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Method and Methodology

Reference is made to two separate elements of language

teaching: the approach suggested by theorists, and the method
used by the students. What the teachers are actually doing in
the classroom is different from what the theorists are
Method that refers to established methods designed and
constructed by field experts, the term, methodology, refers to
what trainees actually do in the classroom to achieve their
stated or unstable teaching objectives.
According to mackey difference between method analysis an
teaching analysis:
First of all, any meaning of the method must distinguish between what
a teacher teaches and what a book teaches. It must not confuse the
text used by the teacher, or the method used, with the teaching of the
teacher. Method analysis is one thing, therefore, teaching analysis is
quite another. Method analysis determines how the book is taught;
teaching analysis shows how much the teacher is doing.

In other words, an analysis of teaching can only be carried out by

analyzing and interpreting authentic classroom data, including the
methodological practices of the teacher as revealed through classroom
input and interaction, and the intention of the teacher and the
interpretation of the learner. Method analysis, on the other hand, can
be carried out by simply analyzing and interpreting differences.
Approach, Method, and Technique

According to Antony Approach is a set of correlative assumptions concerning the nature

of language and the nature of language teaching and learning. It describes the nature of
the subject matter to be taught. An approach incorporates the theoretical principles
governing language learning and language teaching.

A method, however, is "the overall plan for orderly presentation of the

language material, no part of which is contradictory, and all which is
based on the chosen approach. Approach is axiomatic, the method is
A technique is defined as a specific trick, strategy, or contrivance used
to achieve an immediate objective.
Drawbacks of Antony model
The Antony framework is defective in a different way. It attempted to
portray the entire language teaching operation as a simple, hierarchical
relationship between approach, method, and technique, without taking
into account in any way the complex connections between factors such
as associate demands, institutional resources and constraints,
educational effectiveness, and learner needs.

Clarke definition of method , approach and technique

Approach, by limiting our perspective on language learning and
teaching, serves as a blinder that hinders, rather than encourages,
professional growth. Method is so vague that it means just about
anything that anyone wants to mean, with the result that it doesn't
really mean anything.
And technique, by giving the impression that teaching activities can be
understood as separate abstractions from the context in which they
occur, obscures the fact that classroom practice is a dynamic
interaction of various systems.

Approach, Design, and Procedure

Rodger and Richard model:
approach, defines the assumptions, beliefs and theories about the nature of
language and the nature of language learning that act as an axiomatic construct
or reference point and provides a theoretical basis for what language teachers
ultimately do with classroom learners.
The second level of the system, design, defines the relationship between language
theories and learning, both in terms of the form and function of teaching
materials and activities in educational settings.
The third level, procedure, consists of classroom techniques and practices which
are the consequences of specific approaches and designs.

Design, however, is broader than Antony's methodology, since it

includes the specification of (a) the content of the instruction, i.e. the
syllabus, (b) the role of learners, (c) the role of teachers, and (d) the
instruction materials and their types and functions.
Procedure, like technique in the Antony framework, refers to the actual
time-to-time activity of the classroom. It includes a specification of the
context of use and a description of exactly what is expected for each
type of exercise in terms of execution and outcome.

Drawbacks of Rodger and Richard framework

At least some information on the three areas of analysis—approach, design,
procedure—must be inferred because the proponents of each method do not
always provide comprehensive outlines of the underlying theory and of all areas
of practice. Therefore, the determination of certain aspects may be a matter of
interpreting statements or materials and, as a result, there is a risk of
However, the framework could hardly be used to evaluate The relative
effectiveness or usefulness of "language teaching" methods, assuming that this
refers to what teachers do in the classroom. For example, several variables that
shape the success or failure of classroom language learning/teaching—variables
such as intake factors and intake processes—are not taken into account.

Principles and Procedures

With a three-tier framework, an obvious and perhaps inherent

disadvantage is that it is difficult to keep the boundaries separate
without redundancy and overlap. This is particularly so because we are
dealing with different levels of organization, all of which form an
integral part of the interdependent system.

Comparison between Antony frame work and Richard and Rodgers

Besides, what we use such a system for, we need to keep in mind. With
the same end in mind, Antony and Richards and Rodgers did not
suggest their structures. Antony had a very limited goal of providing a
pedagogical filing system in which several concepts, either
contradictory or compatible, could be put forward. He actually hoped
that his system would help to minimize the terminological complexity in
the field of language teaching a little. In other words, his framework is
intended to be a descriptive instrumHowever, Richards and Rodgers had
a higher goal. They're
Framework is an attempt to provide insight into the internal adequacy
of particular methods, as well as into the similarities and differences
between alternative methods. They hoped that their framework could
be used to describe, evaluate and compare methods in language
teaching. In other words, their framework is also meant to be an
evaluation tool.

According to Kumar we have two-part distinction:

Principles and procedures.

The term, principles, can be defined operationally as A set of insights derived from
theoretical and applied linguistics, cognitive psychology, information sciences, and other
related disciplines that provide a theoretical basis for language learning, language
planning, and language teaching.

Procedures can be defined as a set of teaching strategies adopted/adapted by the

teacher in order to achieve the stated and unstated short-and long-term
objectives of language learning and teaching in the classroom. Therefore, certain
elements of Antony's approach and method, and the approach and design of
Richards and Rodgers, can be subsumed by principles. Procedures may cover
classroom events, practices, or techniques. Note that these two terms are just
useful for descriptive methods and not for classroom teaching evaluation.


It is therefore useful to categorize existing methods into (a) language-centered

methods, (b) learner-centered methods, and (c) learning-centered methods for
the purpose of study and comprehension.

Language centernees
Language-centered approaches are those that mainly deal with linguistic forms .

These techniques (such as the audio-lingual method) are intended to

Provide learners with opportunities to practice preselected, presequenced
linguistic frameworks through form-focused classroom exercises, believing that
concern with form eventually contributes to the mastery of the target language
and that learners can draw on this formal repertoire whenever they want to
communicate in the target language out of the class.
According to this view, the development of language is more intentional than
incidental. In other words, learners are required to pay constant and deliberate
attention to linguistic features by systematic preparation and sustained practice in
order to understand and use them. Language-centered pedagogues treat
language learning as a linear, additive operation. The teacher's task is to introduce
one discreet linguistic item at a time and to help learners practice it until they
internalize it.

Learner-Centered Methods

Learner-centered methods are those that are primarily concerned with

learning needs, wants and situations. These methods seek to provide
opportunities for learners to practice pre-selected, pre-sequenced
linguistic structures and communicative notions/functions through
meaning-focused activities, claiming that the focus on form and
function will ultimately lead to targeted language mastery and that
learners can make use of both the formal and functional repertoire to
complete their communicative skills. The objective of learner-centered
pedagogists is to make language learners grammatically accurate and
fluent in communication. In social interaction or for academic study,
they take into account the real-life language of the learner and present
linguistic structures in communicative contexts.

Comparison between learner centered method and language

centered methods
Proponents of learner-centered methods, such as those of language-
Centered methods, believe in accumulated entities. One of the major differences
is that in the case of language-centered methods, the accumulations represent
linguistic structures and, in the case of learner-centered methods, they represent
structures and as well as concepts and functions. In addition, just as language-
centered pedagogists believe that a language's linguistic structures can be
presented and explained sequentially, learner-centered pedagogists also believe
that each conceptual/functional category can be matched with one or more
linguistic forms and presented and explained sequentially to the learner

Learning centered methods

Learning-centered approaches are those specifically concerned with cognitive
language learning processes. These methods, such as the Natural Approach, seek
to provide opportunities for learners to participate in open-ended meaningful
interaction through problem-solving tasks in the classroom, assuming that
concern for meaning-making will ultimately lead to target language mastery and
that learners can deploy the still-developing interlanguage to achieve both
linguistic and pragmatic knowledge or ability.

Comparison between learning centered methods, learner centered methods

and language centered methods:
In this case, unlike the language centerness and the learner centeness, language
development is more incidental than intentional. In other words, grammar
construction can take place when students pay attention to the process of making
meanings, even if they are not explicitly focused on the formal features of the
language. Language development is a nonlinear process, according to learning-
centered pedagogists, and therefore does not require preselected, presequenced
systemic language input, but requires the creation of conditions under which
learners participate in meaningful classroom activities. They assume that when
the emphasis is not on the language, a language is better learned, that is, when
the focus of the learner is on understanding, saying, and doing something with
language, and not when their attention is directly concentrated on linguistic
Psycholinguistic Vacuum (p. 79). That is, in an effort to integrate learner
centerness into methods of language teaching, they claim to draw ideas from
psycholinguistic studies on language development. As a result, the changes they
advocate relate not only to the syllabus specifications—as has happened in the
case of the shift from language-centered to learning-centered methods—but to
all aspects of learning/teaching operations: syllabus design, material production,
classroom teaching, results assessment, and teacher education.


Community Language Learning treats teachers as language counselors

who are sensitive to the emotional struggle of language learners to
cope with language learning challenges. In the classroom, they are
supposed to create a non-threatening environment, forming a
community of learners who build trust among themselves to help each
In silent way Teachers should be silent in the classroom and talk only
when absolutely necessary. Using color charts and color rods as props,
teachers are expected to encourage learners to express their thoughts,
perceptions, and feelings, and to learn the language in the process.
Suggestopedia, which even now has a fancier name, Desuggestopedia,
the objective is to remove psychological barriers to learning through
psychological notion of suggestion. Using fine arts such as music, art
and drama, teachers are advised to create a comfortable classroom
environment in order to eliminate any fear of failure on the part of the
Total Physical Response recommends that teachers activate the motor
skills of their students by means of a command sequence in which
students perform an action, such as standing up, sitting down, walking
to the board, etc.
According to Kumar:
These new methods have also been dubbed designer methods. He
prefers to call them designer non-methods because, in my view, none
of them deserve the status of a technique. They are all not more than
classroom procedures that are consistent with the theoretical
underpinnings of learning-centered pedagogy. But, they are not full-fledged

According to Kumar a method to be considered a method At least two main

conditions must be met. First, a collection of theoretical concepts derived from
feeder disciplines and a set of classroom procedures aimed at educating teachers
should be told. Both the underlying principles and the proposed methods should
discuss the factors and processes governing learning and teaching in a consistent
Secondly, a method should be capable of guiding and sustaining different aspects
of language learning and teaching activities, particularly in terms of curriculum
content and ability levels (beginning, intermediate, and advanced).

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