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B a c k t r a c k i n g - F r e e D i c t i o n a r y A c c e s s M e t h o d for

Japanese Morphological Analysis

Hiroshi Maruyama
I B M Research, Tokyo Research L a b o r a t o r y

1 Introduction Input sentence: ~-[-Ill:~f¢:,~ e) I-3f-~: j~. --~/:. o

JMA output:

22.-I-ft1:*i1:19 I~:19 ©:76

Since the Japanese language does not have
-I-~I-::19 ~:. :78
explicit word boundaries, dictionary lookup
i x : 9 0 : 2 9 ]'2:63 o :100
should be done, in principle, for all possible sub-
strings in an input sentence. Thus, Japanese
morphological analysis involves a large number Fig. 1: Sample input/output of JMA
of dictionary accesses.
2 Japanese Morphological
The standard technique for handling this Analysis
problem is to use the T R I E structure to find all
the words that begin at a given position in a sen- 2.1 Grammar
tence (Morimoto and Aoe 1993). This process is
executed for every character position in the sen- A Japanese morphological analyzer (here-
tence; that is, after looking up all the words be- after called the JMA) takes an input sentence
ginning at position n, the program looks up all and segments it into words and phrases, attach-
the words beginning at position n + 1, and so ing a part-of-speech code to each word at the
same time. Figure 1 shows a sample input and
on. Therefore, some characters may be scanned
more than once for different starting positions. the output of our JMA.
Tile grammaticality of a sequence of
Japanese words is mainly determined by look-
This paper describes an attempt to minimize
ing at two consecutive words at a time (that
this 'backtracking' by using an idea similar to one
is, hy looking at two-word windows). There-
proposed by Aho and Corasick (Aho 1990) for
fore, Japanese morphological analysis is nor-
multiple-keyword string matching. When used
really done by using a Regular Grammar (e.g.,
with a 70,491-word dictionary that we developed
Maruyama and Ogino 1994). Our JMA gram-
for Japanese morphological analysis, our method
mar rules have the following general form:
reduced the number of dictionary accesses by
25%. state1 ~ "word" [linguistic-features]
state2 cost=cost.
The next section briefly describes the prob-
lem and our basic idea for handling it. The de- Each grammar rule has a heuristic cost, and
tailed algorithm is given in Section 3 and Sec- tile parse with the minimum cost will be selected
tion 4, followed by the results of an experiment as the most plausible morphological reading of
in Section 5. the input sentence. A part of our actual gram-

mar is shown in Figure 2. Currently our gram- with "~{'.1." in the dictionary. The start, lug posi-
mar has about 4,300 rules and 400 nonterminal tion is l, hen set I,o 3 and t.rled again, and this
symbols. ,.i,,~ th,. words "al~:~ (,:,lnlp,,Ce,.y and "i}t~';
k)~;{'~{i[i( facilit,y)" are obtained. 'e
2.2 Dictionary Lookup The problem here ix (,hal;, even though we
know that, 1,here is "TQ){l!}i[.~])~ ([rarne)"
While the flmction words (particles, auxiliary
al, posit;ion I, we look up "}}[~{:t~ (computer)"
verbs, and so on, totaling several hundred) are
again. Since "iil~:~.~: (computer)" is a snhstring
encoded in the g r a m m a r rules, the content words
of "9'4~{~iI'~;)1~ (n-lainframe)," we know that, t;he
(nouns, verbs, and so on) are stored in st sepa-
word "~,i]~,i~ (compul:er)" exists at, posit;ion 3 as
rate dictionary. Since content words may appear
soon as we lind "X~{~}~[~3,,i~(lnainframe)" at i)o-.
at any position in tile input sentence, dictionary
sit;ion I. Therefore, going back l;o 1;he root node
access is tried from all the positions n.
at position 3 and trying mat;citing all over again
For example, in the sentence fragment: ill Fig-
means duplicatAng our efforts unnecessarily.
ure 3,

"7..~ ~{'/. (large)" and "J~ ~I'J.~i[ ~i ~ 2.4 Eliminating Backtracking

Our idea is to use t,he b)dex stsuct,m'e d e
are the results of dictionary access at, posit.ion w~loped by Abe a n d Corasick to find muli;iple
1. For simplicity, we assume that the dictionary sl,rings in a text. Figure 5 shows l;he TRII!;
contains only the following words: with a called t;he fail pointer associated
"i~ ~ (large)," with the node corresponding to l;he word "7)k/~IT/
";k2~lJ.~['.~ ~: (mainframe)," ~'[~2~: (mail fxa.nm) ' (the rightmost, word in Lhe
"a]'~ (computer)", first row). When a match st;re'Ling al, position
"~Ig ~ f~ ( facility)," n reaches I,his node, it is gnaranl,eetl that tile
and sl.ring "~,ilJ)i~,~" exists starting at position n -t-2.
",~R~ (facility)." Therefore, if the next character in the input sen-
tence does not mat,oh any of the child nodes, we
2.3 Using TRIE do not go b~ck to the root but go back to the
node corresponding 1,o this substring by follow-
The most common m e t h o d for dictionary ing t,he fail pointer, and resume matching from
lookup is to use an index structure called T R I E this node. For the input sentence in l,'igure 3,
(see Figure 4). The dictionary lookup begins l.he dict,ionary access proceeds as indica.ted by
with the root node. T h e hatched nodes represent. the dot, t;ed line in I.he Figure 5, 13n(ling the words
the terminal no(tes that correspond to dictionary ")<~{t! (la.rge)," "g<~{t[}][#:~.~(mair,[','ame)," "]i[~'~:
entries. At position 1 in tile sentence ab(we, I,wo ' ~ (COlIIplll;cT)," and so on. Thus, the nmnt)er of
words, "Jq~.eJ. (large)" and " )k:)l'-I.}i].~:~.~(main- dictionary node ac(:esses is greatly reduced.
frame)," are found. Ill many Japanese tnorphok)gical analysis
Then, the starting position is advanced 1;o the systems, the dictionary ix held in the secondary
second character in the text; and the dictionary storage, a.nd t,herefore the number of dictionary
lookup is tried again. In this case, no word is
found, because there are no words thai, begins ~Wh,, r,,:~, ch,~t "X~{'~iil~A:~.~(,,**i,,~'~,-,,,0" w,~.~re,,.,1
heft)re does no(. neees;sarily mean f,[ud, there is no need
~Actual' dictionaries' '£1so co,train i')'C (big)," " ,b~,! to l~mk up "~{I'~:)~%.(computr.r...)," because at this point
(type)," "~'1"(measure)," "i{l'~: (compute)," "~'~:(cwdm.)," twa interpretat.ions, "mainframe facilit.y" and "large com-
" ~ (m,.:hi.~.)," "~b~(~.~t,,bU.~h)," ,.,,i "~;;i(p,.,,~...... )." puting facilit.y," are possible.

J[~i~/~ -> EAGYOU-SDAN [pos=l,kow=doushi] ~ f 5 f~;
YJ~ 5 [~ -> °'~'" [pos=26,kow=v_infl] ~,[iJ5 ~ k , ~ 4 ~x,~ cost=300;
~ ] 5 ~-~,~)- 4~(ff6 -> "J'" [pos=64,kow=jodoushi,fe={negative}]
"~" [pos=78, kow=set suzoku_j oshi]
~ I t J j ~ ~'f cost=500;
~l~J~J~,~Y/ -> J[~)~ cost=999;
~ 1 -> "" [pos=48,kow=jodoushi] J~J~-~Y~,#~ cost=S00;
.... ~ ~)~J~ cost=300;
~)j~y~t~ _> "fZ o " [pos=45,kow=aux_infl] '"~J[J~ cost=a00;

Fig. 2: Some of the grammar rules

t ~ 3 fl" g- 6 '?

4large -~ = c o m p u t e r - "
4 mainframe
* computing laiSility 4~

Pig. 3: Dictionary lookup for Japanese morphological analysis

~F,j ~- ~m ,11" ~-F--1 D: ~ ~_m

- t__.l

Fig. 4: T R I E index

~¢" G% t.-:
-I I

Fig. 5: 'I'I{IE structure with ]hil pointers

node accesses dominates the performance of the 3 Constructing TRIE with fail
overall system.
A TI{IF, index with fail pointers is created in
the following two steps:

1. Create a TI{IE iudex, and

2.5 Other Cosiderations 2. Calculate a fail pointer of each node in the


Since Step 1 is well known, we will describe only

Theoretically there is a I)ossiMlity of 1)rm,ing
Step 2 here.
dictionary lookup by using the state set at. posi-
]"or each node n, Step 9 given the
tion n. For example, if no noun can follow rely
value fail(n). In the following algorittlm,
of the states in the current state set, there is no
for'ward('n, c) denotes the chikl node of the node
need to look up nouns. One way to do this prun-
'n whose associated character is c. If there is no
ing is to associate with each node a bit vector
such node, we define f o r w a r d ( n , e) = hi]. Root
representing the set of all parts of speech of some
is the root no(le of the T1HF,.
word beyond this node. [f the intersection of the
expected set of parts of speeche an(t the possi. "2-1 j'ail(l~oot) ~- leooe
bilities beyond this node is empty, the expansion
2-2 for each node ft. of depth 1, fail(n) ~ lSmt
of this no(te can be pruned. In general, however,
almost every character position t)redicts most of 2-a re,. e~,:l~ depth d - - 1,2, ...,
the parts of speech. Thus, it is common practice
2-3-1 for each node. n with depLh d,
in Japanese morphok)gical analysis to h)ok up
every possible prefix at every character position. 2-3- I-I for each child node rn of n (where
m = f o r w a r d ( n , c:)),
Hidaka et al. (1984) used a modified l{-tree f a i l ( m ) +-- f ( f a i l ( n ) , c).
instead of a simple TRIE. Altough a B-tree has
l[ere, ]'(n, c) is defined as follows:
much less nodes than a T R I E and thus the num-
ber of secondary storage accesses can be signif- fail(',,.) if f o r w a r d ( n , c) 5L nil
icantly reduced, it still backtracks to the next f('n, c) = f(fail(n),c) if f o r w a r d ( n , c:) = nil
character position and duplicate matching is in- & n ~ Root
evitable. t~oot otherwise

If tile node corresponds to the end of some traditional T R I E and was 27% faster in CPU
word, we record the length l of the word in the time. The CPU time was measured with all the
node. For example, at the node that corresponds nodes in the main memory.
to the end of the word " ~ : ~ t ' ~ : ~ (mainframe)", For the computer manuals, the reduction rate
I = 5 and l = 3 are recorded because it is the end was a little larger. This is attributable to the fact
of both of the words " ~ ] . ~ : ~ (mainframe, that computer manuals tend to contain longer,
l = 5)" and "~l'-~-~ (computer, l = 3)." 3 more technical terms than newspaper artMes.
Figure 6 shows the complete T R I E with tile Our method is more effective if there are a large
fail pointers. number of long words in a text.

4 Dictionary access 6 Conclusion

The algorithm for consulting the dictionary We have proposed a new method of dictio-
is quite simple: nary lookup for Japanese morphological anal-
1 n +-- Root ysis. The idea is quite simple and easy to
implement with a very small amount of over-
2 for each character position i = 11,2, ...k, head (a fail pointer and an array of length l
to each node). For large l,ermiriology dictionar-
2-1 while n 7~ Root and f o r w a r d ( n , ci) =
ies (medical, chemical, and so on), this method
nil do n ~-- fail(n)
will greatly reduce tile overhead related to dic-
2-2 n = f o r w a r d ( n , c l ) tionary access, which dominates the efllciency
2-3 ifn is the end of some word(s), output of practical Japanese morphological analyzers.
them Fast Japanese morphological analyzers will be
crucial to the success of statistically-based lan-
where ci is the character at position i.
guage analysis in the near fllture (Maruyama et
al. 1993).
5 Experimental results
We applied the T R I E with fail pointers to References
our 70,491-word dictionary for Japanese mor-
phological analysis (in which the average word 1. Atlo, A. V., 1990: "Algorithms for Finding
length is 2.8 characters) and compared it with Patterns in Strings," in Leeuwen, J.V. ed.,
a conventional TRIE-based system, using two Handbook of Theoretical Computer Sci-
sets of data: newspapers articles (44,113 char- ence, Volume A - Algorithms and Com-
acters) and computer manuals (235,104 charac- plexity, pp. 273-278, Elsevier.
ters). The results are shown in Table 1.
2. llidaka, T., Yoshida, S., and Inanaga, II.,
The tables show both the number of node ac-
1984: "Extended B-Tree and Its Applica-
cesses and the actual CPU time. For the news-
tions to Japanese Word Dictionaries," (In
paper articles, our method (marked as T R I E w/
Japanese) Trans. of IE[CE, Vol. 367-D,
FP) had 25% fewer node accesses than than the
No. 4:.
SThis information is redundant, because one can look
up every possible word by following the fail pointer, llow- 3. IIisamitsu,T. and Nitro, Y., ]991: "A
ever, if the nodes are in secondary storage, it is wort, h hav-
ing the length information within the node to minimize
Uniform 'h'eatment of Ileuristic Meth-
the disk access. ods for Morphological Analysis of Written

l,'ig. 6: TI{II,~ index with fail pointers

'I~RI],; TRII!' w/ 1,'1) l{educt~ionrat;e

Node accesses 104,118 78,706 25%
CPU time (set.) 64.77 40.92 27%
(a) 44,11t3 chara(%ers in newsi)aper articles
TRIE 'l~Rllg w/ F1) Reduction rate
Node accesses 542,542 883,176 30%
CPU time (see). 372.47 228.63 28%
(b) 235,104 (;haract~ers in computx~r mamlals

Table 1: lgxi)erimengal results

Japanese," Prec. of 2nd Japan-Australia

Joint Workshop on NLP.

4. Maruyama, II., Ogino, S., and I[idano, M.,

1993: "The Mega-Word Tagged-Corpus
Project," Prec. of 5lh International Con-
ference on Theoretical and Methodological
Issues in Machine Translation (TM1-93),
Kyoto, Japan.

5. Maruyama, H. and Ogino, S., 1994:

"Japanese Morphological Analysis Based
on Regular Grammar," (In Japanese),
Transactions of IPSJ, to appear.

6. Morimoto, K. and Aoe, J., 1993: "Two

Trie Structures far Natural Language [)ic-
tionaries," Prec. of Natural Language Pro-
cessing Pacific Rim Symposium (NLPR,9
'93), Fukuoka, Japan.


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