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Volume: 02 Issue: 10 | OCT 2020

Morphometric and histological analysis of chronic end metritis in

women of reproductive age
1Rakhmonova Shakhnoza, 2Nurov Akobir, 3Ashirmatov Sherali
1,2,3Assistants of the Tashkent state dental Institute, Uzbekistan

assessment of correlations between the studied

Abstract - Despite the high achievements of parameters.
modern morphology, some issues related to the 3. Conduct a comprehensive path morphological
pathogenesis of infertility and habitual miscarriage and immunohistochemically study of the endometrium
remain poorly understood, which determines the and hormonal status in women with infertility of
possibility of further research. It is known that unknown origin with an assessment of correlations
endometrial steroid receptors play an important role in between the studied parameters.
the process of pregnancy initiation and continuation 4. To conduct a comparative analysis of path
Meanwhile, in relation to unclear infertility, as well as morphological, immunohistochemically indicators of
chronic end metritis, as the causes of reproductive the endometrium and hormonal status between
pathology, endometrial receptors for estrogen and women with habitual miscarriage and infertility in
progesterone have been studied only to a small extent, chronic end metritis, and infertility of unknown origin.
which, of course, requires supplementation. Working for the first time:
Keywords: receptors in women, hormonal • It was found that women with habitual
status, menstrual cycle, morphological picture miscarriage in chronic end metritis have a marked
1. INTRODUCTION decrease in the expression of estrogen and
From the point of view of morphometric progesterone endometrial receptors in the secretory
research of the endometrium, there is also a lack of phase of the menstrual cycle, while the hormonal
knowledge in this area of female reproductive background of blood plasma remains unchanged. The
pathology. In such a situation, clarification and addition revealed marked reduction of the glandular component
of path morphological changes in the endometrium of the endometrium in the secretory phase of the
may help to increase the level of diagnosis of the causes menstrual cycle does not correlate with a decrease in
of reproductive pathology, which in turn will help to the expression of the endometrial steroreceptor
find new ways for their comprehensive correction. apparatus.
To study path morphological changes in the • It was found that in women with infertility in
endometrium and the expression of endometrial chronic end metritis, a decrease in the expression of
estrogen and progesterone receptors in women with endometrial progesterone receptors in the phase of
infertility of unknown origin, infertility and habitual proliferation and secretion of the menstrual cycle is
miscarriage in chronic end metritis. combined with a reduction in the glandular component
2. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES of the endometrium in the phase of secretion, as well as
1. To conduct a comprehensive path with a decrease in the level of estradiol and
morphological, bacteria - and biological, progesterone in blood plasma in the phase of
immunohistochemically study of the endometrium and menstrual cycle secretion, while there is no correlation
hormonal status in women with habitual miscarriage in between these pathological processes.
chronic end metritis with an assessment of correlations • It was found that women with infertility of
between the studied parameters. unknown origin have a decrease in the expression of
2. Conduct a comprehensive path morphological, endometrial progesterone receptors in the
bacterio - and virological, immunohistochemically proliferative and, especially, in the secretory phase of
study of the endometrium and hormonal status in the menstrual cycle against the background of normal
women with infertility in chronic end metritis with an blood plasma hormones and unchanged morphological
picture of the endometrium.
© 2020, IJOT | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) | Page 99
Volume: 02 Issue: 10 | OCT 2020

• It was found that in the endometrium of women reproductive pathology in chronic endometritis are:
with habitual miscarriage in chronic endometritis, in first, a decrease in the volume density of the glandular
comparison with other study groups, the most component of the endometrium; second, an increase in
pronounced and statistically significant decrease in the the numerical density of stromal and lymphoid cells,
level of expression of endometrial receptors for with a predominance of the latter. Women with
estrogens and progesterone is noted, along with a habitual miscarriage with chronic endometritis have
decrease in the volume density of the glandular the most pronounced and uneven reduction of the
component, both in the proliferative and secretory endometrial glands. In women with infertility in
phases of the menstrual cycle. • A comprehensive study chronic endometritis, the numerical density of
of the endometrium in women with reproductive lymphoid cells increases to a greater extent with a
pathology in chronic endometritis using various four-fold increase in them.
methodological approaches, including light microscopy 3. Changes in the level of plasma estradiol and
with morphometry, immunohistochemically analysis of progesterone were observed only in women with
endometrial steroid receptors, which allowed us to infertility in chronic endometritis, which, along with
Supplement the understanding of morph-functional the established fact of reduced expression of estrogen
changes in the endometrium in the studied pathology. and progesterone endometrial receptors, indicates in
favor of the scientific hypothesis of possible afferent
3. SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE impulses of pathologically altered endometrial
The results of a comprehensive path receptors, which, in turn, can affect the secretory
morphological and immunohistochemically study of function of the ovaries - on the principle of "feedback".
the endometrium of women with infertility and 4. Differential diagnosis of reproductive function
habitual miscarriage in chronic endometritis suggest disorders in women with chronic endometritis should
that the endometrial steroid receptor system is an be carried out using modern methods and a
important link in the mechanism of reproduction and comprehensive analysis of clinical, bacteriological and
the violation of this system in conditions of chronic virological, hysteroscopy, path morphological and
inflammation significantly affects the morph-functional immunohistochemically research methods, including
state of the endometrium. Identification of the degree correlation analysis.
and nature of changes in the steroid receptor A significant role in the development of chronic
apparatus in combination with path morphological endometritis belongs to violations of local and General
analysis of the endometrium in women with immunity, which manifest inflammatory complications
reproductive disorders in chronic endometritis, as well after childbirth and abortion. Prolonged stimulation of
as in infertility of unknown origin, allows us to judge endometrial immunocompetent cells by an infectious
the severity of reproductive dysfunction and outline pathogen leads to decompensation of the regulatory
possible tactical options for eliminating these mechanisms of local homeostasis, which supports the
disorders. persistence of the infectious process.
The main provisions submitted for protection Common morphological criteria for the diagnosis
1. In women with infertility and habitual of chronic endometritis:
miscarriage in chronic endometritis, as well as with The presence of inflammatory infiltrates,
infertility of unknown origin, a constantly occurring consisting mainly of lymphoid elements and
immunohistochemically sign is an interdependent plasma cells with a focal nature of the location-
decrease in the level of expression of glandular and around the glands and blood vessels. The diffuse
stromal endometrial cells to progesterone in both nature of the location of lymphoid elements is
phases of the menstrual cycle with a significant not excluded. Infiltrates are located mainly in the
decrease in this indicator in the secretion phase. These functional layer, but their basal location is also
changes in the steroid-receptor apparatus of the very characteristic.
endometrium in the secretory phase of the menstrual Formation of lymphoid follicles in the functional
cycle occur regardless of changes in the morphological layer of the endometrium.
substrate of the endometrium. Focal stroma fibrosis, which occurs during a long
2. The main criteria for path morphological course of chronic inflammatory process in the
changes in the endometrium in women with
© 2020, IJOT | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) | Page 100
Volume: 02 Issue: 10 | OCT 2020

endometrium and sometimes captures large

Sclerotic changes in the spiral arteries with the
formation of tangles of spiral arteries.
Dystrophic changes in the endometrial glands.
Changes in the glandular and stromal
components do not correspond to the days of the
menstrual cycle.
Given the complexity of the structure and the
ability to cyclic transformation, in the endometrium,
these changes are particularly pronounced and difficult
to correct. In this case, the endometrial receptivity
consists of many factors, each of which requires

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