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Effective Early Warning for

Managing Non-performing Assets

Non-performing assets are one of the biggest challenges facing the
global banking system, and particularly Indian banks. The extent
of the challenge for nationalized banks is that non-action is no
longer an option. This issue is likely to get worse due to the overall
economic slowdown impacting most customer segments across
banks’ portfolio like MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises),
large corporates, and agriculture to name a few.

Non-performing Asset Management –
The Need for a Comprehensive Approach
Based upon our work While tools such as automated decision
making, early warning solution, external
of Indian banks, and those operating in
Continental Europe and Latin America,
across geographies, credit data can further strengthen a the matter needs to be approached in a
bank’s existing credit origination and phased manner by focusing on a select few
banks will require a appraisal process and drive lower NPA capabilities initially. Some of the capabilities
comprehensive approach formation, in our view post-facto measures
such as default management, covenant
that should be prioritized include external
data acquisition for credit assessment
to non-performing asset enforcement, and independent collateral models, early warning framework
liquidation can help banks better manage and collateral management for credit
(NPA) management that their existing NPA stock. Figure 1 provides a monitoring, soft landing and care programs
includes not just curative high level overview of Accenture’s approach
to NPA management.
for default management and centralized
recovery and collection.
but also preventive actions Although we believe there are a number
across the credit life cycle. of gaps in the current credit capabilities

Figure 1: Accenture Approach to NPA Management

• Risk assessment models • Automated acquisition models and scorecards leveraging

• Line and limit assignment multiple sources of information e.g., firmographic,
Preventive NPA Phase

bureau, financial information, news flow, etc.

Credit Origination • Risk assessment and decision process integration
• Integration of centralized risk assessment models
and Appraisal • Risk mitigation techniques and workflows
and branch level decision process

• Automated risk ratings systems • Automated centralized risk ratings systems

• Early warning systems • Early warning systems based on analytics driven
• Portfolio analytics and feedback rules and qualitative inputs
Credit Monitoring • Dynamic collateral management • Dynamic collateral management with emphasis
on periodic revaluation and prudent cross-
collateralization logic

• Default recognition • Regulatory compliant default identification logic

• Soft landing and care programs • Segment based collections strategy including
call-center capacity planning, propensity scorecards,
Curative NPA Phase

• Loan restructuring
Default Management • Collection analytics dialer-manual mix, fraud scorecards, etc.
• Soft landing and care programs for corporate defaults
and stressed assets

• Collection and recovery management • Independent collateral liquidation and covenant

• Liquidation enforcement teams
• Debt sale • Effective pricing of bad asset for optimizing debt-sale
NPA Collections • Standardized litigation management strategies
• Litigation management
and Legal Recovery

Source: Accenture, May 2014

Business Case for an
Early Warning Solution
Through multiple engagements across
large global banks, Accenture believes that
implementing an early warning solution
can help substantially reduce banks’ NPAs.
A comprehensive early warning framework
that included identifying the right customer
segment, understanding the data landscape,
formulating early warning triggers and
creating a risk mitigation plan, resulted in
15-20% reductions in NPAs among some of
the large global banks we have worked with.

An early warning solution can also help

banks irrespective of scale, scope and region:

• Reduce the new NPA flows (and a

resulting reduction in NPA stock)
• Maximize the recovered value and reduce
the Exposure At Default with timely alerts
• Better utilize capital

Building an Early Warning Solution
Building an early warning 2. Data Landscape • Reliability – The focus here is whether
the source of information is complete
solution (EWS) requires A comprehensive EWS solution utilizes
a mix of the bank’s internal data as well
and accurate. Integrity of the data source
would help determine how effective the
banks to adopt a custom as external data elements. While banks source would be in identifying distressed
across regions have historically focused on
approach that is specific traditional data sources, we have observed
clients and possibly avoiding raising
unnecessary alerts which could be
to their portfolio needs. that recently more successful banks have
differentiated themselves by leveraging
detrimental to the business.

Accenture’s five step non-traditional and powerful data that Another dimension banks should consider
while evaluating the different data sources
exists both within and outside their
approach that combines systems. For example; instances of bounced is the frequency of updates (e.g., real-time,
checks in customer’s deposit account, daily, monthly, bi-weekly).
a bank’s existing and advance tax deposit receipts, stock market
new data sources within data, and more. The exercise of identifying and shortlisting
data sources needs to be aligned to
a strong analytical While evaluating alternate data sources, the bank’s portfolio segment. A generic
it is important for a bank to clearly approach may result in negative returns
framework offers an articulate the value of these sources from a for the bank due to a large number of
false alerts. This exercise can be time
effective solution. credit perspective and avoid the temptation
of some of the new age source/techniques and resource consuming but banks can
that offer limited incremental value, like accelerate through this phase by leveraging
1. Portfolio Prioritization sentiment analysis through social media. tools such as Accenture’s Early Warning
For banks to derive maximum value from Trigger Library that contains a pre-defined
an early warning solution within a short The figure below illustrates various sources set of triggers mapped by their relevance to
time-frame, they should prioritize select of EWS trigger information. These consist of each customer segment.
customer segments (MSME, Corporate, information captured from external bureaus
Retail) within their portfolio. Depending and public sources as well as internal trade
upon the composition of their portfolio, line and customer payment behavior data.
banks can consider factors like loan loss
provisions, cyclicality of the portfolio, Banks, particularly those operating
management view, regulatory guidelines, in India may want to also consider
significant deterioration in credit quality, evaluating these different data sources
and risk mitigation levers, to prioritize. For across the following dimensions:
example – while EWS for an MSME segment
• Availability – Although the data source
can significantly drive lower NPA formation,
might provide very rich information,
it might have limited impact on directed
a bank might not have access to it or
lending which is governed by specific
the data might not be available in a very
regulatory requirements.
timely manner.
Additionally, a proof of value assessment • Usability – This dimension would help
through case studies can help drive govern whether the bank can use the
additional insight into the relevance of information (e.g., regulatory restrictions)
an early warning framework and address from an early warning perspective.
portfolio requirements.

Figure 2: Accenture Approach to an Early Warning Framework

1. Prioritize 2. Data 3. Define 4. Composite 5. Risk

Portfolio Landscape Triggers Risk Index Mitigation

Source: Accenture, May 2014

Figure 3: Early Warning Data Landscape

Early Warning Systems

Qualitative Quantitative

• Labor problems
• Frequent changes in plans
External Internal
• Disputes amongst partners/staff
• Adverse changes to government policies Bureau Trade line information
• Emergence of new technology
• Decline in bureau scores - path and • Stress on other trade lines for
magnitude (e.g., CIBIL) the customer
• Name appearing in negative list • Default on one or more repayment
• Increase in liens obligations
• Out-of-business flag • Invocation of guarantees
• Severe delinquency flag • Loss of key customers

Public sources Payment/Attitudinal behavior

• Name appearing in Ministry • Increasing delinquency

of Corporate Affairs defaulters list • High capacity utilization/Out of pattern
• Inability to raise supplies on unusual behavior
credit terms • Increasing percentage of customers
• Litigation filed in courts with 60 or 90 days past due
• Dishonored checks
• Avoiding contact with bank
News feeds
• Increasing frequency of overdrafts in
• Negative web sentiment through current accounts or return of checks
text mining (derogatory credit item)
• Adverse press releases on financial • Repeated extension request
or operating performance for repayment
• Fraud related news • Drop in internal ratings


• Declining current ratio or total

net worth
• Low cash to liability
• Fudging of financials or auditor
• Borrower reporting stressed financials
• Delay in submission of stock
statements or audited financials
• Worse than expected financial

Source: Accenture, May 2014

3. Early Warning Trigger Signal strength: The average time lag Step 2: Identify the trigger within each
between the trigger point and the actual trigger category that has maximum impact
For an effective early warning framework, default event score for each customer. Simple addition
it is important to study the pre-default of scores from correlated triggers will
behavior of customers in the context of the Having triggers which are high on both overstate the stress significantly.
various data elements. Defining triggers that dimensions is very important. A trigger with
can identify a problem before a customer a high hit rate but very low signal strength Step 3: Correlation adjusted summation
faces severe credit challenges or is already is irrelevant as it does not provide the bank of impact scores of selected triggers with
past due/default can positively impact with any time to action since the customer maximum impact score from each trigger
a bank’s ability to take appropriate action. would already be in default (e.g., customer category are used to come up with a final
missing two scheduled loan repayment composite score.
While studying the pre-default behavior indicates a distress giving this trigger a high
of customers, it is important to identify hit rate but low signal strength as the time Step 4: Design a rating scale to group
key data attributes that show correlation lag between the trigger and default is too customers into different groups based on
with default behavior or stress scenario, short). In comparison a trigger that looks final composite score.
for example a small company with limited into two consecutive y-o-y declines in the
liquidity facing decline in sales. This can advance tax deposit will have high signal Incorporating all the triggers into a
help define triggers and their relevance to strength – as this would indicate the client is composite risk index will provide financial
the bank. experiencing stress in its business model and institutions with a normalized score that
might experience credit difficulties in coming enables them to monitor a multitude
Banks can define either simple or complex of customers simultaneously on a
months, giving the bank more time to take
triggers. Simple triggers that are single- standardized scale.
appropriate risk mitigation measures.
dimensional and are easy to capture and
track, often fail to include the inter- 5. Risk Mitigation Action Plan
dependencies that exist in the real world 4. Composite Risk Index (CRi)
and therefore could be less predictive How banks bring together different
(e.g., decline in sales). Whereas complex triggers and integrate them into score/ Developing and implementing an early
triggers which are derived from several watch-list categories is important for a warning framework is not very meaningful
simple triggers can be much more powerful successful implementation of an early unless banks are ready to integrate it with
predictors of business distress than a simple warning solution. After relevant triggers their customer management processes and
variable. These variables can be combined are shortlisted for different segments and up-skill their credit officers. Identifying
using advanced statistical techniques along portfolios based on signal strength and a customer in distress will not yield any
with business intuition and expert judgment hit rate analysis, each of these triggers result until the Bank Credit Officer clearly
(e.g., two consecutive quarters with declines will be assigned an overall impact score understands the action that he/she is
in year-over-year (y-o-y) advance tax based on statistical analysis of the bank’s required to take.
deposit of greater than 25% (based on bank historical data, business intuition and
information) and declines in employee count expert judgment. Action plans that contain a pre-defined set
greater than 20%). of mandatory action items (e.g., initiating
For each customer, a composite index score recovery, soft-landing, additional covenants)
After defining the triggers that will be is generated based on number of triggers along with certain recommended items (e.g.,
used, Accenture recommends banks hit, impact of triggers, type of triggers re-underwriting, request updated financials)
consider evaluating each one of them on and correlation between triggers using the for each risk score/category are important.
two important dimensions: hit rate and following logic.
signal strength. In addition, banks should create a work-flow
Step 1: Define triggers and assign an system to effectively manage and action the
Hit rate: Of the total number of customers impact score for each of the triggers; group cases that are triggered by the system.
flagged by the trigger, how many of the together correlated triggers into categories
customers ended up in default based on correlation matrix.

Figure 4: Early Warning Solution - Trigger Hit Rate versus Signal Strength

Very high impact triggers

High impact triggers
Hit Rate

Medium Medium impact triggers

Low impact triggers


Insignificant Weak Moderate Strong

Signal Strength

Source: Accenture, May 2014

Technology Options: Early Warning Solution

While creating Although banks have a multitude of

options available for implementing,
A common fallacy is to take the easy route
and implement an out of box generic EWS
a framework, defining the early warning solutions are often most application that will not take into account
effective if they are integrated with a the specific circumstances of the bank
triggers and integrating bank’s customer management systems and thus not deliver the desired business
them into a score is very and enabled through the bank’s existing
database and analytics solutions.
impact in NPA reduction. A standalone
EWS application can further complicate the
important, technology IT application landscape of the bank and
The system does not need to be very undermine its NPA management program.
plays a crucial role in complicated as long as it can meet the
bank’s requirements. Solutions can range
enabling the success of from a simple excel based tool to a custom
an early warning solution. solution as long as it integrates with the
different data sources and connects with
the downstream systems for actioning by
the credit officers.

About the Authors About Accenture Stay Connected
Amit Gupta Accenture is a global management Join Us
Amit is a managing director – Accenture consulting, technology services and
Finance & Risk Services. Based in New outsourcing company, with more than accenturestrategy
Delhi, India, Amit has over 15 years of risk 323,000 people serving clients in more
consulting and capital markets industry than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled
experience delivering strategic solutions in experience, comprehensive capabilities
a wide variety of client situations. He has across all industries and business functions, Follow Us
extensive experience in assessing market risk and extensive research on the world’s
and credit risk capabilities and helping clients most successful companies, Accenture
enhance their risk governance, risk processes, collaborates with clients to help them Watch Us
analytics and implementing risk systems. become high-performance businesses and
Amit helps clients in their efforts to increase governments. The company generated net
their organizational focus on proactive revenues of US$30.0 billion for the fiscal Connect With Us
risk measures and to better leverage their year ended Aug. 31, 2014. Its home page is
enterprise risk management capabilities.
Arup Sinha
Arup is a senior manager – Accenture
Finance & Risk Services. Based in Gurgaon, This document is intended for general
India, he has more than 14 years of global informational purposes only and does not
industry and consulting experience in the take into account the reader’s specific
financial services, energy, automotive, circumstances, and may not reflect the
metals, capital goods and diversified most current developments. Accenture
conglomerate sectors. Specialized in disclaims, to the fullest extent permitted
transformational programs across credit, by applicable law, any and all liability for
market and operational risks, and with a the accuracy and completeness of the
focus on financial risk, risk analysis and information in this document and for any
modeling, Basel II and Basel III regulations, acts or omissions made based on such
Arup works with clients to address their risk information. Accenture does not provide
management requirements. legal, regulatory, audit, or tax advice.
Readers are responsible for obtaining such
Bharat Mittal advice from their own legal counsel or other
licensed professionals.
Bharat is a senior manager – Accenture
Finance & Risk Services. Based in Gurgaon,
India, he has over 10 years of consulting and
industry experience in the financial services
and risk management spaces. Specialized in
credit risk management, institutional risk,
due diligence and strategy, and with a strong
current focus on developing Basel II credit
risk models and scorecards, and credit risk
frameworks, Bharat supports banks in their
efforts to manage their regulatory agendas.

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