EVIDENCE FORUM Sharing Expreriences York

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Learning activity 2

Evidence: Forum “Sharing experiences”

A. Go to the thematic forum “Sharing experiences” and write your

to these questions. Remember to support your ideas.
Think about an experience in your life where you were flexible and
adapted to a new situation or a change in your life. A challenging new
job, a trip to an unknown place, a new system in your office / school,
etc. What was the result? How did your flexibility and adaptability help
you to deal with the situation?
Share your experience with your partners. Write a 200-word text where
you describe your experience. Use mixed conditional sentences (at
least 4 examples), the idioms and vocabulary and ideas about
flexibility and adaptability studied in this learning activity (at least 8
words from the vocabulary). Remember to use connectors and


When I was 28 years old I was given a job opportunity in the capital city
of Bogotá for 2 years. I was offered a very competitive position and
some benefits like accommodation and transportation. Although it was
an interesting and brilliant opportunity, I was going to have a drastic
change in my life: I was going to be away from my family, the weather
was very cold (I had always lived on the coast, where the weather is
really hot), and the coast culture was different from that of Bogotana.

I speculated that I was not going to adapt to the conditions of the

weather and atmosphere that prevailed at that time, however, I
accepted the job offer and saw it as an opportunity to progress
personally and professionally. The first few months were hard at the
hotel where I resided had little water heaters. I had to deal with cold
and cold water. The air conditioning that is natural in the morning and in
the hours of the night was very terrible because of the cold that reigned.

The work was hard. He was working for Navy Armed Command and
had to draw up different documents in different areas of the office. In
addition, the food was different from the food he was used to on the
coast, so he had trouble eating the Bogota meals. It was difficult for me
to adapt to these feeding conditions, but I was determined to stay and
face those challenges of daily life.

If mother had come, she would have met Monserrat with us, if she had
bought that new mattress, she could sleep better at that time, we
wouldn’t have been late for work if my brother had bought the car, if
Robert didn’t owe money to the bank, I wouldn’t have taken a second

In the end, I adapted to the customs of Bogota and things started to

improve. I learned a lot from the culture and made very good friends. If I
hadn’t accepted that opportunity, I wouldn’t have such wonderful friends
and memories from the capital.  Besides, if I hadn’t learned a lot about
my work at the command, I wouldn’t be as successful in my job as a
Maritime Inspector.

B. For the second part of this activity you have to read your partners’
posts, select one and through the link “Responder” write your
opinion about your partner post. Use the idioms and vocabulary and
ideas about flexibility and adaptability studied in this learning
activity. Remember to use connectors and punctuation.


Cordial greetings Omar Feliciano Pérez Prada, my name is Heli

Agámez I am interested in your writing as an experience lived with your
co-worker joined a company where at first they had many
inconveniences, but they knew how to face it with a lot of dedication
and many efforts of both were able to come out of the challenges that
the company made to be able to fulfill its tasks, objectives and goals.

Also to deliver each of the works under construction having many

responsibilities to their workers and with the sections which I give to him
the responsibility of the construction of school and other projects, also
with the experience of his friend who already had an experience in
these works, it served as support to take out the projects that were
entrusted to him and went ahead.

Besides, if they hadn’t worked as a team, they could have stayed

together at work, if we hadn’t handled the difficulties, we would have
lost their winnings.
United they took the projects forward and were able to fulfill their
commitment and thus deliver the works without any setback according
to their schedule that was designed for that purpose.

Steps to participate in the forum:

• Click the Activity 2 button in the main menu. Then click on

Evidence: Forum “Sharing experiences”.
• Enter to the sequence, click on Responder, then click on Enviar.
• Select one of the partner’s commentaries and then express your
opinion clicking on the button Responder.
• Type the subject and the content with your opinion, then click on

Criterios de evaluación

• Combina diferentes condicionales para expresar ideas en el contexto requerido.

• Expresa ideas sobre flexibilidad y adaptabilidad en diferentes contextos de la vida, usando

el vocabulario requerido.

• Usa expresiones idiomáticas teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y contexto requerido.

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