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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 613 – 620

Potential evolution of Turkish agricultural residues as bio-gas,

bio-char and bio-oil sources
Ayhan Demirbas∗ , Erol Pehlivan, Turkan Altun
Department of Chemical Engineering, Selcuk University, 42031 Konya, Turkey

Received 21 June 2004; received in revised form 17 May 2005

Available online 19 July 2005

A study has been conducted to evaluate the potential power production from the pyrolysis for bio-oil and bio-char, and
anaerobic digestion (for bio-gas), of agricultural residues in Turkey. Agricultural residues are potential renewable energy
resources such as bio-gas from anaerobic digestion, bio-oil from pyrolysis, and bio-char from carbonization and slow pyrolysis
processes. Anaerobic bio-gas production is an effective process for conversion of a broad variety of agricultural biomass to
methane to substitute natural gas and medium calorific value gases. When the pyrolysis temperature increased the bio-char yield
decreased. The bio-char yield increased with increasing particle size of the sample. Thermochemical conversion processes of
biomass are the most common and convenient methods for conversion into energy. Among the processes of energy production
from biomass, pyrolysis is the most popular thermal conversion process.
䉷 2005 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Agricultural residue utilization; Bio-oil; Bio-gas; Bio-char; Turkey

1. Introduction and coal. The new and renewable energy resource systems
offer attractive prospects because they are pollution free,
Since the 1970s oil price crisis, increased attention has unlimited, and cheap [3].
been focused on the development of technologies using new Direct combustion is the old way of using biomass.
and renewable sources of energy like biomass, geothermal, Biomass thermo—chemical conversion technologies such
solar power, wind, and hydropower. Biomass fuels (fuel- as pyrolysis and gasification are certainly not the most
wood, animal wastes, cereal residues, etc.) are used daily important options at present; combustion is responsible for
in about half the world’s households as energy for cook- over 97% of the world’s bio-energy production. Use for
ing and/or heating. Biomass sources, such as agricultural energy recovery is mainly by combustion, while pyrolysis
residues, fruit stones and nut shells, are very good precur- and gasification are being investigated at laboratory and
sors for the production of bio-oil, bio-char and bio-gas fuels plot scales [4].
[1,2]. In the developing countries, these sources are more Biomass offers important advantages as a combustion
important because many of these nations don’t have the feedstock due to the high volatility of the fuel and the high
scarce fossil energy sources such as crude oil, natural gas, reactivity of both the fuel and the resulting char. Biomass
is in part due to the generally higher moisture content and
in part due to the high oxygen content. It is only organic
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 462 230 7831; petroleum substitute which is renewable. However, it should
fax: +90 462 248 8508. be noticed that in comparison with solid fossil fuels, biomass
E-mail address: (A. Demirbas). contains much less carbon and more oxygen and has a

0360-3199/$30.00 䉷 2005 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
614 A. Demirbas et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 613 – 620

low-heating value. Biomass firing, in comparison with coal MANURE FEEDING

firing, helps reduce the total emissions per unit energy pro-
duced. A renewable fuel such as waste product or energy
crop-derived biomass fuels is a lowest-cost option for re- ANAEROBIC DIGESTER SLUDGE STORAGE
ducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Agricultural residues such as straws, nut shells, fruit
shells, fruit seeds, plant stalks, stovers, green leaves, and BIOGAS STORAGE NITROGEN-RICH MANURE
molasses are potential renewable energy resources. Current
disposal methods for these agricultural residues have caused
widespread environmental concerns. For example, disposal COOKING HEATING FIELD APPLICATION
of rice and wheat straw by open-field burning causes air
pollution [5].
Fig. 1. An on-farm bio-gas system.
Agricultural “green energy” production is the principal
contributor in economic development of a developing coun-
try. Its economy development is based on agricultural pro-
duction and most people live in the rural areas. Implemen- eral organisms. It occurs in three basic stages as the result of
tation of integrated community development programs is the activity of a variety of microorganisms. Initially, a group
therefore very necessary. It is believed that integrated com- of microorganisms converts organic material to a form that
munity development contributes to push up socio-economic a second group of organisms utilizes to form organic acids.
development of the country. Methane-generating (methanogenic) anaerobic bacteria uti-
Anaerobic biological treatment of the agricultural solid lize these acids and complete the decomposition process. In
waste is a process which has received increased attention the first stage, a variety of primary producers (acidogens)
during the last few years. Conversion of these wastes to break down the raw wastes into simpler fatty acids. In the
methane provides some energy and can have a beneficial second stage, a different group of organisms (methanogens)
effect on the environment, and during the digestion process consume the organic acids produced by the acidogens, gen-
bacteria in the manure are killed, which is a great benefit erating bio-gas as a metabolic byproduct. On average, aci-
to environmental health. The production of methane during dogens grow much more quickly than methanogens. Finally,
the anaerobic digestion of biologically degradable organic the organic acids are converted to bio-gas.
matter depends on the amount and kind of material added A variety of factors affect the rate of digestion and bio-
to the system. gas production. The most important is temperature. Anaer-
obic bacteria communities can endure temperatures ranging
from below freezing to above 330.4 K, but they thrive best
2. Turkey’s bio-gas potential at temperatures of about 309.9 (mesophilic) and 327.6 K
(thermophilic). Bacteria activity, and thus bio-gas produc-
2.1. Anaerobic digesters and methane production tion, falls off significantly between about 312.6 and 324.9 K
and gradually from 308.2 to 273.2 K.
The first methane digester plant was built at a leper colony Average 68% of the cultivated land produces grains, wheat
in Bombay, India, in 1859 [6]. A methane digester system, ranking first, barley second, and corn third in developing
commonly referred to as an anaerobic digester (AD) is a countries. Agricultural solid residues are potential renew-
device that promotes the decomposition of manure or di- able energy resources [9]. Contents of carbon (C), hydrogen
gestion of the organics in manure to simple organics and (H) and oxygen (O), fixed carbon (FC) and volatile mate-
gaseous bio-gas products. There are three types of continu- rial (VM), and higher heating value (HHV) of agricultural
ous digesters: vertical tank systems, horizontal tank or plug- solid residues are given in Table 1. Wheat straw wastes rep-
flow systems, and multiple tank systems. Proper design, op- resent a potential energy resource if they can be properly
eration, and maintenance of continuous digesters produce a and biologically converted to methane. They are renewable
steady and predictable supply of usable bio-gas. and their net CO2 contribution to the atmosphere is zero.
Several types of bio-digesters have been developed in- Manures and manure/straw mixtures have been extensively
cluding the floating drum, the fixed dome, the bag, the plas- investigated as sources of bio-gas [10–16].
tic tube [7], the plug flow and the up-flow anaerobic sludge In a process of manure and straw mixture digestion, for
blanket digesters. Fig. 1 shows an on-farm bio-gas system. first 3 days, methane yield was almost 0% and carbon diox-
Anaerobic decomposition is a complex process. Methane ide generation was almost 100%. In this period, digestion
is produced in environments where organic matter accumu- occurred as aerobic fermentation to carbon dioxide. The
lates, and oxygen is absent [8]. The process by which anaer- yields of methane and carbon dioxide gases were fifty–fifty
obic bacteria decompose organic matter into methane, car- at 11th day. At the end of the 20th day, the digestion reached
bon dioxide, and a nutrient-rich sludge involves a step-wise the stationary phase. The methane content of the bio-gas
series of reactions requiring the cooperative action of sev- was in the range of 73–79% for the runs, the remainder
A. Demirbas et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 613 – 620 615

Table 1 Table 2
Contents of C, H and O, fixed carbon (FC) and volatile mate- Turkey’s total and recoverable bioenergy potential of animal wastes
rial (VM), and higher heating value (HHV) of agricultural solid in 1997
residues (wt.% of moisture, nitrogen, ash and extractive free basis)
Kind of animal Total Coefficient Total Recoverable
Sample C H O FC VM HHV number of energy energy
of animalsa conversion potential potential
Walnut shell 50.5 5.8 43.7 21.3 78.7 20.3 (thousand (ktoe per (ktoe) (ktoe)
Hazelnut shell 49.8 5.9 44.3 20.6 79.4 19.8 head) thousand
Tea waste 48.4 5.6 44.2 86.0 14.0 17.4 animals)
Almond shell 49.9 6.4 43.7 76.6 23.4 19.1
Corncob 47.5 6.0 46.5 18.8 81.2 19.1 Sheep and goats 75,095 0048 3604 1081
Corn stover 46.5 5.9 46.2 20.4 79.6 18.8 Donkey, horse, 1370 0235 322 97
Cotton stalk 46.8 6.2 47.0 24.0 76.0 19.6 mule & camel
Wheat straw 49.3 5.7 45.0 21.6 78.4 19.3 Poultry 311,500 0003 935 281
Olive husk 50.9 6.3 42.8 19.5 80.5 19.5 Cattle and buffalo 12,121 0245 2970 891
Rice straw 48.8 5.6 45.2 19.9 80.1 19.0 a Source: [42].
Sunflower shell 48.7 6.0 45.3 20.1 79.9 19.5
Sugarcane bagasse 47.3 6.3 46.4 16.9 75.2 18.3
Rapeseed cake 52.9 8.7 38.4 19.1 80.9 24.1
Table 3
Source: [2,9,41]. Trends in agricultural production of Turkey

Type of 1995 1997 1999 2001

agricultural product
being principally carbon dioxide. During a 30-day digestion
period, ∼ 80–85% of the bio-gas was produced in the first Sunflower 900,000 900,000 950,000 930,000
15–18 days. This implies that the digester retention time can Sesame 30,000 28,000 28,100 30,000
be designed to 15–18 days instead of 30 days. Peanut 70,000 82,000 75,000 80,000
Soybean 75,000 40,000 66,000 60,000
Agricultural residues are difficult to degrade bio-
Pistachio 36,000 70,000 40,000 30,000
chemically. Pretreatment of straw by mechanical size reduc-
Almond 37,000 33,000 43,000 42,000
tion, heat treatment and/or chemical treatment with strong Walnut 110,000 115,000 120,000 116,000
acids or bases usually improves the digestibility. Chemical Hazelnut 435,000 410,000 550,000 610,000
pretreatment methods are bicarbonate treatment, alkaline Wheat 18,000,000 18,650,000 18,000,000 18,800,000
peroxide treatment and ammonia treatment. Ammonia treat- Barley 7,700,000 8,200,000 7,700,000 8,100,000
ment has several advantages over the other treatments, such Corn 551,000 576,000 640,000 615,000
as being a source of nitrogen for biodegradation and the Olive 515,000 520,000 535,000 510,000
fact that no separate wastewater streams are generated from Tea (green leaves) 524,000 752,000 720,000 780,000
the pretreatment process. Tobacco 524,000 300,000 420,000 380,000
Sugar beet 11,171,000 18,553,000 17,840,000 18,200,000
Agricultural residues contain low nitrogen and have
Cotton lint 837,000 795,000 860,000 885,000
carbon-to-nitrogen ratios (C/N) around 60–90. The proper
C/N ratio for anaerobic digestion is 25–35 [17]; therefore, Source: [43].
nitrogen needs to be supplemented to enhance the anaer-
obic digestion of agricultural solid residues. Nitrogen can
be added in inorganic form such as ammonia or in organic gives the total and recoverable bio-energy potential of animal
form such as livestock manure, urea, or food wastes. Once wastes in Turkey. The recoverable bio-energy potential of
nitrogen is released from the organic matter, it becomes animal wastes in Turkey was 2.4 million tons oil equivalent
ammonium which is water soluble. Recycling nitrogen in (Mtoe) in 1998.
the digested liquid reduces the amount of nitrogen needed. Turkey, being an agricultural country, has abun-
dant sources of agricultural wastes and crop residues.
Table 3 shows the trends in agricultural production of
3. Turkey’s biomass, agricultural residue and animal Turkey. Among Organization for Economic Co-operation
waste potentials and Development (OECD) countries, Turkey takes the
fourth place from the top in the estimated total energy
Since animal husbandry is highly developed in Turkey, a potential from crop residues with 9.5 Mtoe. Biogas produc-
substantial amount of animal wastes are produced each year. tion potential in Turkey was estimated at 1.5–2 Mtoe [18].
In Turkey, much effort has been put into bio-gas research Not much progress has been made in using this resource,
and development projects since the 1960s. In addition to and there is one waste-to-energy power plant in operation
feasibility studies on bio-gas utilization, many digesters have in Izmit (Turkey) with an installed capacity of 5.4 MW.
been constructed at different places in the country. Table 2 Wet biomass materials can be converted effectively into
616 A. Demirbas et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 613 – 620

Table 4 Table 6
Turkey’s annual energy biomass potential in 2001 Turkey’s agricultural residue potential in 2001
Type of biomass Annual potential Energy potential Agricultural residue Annual production Energy potential
(million tons) (Mtoe)b (million tons) (Mtoe)c

Annual crops 55 14.9 Wheat straw 26.4 7.2

Perennial crops 16 4.1 Barley straw 13.5 3.9
Forest residues 18 5.4 Maize stalk 4.2 1.2
Residues from 10 3.0 Cotton hull 2.9 0.9
agro industry Sunflower head 2.7 0.8
Residues from 6 1.8 Sugar beet waste 2.3 0.7
wood industry Hazelnut shell 0.8 0.3
Animal wastes 7 1.5 Oat straw 0.5 0.2
Other 5 1.3 Rye straw 0.4 0.1
Total 117 32.0 Rice husk 0.4 0.1
Fruit peel 0.3 0.1
b Mtoe: million of oil equivalent. Total 54.4 15.5
c Mtoe: million of oil equivalent.
Table 5
Total recoverable bio-energy potential in Turkey
Type of biomass Energy potential trial products such as cotton, flax, sesame and poppy have
(Mtoe) been grown for a long time in Turkey. Soybean is grown in
Dry agricultural residue 4.5 the Mediterranean region. Many kinds of fruits are grown
Wet agricultural residue 0.3 in most parts of the country. Various agricultural residues
Animal waste 2.4 are available in Turkey as sources of biomass energy. The
Forestry and wood processing residue 4.3 disposal of the straw in the fields has been by burning or
Municipal wastes and human excreta 1.3 sometimes by ploughing it back into the soil. Because the
Fuel wood 4.2 higher heating value of straw is about 0.65 that of a high-
Total recoverable bio-energy 17.0 grade coal (its higher heating value is about 28 MJ/kg), the
surplus straw is equivalent to about 16.4 million tons of
coal. Important agricultural residues and their estimated en-
ergy values are given in Table 6. For agricultural residues
the total amount calculated on dry basis has been measured
usable energy with anaerobic microbes. Bacteria break
to be approximately 54.4 million tons. The annual energy
down volatile solids in the manure and convert them into
equivalent is about 15.5 Mtoe.
methane gas (65%) and carbon dioxide (35%). The bio-gas
may be used to heat the digester, to heat farm buildings, or
to produce electricity. The amount of bio-gas produced is
determined by the temperature of the system, the microbes 4. Bio-char from Agricultural Residues
present, the volatile solids content of the feedstock, and
the retention time. In developing countries such as Turkey, Many reports have appeared on the development of acti-
bio-gas digesters typically treat the dung from 15 to 30 vated carbon from cheaper and readily available materials.
cattle from a single family or a small village. The resulting Activated bio-chars are obtained through one of two gen-
energy produced for cooking saves forests and preserves eral methods: (a) either by partial gasification of the primary
the nutrients in the dung. char with steam or carbon dioxide or a mixture of both to
Turkey’s annual biomass potential is given in Table 4. The increase their porosity or (b) by chemical activation of the
amount is approximately 32 Mtoe. Table 5 shows the total precursor with a chemical like zinc chloride or phosphoric
recoverable bio-energy potential of Turkey. This is estimated acid [19].
to be about 17 Mtoe. Turkey for many years has used fuel Agricultural Residues, such as fruit stones, nutshells and
wood, animal wastes, agricultural crop residues, and logging corcobs, are very good precursors for the production of ac-
wastes for direct combustion. These sources are often called tivated carbons [20,21]. In the sense of environmental pro-
non-commercial energy sources, but in Turkey, fuel wood is tection, the utilization of these wastes has awakened the in-
a tradable commodity, since it is the primary fuel of rural terest for development of processes for production of carbon
and urban poor districts. adsorbents based on agricultural wastes. Both the nature of
Turkey is a developing country with rich agricultural po- the precursors and the production process has a strong in-
tential. About 70% of the cultivated land produces grains fluence on the porous structure and adsorption properties of
with wheat ranking first, barley second and corn third. Indus- the resulting activated carbons.
A. Demirbas et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 613 – 620 617

Table 7 Carbon Oxygen

Characterization of pyrolysis products obtained at 723 K with heat-
ing rate of 40 K/s run 100

Element content in char, wt% daf

Property Method Bio-char 80
Carbon, wt% ASTM D 487 84.99
Hydrogen, wt% ASTM D 3177 2.82 60
Oxygen, wt% By difference 12.11
Nitrogen, wt% 0.08
Empirical formula From ultimate CH0.397 O0.107 N0.0009
(ash free basis) analysis
Higher heating ASTM D 3286 30.73 20
value, MJ/kg

Source: [23]. 0
450 650 850 1050
Temperature, K
The starting materials used in commercial production of
Fig. 2. Effect of temperature on carbon and oxygen contents in
activated carbons are those with high carbon contents such
bio-char from bio-waste. Particle size: 1.5–2.5 mm.
as wood, lignite, peat, and coal of different ranks or low-
cost and abundantly available agricultural byproducts. Ac-
tive carbons can be manufactured from virtually any car- Hydrogen content in char, wt% daf 6
bonaceous precursor, but the most commonly used materials
wood, coal and coconut shell [22]. 5
The char gasification forms an important part of biomass
gasification. The major thermochemical gasification reac- 4
tions include the following:
Carbon char to methane: 3

C + 2H2 ↔ CH4 (1) 2

Carbon char to oxides: 1

450 650 850 1050
C + O2 → CO2 , and C + CO2 ↔ 2CO. (2) Temperature, K

Carbon char to CO and H2 : Fig. 3. Effect of temperature on hydrogen content in bio-char from
bio-waste. Particle size: 1.5–2.5 mm.
C + CO2 + H2 O ↔ CO + H2 . (3)

The hot combustion products (CO2 and H2 O) are further effect of temperature on hydrogen content in the bio-char.
reduced by the char. These endothermic reactions generate The results of the elemental analysis (Figs. 2 and 3) indicate
synthetic gas (syngas): CO and H2 (Eq. 3), and the exit that contents of carbon increase with pyrolysis temperature
gas can be utilized as a gaseous fuel. The molecules in the while these corresponding to hydrogen and oxygen decrease.
biomass (primarily carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) and the Losses in hydrogen and oxygen correspond to the scission
molecules in the steam (hydrogen and oxygen) reorganize of weaker bonds within the bio- char structure favored by
to form this syngas. The high reactivity of bio-char is higher the higher temperature [24].
when smaller biomass particles are subjected to pyrolysis. Active carbons are carbonaceous materials with highly de-
The reactions of CO2 and H2 O with the char to produce veloped internal surface area and porosity. Activated carbon
CO and H2 are considerably slower than the drying, pyroly- is widely used as an effective adsorbent in many applica-
sis or combustion reactions. The bio-char samples obtained tions such as air separation and purification, vehicle exhaust
by rapid pyrolysis at higher temperatures are more reactive emission control, solvent recovery, and catalyst support be-
in steam gasification than those obtained at lower pyrolysis cause of its high specific pore surface area, adequate pore
temperatures. This result is of practical interest for utiliza- size distribution and relatively high mechanical strength.
tion of biomass as a raw material for gasification. The char- The large surface area results in high capacity for adsorbing
acterization of pyrolysis products from pine bark obtained chemicals from gases and liquids [25].
at 723 K with heating rate of 40 K/s run (Table 7) was given The activated carbons were characterized by N2 gas
in the earlier study [23]. adsorption, phenol, iodine, and methylene blue adsorp-
Fig. 2 shows the effect of temperature on carbon and tion from solution. These molecules are important for the
oxygen contents in bio-char from bio-waste. Fig. 3 shows the characterization of activated carbons.
618 A. Demirbas et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 613 – 620

The bio-char can be used in the preparation of active car- The hemicelluloses undergo thermal decomposition very
bon when its pore structure and surface area are appropriate. readily. The hemicelluloses reacted more readily than cel-
Chemical additives (AlCl3 , FeCl3 , H3PO4 , NH4 Cl, KOH, lulose during heating. The thermal degradation of hemicel-
and ZnCl2 ) slightly affect the first step by inhibiting hemi- luloses begins above 373 K during heating for 48 h; hemi-
celluloses decomposition and accelerating cellulose decom- celluloses and lignin are depolymerized by steaming at high
position through the dehydration reaction. Phosphoric acid temperature for a short time. The metoxyl content of wet
exhibited the largest influence on the pyrolysis process. At meals decreased at 493 K [34].
concentrations higher than 30% H3 PO4 , the two weight loss The stronger effect of the heating rate on the formation of
steps ascribed to hemicelluloses and cellulose decomposi- bio-char from biomass than from coal may be attributed to
tion overlapped. Bio-char with an alkaline character of the the cellulose content of the biomass [35]. It is well known
surface, tar, and gas products are obtained by steam pyrol- that heating rate has a significant effect on the pyrolysis
ysis of biomass (almond shells, nut shells, apricot stones, of cellulose. Heating rate has a much greater effect on the
cherry stones, and grape seeds). The chemical character of pyrolysis of biomass than on that of coal. The quick de-
the oxygen containing functional groups on the bio-char sur- volatilization of the biomass in rapid pyrolysis favors the
face revealed that they are polyfunctional cationities [26]. formation of char with high porosity and high reactivity
Thermal activation under the single-step steam pyrolysis [36]. The decreased formation of char at the higher heating
route, at 975 K, provides better adsorbing carbon with much rate was accompanied by an increased formation of tar. The
developed porosity and enhanced carbon product. Chemical net effect is a decrease in the volatile fuel production and an
activation by H3 PO4 at 775 K proved very effective in pro- increased yield of bio-char cellulose converted to levoglu-
ducing high quality activated carbon with well-developed cosan at above 535 K temperatures [37].
porosity and high-adsorption capacity for both organic and
inorganic substrates.

4.1. Mechanism of char formation 5. Bio-oil from agricultural residues

Lignin gives higher yields of charcoal and tar from wood Agricultural residues have been estimated to represent
although lignin has threefold of methoxyl content than that significant potential for the development of the bio-energy
of wood [2,27,28]. The formation of char from lignin un- industry in numerous countries. Biomass is now well rec-
der mild reaction conditions is a result of the breaking of ognized as a potential renewable source of energy. Thermo-
the relatively weak bonds, like the alkyl–aryl ether bond(s), chemical conversion of biomass is one of the most common
and the consequent formation of more resistant condensed and convenient method for conversion into energy. This in-
structures, as has already been noted by Domburg et al. cludes direct combustion, pyrolysis, gasification, liquefac-
(1974) [29]. One additional parameter which may also have tion, and carbonization. Among the processes of energy pro-
an effect on the char formation is the moisture content duction from biomass, pyrolysis is the most popular thermal
of the kraft lignin used. It has been found that the pres- conversion process.
ence of moisture increased the yield of char from the py- Pyrolysis can be used for the production of bio-oil if flash
rolysis of wood waste at temperatures between 660 and pyrolysis processes are used and are currently at pilot stage
730 K, while Stray et al. (1986) [30] found only a slight [38]. Some problems in the conversion process and use of the
effect for water added on the hydrogenolysis of both hard- oil need to be overcome; these include poor thermal stability
wood and softwood lignins at temperatures between 470 and corrosivity of the oil. Upgrading by lowering the oxygen
and 675 K. The thermolysis reactions of the kraft lignin is content and removing alkalis by means of hydrogenation
compmainly of breaking the most reactive bonds like the and catalytic cracking of the oil may be required for certain
methyl C–O bond of the methoxyl group and the condensa- applications [39].
tion reactions to high molecular weight products (char) that Pyrolysis produces energy fuels with high fuel-to-feed ra-
follows. tios, making it the most efficient process for biomass conver-
The degradation of cellulose to a more stable anhydro- sion, and the method most capable of competing and even-
cellulose, which gives higher bio-char yield, is the domi- tually replacing non-renewable fossil fuel resources [40].
nant reaction at temperature < 575 K [31]. At temperatures The conversion of biomass to bio-oil can be having an
> 575 K, cellulose depolymerizes, producing volatiles. efficiency of up to ∼ 70% for flash pyrolysis processes.
The initial degradation reactions include depolymeriza- Table 8 shows the properties of bio-oil from rapeseed cake.
tion, hydrolysis, oxidation, dehydration, and decarboxyla- The HHV of rapeseed cake was found as 36.4 MJ/kg. This
tion [32]. The isothermal pyrolysis of cellulose in air and bio-oil can be used in engines and turbines in practice. Its
milder conditions, in the temperature range 623–643 K, was use as feedstock for refineries is also being considered. Some
investigated [33]. Under these conditions, the pyrolysis reac- interesting trends have been obtained, especially with re-
tions produced 62–72% aqueous distillate and left 10–18% spect to the effect of net heating rate and temperature on the
charred residue. pyrolysis time.
A. Demirbas et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 613 – 620 619

Table 8 as waste product or energy crop-derived biomass fuels is a

Properties of bio-oil from rapeseed cake lowest-cost option for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Property Bio-oil
Agricultural residues were converted to methane-rich gas
mixture. Anaerobic biomethane production is an effective
Density, at 15 vC, kg/m3 993 process for conversion of a broad variety of agricultural
residues to methane to substitute natural gas and medium
Elemental composition, wt % calorific value gases. Methane generating bacteria and other
Carbon 73.74 microbes help digest dying plants in anaerobic conditions.
Hydrogen 10.69
Agricultural solid residues represent a potential energy re-
Oxygen 10.51
source if they can be properly and biologically converted to
Sulphur 0.11
Nitrogen 4.65 methane.
The activated carbons produced from fruit shells and
Ash, wt% 0.30 stones have high surface areas and highly developed mi-
Empirical formula C18.67 H32.48 NO2 cropore structure. Adsorptive properties were measured by
(ash free basis) using methylene blue, phenol and iodine as adsorbates.
Heating value, MJ/kg 36.4

Source: [40].

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