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Sambodhi ISSN: 2249-6661

(UGC Care Journal) Vol-44, No.-1(IV), January-March (2021)

Research Ethics and Ethical Challenges in Research Work- A Critical Study

Dr. Gaurav Sinha

Head of Department, Dept. of Management, YBN University, Ranchi.

Dr. Shikha Yadav

Assistant Professor, Botany, Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar
The research paper provides a brief overview of the ethical codes and behaviours that are required to be followed at the time of
conducting a research work. This research work will provide a better understanding of all the ethical code of conduct and the
principles that are required to be followed in order to avoid the ethical challenges. This research work has been prepared to
provide a detailed understanding of the topic “Research Ethics and Ethical Challenges in Research Work. A Critical Study”.
Several factors like ethical principles while conducting a research, ethical challenges faced by the researchers, characteristics
of a good research work have been taken into account.
Keywords: Research ethics, research challenges, Ethical challenges in Research, Plagiarism.

This research work has been prepared to provide a detailed understanding of the topic “Research Ethics and Ethical Challenges
in Research Work. A Critical Study”. It provides a brief overview of the ethical codes and behaviours that are required to be
followed at the time of conducting a research work. This research work will provide a better understanding of all the ethical
code of conduct and the principles that are required to be followed in order to avoid the ethical challenges.
Problem Statement
At the time of conducting research, it is seen that a large number of issues or challenges are required to be faced by the
researchers. These challenges mainly arise as a result of the conflict that takes place between the expeditious conduct of a
study and the burdens of doing what is important for the humans (Andrée, Danckwardt-Lillieström and Wiblom, 2020).
Research Questions
1. What are the ethical principles that are required to be followed at the time of conducting Research work?
2. What are the Ethical challenges that are required to be faced by the researcher at the time of conducting Research work?
3. What are the necessary recommendations for preventing the Ethical challenges that are faced by the researcher at the
time of conducting Research work?
4. What are the characteristics of an efficient and effective Research work?
Research Aims and Objectives
All the necessary ethics that are related to the proper conduct of the research plan may help us to take proper decisions and
help to control our behaviour (Bailey and Williams, 2018). The ethical code of conduct and principles that are required to be
considered at the time of conducting any research can be termed as Research Ethics.
Research Significance
The methodology section of the research plan mainly focuses on the selection of the essential subject for the research work,
determination of the size of the sample for the purpose of conducting proper research, the various protocols or rules that are
required to be considered and maintained at the time of implementation of the research work(Bishop and Gray, 2017).
Research Gap
It is seen that the ethical codes and principles are the basic form or expressions that are required to be considered and followed
by an individual at the time of conducting any research. This research can be either indoor as well as outdoor. Thus, it is seen
that in order to avoid the ethical challenges that may come in the path of the researcher.
Literature Review
This section of the research work helps to provide a better understanding of the main idea of the key concept related with
Research Ethics and Ethical Challenges that are associated with the research work. A large number of article shave been
reviewed based on the topic “Research Ethics and Ethical Challenges in Research Work. A Critical Study”. After the analysis
and review of the articles, this section of the research work has been prepared (Taylor and Pagliari, 2018). All the research
ethics are required to be followed effectively at the time of adapting a correct methodology as well at the time of conducting
Research Ethics
As per the expert’s scholars, it has been seen that the term Research Ethics generally refer to the guidelines or the principles
that are required to be followed while conducting a research work (Wilson, Kenny and Dickson-Swift, 2018). Thus, it
indirectly helps the researchers to educate and monitor that all the research work has been conducted as per the ethical
standards that are issues by the higher authorities. There is various ethic that are required to be followed. These research ethics
can be elaborately discussed as follows. They are:

Sambodhi ISSN: 2249-6661
(UGC Care Journal) Vol-44, No.-1(IV), January-March (2021)
 All information should be maintained privately and confidential:One of the most important principle for maintaining the
research ethics is that the information’s relating to the participants should be maintained properly (Andrée, Danckwardt-
Lillieström and Wiblom, 2020). The information of the participants is considered to be confidential.
 All the multiple roles should be executed properly and effectively:In a research work, it is seen that the researcher is
required to executive a large number of roles.
 All the rule and regulations are required to be maintained: At the time of conducting the research, all the rules and
regulations that are implemented by the
 Obtaining consent from the participants of the research work: It is very important to take care of the ethical codes and
principles at the time of conducting the research. This will prevent the occurrence of the ethical challenges that are being
aroused in the path of the research work (Bailey and Williams, 2018).
 The participants of the research work should not be harmed: It has also been seen that a large number of researchers
focus on the ways for expanding and improving their knowledge and are very focused on the consideration of the
methodology section of the project.
 Not to use any deceptive practices: These are required to be properly implemented because it has a huge connection with
the values and cultural behaviour which are inculcated within us (Bishop and Gray, 2017).
 Providing adequate right any opportunities to the participants of the research work: It is the duty of the researcher to
provide fair and efficient right to the participants.
Ethical Challenges
In case all the ethical principles are not followed by the researchers at the time of conducting the research work, it is seen that a
large number of ethical challenges may arise in the path of the research (Taylor and Pagliari, 2018). These ethical challenges
can be determined as follows. They are:
 There are chances that there may be conflict among the participants as well as the researchers at the time of
conducting the research work. This conflict mainly arises as a result of the differences of opinions and ideas.
 One of the most important challenges faced by the researcher is that the research work should be free from plagiarism
(Wilson, Kenny and Dickson-Swift, 2018).
 All the data relating to the research work should be analysed properly. Improper analysis may create a problem for the
 The study design should be selected properly. This is the key property which makes a research work effective and
 It is seen that all the ethical code of conduct should be executed properly.
Research design and methodology
The research methodology forms an essential part of the entire research work. It helps in establishing the relationships
among the several data variables. There are several types of philosophies that may be adopted for conducting the research
work. It takes into account a logical, detailed and rational approach for conducting the research. There are several types of
research approaches that may be adopted while undertaking the research. One of them is the deductive approach that makes
appropriate conclusions from all the information and data that is present. Both the primary as well as secondary data have been
used in order to obtain sufficient data for conducting the research work.
Research Philosophy
There are several types of philosophies that may be adopted for conducting the research work (Wang et al, 2019). One
is that of positivism, it takes into account a logical, detailed and rational approach for conducting the research (VanKooten,
2019). Another Approach is that of Interpretivism that takes into consideration all the real-life situations and aspects as a basis
of conducting research. Another philosophy is that of pragmatic that takes into consideration a detailed background for the
research work. Another approach is that of realism that considers reality and logical approach as the basis of research. A
positivism philosophy is suitable with the nature and type of research that is undertaken (Rix, Wilson, Sheehan and Tujague,
Research Approach
There are several types of research approaches that may be adopted while undertaking the research (Perna, 2020). One
of them is the deductive approach that makes appropriate conclusions from all the information and data that is present.Another
approach is an inductive one that arrives at detailed observations based on the inferences. Another approach is that of
abductive approach that is a combination of a deductive and inductive approach. The deductive approach has been adopted for
undertaking the research work as it makes appropriate conclusions from all the information and data that is present (Rodrigues
and Rosa, 2019).
Research Design
A research design that is comprehensive and descriptive is used in conducting the entire research (Lai and Yuen,
2019). The design is chosen in such a way that it forms the background and framework of research (Hindley, November, Sturm
and Wolfgramm-Foliaki, 2020).
Data type, data collection, and analysis
Both the primary as well as secondary data have been used in order to obtain sufficient data for conducting the
research work. For collecting primary data, a survey has been conducted. This helps in analysing the opinions and beliefs of
Sambodhi ISSN: 2249-6661
(UGC Care Journal) Vol-44, No.-1(IV), January-March (2021)
the respondents. To collect secondary data, several newspapers, journals, books etc., have been thoroughly analysed. A string
theoretical background for formed on the basis of which the entire research work is conducted. The total number of
questionnaires that were prepared were one-hundred. All of team were received with the detailed responses of respondents.
The Ms Excel software was then used to graphically analyse and represent the responses received from the respondents.
Sample Size
A very essential technique for choosing the relevant sample for undertaking research work is to obtain samples from
the entire population and then analyse them to get the desired results. To do this, the technique of purposive sampling has been
used. Thus, it has been helpful in selecting the type and size of sample for conducting research work (Smith et al, 2020).
Process, tools, and methods for collecting the data
The process of data collection is through survey. The total number of questionnaires that were prepared were one-
hundred. All of team were received with the detailed responses of respondents. The Ms Excel software was then used to
graphically analyse and represent the responses received from the respondents.
Quantitative data collection
Surveys have been conducted to obtain quantitative data. The Ms Excel software was then used to graphically analyse
and represent the responses received from the respondents. The data has been interpreted in an efficient way by way of charts
and graphs.
Qualitative data collection
To collect data of qualitative nature, secondary data, several newspapers, journals, books etc., have been thoroughly
There are several problems that have been faced while undertaking the research work. A major problem that was
faced was due to the unavailability of sufficient data for conducting the research work. This led to lack of knowledge on
several aspects of the topic of research. Also, another limitation was the lack of communication between the respondents. Also,
the responses received through the surveys were biased to some extent. This may lead to chances of wrong inferences and false
discoveries. Also, there were limited number of sources of obtaining data and insufficient resources also. All these limitations
were faced while conducting the research and they have influenced the research work to some extent.
Ethical considerations
The major objective of conducting the research was to make sure that all the respondents were engaged completely so that the
surveys could be conducted in a transparent and comprehensive manner. It was ensured that prior consent of all the people
were obtained before their responses are taken. It was ensured that they participated in the surveys voluntarily without any
pressure (Benfell, 2020). Also, full confidentiality of their identity and responses were maintained. All the provisions of the
Data Collection Act must be duly complied with (Zawacki-Richter et al, 2020). There was effective communication and an
ethical code of conduct was maintained.
Findings and Analysis
1. What are the characteristics of an appropriate research work?
a. Ethically Correct
b. Acknowledgement of sources
c. Correct facts and figures
d. All of the above
Responses No., of responses Total responses Percentage of responses
Ethically Correct 1 10 1%
Acknowledgement of sources 2 10 2%
Correct facts and figures 2 10 2%
All of the above 5 10 5%


Ethically Correct Acknowledgement of Correct facts and All of the above
sources figures

No., of responses Total responses Percentage of responses

Sambodhi ISSN: 2249-6661
(UGC Care Journal) Vol-44, No.-1(IV), January-March (2021)
Interpretation- It has been observed that most of the respondents say that the characteristics of an appropriate research work
is- ethical correctness, acknowledgement of sources and correct representation of all the facts and figures.
2. What are the research ethics that must be taken care of while undertaking the research work?
a. Fair representation
b. True facts and figures
c. Detailed and correct acknowledgements
d. All of the above
Responses No., of responses Total responses Percentage of responses
Fair representation 1 10 1%
True facts and figures 2 10 2%
Detailed and correct 2 10 2%
All of the above 5 10 5%
Fair representation True facts and figures Detailed and correct All of the above

No., of responses Total responses Percentage of responses

Interpretation- From the analysis, it can be said that most of the respondents say that the essential research ethics that must be
taken care of while undertaking the research work are as follows- fair representation, true facts and figures and detailed

3. What are the ethical challenges faced while conducting the research?
a. False representation
b. Plagiarised
c. All of the above
Responses No., of responses Total responses Percentage of responses
False representation 1 10 1%
Plagiarised 2 10 2%
All of the above 7 10 7%



No., of responses Total responses Percentage of responses

False representation Plagiarised All of the above

Interpretation- Most of the respondents say that the ethical challenges faced while conducting the research work are- false
representation and plagiarism.
Sambodhi ISSN: 2249-6661
(UGC Care Journal) Vol-44, No.-1(IV), January-March (2021)
4. What measures can be taken to remove the ethical difficulties faced while conducting the research work?
a. Fairness
b. Ethical principles
c. All of them
Responses No., of responses Total responses Percentage of responses
Fairness 1 10 1%
Ethical principles 2 10 2%
All of them 7 10 7%


No., of responses Total responses Percentage of responses

Fairness Ethical principles All of them

Interpretation- Most of the respondents say that the measures that may be taken to remove ethical challenges are as follows-
application of fairness and ethical principles.
Thus, it can be concluded that the methodology section of the research plan mainly focuses on the selection of the essential
subject for the research work, determination of the size of the sample for the purpose of conducting proper research, the
various protocols or rules that are required to be considered and maintained at the time of implementation of the research
work.After the analysis and review of the articles, this section of the research work has been prepared. All the research ethics
are required to be followed effectively at the time of adapting a correct methodology as well at the time of conducting research.
One of the most important principle for maintaining the research ethics is that the information’s relating to the participants
should be maintained properly. There are chances that there may be conflict among the participants as well as the researchers
at the time of conducting the research work. This conflict mainly arises as a result of the differences of opinions and ideas.The
research methodology forms an essential part of the entire research work. It helps in establishing the relationships among the
several data variables. There are several types of philosophies that may be adopted for conducting the research work. It takes
into account a logical, detailed and rational approach for conducting the research. There are several types of research
approaches that may be adopted while undertaking the research. One of them is the deductive approach that makes appropriate
conclusions from all the information and data that is present. Both the primary as well as secondary data have been used in
order to obtain sufficient data for conducting the research work.Both the primary as well as secondary data have been used in
order to obtain sufficient data for conducting the research work. For collecting primary data, a survey has been conducted. This
helps in analysing the opinions and beliefs of the respondents. To collect secondary data, several newspapers, journals, books
etc., have been thoroughly analysed. A string theoretical background for formed on the basis of which the entire research work
is conducted. The total number of questionnaires that were prepared were one-hundred. All of team were received with the
detailed responses of respondents. The Ms Excel software was then used to graphically analyse and represent the responses
received from the respondents.
Andrée, M., Danckwardt-Lillieström, K. and Wiblom, J., 2020. Ethical challenges of symmetry in participatory science
education research–Proposing a heuristic for ethical reflection. In Examining Ethics in Contemporary Science
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Bailey, L. and Williams, S.J., 2018. The ethical challenges of researching refugee education. Qualitative Research Journal.
Benfell, A., 2020. Modeling functional requirements using tacit knowledge: a design science research methodology informed
approach. Requirements Engineering, pp.1-18.
Bishop, L. and Gray, D., 2017. Ethical challenges of publishing and sharing social media research data. In The ethics of online
research. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Hindley, P., November, N., Sturm, S. and Wolfgramm-Foliaki, E., 2020. Rolling out the mat: A talanoa on talanoa as a higher
education research methodology. In Theory and Method in Higher Education Research. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Sambodhi ISSN: 2249-6661
(UGC Care Journal) Vol-44, No.-1(IV), January-March (2021)
Lai, J. and Yuen, P.L., 2019. Performance evaluation for hospital facility management: literature review and a research
methodology. Journal of Facility Management Education and Research, 3(1), pp.38-43.
Perna, L.W., 2020. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. Volume 35. Springer. 233 Spring Street, New York,
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Rodrigues, P. and Rosa, P.J., 2019. Eye-tracking as a research methodology in educational context: A spanning framework.
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emergency medicine quantitative research over a 20-year period. Emergency Medicine Journal, 37(6), pp.324-329.
Taylor, J. and Pagliari, C., 2018. Mining social media data: How are research sponsors and researchers addressing the ethical
challenges?. Research Ethics, 14(2), pp.1-39.
VanKooten, C., 2019. A research methodology of interdependence through video as method. Computers and Composition, 54,
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review. Qualitative health research, 28(2), pp.189-199.
Zawacki-Richter, O., Kerres, M., Bedenlier, S., Bond, M. and Buntins, K., 2020. Systematic reviews in educational research:
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