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1. brazen (it) out (phrasal verb) – to act or behave confidently &

shamelessly (even after doing something wrong & also by not admitting
that); put a bold face on it, be defiant, be unashamed.
2. peter out (phrasal verb) – disappear or decrease gradually; fade away,
come to an end, taper off.
3. (be) caught up in (phrasal verb) – become involved in (something
4. shy away from (phrasal verb) – avoid, recoil, withdraw nervously (due
to fear/surprise/pain/dislike).
5. wrap up (phrasal verb) – complete/conclude something.
6. cosy up to (phrasal verb) – try to be friendly to someone, usually with
the intention of getting some benefit.
7. thrive on (phrasal verb) – to enjoy something, particularly one that other
people find unpleasant; to be successful at something particularly
one that other people find difficult.
8. crack down on (phrasal verb) – get tough on, take severe measures
against, clamp down on.
9. go along with (phrasal verb) – agree to, comply with, concur with,
cooperate with.
10. tick off (phrasal verb) – reprimand, rebuke, castigate, criticize, censure.
11. rough up (phrasal verb) – beat up, attack, assault someone physically.
12. set yourself up as something (phrasal verb) – to say that you are
a particular type/kind of person.
13. chart out (phrasal verb) – to set up a plan, method, or course for
14. push through (phrasal verb) – succeed in passing a law accepted by the
people who oppose it.
15. factor in (phrasal verb) – take into account, take into consideration,
consider, regard.
16. flush away (phrasal verb) – remove, dispose of something by flushing.
17. stand up to (phrasal verb) – defy, confront, challenge, oppose openly.
18. spell out (phrasal verb) – explain, make clear, elucidate/clarify.
19. come up with (phrasal verb) – produce, put forward, present/submit.
20. take up (phrasal verb) – become involved in, engage in, take part
in; accept, say yes to, agree to.
21. take off (phrasal verb) – remove, discard, divest oneself of, shrug off.
22. look at (phrasal verb) – consider, see, view.
23. pull out (phrasal verb) – withdraw, leave, get/move out.
24. go on to (phrasal verb) – continue, proceed (to do something).
25. rein in (phrasal verb) – restrict, control, limit, restrain.
26. take over (phrasal verb) – assume control of, take control of, take
charge of.
27. end up (phrasal verb) – come/appear, find oneself (to a particular course
of action in the end).
28. stand to (phrasal verb) – be in a position, be ready (where one is likely
to do something).
29. take away (phrasal verb) – remove, take out.
30. stay on (phrasal verb) – remain, exist, be present, continue to be there
(after others have left).
31. lie in (phrasal verb) – be present, be contained, exist.
32. give up (phrasal verb) – abandon, forgo, renounce, relinquish,
33. bring about (phrasal verb) – cause to happen, make happen, result in,
give rise to.
34. take forward (phrasal verb) – deal with, cope with, tackle, address.
35. take out (phrasal verb) – remove, detach, separate.
36. kick in (phrasal verb) – come into effect.
37. come around (phrasal verb) – change one’s mind, be converted (to), be
won over (by), agree with.
38. turn away (phrasal verb) – avoid facing someone/something; reject,
39. drop out (phrasal verb) – withdraw from, give up, cancel.
40. stand out (phrasal verb) – be noticeable, be visible, be obvious.
41. set up (phrasal verb) – establish, start/begin, inaugurate, create.
42. lay out (phrasal verb) – outline, draw up, formulate.
43. open up (phrasal verb) – make something available/accessible.
44. carry forward (phrasal verb) – have something to continue/handle at a
later stage (to make progress).
45. break away (phrasal verb) – leave, split with, come apart, separate
46. tie up (phrasal verb) – bind, attach, join, connect, link.
47. give in (phrasal verb) – surrender, yield, submit/capitulate.
48. speak of (phrasal verb) – mention, talk about, refer to.
49. bring in (phrasal verb) – cause, bring about, create, produce.
50. go beyond (phrasal verb) – to go past something, to do more than
51. build on/upon (phrasal verb) – use something as a basis/base for; be
based on, rely on, turn to, trust in.
52. left out past participle of leave out (phrasal verb) – exclude, omit, miss

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