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ACTIVITY # 1: The Mini-IPIP (International Personality Item Pool Representation of the NEO

PIR) Scale
This section aims to reinforce your understanding of the topics covered in Week 1
through the activity below. Instructions: Below are phrases describing people’s behaviors.
Please use the rating scale below to describe how accurately each statement describes you.
Describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future. Describe
yourself as you honestly see yourself, in relation to other people you know of the same sex as
you are, and roughly your same age. Please read each statement carefully and put a number
from 1 to 5 next to it to describe how accurately the statement describes you. Answer the guide
questions at the end of the activity.

1 = Very inaccurate 4 = Moderately accurate

2 = Moderately inaccurate 5 = Very accurate

3 = Neither inaccurate nor accurate

1. ___2___ Am the life of the party (E)

2. ___4___ Sympathize with others’ feelings (A)

3. ___3___ Get chores done right away (C)

4. ___3___ Have frequent mood swings (N)

5. ___2___ Have a vivid imagination (O)

6. ___4___Don’t talk a lot (E)

7. ___3___ Am not interested in other people’s problems (A)

8. ___4___ Often forget to put things back in their proper place (C)

9. ___5___ Am relaxed most of the time (N)

10. __3___ Am not interested in abstract ideas (O)

11. __3___ Talk to a lot of different people at parties (E)

12. __4___ Feel others’ emotions (A)

13. __2___ Like order (C)

14. __5___ Get upset easily (N)

15. __5___ Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas (O)

16. __3___Keep in the background (E)

17. __1___ Am not really interested in others (A)

18. __4___ Make a mess of things (C)

19. __3___ Seldom feel blue (N)

20. __5___ Do not have a good imagination (O)

Scoring: The first thing you must do is to reverse the items that are worded in the opposite
direction. In order to do this, subtract the number you put for that item from 6. So if you put a
4, for instance, it will become a 2. Cross out the score you put when you took the scale, and put
the new number in representing your score subtracted from the number 6.
Items to be reversed in this way: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

1. 2

2. 4

3. 3

4. 3

5. 2

6. 4-6=2

7. 3-6=3

8. 4-6=2

9. 5-6=1

10. 3-6=3

11. 3

12. 4

13. 2

14. 5
15. 5-6=1

16. 3-6=3

17. 1-6=5

18. 4-6=2

19. 3-6=3

20. 5-6=1

Next, you need to add up the scores for each of the five OCEAN scales (including the reversed
numbers where relevant). Each OCEAN score will be the sum of four items. Place the sum next
to each scale below.

____7____ Openness: Add items 5, 10, 15, 20

____9____ Conscientiousness: Add items 3, 8, 13, 18

___10____ Extraversion: Add items 1, 6, 11, 16

___ 16____ Agreeableness: Add items 2, 7, 12, 17

___12____ Neuroticism: Add items 4, 9,14, 19

Compare your scores to the norms below to see where you stand on each scale. If you are low
on a trait, it means you are the opposite of the trait label. For example, low on Extraversion is
Introversion, low on Openness is Conventional, and low on Agreeableness is Assertive.

19–20 Extremely High, 14–16 High, 8 –10 Low,

17–18 Very High, 11–13 Neither high nor 6–7 Very low,
low; in the middle, 4–5 Extremely low

Guide Questions: Answer the following questions in an essay form with a maximum of 300
words. Write your answers in a clean sheet of paper. Take a photo and turn it in using GED 101
group chat via FB (10 points each).

I describe my scores Mini IPIP Scale are very low in Openness and Conscientiousness. I
think these two results are very accurate because I was often to talk with someone when I have
a problem because I didn’t want them to be worried about me and I was dishonest to my
parents because I keep my secret to them. In terms of Extraversion is low because I was to shy
to show my true self. In Agreeableness it was high because when I was communicating with my
friends and family. I was very happy and appreciated. And in Neuroticism is neither because
sometimes I’m in high strung, tense or moody sometimes I endure it. I think personality
characteristics can and often change throughout life relatively stable over time. Suddenly,
dramatic personality changes are rare. The personality traits help shape the way people are
lived, due to their effects on behavior and their continuity over time. Over time, personality
tends to become "better" Psychologists call this "the maturity principle." People become more
out-of-the-box, emotionally stable. These changes are frequently marked over the long run. We
develop our personality through being a good listener to learn a lot about your environment if
you are a strong listener, expand your curiosity, become a stronger speaker etc. Self is our
knowledge of life, our being. It's the awareness of one's identity and singularity. Self is the
center, whereas personality is its representation. The definition of self reflects personality, how
do we handle myself over the entire situation depending on my knowledge of myself in the
universe. So, I am Kevin Nichols R. Abacan. I am so sensitive person and happy go lucky
sometimes I am shy person but I love to communicate with others.

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