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Inquiries, Investigations

and Immersion
Quarter 3 – Module 4 :
Citation of Review of Related
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 4: Citation of Review of Related Literature
First Edition, 2020

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Investigations and
Quarter 3 – Module 4:
Citation of Review of Related
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the nature of Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow
the standard sequence of the course.

This is comprised of two different lessons that are congruent to one another. These
are the following:

Lesson 1 – Definition, Importance, and Styles of Citation; and

Lesson 2- The American Psychological Association Format of Referencing.

At the end of the lessons, you are expected to:

1. define what citation is;

2. enumerate importance of citation in Review of Related Literature (RRL);
3. differentiate each of the styles of citation with one another; and
4. craft the RRL Chapter following the formatting guidelines for citation and
referencing page using the American Psychological Association (APA) style.

What I Know

In the previous module, you have experienced to choose correctly your Review of
Related Literature. Also, using the previous module, you have gathered different
facts, ideas, and concepts that will strengthen the need to study of your research

Answer the following questions in order for you to be ready on the content of this

Read each question carefully and choose the correct letter of the best answer. Write
your answers on your notebook.
1. If the researcher failed to cite the source of the information he/she have put on
her manuscript, the researcher will be charged of ______.
a.Citation c. Ethical Considerations
b. Referencing d. Plagiarism
2. In the field of education, business, and communication, what citation style will
they use?

a. Modern Language Association c. Chicago Style

b. American Psychological Association d. Turabian Style
3. This is where the researcher tells to her target readers that the information that
are in his manuscript came from another author or another source.
a. Citation c. Ethical Considerations
b. Referencing d. Plagiarism
4. What citation style can we use if we belong in the field of Humanities?

a. Modern Language Association c. Chicago Style

b. American Psychological Association d. Turabian Style

5. In what citation style, do the notes and bibliography style belong?

a. Modern Language Association c. Chicago Style

b. American Psychological Association d. Turabian Style

Lesson Definition, Importance, and

1 Styles of Citation

As a researcher, everyone is responsible in taking into consideration different aspects

of crafting her academic paper. A student-researcher must take into mind that
ethical considerations must be done in order to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is
unethical practice of using words or ideas (either planned and accidental) of another
author/ researcher or your own previous works without proper acknowledgement.

This lesson will help you avoid the so called plagiarism. Below are the activities and
discussions that will enable you to develop your citation and referencing skills while
dealing with your academic paper.

What’s In

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise. Write your answers
on your notebook.

1. A good literature review may consist of simply a summary of key sources.

2. A literature review has an organizational pattern and commonly combines the
summary and synthesis often within the specific conceptual categories.
3. A literature review is plainly included on your thesis or research paper as to
make your manuscript bulky.
4. A literature review is designed for you to provide an overview of sources you
have explored while researching a particular topic.
5. A good literature review in your study provides your readers how your
research fits within a larger field of study.

Notes to the Teacher

This module contains activities that will pave the way for the students to
accomplish their academic paper easily while it targets the goals set by the
Department of Education. The activities are crafted as flexible as it can be in order
to reach all the students’ needs during an independent-distance learning.

What’s New

Using the puzzle, find out the answer on each item. Write your answers on your

1. This pertains to the reliability and correctness of information used by the

2. It refers to the facts that are applied by the researcher that are not influenced
by personal beliefs or feelings.
3. This is the extent of a reference material used by the researcher which meet
the needs and depth of the research topic.
4. It is the degree to which the information gathered by the researcher is useful
or related to one another.
5. This refers to the process of putting together all the materials from different
sources into an integrated whole.




What is It

What is citation?

A citation are set of rules on how to cite sources in an academic writing. Whenever
you refer to someone else’s work, a citation is required in order to avoid plagiarism
(Swaen,2015). In addition, citation is referred to as, the way you tell your readers
that a certain material in your work came from another source. It will give the readers
the information necessary to find that source again (Turnitin, 2017).

As you are writing your study’s review of related literature chapter, it is just and right
to give credits to the original author/authors in order for you to avoid plagiarism.

Below are the other reasons that you need to bear in mind while crafting and
completing your Chapter II.

The Importance of Citation

1. It is helpful for anyone who wants to find out more about your ideas and where
they came from.
2. Citing sources shows the amount of research you’ve done.
3. Citing sources strengthens your work by lending outside support to your ideas.
4. It is a basis of authenticity of one’s study.
5. It ensures the ethical and academic honesty of someone’s work.
6. It reveals the sources of information and knowledge.
7. It served as a legal basis in crafting the body of your study.
Those are some of the importance of citing sources while you are working and crafting
your Review of Related Literature Chapter.

A simple mention of other’s work, or even a part of their work may be
paraphrased or may directly copied on the body of your academic paper is
very important.

Moreover, as a student-researcher develops his/her capacity in choosing relevant

Review of Related Literature (RRL), it is right for them to know the different styles of
citing sources.

Below are the different styles of citation in a research paper that are commonly used
for citing sources on your Review of Related Literature.

Styles of Citation used in an Academic Paper

1. Modern Language Association (MLA)

 It is widely used in the Humanities such as in the fields of English, Literatures,
Arts, and Philosophy. It uses brief parenthetical citations in the text that refers
to an alphabetical list of work cited appearing at the end of the work.

These are the examples of MLA Style of Citation when it comes to a Book as a source
of the researcher’s Review of Related Literature.

1.1 When the author’s name and his work is cited in the paragraph, the citation
using MLA style is this:
According to Gullans in his book Poetic Form, the importance of
structure…(23). Author’s Name Title of His Work
Page Number

1.2 When the author’s work needs to be identified in the paragraph, see the
example below.

… in the book entitled, Poetic Form , importance of structure…(Gullans 23).

Title of His Work
Author’s Name Page Number

1.3 When the author’s work is not identified and not revealed in the text, this is
its citation format in MLA:

… importance of structure… (Gullans, Poetic Form 23).

Page Number
Author’s Name
Title of His Work

2. American Psychological Association (APA)

 This citation style uses an author-date system. It is widely used in the Social
Sciences field such as Anthropology, Business, Communication, Education, Political
Science, and Psychology. It uses in-text citation in the text that refer to an
alphabetical list of references appearing the end of the work.

The following are the examples of citation in APA style:

2.1 Place the author’s name and year of publication in parentheses and separate
it using a comma.
Year of Publication
In the beginning stages… (Jenkin, 2003).
Author’s Name

2.2 If the name of the author appears in the text, cite only the year in
Jenkins (2003) described the beginning stages …
Year of Publication
Author’s Name

2.3 If both author and the publication year appeared on the text, don’t include a
parenthetical citation.
In his influential 2003 study, Jenkins described… Author’s Name
Year of Publication

2.4 If there are two authors, cite both names every time.

Based on the findings of Sun and Cheng (2016) appeared that…

Authors’ Name Year of Publication

2.5 If the source of your Review of Related Literature has three (3) or more
authors, cite only one author’s name plus “” and its publication year.
As mentioned in the study of Cavanaugh (2009) that there are newly
emerging standards for a K-12 online learning … Year of Publication
Note: “” came from Author’s
the Latin word
“et alia” which refers to “and others”.

2.6 For citing a direct quotations (rather than paraphrase), provide a page
number in the citation in addition to the author and date.
But in the words of the inimitable Winnie: “Rivers know this: there is no hurry.
We shall get there some day” (Milne, 1926, p. 79).
Page Number
Author’s Name
Year of Publication

2.7 For citing secondary sources, find the primary source and cite it directly
rather than citing the secondary source. If the year of the publication is present
for the primary source is known include it in text. Meanwhile, if the publication
year of the primary source is unknown omit it in the in-text citation.
Rabbit 1982, as cited in Lyon (2014) it was described as the….
Year of Year of
Author’s name Publication of the Author’s name publication of
written on the primary source of the the secondary
secondary written on the secondary source
source secondary source source

Note: For more examples of an APA style of citation: refer to his link

3. Chicago
 It is a citation style that was introduced and published by the Chicago
University. This style supports two styles:
3.1 Notes and Bibliography; and
3.2 Author-Date.

Note that there are various citation styles used by each of a specific academic journal.

For every in-text citation in your academic paper, there must be a
corresponding entry in your reference list.

Here is a diagram in which you may use in order for you to organize your information,
concepts and ideas using your Research Working Title.

Citation (APA):
Gikandi stated that an effective formative assessment
can foster a learner and assessment-centered focus through formative
feedback and enhanced learner engagement with valuable learning
The Online
Distance Citation (MLA):
Learning: Its As mentioned by Sarasin (1998) that professors should be willing
Impact to to change their techniques and strategies to foster appreciation of variety
the of students learning styles (Diaz and Cartnal,2012,131).
of Students Citation (APA):
According to Sarasin (1998) mentioned in the study of Diaz and
Cartnal (2012) that professors should be willing to change their teaching
strategies and techniques based on appreciation of variety of students
learning style.

What’s More

Below are given set of citation styles that are usually used by researcher. Identify
whether the given citation is an APA, MLA, or CHICAGO. Write your answers on your

1. According to Volery and Lord (2000) they stated that there are three different
success factors in an online learning delivery, namely: technology, the instructor,
and the previous use of technology from a student’s perspective.
2. As per the research paper entitled, “Online Formative Assessment in Higher
Education: A Review of the Literature” noted that “effective online formative
assessment can foster a learner and assessment-centered focus through
formative feedback and enhanced learner engagement with valuable learning
experiences”(Gikandi, Morrow,Davis 1).
3. Gikandi stated that an effective formative assessment can foster a
learner and assessment-centered focus through formative feedback and
enhanced learner engagement with valuable learning experiences.
4. It was noted in the study that there are three different success factors in an online
delivery which comprises of the following: technology, the instructor, and the
previous use of technology from student’s perspective (Volery & Lord, 2000).
5. In the study entitled, “Integrating Computer-Based and Teacher-Based Scaffolds
in Science Inquiry”, appeared that students who used continuous computer-based
procedural scaffolding with early teacher-based metacognitive scaffolding
performed best in acquiring scientific inquiry skills (Wu & Pedersen, 2011).

What I Have Learned

Fill in the blank the correct word that will best fit in the sentence. Write your answers
on your notebook.

A (1) _______ are set of rules on how to cite sources in an academic writing.
Whenever you refer to (2)____________, a citation is required in order to avoid
(3)___________(Swaen,2015). Plagiarism is (4) _________ practice of using words or ideas
(either (5) _______ and (6)________ of another author/ researcher or your own previous
works without proper acknowledgement.

Citations in an academic paper are important because it is (7)_______ for anyone

who find out more about your ideas and where they came from. Citing sources (8)______
the (9)________ of research you’ve done. Citing sources (10)___________ your work by
lending outside support to your ideas. It is a basis of (11)__________ of one’s study. It
ensures the (12)_________ and academic (13)________ of someone’s work. It (14)________
the sources of information and knowledge. It served as a (15)___________basis in crafting
the body of your study.
What I Can Do

Using your Research Working Title, fill in the map with the necessary information.
Cite sources using the given citation styles in the box. Write your answers on your
notebook. (Use the rubrics found on page 24.)

Gikandi stated that an effective formative assessment can
foster a learner and assessment-centered focus through formative feedback and
enhanced learner engagement with valuable learning experiences.

Citation (MLA):
Citation (APA):
here. Citation (APA):

Citation (APA):


Read and answer the questions below. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write
your answers on your notebook.

1. This refers to unethical practice of using words or ideas (either planned or

accidental) of another author/ researcher or your own previous works without
proper acknowledgement.
A. Citation C. Ethical Consideration
B. Referencing D. Plagiarism

2. This is the process by which a researcher will tell to her target that a certain
material in his work came from another source.
A. Citation C. Ethical Consideration
B. Referencing D. Plagiarism

3. What citation style is commonly used in the field of Humanities?
A. Modern Language Association C. Chicago Style
B. American Psychological Association D. Turabian Style

4. What style of citation is widely used in the field of education, businesses, and
A. Modern Language Association C. Chicago Style
B. American Psychological Association D. Turabian Style

5. What style of citation does the given example on the box show?

According to Wu and Pederson in their research Integrating Computer-based and

Teacher-Based Scaffolds in Science Inquiry, that there are three …(1).

C. Chicago Style
A. Modern Language Association
B. American Psychological Association D. Turabian Style

6. What is the citation style characterized by the given example below?

As noted in the study that there are three different success factors in an online
delivery which comprises of the following: technology, the instructor, and the
previous use of technology from student’s perspective (Volery & Lord, 2000).

C. Chicago Style
C. Modern Language Association
D. American Psychological Association D. Turabian Style

7. What citation style supports two other styles of citation such as notes and
A. Modern Language Association C. Chicago Style
B. American Psychological Association D. Turabian Style

8. What style of citation was used on this given example below?

In his influential 2003 study, Jenkins described…

C. Chicago Style
A. Modern Language Association
B. American Psychological Association D. Turabian Style

9. “APA” stands for_________.

A. Alaskan Physiological Association
C.Australian Philosophy Association
B. American Psychological Association D.Arabian Psychological Association
10. “MLA” means ________.
A. Modern Language Association
C.Medium Language Asociation
B. Maritime Linguistics Association D.Minimum Linguistics Association

Additional Activities

Write five (5) sources of Review of Related Literature of your study which uses
an APA citation style. Remember to always choose the most relevant and
helpful source for your working title. Write your answer on your notebook.
(Use the rubrics found on page 24.)


Lesson The American Psychological
2 Association (APA) Format of
This lesson is the continuation of the previously discussed topic named, Definition,
Importance, and Styles of Citation. In this juncture, you will be able to craft the list
of your references using the APA format of referencing.

What I Know

Tell whether the given phrase is an APA Style or MLA Style of Citation. Write
your answer on your notebook.

1. According to Abedin, (2011) posited that…,

2. As noted in the research paper of Abedin, Daneshgar, and D’ambra entitled
Enhancing Non-Task Sociability of Asynchronous CSCL Environments
3. In accordance to the study of Reyes (2019) noted that…,
4. In lieu of the research of the research conducted by Magsaysay and Arroyo
(2013) they described the …
5. As gleaned on the findings of their study that …
(Abedin,Daneshgar,D’ambra, Enhancing non-Task Sociability of
Asynchronous CSCL Environments 12)...

What’s In

Analyse and answer following questions below. Write your answers on your notebook.

1. As a researcher what will happen to you if you fail to cite the sources of
information that you have put on your review of related literature? (3pts)

2. How does citation be important in crafting your research paper? (3pts)


3. Have you tried posting an article or a picture of yours in your social media
account and it gathered many reactions like “heart” and “like”? Then, someone
copied it and as if they are owning it as theirs. What would you feel? (4pts)

What’s New

Using the descriptions given in Column A, match it with the essential elements of
citation found in Column B. Write your answers on your notebook.

Column A Column B
1. This refers to someone who wrote a. and others
and conducted the given cited
study by the researcher.
2. This noted the place where the b. Year of publication
study was printed.
3. It also allows the researcher to c. Name of the Publication
know when was the study was
4. “” refers to ____. d. Author
5. This refers to the integration of e. Relevance
different sources coming from
different references in order to f. Synthesis
make a meaningful whole of ideas
in a study.

What is It

After knowing the format of citing a source for your research paper using an
American Psychological Association (APA) style. You are now ready to learn the lesson
about APA Referencing. In crafting your research paper, you are going to follow the
APA format of referencing and citation because you are in the education sector and
you are under the umbrella of Field of Social Sciences. The referencing always go
together whenever you cited new sources of ideas, facts, and concepts on your
research paper.

Read and observe the given example below where the researcher cited two different
studies about, The Online Distance Learning: An Impact to Students Performance.
According to Panigrahi (2018) proposed that the integration of virtual
communities to online learning platforms may cause a better outcome and
engagement. Also, Picciano (2002) found out in his study that the success of
many online course is dependent upon the nature of student to student and
student to faculty interaction. Moreover, in the study of Salamat (2018)
they highlighted that e-learning provides time flexibility to the students and it
motivates students to do their work without the help of others. Furthermore,
through their study they have found out that the students feel more comfortable
when they are using the internet. Salamat (2018) concluded the e-learning
system in education is effective for students.

Figure 1

Figure 1 shows some citations that are in the American Psychological Association
(APA) style. There are three different sources that were included in the manuscript
which entitled, The Online Distance Learning: An Impact to Students Performance.

Always be reminded that citation and reference list always go together.

Below is Figure 2, where you will able to see the list of references that the researcher
used in Figure 1.
Panigrahi, R.,Srivastava, S.R., Sharma, D. (2018). Online learning: adaptation,
continuance, and learning outcome. International Journal of Information
Picciano, A.G. (2002). Beyond students’ perception: issues of interaction,
presence and performance in an online course. Journal of Asynchronous
Learning Networks, 6(1),33.doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2006.11.007

Salamat, L., Ahmad,G., Bakht,I., & Saifi,I.L. (2018). Effects of e-learning on

students’ academic learning at university level. Asian Innovative Journal
of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(2),1-12.

Figure 2

After reading and observing the information noted in Figure 1 and Figure 2, it shows
that the arrangement of the list of references in Figure 2 follows the author-date
citations found at Figure 1. For example, in Figure 1 it is noticeable that Panighari (2018) was the first source of the researcher. Then, it was followed by Picciano
(2002) and lastly, Salamat (2018). Moreover, as it is gleaned on Figure 2 that
the entries in the list of references follows the arrangement on how the researcher of
The Online Distance Learning: An Impact to Students Performance cited all of her

What is an American Psychological Association (APA) Referencing?

APA is the style of documentation of sources used by the American Psychological

Association. This form of writing research papers is used mainly in the social
sciences, like psychology, anthropology, sociology, as well as education and other

This style of referencing is used often whenever you summarize, paraphrase, or quote
information from another source, such as: passages from books, or articles in an
academic journal.

What is a reference page and a bibliography?

The reference page lists all the sources you have cited in your paper or manuscript.
It is commonly has its four main components such as: the author’s name, date, title,
and source. It also allows the researcher recognized the contribution of other writers
and researchers in your manuscript.

Meanwhile, a bibliography helps the researcher keep track of the sources they
consulted or cited for their written material and gives readers a framework of how
the writer’s arguments were formed.

How will I craft my list of references using the APA style of referencing?

Below are the various ways on how you will craft the reference list of your research

1. Books. This is the pattern that the researcher may follow.


Author’s last name, Initial of First Name (Year of Publication).Book Title. City of
Publication: Name of Publication.

Allen, T. (1974).Vanishing Wildlife of North America. Washichton,D.C.: National
Geographic Society.

2. Encyclopedia and Dictionary. Below is the pattern and example of how will you
reference a source coming from this.

Author’s Last Name, Initial of the First Name (Year of Publication).Title of the
Article.Title of Encyclopedia (volume, pages). City of Publication. Name of

Bergmann,P.G.(1993). Relativity. In the New Encyclopedia Britannica
(v.26,pp.501-508). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica.

Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th ed.). (1993). Springfield,
MA: Merriam-Webster’s.

3. Magazines and Newspaper Articles. Below is the given pattern of referencing for a
source that may came from here.

Author’s Last Name, Initial of the First Name. (Year of Publication).

Article title. Periodical title, volume number (issue number if
available).inclusive pages.

Note: Do not enclose the title with quotation marks and put a perios after the title. If a
periodical includes a volume number, italized it and then give the page range (in regular
type) without “pp.” . If the periodical does not use volume numbers, as in newspapers,
use “p.” or “pp.” for page numbers.

Harlow,H.F. (1983). Fundamentals of preparing psychology journal
articles. Journal of Physiological ad Psychology, 55.893-896.

4. Website or Webpage. The standard pattern for it are written below.

Pattern for an Online Periodical:

Author’s Name (Date of Publication). Title of article. Title of periodical, volume

number, Retrieved month day, year, from full URL.

Devitt, T. (2001,August 2). Lightning injuries for at music festival. The
Why/Files. Retrieved January 23, 2002, from
lightning /index.html

Pattern for an Online Document:

Author’s Name. (Date of Publication). Title of Work. Retrieved Month day,
year from full URL.

Dove, R. (1998). Lady freedom among us. The Electronic Arts Center.
Retrieved June 19, 1998 from Alderman Library, University of Virginia.

Fredrickson, B.L. (2000,March 7). Cultivating positive emotions to optimize

health and well-being. Preventions and treatment,3. Article 0001a.
Retrieved November 20,2000, from
/prevention/volume3 /pre003000Ia .html.

GVU’s 8th WWW user survey.(n.d.). Retrieved August 8,2000, from

Note: When citing an internet source, refer to the specific website of the document.
If the document is undated, use “n.d.” (for no date) immediately after the document
title. Break a lengthy URL that goes to another line after a slash or before a period.
Continually, check your references to online documents. There is NO PERIOD
following the URL. Also, if you cannot find any of the information given above, cite
an information that are readily available on the document you are citing.
Consequently, if the document is contained within a large and complex website (such
as for the university or a government agency), just identify the host organization and
the relevant program or department before giving the URL for the document itself.

What’s More

Create a reference list following the APA referencing guidelines. Write your
answers on your notebook. (5points each)
1. Name of the Book: Research Methods and Thesis Writing (2 nd Edition)
Authors: Lauretina Paler-Calmorin and Melchor A. Calmorin
Copyright: 2007
Name of Publication: REX Bookstore
Place of Publication: Manila,Philippines

2. Name of Website: Mendeley

Name of Article: APA Format Citation Guide
Copyright: 2020 Mendeley Ltd
Name of Publication: RELX Group
Date of Retrieval: January 24,2020


3. Authors: Johanna Nieuwoudt

Title of the Research Article: Exploring online interaction and online learner
participation in an online science subject
through the lens of the interaction equivalence

Volume number: Nine

Name of Publication: Student Success
Date of Publication: December,2018
Issue number: Four
Page numbers: 53-62
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.5204/ssj.v9i4.424

What I Have Learned

Write DEAL if the item given is essential in referencing and NO DEAL if otherwise.
Write your answers on your notebook.
1. It is important to know the different useful information on the book, website, or
even on the article that you are reading.
2. Having a notes about the information of the materials cited on the researcher’s
manuscript is essential.
3. It is not right to get all the necessary information on a material that you would
like to cite such the author’s name, date of publication, title of the article or of
the book, city of publication, name of the publication, and website.
4. Citation and referencing in APA format always not go together in a researcher’s
5. Referencing and Bibliography are a fundamental factors in order for the
researcher track down and list down all of their references.
6. Referencing gives the readers the idea that not all the contents of your manuscript
came from your own but instead a collection of ideas from various sources.
7. Writing a reference list on a researcher’s study is crucial and necessary.
8. It is not essential that a researcher must know the correct pattern of writing a
reference and bibliography on his own manuscript.
9. The researcher don’t need a relevant and accurate reference for his study.
10.The researcher must look for a literature that is objective in nature.

What I Can Do

Using your prepared cited articles in Lesson 1 of this module, craft your reference
list and bibliography and write it on your notebook. (Note: Follow the pattern that you
have learned from this lesson.)



A. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE, if otherwise. Write your
answers on your notebook.

1. APA stands for American Psychological Association.

2. The reference list and bibliography on a research paper is important for the
3. The citation and the reference list always go together whenever you are writing an
academic paper or even a research paper.
4. A bibliography helps the researcher keep track of the sources they consulted or
cited for their written material and gives readers a framework of how the writer’s
arguments were formed.
5. The citation and the reference list are not appropriate for the researcher to put it
on their manuscript.

B. Arrange the following into its proper order for you to craft a reference and
bibliography using the American Psychological Association (APA) format of
referencing. (5pts each item)
1. Author’s Name: Graciano Pepe
Title of the Book Tips in Constructing Research Problem
Name of the Publication: Pag-asa Publishing
Copyright: 2021
Place of Publication: Bataan, Philippines

2. Author’s Name: Jill Mask Simpson; Angela Benson; Doug Barrett;

Elizabeth Fisher; Margaret Rice; Vivian Wright
Title of the Research Paper: Student Perceptions of Quality and Satisfaction in
Online Education
Retrieved Date: January 24,2021
Year of Publication: 2012


Additional Activities

Using your cited facts and concepts on your manuscript, craft the reference
list and bibliography. Follow the APA format. Write your answer on your



Rubrics for What I Can Do and Additional Activities

Excellent Good Acceptable

Category (Exceeds (Occasionally (Meets the
(Below Standard)
Standard) Exceeds ) Standard)
APA style and No errors in Rare errors in Errors in APA Errors in APA
Communication APA style. APA style that style are style detract
Scholarly style. do not detract noticeable. substantially
Writing is from the paper. Word choice from the paper.
flowing and Scholarly style. occasionally Word choice is
easy to follow. Writing has informal in informal in
minimal tone. Writing tone. Writing is
awkward of has a few choppy, with
unclear awkward or many awkward
passages. unclear or unclear
passages. passages
Citations and All references One reference Two references Reference and
Referencing and citations or citations or citations citation errors
are correctly missing or missing or detract
written and incorrectly incorrectly significantly
present. written. written. from paper.

Answer Key

What I’ve Learned
1. Citation 11.authenticity 1.DEAL
2. Someone else’s work 12.ethical 2.DEAL
3. Plagiarism 13.honesty 3.NO DEAL
4. Unethical 14. Reveals 4.NO DEAL
5. Planned 15. Legal 5.DEAL
6. Accidental 6.DEAL
7. Helpful 7.DEAL
8. Shows 8.NO DEAL
9. Amount 9.NO DEAL
10. Strengthens 10.DEAL
What’s More
Lesson I
Lesson 2
1.Calmorin, L. & Calmorin, M. (2007). Research Methods and Thesis Writing (2nd Ed.). Philippines:
Rex Bookstore.
2. Mendely (2020). Apa format citation guide. RELX Group.Retrieved January 24,2020 from, guide
3. Nieuwoudt, J. (2018). Exploring online interaction and online learner participation in an online
science subject through the lens of the interaction equivalence theorem. Student
Success, 9(4), 53-62. doi: 10.5204/ssj.v9i4.424
What’s In
Lesson I
4.T Assessment
What’s New
Lesson I Lesson II 1. D 1.TRUE
1.ACCURACY 1.d 2. A 2.TRUE
3.COVERAGE 3.b 4. B 4.TRUE
5. SYNTHESIS 5.f 6. B
7. C
8. B
9. B
10. A
Swaen, Bas. Citation Style Guides: Choosing a Style and citing Correctly.

Turnitin (2017). Retrieved from citation

Gossenheimer,A.N.,Bem,T.,Carneiro, M.L.,De Castro,M.S. (2017). Impact of distance education on

academic performance in a pharmaceutical care course.

Lobetos,M.J. (2018). Lesson 12 citing related literature using standard style


Bugtong, M.(2021). Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion QIII-M3. Selecting Relevant Literature.
Department of Education.

Tyree, L.W. (2020). APA citation guide. Santa Fe College. Retrieved from

Labaree, R.V. (2021).Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper. USC Library.University of
Southern California.

University of Washington Library (2021). Citation Styles and Tools: Which Citation Style Should I Use?.
University of Washingthon. Retrieved from

University of Washington Library (2021). Citation Styles and Tools: Formatting Guidelines.
University of Washingthon. Retrieved from https://guides.lib.

APA (2019). APA Style Secondary Sources. American Psychological Association Organization.
Washington, D.C. Retrieved from

Diaz, D.,Cartnal, R. Students’ Learning Style in Two Classes Online Distance Learning and Equivalent
On-Campus. Taylor and Francis, Ltd. College Teaching, Vol. 47, No. 4 (Fall, 1999), pp. 130-135.doi. .

Sun,A., Chen, X. (2016). Online Education and Its Effective Practice: A Research Review.Journal of
Information Technology Education,15,157-190. e.pdf

Cavanaugh, C., Barbour M.K., Clark, T. (2009).Research and Practice in K-12 Online Learning : A
Review of Open Access Literature.The International Review of Research In Open and Distributed

Volery, T. and Lord, D. (2000), "Critical success factors in online education", International Journal of
Educational Management, Vol. 14 No. 5, pp. 216-223. doi.10.1108/09513540010344731

Gikandi, J.W., Morrow, D., Davis, N.E. (2011). Online Formative Assessmentin Higher Education:
A review of the Literature. Elsevier B.V,57(4), 2333-2351. doi.10.1016/j.compedu.2011.06.004

Panigrahi, R.,Srivastava, S.R., Sharma, D. (2018). Online learning: adaptation, continuance, and
learning outcome. International Journal of Information, 43,1-

Picciano, A.G. (2002). Beyond students’ perception: issues of interaction, presence and performance
in an online course. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks,

Salamat, L., Ahmad,G., Bakht,I., & Saifi,I.L. (2018). Effects of e-learning on students’ academic
learning at university level. Asian Innovative Journal of Social Sciences
and Humanities, 2(2),1-12.

Tyree, L.W. (2021). APA Citation Guide. Santa Fe College. Retrieved from
Khan,M.[n.c].(2020,May 20).Literature Review:In-Text Citation[Video]. Youtube.

Francia, M.A. (2017,December 11). Sample: grade 10-apa bibliography detailed lesson plan.
Slideshare. Retrieved January 25,2021 from bibliography-

Psychology Department, (n.d.). Research Paper Grading Rubric. San Jose State University. Retrieved from

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region III,

Schools Division of Bataan - Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resources Management and Development Section (LRMDS)

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