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Nim : 20091014011
Fakultas : HUKUM
Jurusan : ILMU HUKUM

1. Terjemahkan kalimat berikut kedalam Bahasa Inggris

- Saya mahasiswa Universitas Islam Makassar I am a student at the Islamic University of Makassar
- Saya semester satu I am semester one
- Apakah kamu berani? Are you brave?
- Apakah kamu menulis? Are you writing?

2. Buatlah kalimat sederhana dengan menggunakan kosakata kata berikut ini

- Study = English
Contoh kalimat : I learn English on google calssromm
- Campus = Kampus
Kalimat : My campus is at the Islamic University of Makassar
- Room = Ruangan
Kalimat : I like studying in the room
- Write = Menulis
Kalimat : my hobby is writing
- See = Melihat
Kalimat : I see a sleeping cat
- Film = film
Kalimat : the film category I like is action
3. Terjemahkan kalimat “daily activity” berikut ke dalam bahasa Inggris!
- Bangun subuh : Get up at dawn
- Makan siang : lunch
- Membaca Alqur’an : Reciting Al-Qur'an
- Berwudhu : ablution
- mandi pagi : morning bath
- Istirahat : break
- Bangun subuh : Get up at dawn
4. Tulislah dalam versi bahasa Inggris!
- Jam 02.15
It is a quarter past two
- Jam 02.40
It is a ten to three
- Jam 01.00 It is a one o’clock PM - Jam 07.45 Quarter to eight
- Jam 07.20 Fourty minute to eight - Jam 09.15 It is quarter past nine
- Jam 04.30 Half past four
- Jam 05.50 Ten to six

5. Tuliskan secara singkat “daily activity” anda dalam versi Bahasa Inggris
In the morning, I usually wake up at 5 o'clock. I do small exercise for 10-20 minutes to keep my
body healthy. Looking for lontong or yellow rice for breakfast. When I had morning class, I
took a shower immediately. I go to campus on a motorbike or sometimes by GoJek. I take my
friend then we go together. On our way to campus, we bought drinks near the campus. We
chatted along the way about many things. We love to talk about funny things. While waiting
for the next class, I went to my friend's house.
Sometimes, I wait on campus while doing some assignments .. It makes me 'and time' really
well so I can set priorities. I always try to finish all assignments before the due date. I usually
go home at 3 o'clock sharp and take a break. Hang out with friends to the cafe in the evening
then have dinner together. Finally, I went to bed at 12 at night. when all the prep work.

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