Allergy: What Is An Allergy?

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What is an allergy?

allergy is a change and the body's
reaction to contact with a
substance (allergen) which reacts What are the types of
to the formation of antigens and allergies?
 atopic allergy: hypersensitivity
MUHAMMAD BARRUL SUFI AL HADI reactions in genetically sensitive
individuals who are sensitive to
allergens by producing excessive

 drug allergy: excessive or
ITSK RS. DR, SOEPRAOEN inappropriate immunological
reaction to certain drugs
 contact dermatitis: IV What are the signs and allergy prevention:
hypersensitivity reactions caused symptoms of allergies?  Wear closed clothes or use insect

by chemicals or other substances Allergy signs and symptoms most repellant when traveling

such as cosmetics, food, etc.  Use a mask when leaving the house.
often appear through 3 targets,
 Clean the house regularly, especially
namely the respiratory tract,
rooms that are often used, such as
digestion, and skin.
bedrooms and living rooms to avoid
The following are the most common dust mites.
signs and symptoms:  Open a window or door so that air
What are the causes of
circulation is smoother so that the
allergies? • cough room is not felt.
 genetic or hereditary  Pay attention to the types of foods
 triggering factor (cold air / stress) • cold that are likely to be sources of

• itching feeling allergies so that they can be avoided.

 external factors (household dust,
 Read the labels of ingredients to
be used before buying food.
 Don't dry clothes in the house.

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