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Beginning of Sorrows
Carl Knott

God has spoken many times and in many ways,

but we haven’t listened. The wrath of God is
revealed from heaven, and is soon coming on
this world. The things that worry so many today
are only the prelude. Jesus Christ described
wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes as
only the “beginning of sorrows.” The worst is
yet to come. It’s time to start listening to God,
before it’s too late. Time is short.

Viral Pandemics, Asteroids,

Global Warming,
65-0420 and the Worst is yet to come

Apartado 75,
41720 Los Palacios y Villafranca, SE
Apartado 78
Estelí 31000, Nicaragua Carl Knott

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Beginning of Sorrows

Beginning of Sorrows:
Viral Pandemics, Asteroids,
Global Warming, And
The Worst Is Yet To Come

Carl Knott

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Beginning of Sorrows

Beginning of Sorrows

from the Spanish version: Principio de Dolores:

copyright © 2020 Carlos Tomás Knott
all rights reserved

published by

Berea Books (Libros Berea)

Apartado 75
41720 Los Palacios y Villafranca, SE

In Latin América
Sr. Joseff Samir
Apartado 78
Estelí 31000, Nicaragua

ISBN: 978-1-7340468-6-1

originally printed in Spain

Scripture quotations are from the King James Version

unless otherwise noted.

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Beginning of Sorrows


Introduction 5
Dangers and Concerns 7
Viral Pandemics: COVID-19, Coronavirus 9
Asteroids and Meteors 13
Global Warming 17
The Worst is Yet To Come 21
The Root Cause 29
The Divine Cure 33

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Beginning of Sorrows

“Seek ye the LORD while he may be

found, call ye upon him while he is near:
Let the wicked forsake his way,
and the unrighteous man his thoughts:
and let him return unto the LORD,
and he will have mercy upon him;
and to our God,
for he will abundantly pardon.”

(Isaiah 55:6-7)

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Beginning of Sorrows

The prophet Joel, under divine guidance,
used a devastating tragedy of locusts to illustrate
and warn of the coming judgment of God, and
called the people to repentance and faith.

“Hear this, ye old men, and give ear,

all ye inhabitants of the land. Hath this
been in your days, or even in the days of
your fathers? Tell ye your children of it,
and let your children tell their children,
and their children another generation”
(Joel 1:2-3).

“Alas for the day! for the day of the

LORD is at hand, and as a destruction
from the Almighty shall it come. (Joel

Luke’s Gospel describes how Jesus

Christ used two current tragedies to teach and
warn publicly about the need for repentance
to avoid perishing.

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Beginning of Sorrows
“There were present at that season
some that told him of the Galilaeans,
whose blood Pilate had mingled with
their sacrifices. And Jesus answering
said unto them, Suppose ye that these
Galilaeans were sinners above all the
Galilaeans, because they suffered such
things? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye
repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Or
those eighteen, upon whom the tower
in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye
that they were sinners above all men
that dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you,
Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all
likewise perish” (Luke 13:1-5).

God speaks through creation,

conscience and Scripture. His final message
came through His Son Jesus Christ (Hebrews
1:1-2). But if we do not heed God’s peaceful
voice, He will speak in stronger tones, and if
need be, He will shout or thunder. This is what
is now happening. Listen carefully, because
His warnings and reprehensions are signs
of His love and desire to save us. The time is

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Beginning of Sorrows

Dangers and Concerns

hree of the current concerns are the
viral pandemic, possible asteriod
impacts, and global warming. At the
moment the viral pandemic is at the top of the
list. For some, these things are obsessions, and
their impact is great. People everywhere are
worried about dying, and about the possible
extinction of life on the planet by one of
these or other causes. The news media not
only report but also obsess and speak of little
else. This causes alarm, panic and obsession
in others. It isn’t wrong to be warned to take
appropiate measures, but the media tend to
fuel worry and rumor, and cause widespread
panic. The daily reporting of dangers, tragedies
and deaths keeps the public tuned to their
channels, but solves nothing. We suggest that
instead of allowing the media to dictate what

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Beginning of Sorrows
our concerns should be, we consider what
God, the Creator and Judge of all, has to say.
He has many warnings and much advice, and
it is all for our well-being. More than all else,
we need His teachings and warnings. But we
need more than information. We must believe
and act on what God says. Otherwise, we will
fall into the error of which Hebrews 4:2 warns,

“For unto us was the gospel preached,

as well as unto them: but the word
preached did not profit them, not being
mixed with faith in them that heard it.”

“Without faith it is impossible to please

him” (Hebrews 11:6).

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Beginning of Sorrows

Viral Pandemics:
COVID-19, Coronavirus

irst of all, we genuinely sympathize with
and pray for all who suffer from the
Coronavirus or any other sickness. We
encourage all to act prudently and in a timely
way to prevent further contagion and death.
It is better to prevent than to cure. But many
have not reacted in time, and now it is too late
to prevent this terrible scourge. Delay in such

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Beginning of Sorrows

things can be not only harmful but also fatal.

Many times in the past viruses have
threathened and afflicted humanity. But the
current viral pandemic is causing widespread
suffering and affecting the world both now
and for the foreseeable future. This should
humble us and remind us of our fragility
and of the brevity of life. One sacred writer
exclaimed, “For what is your life? It is even
a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and
then vanisheth away.”1
We appreciate the efforts of science and
especially the field of medicine, the personal
sacrifices of many, and uncounted hours of
research, but even though a cure be found
for one sickness, another arises that is more
difficult to treat. There are two things to know.
First, science, medicine and technology
cannot rid the world of sickness or plagues,
nor bring perfect health or immortality.
We should already have learned this! But
rest assured that life on Earth will not be
extinguished by any terrible virus. Of this we
are absolutely certain.
Second, know this, that however grave
the current situation is, and however much
1 Epistle of James, 4:14

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Beginning of Sorrows

affliction and suffering there may be, it is all

nothing compared to what is coming. We are
warned in the Holy Scriptures, in the book of

“And when he had opened the fourth

seal, I heard the voice of the fourth
beast say, Come and see. And I looked,
and behold a pale horse: and his name
that sat on him was Death, and Hell
followed with him. And power was
given unto them over the fourth part of
the earth, to kill with sword, and with
hunger, and with death, and with the
beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:7-8).

The grim fourth horseman of the

Apocalypse brings the scourge of massive
death from hunger, pestilence, war and beasts
of the earth. Why will God send this terrible
judgment? We shall shortly see the answer.


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Beginning of Sorrows

Asteroids and Meteors

hough to some it may seem absurd,
many are really concerned about
the possible impact of an asteroid or
meteor that could extinguish life or cause
such massive destruction that we would be


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Beginning of Sorrows

set back to the stone age. Some concerned

astronomers keep watch on the cosmos,
calculating trajectories and hoping to give us
sufficient warning to be able to avert a tragedy.
Serious research is being carried on to invent
methods to destroy or divert a meteor and
avoid fatal impact. It certainly seems to be a
valid concern. But again, there are two things
to know.
First, not to worry, because life on
Earth will not be extinguished by any such
impact. This is not to say there will not be any
collision, but that such will not cause the end
of the world. Something else will.
Second, Revelation warns that there
will be a terrible impact, not by chance nor laws
of probability, but sent by God as a judgment.
Consider the warning of Revelation 8:10-11,

“And the third angel sounded, and

there fell a great star from heaven,
burning as it were a lamp, and it fell
upon the third part of the rivers, and
upon the fountains of waters; and the
name of the star is called Wormwood:
and the third part of the waters became
wormwood; and many men died of the

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Beginning of Sorrows

waters, because they were made bitter.”

This is nothing new. It has been known

since the days of the apostles, but many have
ignored it. Since it will be divinely sent, there
is nothing in science that can stop it. It is as
certain as if it had already occurred, in fact, in
God’s mind it is as good as done! He allowed
the apostle John to see things that would soon
come to pass. But again we ask, why will this


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Beginning of Sorrows

Global Warming

es, temperatures are rising, and the
climate is changing. Has this happened
before in history? Frankly, we don’t
know, because our records of the weather
are insufficient to allow us to see if this has

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happened before and could be part of a cycle.

Maybe not. Maybe it is simply because of
our poor administration of the planet. But it
is useless to dwell on that question, because
whatever the cause, there are two things to
First, life on Earth will not end due to
pollution, global warming or its repercussions.
The Bible declares in definite terms how the
end will come. It will not be because of the
climate, and sorry to say, we cannot save the
planet. That is a lost cause.
Second, however bad and worrisome
the rising temperatures may be, that is
nothing compared to what is coming. Again,
in the book of Revelation God gives us a clear
warning that many have willfully ignored. It
isn’t a prediction, but a declaration, a warning.
Revelation 16:8-9 says,

“And the fourth angel poured out his

vial upon the sun; and power was given
unto him to scorch men with fire. And
men were scorched with great heat, and
blasphemed the name of God, which
hath power over these plagues: and
they repented not to give him glory.”

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The fourth vial of wrath from heaven

will bring the scourge of solar heat on a scale
never before seen in history. It will not be
caused by our mismanagement of the planet
or environment, but by a much more serious
offense. What is it? We shall see.


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Beginning of Sorrows

The Worst Is Yet To Come

ome might criticize us as insensitive
for speaking of these things, but they are
wrong. We raise our voice because God
has raised His. He has spoken during long
centuries, and few have paid any attention.
Now He is shouting the warning, giving us

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one last opportunity to wake up and respond

before it is too late!
Friend, we’re sorry to tell you that these
current dangers and concerns are nothing
compared to what is coming. Many have no
idea what is about to fall on the earth. When
some asked Jesus Christ, “when shall these
things be? and what shall be the sign of thy
coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matthew
24:3), this was His answer:

“Take heed that no man deceive you.

For many shall come in my name,
saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive
many. And ye shall hear of wars and
rumours of wars: see that ye be not
troubled: for all these things must
come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom: and
there shall be famines, and pestilences,
and earthquakes, in divers places. All
these are the beginning of sorrows”
(Matthew 24:4-8).

Wars, rumors of wars, famines,

pestilences and earthquakes – these are not

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Beginning of Sorrows

the end, but only the preliminaries. The worst

has not yet come, but soon it will. God is truly
slow to wrath, and divine patience has waited
for a long time, but we have taken advantage of
it and even despised it. Romans 2:4-6 warns,

“despisest thou the riches of his goodness

and forbearance and longsuffering;
not knowing that the goodness of God
leadeth thee to repentance? But after
thy hardness and impenitent heart
treasurest up unto thyself wrath against
the day of wrath and revelation of the
righteous judgment of God; Who will
render to every man according to his

Many warnings have been repeatedly

given, with great restraint and patience. But
the human race has despised and abused
divine mercy and patience, and continued in
its ways without heeding or repenting. So, if
God’s treatment is hard, it is only because we
are hard.
“Beginning of sorrows” means that
more are coming. We have previously cited
only three of the terrible judgments from

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the book of Revelation. Jesus Christ Himself

will open the book that is sealed with seven
seals (Revelation 6), and every opened seal
will send a judgment to earth. These seven
seal judgments are so terrible that when the
sixth is opened, people will be filled with fear
and try to hide under mountains and rocks,
crying out,

“Fall on us, and hide us from the face

of him that sitteth on the throne, and
from the wrath of the Lamb: For the
great day of his wrath is come; and who
shall be able to stand?” (Revelation

And this is only the beginning!

When Christ opens the seventh seal
(Revelation 8:1), seven angels standing before
God will receive trumpets, and blow them
one after another. Each trumpet announces
the arrival of another divine judgment.
These will cause great cataclysms, ecological
disasters and widespread death. Think of the
time and effort it takes now to recover from
one earthquake or hurricane in only one
part of the world. But when God’s judgments

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begin to fall, they will be worldwide, and no

nation will be able to help another. There will
be no solidarity. No one will applaud or sing
from balconies to raise morale when heaven’s
judgments fall. The earth will not have
recovered from one judgment before the next
one falls. One after another the awful blows
will come and the planet will shudder. They
will be so awful that after only four of the
seven trumpets, an angel will be seen flying in
the heavens and crying out,

“Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the

earth by reason of the other voices of
the trumpet of the three angels, which
are yet to sound!” (Revelation 8:13).

After the seventh trumpet and its

judgment, seven more angels appear in
heaven, with the seven final plagues or
judgments (Revelation 15:1). The voice of
God will command them, “Go your ways, and
pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the
earth” (Revelation 16:1).
One after another the seven awful vials
of judgment will be poured out. Malignant
ulcers will appear on people. The oceans will

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Beginning of Sorrows

turn to blood – literally – and every marine

creature will die. The rivers and springs of
waters will turn to blood. There will be no
water for man or beast. The sun will scorch
those who dwell on the earth, but they will not
repent. Instead of softening and seeking God,
they will harden themselves and blaspheme,
cursing God.
Then dense darkness will fall on the
earth, and men will gnaw their tongues
because of the great pain. They will complain
and blaspheme God because of their pain,
but they will not repent. They will imitate the
foolish poet who wrote, “my head is bloody
but unbowed.”
Then the great Euphrates river
will dry up, and an enormous army will
advance toward Israel and the place called
“Har Meguiddo,” that is, “Armagedón”
(Revelation 16:16). There will be earthquakes,
thunderings, lightning and great hailstones
will fall, each weighing over 50 pounds,
causing unprecedented destruction. And yet,
mankind’s only reaction will be to blaspheme
and curse God. Humanity will have passed
the point of no return, therefore now is the
time to heed God’s warnings.

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Beginning of Sorrows

Again, as much as people suffer today

because of a virus, or worry about asteroids or
global warming, these are nothing compared
to what is coming.
The current suffering and disruption
caused by a microscopic virus is only a small
warning of the “beginning of sorrows.”
The time of God’s patience and
mercy is running out, and soon apocalyptic
judgments will come. The world has never
seen destruction and suffering on the scale
of what is about to happen. These are not
parables or allegories, but divine warnings
and descriptions of what is coming. We should
learn the reason why.


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Beginning of Sorrows

“And the times of this ignorance God

winked at; but now commandeth
all men every where to repent:
Because he hath appointed a day,
in the which he will judge the
world in righteousness by that man
whom he hath ordained; whereof
he hath given assurance unto all
men, in that he hath raised him
from the dead.”
Acts 17:30-31
from the apostle Paul’s sermon in Athens


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Beginning of Sorrows

The Root Cause

et us speak clearly of the cause. There is
something worse than viruses, meteors
and climatic changes, and it threatens
all humanity. It isn’t a virus or sickness, but we
will use the analogy of a pandemic to illustrate

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Beginning of Sorrows

and help you to understand. The awful truth

is, every human is already affected by this
terrible condition, and unless it is cured, the
prognosis is certain death. This is not a theory.
Death is a reality. Wherever human beings are,
there are graves. The rich, powerful, learned
and famous die like the poor, weak, ignorant
and unknown. We are speaking of the root
cause of all problems, past, present and future.
What is this deadly thing that every person
already has, that causes so much sadness,
suffering and death, and will soon bring these
terrible divine and apocalyptic judgments on
all the earth?
It is sin. Seriously. Don’t laugh or roll
your eyes, please. Keep an open mind and
allow me to finish. You need to hear this.
The Bible identifies sin as the root of
all the problems of the human race. We are
sinners, and sin causes death. In the neglected
book of Genesis (which means “origins”),
God tells us that He created the earth, and
man, revealed Himself to him, and made
generous and benevolent provision for him.
He gave him one simple law and warned
him that death would be the consequence of
disobedience (Genesis 2:17).

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Beginning of Sorrows

But Adam and Eve, the first and only

human beings on the planet, distrusted and
disobeyed God – which is sin. Their nature
suffered a change, and death entered just as
God had warned.
Every one who descends from these
progenitors is born with this egotistic and
disobedient nature. This includes us all. Is
the historical record of Genesis important?
Believe it! Jesus Christ affirmed it! The good
Master declared that “from the beginning of
the creation God made them male and female”
(Mark 10:6). It isn’t a legend or allegory,
but rather the words of an eyewitness.
Millenniums after the days of Genesis, the
apostle Paul wrote, “as by one man sin entered
into the world, and death by sin; and so death
passed upon all men, for that all have sinned”
(Romans 5:12).
It’s irrelevant whether you believe
this is fair or not, because it’s a fact. Are we
all sinners? Are you a sinner? If you have any
doubts, read in the Gospel of Mark (Mark
7:20-23) what Jesus Christ said comes out
of our hearts and defiles us. You’ll see your
condition described there, just like all the
rest of us. The apostle Paul also declared that

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Beginning of Sorrows

“in Adam all die” (1 Corintians 15:22). He is

right. We all die, and the reason is not found
in biology or other disciplines of science, but
in the Bible.
Humanity cannot eliminate death,
because the root cause is sin, and we cannot
cure that. Philosophy, psychology, sociology,
medicine, science and religion are all impotent
before this terrible enemy of humanity. But
even worse is that God has intervened to save
us, but we foolishly resist and reject Him. “All
we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned
every one to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6). This
is why the judgments are coming, and time is
running out.


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The Divine Cure

here is a solution, a cure, and it’s spiritual,
but that doesn’t refer to religion. God
has the infallible cure and it is available
to all, without partiality. But the problem is,
if you are like most, you will believe almost

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anything or anyone before believing God. And

the Bible is the only accurate history of mankind
and analysis of our problem. Freedom from sin
and its consequences only comes by believing
God. It isn’t the same as believing in God, that
is, believing that He exists. We must believe
and trust what He says.
God says our problem is sin. Sin
brings death, and we all sin – because it is in
our fallen, tainted nature. Sin enslaves us and
we can’t escape. Some attempt to embellish
it, some philosophize about it, and some are
shameless about it, but it is in every one of us.
Men devise tests to detect the presence of a
virus in us, but God’s Word shows us that we
have all the symptoms of sin. That means you,
dear reader, are infected. God says that you’re
a sinner. Do you believe Him? Our Creator
knows more than all the anthropologists and
sociologists. He who made us and knows our
complete history says,

“For all have sinned, and come short of

the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

It’s a great fundamental truth. Do you believe

God’s analysis?

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He also says,

“the soul that sinneth, it shall surely

die” (Ezekiel 18:4), “they which commit
such things are worthy of death”
(Romans 1:32) and “the wages of sin is
death” (Romans 6:23).

The repeated words in one form or

another in these texts are “sin” and “death”.
This is WHY Jesus Christ came into the
world, “to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).
But forgiveness and salvation don’t come by
ceremonies, incense, holy water or liturgical
words. No man can forgive sin – only God
can. How does He do it?
Remember, only one thing pays sin’s
penalty – death. Religion, church membership,
sacraments, good works, donations, personal
reforms, tears, and even prayers cannot
forgive sin. Death alone is the penalty. For this
reason, “Christ died for our sins, according to
the scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3). John the
Baptist pointed Him out publicly and declared,
“Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away
the sin of the world” (John 1:29). Jesus Christ
did not come into the world only to teach, do

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good works or give an example, but to DIE.

It was His mission. This is the only way we
can be pardoned and changed – saved – by
the death of the Substitute – God’s Lamb. He
died in the place of each one of us, so that we
may be forgiven and saved rather than dying
for our own sins. Christ substituted Himself
for us, for you. The apostle Peter wrote this
about Christ, “Who his own self bare our sins
in his own body on the tree...” (1 Peter 2:24).
This is the divine cure. We are sinners,
but Jesus Christ, who is sinless, died in our
place. He took our punishment, paid the death
penalty for us, so that all who believe God and
trust in Jesus Christ are forgiven and receive
eternal life instead of condemnation. If you
repent of your sins, including your mistaken
beliefs, and trust exclusively in Jesus Christ as
your Lord and Savior, He will set you free from
sin and condemnation. Believe His promise,

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that

heareth my word, and believeth on him
that sent me, hath everlasting life, and
shall not come into condemnation; but
is passed from death unto life” (John

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Beginning of Sorrows

When you think about all the terrible

things happening in the world, and all that
Revelation says is going to happen, remember,
sin is the cause. God calls on every person to
believe Him, repent and trust in His Son Jesus
Christ as Lord and Savior. You can’t save the
world, or the planet, but you can save yourself.
The the Roman jailor in Philippi asked, “What
must I do to be saved?” this was the apostolic
reply. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and
thou shalt be saved, and thy house” (Acts 16:31).
Now that you know it, what will you
do? Remember, delay is deadly. “Behold,
now is the accepted time; behold, now is the
day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Time is
running out, and great divine judgments have
been prepared for this unbelieving world.
Tomorrow may be too late for you.
Someone summed up the gospel
message in this little poem.


Carl Knott, March 12th, 2020

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Beginning of Sorrows

W e’re pleased to make this booklet available to you. It

is accompanied by our prayers that the Lord will be
glorified and that you will find spiritual help.

If you desire further help, or wish to know of other English books

that we offer, please visit our website.

You may also communicate by email using the following address.


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