Still Already Yet Anymore

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already a)the mail came an hour ago Idea of already: something

the mail is already here happened before now, before this
(déjà) used in affirmative time. (position=mid sentence)
Yet b)I expected the mail an hour ago, but Idea of yet: Something did not
it hasn’t come yet happen before now (up to this
(encore) used in negative statements time), but it may happen in the
future. (Position=end of sentence)
Still c) it was cold yesterday .It is still cold Idea of still : A situation continues
today. to exist from past to present without
d)I could play the piano when I was a change.
child. I can still play the piano. (position=mid sentence)
e) the mail didn’t come an hour ago.
The mail still hasn’t come.
Anymore f)I lived in Chicago two years ago, but Idea of anymore : A past situation
then I moved to another city. doesn’t continue to exist at present;
I don’t live in Chicago anymore a past situation has changed.
Anymore has the same meaning as
any longer.
(position=end of sentence)

Just I’ve just seen Susan coming out of the ‘Just’ is usually used only with the
cinema. present perfect tense and it means
Mike’s just called. Can you ring him ‘a short time ago’.
back please? (position=mid sentence)
Have you just taken my pen? Where
has it gone?

NOTE Already is used in affirmative

Yet and anymore are used in negative
Still is used in either affirmative or
negative sentences.

Just comes between the auxiliary verb

(‘have’) and the past participle.

Name: Sebastián Moreno Class: English II Date: 05-06-2020

Complete the sentences using already, yet, still, or anymore

1. It’s 1.00P.M. I’m hungry .I haven’t eaten lunch yet

2. It’s 1.00 P.M. I’m not hungry. I’ve already eaten lunch.
3. Eric was hungry, so he ate a candy bar a few minutes ago .But he’s still.hungry, so he’s going
to have another candy bar.
4. I used to eat lunch at the cafeteria every day, but now I bring my lunch to school in a paper
bag instead. I don’t eat in the cafeteria anymore.
5. It started raining an hour ago. We can’t go for a walk because it’s still raining. I hope it stops
6. Look! The rain has stopped .It isn’t raining anymore Let’s go for a walk.
7. I didn’t understand this chapter in my biology book when I read it yesterday .Since then, I’ve
read it three times, but I still don’t understand it!
8. I don’t have to study to night. I’ve alreadyfinished all my homework.
9. I started a letter to my parents yesterday, but I haven’t finished it yet .I’ll finish it later
today and put it in the mail.
10. I started a letter to my parents yesterday .I thought about finishing it last night before I
went to bed, but I didn’t. I still haven’t finished it*

*in negative sentences, still and yet express similar meanings. The meanings of haven’t
finished it yet and I still haven’t finished it are similar.

Complete the dialogues using already, yet, still, or anymore.

1. Has Bob found a new job yet?

No. He still works at the bookstore.

2. When is your sister going to come to visit you?

She’s already here. She got here yesterday.

3. Do you still live on Pine Avenue?

No I don’t live there anymore I moved to another apartment closer to school.

4. Is Anne home yet?

No she isn’t. I’m getting worried .She was supposed to be home at eight. It’s almost nine and
she still isn’t here.
Don’t worry. She’ll probably be here any minute.

5. I’m going to have another sandwich.

What? You just ate three sandwiches!
I know, but I’m not full yet .I’m still hungry.

6. Would you like to see today’s newspaper?

Thanks, but I’ve already read it

7. Did you try to call Peter again?

Yes, but the line was still busy I’ll try again in a few minutes.

8. How does Dick like his job at the hardware store?

He doesn’t work there already .He found a new job.

9. Is your younger sister a college student?

No. She’s……………................… high school.

10. How did you do on your calculus exam?

I haven’t taken it yet.The exam is tomorrow. I’m still studying for it.

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