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God in Se (Essence) In Himself

1. Existence of God
a. Natural reason (can know the existence of God)
b. False system and errors
c. Our knowledge
i. Analogical
ii. Mediate
iii. Natural
d. Other ways of Knowing God
i. Diff. proofs, argument, metaphysical, ontological, moral, metaphysical,
teleological, magisterium
e. Scriptural proofs
i. Romans 1:18
f. Three classical ways
i. Via affirmative
ii. Via negative
iii. Via immenentia
2. Who is God
a. Metaphysical essence of God
b. Divine attributes
c. Biblical names of God
i. Yahweh as revealed by the Hebrews
3. How is God
a. The life of God
b. The science and knowledge of God
c. The will of God
d. The Divine providence
e. Omnipotence of God

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