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Aphrodite Boons
Aphrodite Boons Type Check
Heartbreak Strike Normal
Heartbreak Flourish Normal
Crush Shot Normal
Passion Dash Normal
Aphrodite's Aid Normal
Dying Lament Normal
Wave of Despair Normal
Different League Normal
Life Affirmation Normal
Empty Inside Normal
Sweet Surrender Normal
Broken Resolve Normal
Blown Kiss Normal
Unhealthy Fixation Legendary
Curse of Longing Duo (Ares)
Heart Rend Duo (Artemis)
Parting Shot Duo (Athena)
Cold Embrace Duo (Demeter)
Low Tolerance Duo (Dionysus)
Sweet Nectar Duo (Poseidon)
Smoldering Air Duo (Zeus)

Ares Boons
Ares Boons Type
Curse of Agony Normal v
Curse of Pain Normal v
Slicing Shot Normal v
Blade Dash Normal v
Ares' Aid Normal
Curse of Vengeance Normal v
Urge to Kill Normal v
Battle Rage Normal v
Blood Frenzy Normal
Black Metal Normal
Engulfing Vortex Normal v
Dire Misfortune Normal v
Impending Doom Normal v
Vicious Cycle Legendary
Curse of Longing Duo (Aphrodite)
Hunting Blades Duo (Artemis)
Merciful End Duo (Athena) v
Freezing Vortex Duo (Demeter)
Curse of Nausea Duo (Dionysus)
Curse of Drowning Duo (Poseidon)
Vengeful Mood Duo (Zeus)

Artemis Boons
Artemis Boons Type
Deadly Strike Normal v
Deadly Flourish Normal v
True Shot Normal v
Hunter's Dash Normal v
Artemis' Aid Normal v
Pressure Points Normal v
Exit Wounds Normal v
Hide Breaker Normal v
Clean Kill Normal v
Hunter Instinct Normal
Hunter's Mark Normal v
Support Fire Normal v
Fully Loaded Legendary
Heart Rend Duo (Aphrodite)
Hunting Blades Duo (Ares)
Deadly Reversal Duo (Athena)
Crystal Clarity Duo (Demeter) v
Splitting Headache Duo (Dionysus)
Mirage Shot Duo (Poseidon) v
Lightning Rod Duo (Zeus)

Athena Boons
Athena Boons Type
Divine Strike Normal v
Divine Flourish Normal v
Phalanx Shot Normal v
Divine Dash Normal v
Athena's Aid Normal
Holy Shield Normal v
Bronze Skin Normal v
Sure Footing Normal v
Proud Bearing Normal v
Blinding Flash Normal v
Brilliant Riposte Normal v
Deathless Stand Normal
Last Stand Normal
Divine Protection Legendary
Parting Shot Duo (Aphrodite)
Merciful End Duo (Ares) v
Deadly Reversal Duo (Artemis)
Stubborn Roots Duo (Demeter)
Calculated Risk Duo (Dionysus)
Unshakeable Mettle Duo (Poseidon) v
Lightning Phalanx Duo (Zeus)

Demeter Boons
Demeter Boons Type
Frost Strike Normal
Frost Flourish Normal
Crystal Beam Normal v
Mistral Dash Normal v
Demeter's Aid Normal
Frozen Touch Normal
Rare Crop Normal
Ravenous Will Normal
Nourished Soul Normal
Snow Burst Normal v
Arctic Blast Normal
Killing Freeze Normal
Glacial Glare Normal
Winter Harvest Legendary
Cold Embrace Duo (Aphrodite)
Freezing Vortex Duo (Ares)
Crystal Clarity Duo (Artemis) v
Stubborn Roots Duo (Athena)
Ice Wine Duo (Dionysus)
Blizzard Shot Duo (Poseidon)
Cold Fusion Duo (Zeus)

Dionysus Boons
Dionysus Boons Type
Drunken Strike Normal
Drunken Flourish Normal v
Trippy Shot Normal v
Drunken Dash Normal v
Dionysus' Aid Normal
After Party Normal
Positive Outlook Normal
Premium Vintage Normal
Strong Drink Normal
Bad Influence Normal
Numbing Sensation Normal
Peer Pressure Normal
High Tolerance Normal
Black Out Legendary
Low Tolerance Duo (Aphrodite)
Curse of Nausea Duo (Ares)
Splitting Headache Duo (Artemis)
Calculated Risk Duo (Athena)
Ice Wine Duo (Demeter)
Exclusive Access Duo (Poseidon) v
Scintillating Feast Duo (Zeus)

Hermes Boons
Hermes Boons Type
Swift Strike Normal
Swift Flourish Normal v
Flurry Cast Normal
Quick Favor Normal
Hyper Sprint Normal v
Greater Haste Normal
Quick Recovery Normal
Greater Evasion Normal v
Greatest Reflex Normal
Second Wind Normal
Quick Reload Normal v
Side Hustle Normal
Rush Delivery Normal
Auto Reload Normal
Greater Recall Legendary
Bad News Legendary

Poseidon Boons
Poseidon Boons Type
Tempest Strike Normal v
Tempest Flourish Normal v
Flood Shot Normal v
Tidal Dash Normal
Poseidon's Aid Normal v
Typhoon's Fury Normal v
Hydraulic Might Normal v
Ocean's Bounty Normal v
Sunken Treasure Normal v
Razor Shoals Normal v
Boiling Point Normal
Breaking Wave Normal
Wave Pounding Normal
Rip Current Normal
Huge Catch Legendary
Second Wave Legendary
Sweet Nectar Duo (Aphrodite)
Curse of Drowning Duo (Ares)
Mirage Shot Duo (Artemis) v
Unshakeable Mettle Duo (Athena) v
Blizzard Shot Duo (Demeter)
Exclusive Access Duo (Dionysus) v
Sea Storm Duo (Zeus) v

Zeus Boons
Zeus Boons Type
Lightning Strike Normal v
Thunder Flourish Normal
Electric Shot Normal v
Thunder Dash Normal v
Zeus' Aid Normal v
Heaven's Vengeance Normal v
Lightning Reflexes Normal v
Storm Lightning Normal v
High Voltage Normal
Double Strike Normal v
Static Discharge Normal v
Clouded Judgement Normal v
Billowing Strength Normal v
Splitting Bolt Legendary v
Smoldering Air Duo (Aphrodite)
Vengeful Mood Duo (Ares)
Lightning Rod Duo (Artemis)
Lightning Phalanx Duo (Athena)
Cold Fusion Duo (Demeter)
Scintillating Feast Duo (Dionysus)
Sea Storm Duo (Poseidon) v

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