PSY2016 L2 Humanistic Theories - PCT

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Counselling & Psychological Therapies

Humanistic Theories & Therapies

PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

A Selective Overview of Humanistic Theory
& Therapy:

– Basic Humanistic Concepts

– Person Centered Counselling/Therapy

– Motivational Interviewing
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Humanistic Psychology
• Focus on Phenomenology: Humans are aware, and
also of being aware;

• Believe in Free Will: Humans have some choice and

therefore responsibility;

• Believe meaning is important: Humans are

intentional and goal-oriented. They are aware that
they cause future events and seek meaning, value &
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Humanistic Psychology

• Emphasise the uniqueness of each individual:

Humans supersede the sum of their parts, they can
not be reduced to isolated elements.
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Humanistic Therapies
Humanistic Therapies:

• Person-Centred

• Gestalt

• Emotion-Focused Therapy
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Humanistic Therapies

Also drawing on humanistic theory or practice:

• Transactional Analysis

• Some forms of Existential Therapy

• Motivational Interviewing
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Person-Centered Therapy
• A reaction against medical, directive (e.g. CBT)
and psychoanalytic approaches

• Challenges:

– The assumption that “the counsellor knows

best”. Client is the “expert”.

– The validity of advice, suggestion, persuasion,

teaching, diagnosis, and interpretation
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Person-Centered Therapy

– The belief that clients cannot understand and

resolve their own problems without direct help

– The focus on problems over persons

PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Actualisation & “Self” Wisdom

• Actualising Tendency is present in all humans

– If facilitative conditions are present, then

people make decisions and employ
resources to function at their highest
possible level (or at least move in that
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Actualisation & “Self” Wisdom

– Organismic Valuing Process – inherent

wisdom to make these decisions. This
required insight into the ‘real’ or actual self.
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Person-Centered Theory
• People are basically good and will actualise
in the absence of external interference.

• Society leads people astray from actualising

tendencies by offering conditional positive

• People are experts about themselves. As a

result, therapy is generally insight-oriented
and nondirective.

PCT: Psychological Problems

• Related to degree of conditionality

– The extent to which others make their approval

• Distortion leads to INCONGRUENCE

– Discrepancy in Self vs. Experience

PCT: Psychological Problems

• Leads person to be more “fractured” than whole

and distorts what people see as a worthy avenue
of actualisation;

• ‘Symptoms’ manifest as people attempt to

prevent threatening experiences coming into
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Person-Centered Therapy
• Emphasises:

– Therapy as a journey shared by two fallible


– The person’s innate striving for self-


– The personal characteristics of the counsellor

and the quality of the therapeutic relationship;
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Person-Centered Therapy

– The counsellor’s creation of a permissive,

“growth promoting” climate;

– People are capable of self-directed growth if

involved in a therapeutic relationship.
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

The Necessary & Sufficient

Conditions of Counselling/Therapy
• Seen as necessary for positive outcomes in

• Seen as all that is necessary for positive

outcomes in therapy
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

The Necessary & Sufficient

Conditions of Counselling/Therapy

• Now a foundation for many other therapies

– May be emphasised to greater or lesser degrees
– Other therapies build on these ideas or add other

6 Necessary & Sufficient Conditions

– Necessary & sufficient for personality changes
to occur:

1. Two persons are in psychological contact

2. The first, the client, is experiencing incongruency

3. The second person, the therapist, is congruent or

integrated in the relationship

6 Necessary & Sufficient Conditions

4. The therapist experiences unconditional positive

regard or real caring for the client

5. The therapist experiences empathy for the client’s

internal frame of reference and endeavors to
communicate this to the client

6. The communication to the client is, to a minimal

degree, achieved
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

The ‘Core Conditions’

• Congruence/Genuineness:
– realness and openness; personally integrated and

• Unconditional positive regard:

– valuing the client as a unique person
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

The ‘Core Conditions’

• Accurate Empathic Understanding
– an ability to deeply grasp the client’s subjective world

• Therapeutic Presence – A 4th Core Condition?

– bringing your whole self into the relationship with
another, in the moment, without any self-centred
purpose or goal.
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Client Experience

• Therapeutic relationship helps client to

gain self-understanding;

• Exploration of feelings, thoughts and

PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Client Experience
• Discovery of hidden aspects of self;

• Empowerment of self to lead own life;

• Experience life in the ‘here & now’ (not past or


VIDEO: PCT excerpt:
“The only person who is educated is the one who
has learned how to learn and change”

Carl Rogers
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Responses used by Carl Rogers

• Providing Orientation • Confronting
• Affirming Attention • Direct Questioning
• Checking understanding • Turning requests for
• Restating guidance back to the
• Acknowledging unstated client
feelings (Displayed by • Maintaining and breaking
NVB) silences
• Providing reassurance • Self-disclosing
• Interpreting (rarely) • Accepting correction
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Fundamentals of a Person
Centered Therapy Approach
• Listening
• Accepting
• Respecting
• Understanding
• Responding
• Focusing on the ‘Here & Now’
• Experiential Focusing
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Experiential Focusing
1. Clearing a space. Taking an inventory of what is going
on inside the body.

2. Locating the inner felt sense of the problem. Letting

the felt sense come & allowing the body to “talk back”.

3. Finding a word or image (‘handle’) that matches the

felt sense.
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Experiential Focusing
4. Checking the fit between the ‘handle’ & felt sense.

5. Experiencing movement of physical relief in the


6. Receiving or accepting what has emerged.

7. Stop or repeat.
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Stages towards Therapeutic Change

1. Communication focused on external events. Feelings

are not ‘owned’. Lack of trust in close personal
relationships. Rigid thinking. Does not use first person

2. Free expression on topics outside the self. Feelings

described but not owned. Intellectualisation. Describes
behaviour rather than inner experiences. Some
interest in participation in therapy.
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Stages towards Therapeutic Change

3. Describes personal reactions to external events.

Limited amount of self-description. Communication
about past feelings. Begins to recognise contradictions
in experience.

4. Describes feeling and personal experiences. Begins to

experience current feeling but experiences fear &
distrust of this when it happens. Inner world is
presented and described but not purposefully

Stages towards Therapeutic Change

5. Current feelings are expressed. Increasing ownership

of feelings. More precision in differentiating feelings
and meanings. Intentional exploration of problems in a
personal way, based on processing of feelings rather
than reasoning.

6. Flow of feeling that has a life of its own (Inner

Referent). Fluent, visceral and open expression of
feelings. Speaks in present tense or offers vivid
accounts of past.
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

Stages towards Therapeutic Change

7. A series of felt senses connecting different aspects of

an issue. Feeling experienced with immediacy and
richness of detail. Speaks fluently in the present tense.

VIDEO 2: Creation of climate and conditions >
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

PCT: Strengths & Contributions

• Values and accepts the client as a unique

• Has established core conditions for

therapeutic effectiveness that have become
standard across a range of caring practices
and professions.

• Has established a range of listening skills that

have become the foundation of basic
counselling practice and employed in diverse
PSY2016 Counselling and Psychological Therapies

PCT: Limitations & Weaknesses

• Client is not challenged?

• No tools for interventions

• Clients may not have the resources to find

their own answers

• Focus on conscious experience may neglect

unconscious bias and influence

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