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Self-concept and identity can be considered as nested elements, with

aspects of the “me” forming self-concepts and identities being part of self-
concepts. These terms are sometimes used in reference to the process of
making sense of the world in terms of what matters to “me” or to the
consequences of social contexts on a variety of beliefs and perceptions about
the self or simply to refer to membership in socio-demographic categories such
as gender or social class.
The importance of self-concept lies in the significant role it plays in
character formation. It is being understood as the notion an individual has of
himself or herself, based on experiences with others and on how they evaluate
their own behavior; this encompasses emotional, social, physical, family, and
academic aspects.

A student’s self-esteem has a significant impact on almost everything she
does-on the way she engages in activities, deals with challenges, and interacts
with others. Self-esteem also can have a marked effect on academic
performance. Low self-esteem can lessen a student’s desire to learn, her ability
to focus, and her willingness to take risks. Positive self-esteem, on the other
hand, is one of the building blocks of school success; it provides a firm
foundation for learning.
The challenge in working with children with low self-esteem is to restore
their belief in themselves, so they persevere in the face of academic challenges.
You do not need a formal program to promote self-esteem every day, in the
normal course of interacting with their students.
When learners are confident and secure about who they are, they’re most
likely to have a growth mindset. That means they can motivate themselves to
take on new challenges and cope with and learn from mistakes. They’re also
more likely to stand up for themselves and ask for help when they need it.


Identification of the needs of children with special needs and the
organization of proper educational settings in light of their needs is the only
way to ensure that they will become independent and productive individuals
within the societies they live in. Life can be extra-challenging for a kid with
special needs. It might be harder to do every day stuff-like learning to read or,
if a person has physical handicaps, just getting around school or the mall.
They may have problems with schoolwork, communication or behavior. Parents
can get help and advice from specialist, teachers and voluntary organizations.
Teaching children with special needs requires a planned strategy and
consistent efforts. Good care should be taken to make them feel comfortable
during the learning process. Apart from classroom lessons, emphasis should be
made on practical lessons. This is because, by practical experience, it is
possible for them to understand the concepts well.

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