m06 Beyond The Basic Prductivity Tools Lesson Idea Template 4 1

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Beyond-the-Basic Productivity Tools (BBPT)

Lesson Idea Name: Base 10 in numbers 1-20

Content Area/Grade Level(s): Math/ First grade
Content Standard Addressed: MGSE1.NBT.2 understand that the two digits of a two-digit number
represents the amount of tens and ones.

Technology Standard Addressed: Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple

audiences using a variety of media and formats
Guiding Question(s): -Do I know that ten is a bundle of tens ones called a ten?
-Do I know that the numbers 1-19 are composed of a ten and one, two, three,
four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones?
-Do I know that the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 are one, two,
three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine tens with zero ones?

Selected Technology Tool: EDpuzzle

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable): n/a

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☒ Evaluating ☐


Levels of Technology Integration:

☒ Infusion Level: Students may work at a higher Bloom’s Level, but they do not have any “Voice or
Choice” during the activity and most of the decisions are made by the teacher.

☐ Integration Level: We would like to see ALL lessons/activities reach this level. The project is
student-driven and student-led. Students should have “Voice and Choice” in the activities,
selecting the topic of study and determining the technology tool to demonstrate mastery of the
standard. The teacher becomes more of a facilitator.

☐ Expansion Level: The projects created are shared outside of the classroom, publishing student
work, and promoting authorship. This could be reached by showcasing the project on the
school’s morning newscast, posting the project to the classroom blog, or publishing via an
outside source. Your student’s projects must be shared locally or globally to meet this level.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): I am using EDpuzzle as a flipped classroom design idea. I made
a video about our lesson on regrouping numbers one to twenty. I chose to use EDpuzzle because it
will support all students, the students can do this on a phone, computer, or tablet. EDpuzzle is a
video that has supportive questions as they watch to ensure they watch the video and have a good
understanding before coming into the classroom. This activity and technology enhance learning
because it is technology and students are more involved and engaged in items that are not on paper.
The experience will support engagement because its not pen and paper learning, it will support
representation because it allows the kids to show what they are learning, and it shows expression
because the kids can use our example to make their own EDpuzzle during this lesson.
TFrazier, 2021
Beyond-the-Basic Productivity Tools (BBPT)

Lesson idea implementation: the students will watch the video and answer the supporting
questions. The teach will create the video and questions to show the students what an EDpuzzle is
and how to use it. The students will then be asked to create an EDpuzzle about regrouping in a later
lesson on regroup with math using base ten. The project will be introduced as a homework/into
lesson video and then will grow to be a support in creating their own EDpuzzle. The final project can
be recorded on any app and transferred into EDpuzzle, so it allows for any way of lesson to be
presented. The questions in the video must be higher level questions all open ended. To conclude
the lesson, I will upload all the EDpuzzle on my blog and the kids will chose one to watch as a
homework grade.
Reflective Practice: I feel that the lesson will impact student learning in a positive way. It will help
the students stay motivated and give them a tool for technology to create a different way to assess
the students. To farther extend this learning I will keep EDpuzzle an outlet to use throughout the
tear. Technology tools to help would be PowerPoint, YouTube, and other video or presentation

TFrazier, 2021

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