mix Asphalt. Friction between the moving wheel and the surface,
results abrasion of aggregates. That effect will be increase when dust particles exits on the
surface. Therefore, the aggregate used in road construction should have sufficient resistance to
abrasion. This standard test method describes the test for resistance to degradation of small-size
coarse aggregate (smaller than 37.5millimeter) using the Los Angeles Abrasion testing machine.

This is the Los Angeles abrasion machine having a hollow cylinder with internal diameter of 711
millimeters and length of 508 millimeters. The cylinder rotates with an axis in a horizontal
position within a tolerance in slope of 1 in 100. The removable cover is provided with a dust-
tight cover which can be tighten using bolting. A removable steel shelf is there by extending the
full length in radially and placed at a distance of 1270mm from the opening in the direction of
the rotation. This is the catch pan which is used to collect the crushed material after rotating in
the steel cylinder.
Moreover, we need abrasive charges consist of steel spheres with average diameter of 46.8
millimeters and mass between 390 grams to 445 grams. Total of 12 charges available and the
number depend on the type of aggregate grading used.
This is the balance with the capacity greater than 5 kilograms with an accuracy of 1 gram or
The sieve of size 1.7 millimeter or number 12 should be used to sieve the finer portion after
tested in los Angeles machine.
There are 4 grading types for the aggregate describes in the specification and the selection is
depends on the designated use. In this case we use the type B grading. For the grading type B, we
need sieve size of 19-millimeter, 12.5 millimeter and 9.5 millimeter as shown in here. Further,
2.5 kilograms of weight materials are required which are passing in 19 millimeter and retaining
on 12.5-millimeter sieve. The same weight of aggregate need from material which are passing
through 12.5 millimeter and retaining on 9.5-millimeter sieve.
Clip-5: First, sieve the aggregate as per the requirement.
Clip-6: Then you will get 2.5 kilograms for each category.

Clip-7: Then dry the materials in an oven at 1100C to get constant mass.
Clip-8: Then take material out after 5 hours and cool them in the room temperature.
Then measure the exact weight to nearest 1 gram, separately in induvial size fraction.
After that, combine it as per the grading type B.
Now the aggregate sample is ready for the testing. To perform that as per the type B grading 11
abrasive charges required with total mass kept to 4584 grams.
Before starting the test, ensure that the hollow cylinder is clean and free from the dust and any
foreign materials.
Then place the aggregate along with the abrasive charges in the cylinder.
Then, fix the removable cover firmly in position.
This machine is rotating at a c speed of 30 to 33 rounds per minute. And the total number of
revolutions must be 500 for the grading type B of aggregate. Note that total number of
revolutions is depends on the grading type.
Then switch on the machine and rotate until the 500 revolutions completed. In here to complete
the prescribed total number of revolutions we rotate the machine for 15 minutes. During the
rotation, the aggregate is subjected to abrasion by the steel balls.
After 500 revolutions are completed stop the machine and remove the cover. Then collect the
crushed aggregate to the catch pan by rotation the drum.
Then sieve the crushed materials through 1.7millimeter sieve.
Clip-13: Weigh the fraction passing through the sieve 1.7 millimeter for an accuracy of 1 gram.
Clip-14: Then materials retained on 1.7-millimeter sieve is oven dried at 1100C and weigh it at
an accuracy of 1 gram.
Clip-15: Then, cross check the mass loss by comparing before and after weight of aggregate.
The loss should be less than 0.2 percent of initial sample mass. In this case, loss is ……….
Grams and ………. Percent. Hence, the loss is within the limits and there is no need of repeating
the test.
The initial weight of the sample is …………. The final weight of the fraction retaining on 1.7-
millimeter sieve is ………..
Then the Los Angeles abrasion value as calculation is ………..
The limits for accepting Los Angeles Abrasion loss is 30 percent for bituminous concrete surface
course. Therefore, we can conclude these aggregates are well within the limits and can be
accepted for the construction.

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