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Scheme of Work

Written by Nichola Wilkin

Terms and Conditions
“Purchasing Institution” is the individual school which purchases this Scheme of Work. It does not
include any other differently named schools or academies in a different and/or discrete catchment
area or with a different intake criteria even if it is under the same head teacher’s or department
head’s control.

“Scheme of Work” is all the work on the purchased disk which includes the lesson plans, PowerPoint
presentations, handouts, worksheets, homework, teacher’s notes, mark sheets and mark book.

You may:
1. Install or upload the Scheme of Work on the Purchasing Institution’s secure VLE and/or
school network to be accessed by students and teachers by a secure login facility
2. Print and photocopy worksheets and handouts to distribute to students within the
Purchasing Institution
3. Allow the Scheme of Work to be passed to other teachers within the Purchasing Institution
4. Modify or adapt the Scheme of Work to personalise any instructions or directions (such as
“save your work on the K drive” or “email your work to me at _____@____”
5. Make one copy for archive or backup purposes only which will still be bound by these terms
and conditions

You may not without the written permission of Nichola Wilkin:

1. Reproduce transmit or distribute the Scheme of Work in any form outside of the Purchasing
Institution, with the exception of photocopying handouts and worksheets for students’
personal use and putting content onto the Purchasing Institution’s secure network or VLE
2. Reproduce, transmit or distribute the Scheme of Work to other schools, legal entities,
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3. Redistribute resell license sublicense lend rent lease assign or transfer the Scheme of Work
or otherwise make it available for use or distribution to any other individual educational
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4. Upload the Scheme of Work onto the internet for use or consumption by the general public
5. Use or incorporate any of the images files pictures videos animations games text or
diagrams in your own original work or to publish distribute or display or pass it off as your
own work

The copyright of all materials in this publication, except where otherwise stated, remains the
property of Nichola Wilkin. Nichola Wilkin hereby asserts her moral rights to be identified as the
author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Any questions? Email:

© 2013 Nichola Wilkin and its licensors. All rights reserved.

© Nichola Wilkin 2013

General information about the units
Overview of the units
Below is a summary about each of the units included in the Year 9 scheme of work.

© Nichola Wilkin 2013

Personal Learning and Thinking Styles (PLTS)
The lessons are all mapped to the PLTS framework. Below is a table showing which units strongly
cover each area of the PLTS framework. Occasionally a single lesson in a unit may cover another area
but the table below shows where there is obvious coverage in that unit.

Cross Curricular Links

Lessons are differentiated by outcome and this is reflected in the success criteria and part of each
lesson involves the students working independently which frees up the teacher to offer more one-
to-one help to the students who need it. All homework includes extension activities to stretch the
more able pupils.

Assessing Pupils’ Progress

Each pupil should be given a mark sheet of the unit which would then be kept in a work folder. It is
recommended that each pupil has a work folder in which to put their printed work, handouts, mark
sheets and homework they have completed. During the lesson the teacher should observe the
students and question them to gain an understanding of the level at which they are currently
working. These grades can then be written directly onto the mark sheet so both the pupil and the
teacher know what level the pupil is achieving.

© Nichola Wilkin 2013

If the success criteria have only been partially completed, the description can be ticked on the sheet
rather than completely signed off which shows both pupil and teacher the need to revisit it to
complete that criteria.

Additional grades are sometimes awarded from marking their work which they have either emailed
to the teacher, printed out or written on a worksheet and this is usually then marked outside of the
lesson. But, the grades should still be written onto the sheet as soon as possible so that the pupil has
a clear idea of the level at which they are working and what they need to do to achieve the next

Recording Marks
Once the mark sheet is completed you can enter the data straight into the Mark Book spreadsheet.
Before you first use the Mark Book, you need to enter the students and their particular learning
needs and a target grade as a record you can refer back to. To enter the grades into the Mark Book,
simply type the relevant level number in the correct column for each pupil as shown below:

© Nichola Wilkin 2013

The Mark Book also allows you to work out the statistics for each of your classes which are broken
down to show the number on roll in each class, the number of each gender, the number of pupils in
each class with a particular Special Educational Need including gifted and talented, statements,
school action +, school action, English as an Additional Language, Romany and traveller, free school
meals and medical. For each class it
also shows the average target grade
for that class, the average overall
grade for the class and the value
added for the class. In order to get
the statistics for each class, simply
type in the class name exactly as
shown on the students’ Mark Book;
the rest is worked out automatically
for you.

There is an additional sheet in the Mark Book where you can record their grades for homework tasks
which are graded as follows:
V– Very Good (completed homework to a high standard and completed the
extension activity)
G– Good (attempted extension activity and/or completed all other tasks to a high
S– Satisfactory (tasks completed to a satisfactory level, little or no attempt at the
extension activity)
N– Needs improvement (work incomplete or completed to a poor standard and no
attempt at the extension activity)
O– Homework not handed in
A– Absent when the homework was set
For homework which is late you may want to add the letter L after the previous grade (e.g. GL for
good but late homework).

© Nichola Wilkin 2013

Both the grade sheet and the homework sheet are colour coded so that it is easy to see which pupils
are currently working at a high level and which are working at the lower level. The colours are as
Green – Higher level
Orange – Average level
Red – Lower level

Printing the data

You need to set the print area before you print out the individual sheets. It
is possible to print out the data for one particular class by using the filter
option at the top of the class column to select the class you want to see; it
will only print out the data visible on the screen.

© Nichola Wilkin 2013

Unit 3 – Python
This unit teaches the pupils the basics of programming using Python. They create a variety of coded
solutions to simple problems and use variables, data types, If statements, advanced If statements
and loops. This unit helps the pupils learn about computational thinking skills and planning code and
is the perfect introduction to more advanced programming and builds on what they learnt in

Number of lessons
Recommend 3 x 1 hour lessons, although this will work with slightly shorter or longer lessons but
timings will have to be adjusted accordingly.

This unit is suitable for mixed ability year 9 classes.

Resources Needed

Preparation needed by the teacher

The teacher needs to make sure that they are familiar with using Python and have enough copies of
the handouts to give one to each pupil prior to starting the lesson.

Cross Curricular Links

The project lends itself to a cross-curricular project with maths as the pupils will be using
mathematical reasoning and logical operators in their coding solutions.

© Nichola Wilkin 2013

Python Lesson 1 of 3
Lesson objective: Write simple programs using Python.
All will be able to: Most will be able to: Some will be able to:
Create simple code including Create variables and declare Use operators to effectively
the input and print scripts. the data types for variables. create programs so solve a
number of scenarios.
Key Facts about the lessons
Key Vocabulary: Key Questions:
 Python  Print How can you run a program?
 Shell  Placeholder What is a variable?
 Program  Variable What is an integer?
How can you use a placeholder?
 Input  Data type
Method of Assessment: PLTS:
Teacher analysis of work and observation of Independent enquirers
working practices (A. O. 1 and A. O. 3) Effective participants
Reflective learners
Time Description Resources
10 mins They recap basic formulae in an Excel spreadsheet by creating the Lesson 1.ppt Slide
spreadsheet shown on the slide. Go through the formula and cell 1&2
references with them to make sure everybody is confident with the
Main Activities
Time Description Resources
10 mins Explain the learning objective and success criteria; give out homework so Slide 3 – 4
they can write it into their planners. Give out the mark sheet for the unit, Lesson 1
go through what you will be marking the unit on and then put their name Homework
on it and put it into their folders. Mark Sheet
7 mins The students load up Python. Explain what the Python Shell is and Slide 5 - 8
practise entering formula straight into the shell to see the answers and
show the pupils that the maths involved is familiar to them.
8 mins They start a new window and practise running scripts in the shell. They Slides 9 - 15
have to save it with .py as the extension in file name otherwise it will not
work correctly. Explain how to use placeholders and the pupils follow the
instructions on the slides.
10 mins The pupils enter the code on slide 16 and when they run the code it will Slide 16 - 19
not work as they will expect. Ask the class to see what it is actually doing
(using the values as text values rather than numbers) Explain data types
used, declaring data types and altering their codes to solve the problem.
10 mins Explain the learning objective and success criteria; give out homework so Slide 3 – 4
they can write it into their planners. Give out the mark sheet for the unit, Lesson 1
go through what you will be marking the unit on and then put their name Homework
on it and put it into their folders. Mark Sheet
Time Description Resources
15 mins Explain the operators used, give out the handouts and they recap what Slide 20 – 21
they have learnt by completing the exercises on the sheet. Lesson 1 exercises

© Nichola Wilkin 2013

Python Lesson 2 of 3
Lesson objective: Write simple programs using Python.
All will be able to: Most will be able to: Some will be able to:
Use If statements to make a Use more complex If Create If statements within
decision. statements including “elif”. other If statements.
Key Facts about the lessons
Key Vocabulary: Key Questions:
 If statements What is a placeholder used for?
 Else How can you improve your code?
 Elif (else if)
Method of Assessment: PLTS:
Teacher analysis of work, observation of working Independent enquirers
practices and interviews and discussions with Effective participants
pupils (A. O. 2) Reflective learners
Creative thinkers
Time Description Resources
5 mins They create a program using Python to recap what they learnt last Lesson 2.ppt
lesson. Slide 1 & 2
Main Activities
Time Description Resources
5 mins Explain the learning objective and success criteria; give out Slides 3 – 4
homework so they can write it into their planners. Lesson 2
10 mins Explain how an If statement works. Go through the code and they Slide 5
create it themselves. Explain how important the indents are as the
code will not work without them.
5 mins Explain how to use an advanced If statement using elif (else if). Slide 6
Explain that the else does not have a condition as this is what will
happen if all the other conditions have not been met.
Time Description Resources
10 mins They work in pairs to answer the questions on the slide and then Slide 7
go through the answers with the whole class. Lesson 2

© Nichola Wilkin 2013

Python Lesson 3 of 3
Lesson objective: Write simple programs using Python.
All will be able to: Most will be able to: Some will be able to:
Use the random function in Use For and While loops in your Create simple games using
your programs. programs. Python.
Key Facts about the lessons
Key Vocabulary: Key Questions:
 If statements  For loop What does your code do?
 Random  While loop How can you find out why your code is not
working correctly?
Method of Assessment: PLTS:
Teacher analysis of work, observation of working Independent enquirers
practices and listening to students group Effective participants
discussions (A. O. 2 and A. O. 3) Reflective learners
Creative thinkers
Time Description Resources
5 mins Create the program on slide 2 to recap if statements from last Lesson 3.ppt
lesson. Slide 1 & 2
Main Activities
Time Description Resources
5 mins Explain the learning objective and success criteria; give out Slide 3 – 4
homework so they can write it into their planners. Lesson 3
15 mins Explain how to import and use the random function. The students slide 5 – 6
create the “Snap” game code and then alter it to create the “Rock Random
… Paper … Scissors” game. Function
Extension Activity 1: Give them the Random Function Extension Extension
Activity handout to work through (2 copies per sheet to save on handout
15 min Once everybody has an idea of how to use the random function Slide 7 - 8
and the If statement then go through the For loop, they should
type in the code to test it out. Give them the problem to try and
solve and they can work together to try to create the code. Show
the answer when most have answered the code or if they are
20 mins Explain the While loop and they type in the code to test it out. Set Slide 9 – 10
the class the problem and they should work in pairs to try to solve Guess the
it. Show them the code when they are ready. Number Game
Extension activity 2: Give them the Guess The Number Game to handout
recap what they have learnt.

© Nichola Wilkin 2013

Visit our website to find out about our other schemes of work.

© Nichola Wilkin 2013


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