Exercise With Bab Xiii Present Perfect Tense

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Exercise 1

Write T for correct sentences and F for the incorrect ones. Correct the incorrect ones
1. Have you wrote the report? (T)
2. I have been visit Borobudur many times. (T)
3. My father have been the director of this company since last year. (T)
4. How long you have stayed in this city? (T)
5. Have you ever to Baturaden (F)
6. How many papers have you to type? (F)
7. They haven’t send the money yet. (T)
8. She has in Bandung for two weeks. (F)
9. I have teach in this university since five years. (F)
10. She is our new secretary. She has worked here for three months (T)
11. Have you seen the manager to talk about the salary increase? (F)
12. We haven’t been send any news to the branch office. (F)
13. Has they already came? (T)
14. How much water have you drank so far? (T)
15. You have took a bath? (F)

Exercise 2
Arrange the following words to make meaningful sentences.
1. many – have – how – books – published – this – you – year ?
How many books you have published this year?
2. draft – received – the – you – the – contract – of – have ?
Have you received the draft of the contract?
3. not – delivered – have – they – order – our
They have not delivered our order
4. seen – too – have – many – I – accidents – road – this – on
I have seen to many accidents on this road
5. been – Carita – you – to – have – beach ?
Have you been to carita beach?
6. long – have – here – they – me – for – how – waited
How long for
7. tasted – food – you – this – have – Chinese?
Hve you tasted this chinese food?
8. much – have – how – you – so – money – obtained – far?
How far you have obtained so much money?
9. result – seen – they – the – research – have – our – of?
Have they seen the result of our research?
10. countries – you – how – have – many – up – visited – now – to ?
How many countries you have visited now to up?

Exercise 3
Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Apakah kamu sudah makan?
Hve you eat?
2. Saya belum menerima gaji bulan ini.
I have not receive the salary for this month
3. Banyak orang telah membuktikan bahwa obat ini sangat manjur.
Many person proofed that this medicine is very eficient
4. Berapa mobil yang sudah kamu jual bulan ini?
How much car you have sell on this month
5. Jangan khawatir saya sudah membeli makanan cukup untuk malam ini.
Don’t worry im already buy enoug food for dinner
6. Mereka belum pernah ke pantai Kuta.
They never been to Kuta beach
7. Siapa yang pernah ke candi Prambanan?
Who has ever go to Prambanan temple?
8. Kamu telah bekerja di perusahaan ini berapa lama?
How long you have worked for this company ?
9. Apakah sekretarismu telah menerjemahkan surat itu?
Are your secretary have translate that letter?
10. Manager belum membuat keputusan apapun tentang usulmu.
The manager haven’t making any decision about your suggestion

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