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Natal Chart Report


Astrology House

Welcome to your Natal Chart report.

Your Natal Chart report is an astrological chart based on the mathematically precise
positions of the planets and the Sun & Moon at the time, date and place of your birth. It
provides you with insights into your character and personal life potentials by indicating
the strengths you have and the challenges you experience in life.

Your Natal Chart report covers among other things your primary motivation in life, your
identity, emotions, mentality, love and sexuality, spirituality, earning ability and career
potentialities and so on.

In some parts of the report you will come across apparent contradictions in the
descriptions of your character. This is to be expected; people are complex and have many
contradictory facets to their personality.

We trust you will find the report insightful and helpful.

Birth Data
.Michaud Natal Chart.
.23 Aug 1989 7:42:00 AM EST +05:00:00.
.Brooklyn New York USA 73w56'00 40n38'00.
.Geocentric Tropical Zodiac.
.Placidus House System.
The 1st House

The 1st House cusp is, in most cases, the Ascendant or Rising Sign of your chart. It
indicates your primary motivation in life and describes you, your self-expression and
vitality. It is your physical appearance and the way others see you and interact with you.
The house placement of your 1st House ruler shows the areas of life that are of primary
importance to you. Also, planets in your 1st House influence how you present yourself
to the world.

Ascendant in Virgo
Your primary motivation in life is to gain secure material circumstances and to acquire
possessions. You have a practical outlook on life, coupled with the desire for an orderly
and tidy environment. You are cautious when meeting people for the first time and tend to
be reserved until a connection has been established. You have a critical attitude but can be
over-critical and fussy. There is a risk of experiencing difficulties with others through
fault-finding or nagging. Work and health matters are important to you.

1st House Cusp Ruler, Mercury, in 12th House

You achieve your primary motivation in life by working quietly behind-the-scenes. You
are a force to be reckoned with in a subtle way. You tend to keep your own counsel and
value your privacy and time spent in seclusion. Hidden enemies can, on occasion, attempt
to undermine you.

Venus in 1st House

You have a keen sense of beauty and refinement and display a pleasant manner to others.
You have an appreciation of the arts and music, with a sense of fashion and an ability to
make yourself attractive. You like beautiful things in your environment and know how to
dress well and make a good impression on other people. You are naturally charming and
people generally like being in your company.

Venus in Libra
To feel whole, you need to be part of a personal union. Harmony and equality are first
and foremost in your intimate relationships. You have a love of beauty and intellectual
stimulation and tend to look for these qualities in a partner or lover. You are an attractive
and obliging person who has well-developed social skills. Problems can arise in your love
life, if you scatter your affections or try to please everyone. You have artistic inclinations
and a love of the arts.
Venus Square Jupiter (2z00' S)
Even the 'difficult' aspects, such as this, between Venus and Jupiter are not as challenging
as other planetary combinations. There can be a tendency towards laziness or over-
indulgence and wastefulness. Romantic encounters are generally positive and happy and
artistic ability is evident. Positively, you have a pleasant and affectionate nature, which
warms people to you easily. You have an attractive personality with the ability to gain
popularity or favoritism from others.

Venus Square Saturn (1z07' A)

Regarding matters of the heart, you are cautious and inclined to put practical
considerations before romantic desires. You have a tendency to exercise self-control in
love, perhaps at the expense of emotional satisfaction and spontaneity. You are attracted
to people older than yourself and respect their life experience and maturity. At times, you
enjoy time alone and are content in your own company. Alternatively, you can be
emotionally cool and indifferent, even hard-hearted and cold. There may be difficulties in
expressing affection and discomfort with intimacy. You can lack self-confidence in love,
resulting in periods of loneliness. Estrangements and separations in love are possible.

Venus Square Uranus (5z00' S)

You tend to be choosy in love because you need someone who can accommodate your
need for freedom and independence. You are attracted to exotic and unusual partners who
are independent and up-to-date in their outlooks. You thrive on change and variety in love
and the thrill of the new. Adventurous and receptive to different experiences, you are fun
to be with and open to experimentation. Emotionally, there can be a proneness to anxiety,
stress and unpredictability.

Venus Square Neptune (3z21' A)

You possess good taste, refinement and artistic appreciation or talent. You have a keen
sense of beauty, coupled with creative imagination and inspiration. You may develop a
talent for music, dance, drama, poetry, painting or photography. Emotionally, you are
highly romantic and inclined to dream and wish for perfect love. In regard to matters of
the heart, you are idealistic but can be unrealistic and susceptible to seducing influences.
There is a danger of poor judgment in love, emotional disappointment and difficulties in
relationships caused through deception.

Venus Conjunct Ascendant (7z47' A)

You have a pleasant and friendly personality that other people find attractive and alluring.
You possess physical appeal, a charming nature, sophistication and a good fashion sense;
all of which favor you socially. You may have artistic talents; you will certainly have an
appreciation of the arts and culture. You have good taste and an eye for style and design.

Venus Square Midheaven (7z59' A)

You are a warm-hearted and loving individual and, in general, enjoy good relationships
with family members. You have a unique sense of style and have quite individualistic
fashion tastes and preferences. You have high expectations in love and, at some point in
your life, will experience a love union that all others are measured by. Negatively, you
can turn others off through laziness or vanity. There may be disharmony with others
caused by family and vocational demands impinging upon one another.

Ascendant Trine Moon (1z35' S)

You have natural empathy, coupled with an ability to make others feel at ease in your
company. You enjoy good relations with others because you are generally easy-going,
obliging and able to adapt to most situations. Women play an important role in your life
and you have many contacts with them.

Ascendant Conjunct Mercury (1z48' S)

You have a keen mind and quite possibly an above average intelligence. You are sharp-
witted and alert to what's happening around you; so much so that you rarely miss a trick.
A clear communicator, you express yourself lucidly and frankly. Also, you are a good
conversationalist because you are curious about what interests others. You are animated
and expressive in company and probably talk with your hands. Intellectually, you have a
questioning mind, coupled with the capability to form your own opinions and, when sure
of your facts, tend to dominate discussions. Your personal environment is extremely busy,
which is just as well as you tend to be quite restless and find it nearly impossible to sit
still for very long.

Ascendant Square Jupiter (5z46' A)

You have a larger than life personality that others find attractive. You easily make a good
first impression on people because you are friendly and outgoing. Broad-minded and
enthusiastic, you have an eagerness for knowledge and travel. You come into contact with
people who can help you socially, financially and professionally. There can be a tendency
to self-importance, self-indulgence and weight gain.
Ascendant Square Uranus (2z46' A)
You are an original personality and delight in your uniqueness and individuality. You
insist on having the freedom to do as you wish, even if it unsettles or upsets others. To
some people, you are an exciting person to be around; to others you are unconventional
and hard for them to understand. You need to take care not to come across as overly
eccentric, because you may isolate yourself socially. You are intrinsically restless and will
tend to have many changes of environment throughout the course of your life.

Ascendant SemiSquare Pluto (1z03' S)

You have great will-power, which you can direct into projects of personal interest,
however, you will need to learn how to work with others if you want their cooperation.
You are intense and dominating and, as a consequence, often find yourself involved in
power struggles.

Ascendant Quincunx Moon's North Node (2z54' S)

You have the ability to get along well with others through adaptability and putting others'
needs before your own. However, difficulties can arise in your personal relationships
through standoffish or unsociable behavior.

The 2nd House

The 2nd House is associated with personal assets and financial affairs. It governs all
moveable possessions and wealth.

2nd House Cusp in Libra

You may like to spend your money on beautiful things, such as fine clothes, jewelry and
art. You may also make money through investing in the arts. Your financial affairs may be
linked to a personal or professional partner.

2nd House Cusp Ruler, Venus, in 1st House

Your income is directly proportional to your self-motivation and the personal effort you
put into creating wealth. Your physical condition and general health are determining
factors in your ability to earn a living. The more vital and physically fit you are, the more
drive you have to acquire possessions and money. You may tend to spend money on
Pluto in 2nd House
Money and possessions are power to you. You have a strong motivation to acquire and
own things. Your financial circumstances are likely to undergo re-cycling periods of
change, possibly caused by forces outside of your own control. Power struggles involving
money or possessions are possible.

Pluto in Scorpio
You are a member of a generation who has the ability to wield a powerful influence on
others through the correct use or misuse of energy. You may have fanatical traits and be
motivated by deep seated passions. By nature, you are emotionally intense and prone to
power struggles.

Pluto SemiSquare Mercury (0z45' A)

You have the power to be a dynamic and persuasive communicator. Perceptive and
observant, you possess psychological insight into the motivations of others. Alternatively,
your relations with others will be strained if you come across as overbearing or
intellectually arrogant. You are unable to make compromises.

Pluto Sextile Mars (0z01' A)

Your commitment to activities that you are passionate about is clear to all. You invest a
lot of emotional energy and vigor into your objectives. You have the motivational power
to work long hours to see any task through to a successful conclusion.

Pluto Sextile Saturn (5z04' S)

Everything you achieve in life is as the result of sheer determination and effort. You have
great powers of endurance and perseverance, coupled with a tenacious attitude and the
self-discipline to see things through to their successful conclusion.

Pluto SemiSquare Uranus (3z49' A)

You were born during an era that witnessed much social change, unrest and revolution,
some of which was unsettling and potentially destructive. Sometimes you can be
confronted with situations that are so intense that the only thing you can do is take sudden
or drastic measures. You challenge the accepted standards of society and resist
conforming to others' values if they compromise your own.
Pluto Sextile Neptune (2z49' S)
Neptune and Pluto are the solar system's slowest moving planets; consequently, aspects
between them last for a great number of years and their effects are more collective than
personal. Since 1940 and continuing until about 2040 they are in sextile aspect to each
other. The major effect of this is to accentuate spiritual awareness and development en
masse. You are part of a generation that is intent on exploring and refining the inner
aspect of life and consciousness itself. You will be aware of a universal interest in
metaphysical subjects, clairvoyance and psychical research.

The 3rd House

The 3rd House is associated with your immediate environment. It rules your neighbors
and your relationship with your relatives, especially your siblings and cousins. It also
rules all forms of communication. It describes your early education and ability to learn.

3rd House Cusp in Scorpio

You are a quiet but persuasive communicator and, rather than mince your words, you
prefer to tell it like it is. You can be sharply critical and incisive in your observations,
which gives you an edge for investigative or research work. At times, you can be
secretive, suspicious and sarcastic. Relations with siblings and neighbors may be tense on

3rd House Cusp Ruler, Mars, in 12th House

At times, you can worry and fret without others being aware of it. Intellectual work is
best done in seclusion. You may act as a behind-the-scenes adviser to others. Spreading
stories could get you into trouble. There may be occasional upsets with or through
relatives or neighbors.

The 4th House

The 4th House is associated with home and family matters. It describes your parents -
especially the father - and your relationship with them. It gives information on your
family history or ancestry and the nature of your later life. Real estate and property
belong here.
4th House Cusp in Sagittarius
Your home is an open house; family members are frank with each other and generally get
along well. Your parents tend to be optimists or idealists and of good character and will
try to instill good moral and philosophical values in you. Your home should preferably be
as large and sprawling as you can afford. Your family may move around a lot or be spread
far and wide. You may travel or change residence frequently.

4th House Cusp Ruler, Jupiter, in 10th House

You may be groomed for public life or positions of responsibility. Equally, there may be
family members who hold important stations in life or are well-known. Your career may
be connected to your home or family business.

Uranus in 4th House

Your domestic arrangements may be unconventional in some way. There may be sudden
strains or tensions in the family or with one or both parents. You may experience many
changes of residence or sudden upsets in the home.

Uranus in Capricorn
You are inclined to rebel against, or reorganize, the established order of things. You are
part of a generation that reforms business practices, government structures and national
or global economies. You can make innovative use of whatever resources you have at

Uranus Trine Sun (1z06' A)

You are open to anything contemporary and progressive, including the possibilities
offered by modern technology or science. Change rarely fazes you; in fact, you tend to
welcome it. Keenly intuitive, you seem to have an uncanny sense for the 'next big thing'.
You are an original personality, with insight and the power to reform and carry out
innovations. You are highly independent and freedom loving and refuse to be bound by

Uranus Square Mercury (4z34' A)

You are independently minded and intellectually flexible. You have original ideas,
coupled with the capability to think laterally and progressively. You have reformatory
views and are always prepared to challenge the status quo. Sharp-minded and astute, you
comprehend things quickly. In some cases, your views may be too radical, which can
isolate you socially or make you appear eccentric. You can also be contradictory and
easily distracted. There can be a proneness to bouts of nervous tension, anxiety and
mental stress.

Uranus Opposition Jupiter (3z00' S)

It is difficult to say for certain how this aspect will play out in your life because it is truly
unpredictable. For example, you are prone to experiencing sudden events that can change
your life dramatically, for better or not. You are quite happy doing your own thing and
don't concern yourself with other people's opinions. Your faith in your own abilities is
usually strong and, regardless of what may be happening in your life, your trust in the
future rarely wavers. You have an eye for good opportunities, coupled with a keen
intuition and a great sense of timing. At times, you can be contradictory and opinionated.

Uranus Conjunct Saturn (6z07' A)

This aspect happens only once every 46 years due to the slow orbital speeds of these two
planets. Socially, it represents periods of disruption in the world and the sudden tearing
down of established structures: consider, for example, the resulting breakup of the Soviet
Union following the most recent conjunction of Saturn and Uranus in 1988. On a
personal level, you often feel tense and churned up inside, as you struggle between the
urge to conform and the urge to assert your individuality. One side of you wants to be like
everyone else while the other side fights against it. For your own peace of mind, you need
to find a balance between these conflicting urges. You are quite rebellious and can buck
against anyone or anything that restricts your freedom. Also, when you feel the pressure
for change building up within you, don't suppress it as you may cause yourself stress,
nervous tension and possible physical injury.

Uranus Sextile Moon's North Node (5z40' A)

You are attracted to original, innovative and unusual people. You enjoy change and
variety with regard to your associations and can be inclined to make and break contacts
suddenly and unexpectedly.

Uranus Opposition Midheaven (2z59' A)

A born reformer, others see you as a unique personality who is strongly individualistic.
You assert your right to be independent and original. Professionally, you will choose a
career that is unusual or innovative in some way, or you could be attracted to modern
occupations, involving the latest technological or scientific advancements. One word of
warning, this aspect can sometimes cause reckless and rash behavior, which can lead to
sudden reversals of fortune or disgrace. Your domestic circumstances are often

Saturn in 4th House

Your home and family life are very important to you, however, there can be problems
attaining domestic harmony and security. You may experience hardship in your place of
birth, which can be alleviated by moving to another locality or country. There may be
some difficulties in your relationship with one or both of your parents.

Saturn in Capricorn
Your will is strong and unyielding. Ambitious for power, status or authority, you tend to
measure your self-worth through how satisfied you are with your personal achievements.
You are self-contained, practical and aware of your responsibilities. There can also be the
tendency to use people or situations for your own advantage.

Saturn Trine Sun (7z14' A)

You view life seriously and realistically, with clear vision and the awareness that nothing
is achieved without effort and industry. Your advancement in life is steady but sure. You
have good powers of perseverance and patience and will achieve your objectives by
making sacrifices and exercising self-discipline. You are very good at focusing on the job
at hand, are well organized and capable of sorting out priorities. In general, you have a
strong sense of right and wrong.

Saturn Trine Mars (5z03' S)

You are a hard worker and have the power to realize your objectives through
perseverance and determination. You are good at physical and manual work, or activities
requiring self-discipline and stamina such as endurance sports. In stressful or dangerous
situations, you can be counted on to keep a clear and cool head.

Saturn Opposition Jupiter (3z07' A)

In general, your life alternates between periods of optimism and pessimism and periods
of abundance and hardship. It can sometimes seem that everything good that happens to
you comes at a cost. Your challenge is to find the middle path between enjoying life and
keeping it real. Occasionally, you experience feelings of dissatisfaction with your lot in
life, however, this can serve as a motivation to improve your situation. All of your
personal successes - academic, financial or emotional - are hard won and gained through
industry, perseverance and self-discipline. You have a good head for business because
you understand the cycles of expansion and consolidation.
Saturn Conjunct Neptune (2z14' S)
You experience periodic struggles between pursuing your spiritual inclinations and
meeting the demands of the material world. Physically, you are prone to re-cycling bouts
of low vitality and illness. You may also contend with feelings of insecurity and a lack of
clarity. In spite of the challenges you encounter in life, you have the ability to make
sincere sacrifices and help others in need.

Saturn SemiSquare Moon's North Node (3z13' S)

It is very likely that you'll establish unions with others of a wide-age difference to
yourself. Older people play an important role in your early life. You have a sense of
responsibility towards others, coupled with strong feelings of duty. At times, other
people's actions can inhibit, restrict or frustrate you. Separations or losses can be
experienced at certain junctures in life.

Neptune in 4th House

You may find it difficult to put down roots. There may be uncertainty concerning your
family history or ancestry. Difficulties with a parent are possible; perhaps there is
substance abuse or alcoholism in the family. If possible, you should try to live near water,
as this can be soothing and comforting.

Neptune in Capricorn
You are inclined to hold idealistic or unrealistic views about big business, multi-
nationalism and government policies. However, you are equally aware of the danger of
placing indiscriminate faith in established structures because you recognize their inherent
fragility. You are part of a generation that witnesses the dissolving of national boundaries,
through such phenomena as the Internet and global communication.

Neptune Trine Mars (2z49' S)

You have the ability to succeed in activities that involve your creative and imaginative
powers. You can effectively direct your energies into spiritual pursuits and may develop
an interest in metaphysical subjects and physical disciplines such as yoga. Swimming and
water sports may appeal.

Neptune Opposition Jupiter (5z22' A)

You are a compassionate person who is receptive to the needs of others. Spiritual subjects
may interest you and it is possible that you possess psychic ability. You have a great
amount of imagination and inspiration, which you may effectively channel into creative
expressions such as music, theater, dance, film or painting. You are essentially an idealist
who sometimes sees the world through rose-tinted glasses. As a result, you can perceive
situations to be quite different from what they are in reality. On a more mundane level,
you may have an enthusiasm for taking risks, however, it is impossible to tell if your
speculations will succeed or fail - so you need to take care.

Neptune SemiSquare Moon's North Node (0z58' S)

Your judgment of other people's character is often unreliable and you can be easily prone
to misconceptions regarding others. There is a danger of being deceived and betrayed
within connections and relationships. Positively, you may associate with creative and
artistic people and share an appreciation of the arts, music and spiritual subjects.

The 5th House

The 5th House is associated with pleasure, sex, love affairs and children. It also
governs artistic creativity, music, the fine arts, fashion, social entertainment, games and

5th House Cusp in Aquarius

In regard to matters of the heart and romance, anything is possible as far as you are
concerned. You like to be innovative and inventive in love and are attracted to original
and unconventional personalities. For fun, you enjoy mental pursuits and learning about
new things.

5th House Cusp Ruler, Saturn, in 4th House

You enjoy being at home or spending time with your family. If you are artistic, you will
probably like being creative at home. Most of your socializing and entertaining tends to
take place at home.

Moon's North Node in 5th House

You know how to enjoy yourself and like to participate in pleasurable and fun activities.

Moon's North Node in Aquarius

Friendship is the most important form of relationship for you to make in life. You are
drawn to free-thinking, independent and innovative people, who have original outlooks.
There may be a tendency to make and break contacts suddenly. You may belong to groups
who advocate reforms.

Moon's North Node Opposition Sun (4z34' S)

You have a testing relationship with others, either with authority figures or in your own
capacity as an authority figure. You may feel blocked by other people from achieving
your objectives, or experience difficult relations with others due to ego clashes. You
count important and significant people among your connections.

Moon's North Node Square Moon (1z19' S)

You are motivated by the urge to establish spiritual and emotional connections with
others. You judge another's character on your initial instincts. Family ties are extremely
important to you, however, there can be tensions between members of your family.
Difficulties with others can arise through a lack of adaptability or insensitivity.

Moon's North Node Quincunx Mercury (1z06' S)

You are motivated by the need to establish intellectual and mentally stimulating
connections in life. Your associates are likely to be business people, academics, students
and teachers. Misunderstandings between people are possible through insincerity and

Moon's North Node Trine Midheaven (2z42' S)

The best friends you can make in life are with people who share similar ambitions and
aspirations as yourself. You have a strong need to be with people who understand and
appreciate you at an inner level. You may be quite status conscious.

The 6th House

The 6th House is associated with work and employment or service. It describes your
dependents such as pets, employees, servants and tenants if you have any. It is the
house of health and sickness. It governs doctors, nurses and dentists.

6th House Cusp in Pisces

You are sensitive to the mood of the work environment. Stressful or negative energies can
affect your health. Unreliability can become an issue, if you are unhappy as an employee.
If you are an employer you may experience difficulties with staff members. Addictive
tendencies can be harmful and create health issues.

6th House Cusp Ruler, Jupiter, in 10th House

You are inclined to view your job as a calling in life. Your work skills and expertize can
bring success and recognition. You have the potential to attain positions of authority.

The 7th House

The 7th House is associated with partnerships, both personal and professional. It rules
your relationship with other people generally, including those who oppose you. It also
describes the sort of person you will attract as a mate.

7th House Cusp in Pisces

Although you are quite practical and realistic, your relationship needs can be hard to
fathom. You are in touch with your senses and enjoy being pampered a partner. You may
attract idealists and dreamers but can also experience disappointment or disillusionment
through others.

7th House Cusp Ruler, Jupiter, in 10th House

Your personal relationships and dealings with others can affect your reputation. You may
meet partners through your profession and may be helped in your career by them.

The 8th House

The 8th House is the house of shared resources, other people's money, including the
partner's. It is associated with wills, inheritances, death and loss.

8th House Cusp in Aries

You are a survivor, even when the odds seem to be stacked against you. Challenging or
risky situations get your adrenaline pumping. You can be reckless and look danger right
in the eye, yet you instinctively know how far to take things. You are prone to arguments
with others over money and shared resources. Problems and disputes may arise over
legacies and inheritances.

8th House Cusp Ruler, Mars, in 12th House

You may have secret fears and anxieties that can be overwhelming from time to time.
Hidden enemies can cause difficulties. Mismanagement of another's resources or
dishonest taxation practices could land you in hot water.

The 9th House

The 9th House is associated with philosophy, wisdom, spirituality, religion, higher
education and travel. It also rules those you seek for advice such as lawyers, priests
and astrologers.

9th House Cusp in Taurus

Your philosophical and religious outlooks tend to be traditional or orthodox and, in
general, you don't change your beliefs readily. Likewise, you are inclined to have a
conservative approach to spiritual and mystical subjects. Important teachers and advisers
tend to be pragmatic, but can also be inflexible. If you travel, it is usually for practical
reasons such as business.

9th House Cusp Ruler, Venus, in 1st House

Acquiring a good education and broadening your personal horizons is important to you.
You will probably travel and gain first-hand experience of other cultures and belief
systems. You may be a philosopher, spiritual aspirant or teacher.

Moon in 9th House

You may have strong spiritual or religious inclinations. Your philosophies about life are
instilled in you through your mother or significant women. You have a desire for
knowledge and wisdom and may travel or pursue tertiary studies to broaden your

Moon in Taurus
You have a need for financial and material security in order to maintain emotional well-
being. While it is in your nature to manage your financial affairs with care, it is probable
that you will have changeable material circumstances in life. In your emotional life, you
desire constancy and faithfulness in others. You know how to enjoy the good things in
life and an attachment to possessions and acquisitions is likely. There can be a risk of
weight gain through over-indulgence.

Moon Square Sun (3z15' A)

You desire inner harmony. However, you often feel discontented and tense. At times, your
drive for recognition can override your emotional needs and vice versa. Your
relationships with the opposite sex are occasionally strained. There may be discord
between your parents.

Moon Trine Mercury (0z13' S)

Your thoughts are influenced by your feelings and vice versa. You are highly perceptive
and can easily sense the moods and feelings of others. Your mind is both fertile and
imaginative and hungry for knowledge. You are an instinctual student and teacher, whose
understanding of a subject is emotionally based. Articulate and able to impart knowledge
effortlessly, you have a good memory and may be a good storyteller.

The 10th House

The 10th House is associated with your status in the world. It describes your reputation
and level of public success. It is the house of career and, traditionally, the house of the
mother. In most cases, your 10th House cusp is at the Midheaven.

Midheaven in Gemini
Your aim in life is to have many and varied experiences. You have an enthusiasm for
change and variety. Self-realization is achieved through having an open mind and being
adaptable. Your self-esteem grows through the acquisition of knowledge.

10th House Cusp Ruler, Mercury, in 12th House

Achieving personal recognition in your professional life may be difficult, however,
working behind-the-scenes in a supporting role can be satisfying. You may do charity
work or enjoy helping people in need.
Jupiter in 10th House
You are ambitious and can rise to prominent positions in life and attain a measure of
public recognition. You have a strong sense of justice and other people tend to look up to
you. You may receive favor from superiors or from those who are able to assist your
advancement. One or two words of warning, you need to guard against arrogance or the
abuse of power, as these could lead to dishonor.

Jupiter in Cancer
You have a strong attachment to your home and family. The creation of a secure and
comfortable home for yourself and your loved ones is important to you. Your educational,
spiritual or religious outlooks are established in early life. Financial assistance is often
available through the family. You have a caring and protective nature, coupled with a
genuine concern for the emotional needs of others.

Jupiter Sextile Sun (4z06' A)

You have an essentially positive and healthy outlook on life. Generosity of spirit and
goodwill towards others makes you a popular companion and a fun person to be around.
You are motivated by a strong urge to expand in life and to broaden your personal
horizons. You have the ability to successfully advance your material, social, intellectual
or spiritual aspirations

Jupiter Square Mercury (7z34' A)

You are basically an optimist at heart and usually express a positive and confident
outlook on life. In your desire to broaden your knowledge, you will most likely travel,
correspond with people in other countries and possibly study or have business
arrangements overseas. Possibly, you may have a tendency to be absent-minded, or
inclined to overlook important details. Poor judgment or negligence can lead to problems
with investments, contracts or legal documents. At times, you may be intellectually
arrogant or prone to exaggeration.

Jupiter Conjunct Midheaven (5z59' A)

This is one of the most beneficial aspects anyone can have as it almost always guarantees
success or accomplishment in the world - both spiritually and materially. Your personal
aims and aspirations are high and generally honorable. You know what you want to
achieve in life and will get the support you need to realize it. Higher learning, education,
travel, acting, law, religion and spiritual matters may be important to you. In fact, you
may become an authority or find acclaim in any one of these areas.
Midheaven Sextile Sun (1z52' A)
You have an awareness of your purpose in life from an early age. A positive attitude will
assist you to achieve your personal objectives. Success and professional respect are
important to you and you take pride in your vocational accomplishments. Your parents
may assist in deciding your vocational direction and your family will probably support
your career moves.

Midheaven Square Mercury (1z36' S)

For the most part, you are a thinker and a strategist. You have the ability to advance
vocationally through being clear about what you want to achieve and keeping abreast of
developments in your field. Alternatively, you may experience miscommunications with
family members, professional colleagues or authority figures over matters of outlook.
Your career path is unlikely to be straight and clear, as you are inherently restless and
prone to frequent job changes.

The 11th House

The 11th House is traditionally known as "the house of good fortune". Your friends and
benefactors are described here, as well as your hopes and wishes.

11th House Cusp in Leo

You may have friends in high places. You tend to prefer the company of creative,
confident and ambitious people. As a rule, you are generous and warm-hearted towards
your friends. However, if they offend you in any way, you can become disdainful and
distant. You may have friends who enjoy being the center of attention.

11th House Cusp Ruler, Sun, in 11th House

Friendships are very important to you. You are socially active and can meet friends
through common interest groups or in social settings. You may have a talent for
cultivating connections who can help realize your hopes and ambitions.

Sun in Virgo
You are a perfectionist and you set yourself high standards, especially in your work.
Intellectually, you have an analytical mind, coupled with an appreciation of order and a
practical approach to things. Precise and exacting work is your forte and you are
exceptionally talented when attention to detail is required. You are well-suited to
specialized work and are likely to be an expert of some description. You have a critical
nature and the ability to offer constructive criticism wherever appropriate. However, you
can also be over-critical or ready to point out fault.

Moon's South Node in 11th House

You may experience difficulties with friends or groups.

Moon's South Node in Leo

An over-bearing attitude or excessive pride could undermine relationships.

The 12th House

The 12th House is the house of ill luck. It is associated with sorrow and sadness, your
self-undoing and downfall, as well as your secrets, worries and anxieties. It rules
hospitals, hospices, retreats, hideaways and prisons.

12th House Cusp in Virgo

Nit-picking and finding fault can back-fire on you and irritate others. You can be prone to
states of anxiety or nervous tension and may display hypochondriac tendencies.

12th House Cusp Ruler, Mercury, in 12th House

You are quite discreet and can be secretive. You need periodic seclusion in order to re-
charge your mental, physical and spiritual batteries. Addictive behavior can lead to
unhappiness and possible illness.

Mercury in Virgo
You have an analytical and logical mind, with practical reasoning abilities. Naturally
studious, you have the capability to acquire specialized skills. Others will recognize your
areas of expertize. Your thinking is orderly and methodical. Precision is your forte. You
have a talent for gathering and classifying information. You can also be critical and
Mars in 12th House
You may find it difficult to keep motivated or to take action when required. You can
benefit from taking time out to recharge your batteries. Secretive behavior can create
difficulties. Be aware that there is a danger of being exploited or undermined by others.

Mars in Virgo
Your goals and actions are usually practical and useful. You are economical in the
expenditure of energy. Precise and exacting, you are motivated to do the best you can at
any task. You approach projects in a logical and methodical manner. You tend to get
angry or irritable when routines are upset or things don't go to plan.

The Qualities and Elements

The signs of the zodiac are grouped into two basic categories. These are known as the
Qualities and the Elements. The Qualities describe fundamental modes of activity and
the Elements describe temperament. There are three Qualities: Cardinal, Fixed &
Mutable and four Elements: Fire, Air, Earth & Water. Your horoscope has varying
degrees of each Quality and Element. The percentages you have of each will determine
their importance in your life. The higher percentages will be more powerful in your life,
the lower percentages will be less powerful.

The Qualities

33% Cardinal
The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn. The more planets you have in
any of these signs the more Cardinal you are:
Cardinal people are action oriented and initiating. They are interested in promoting
change and bringing new things into the world. They are direct, assertive and like to take
charge of situations. They are ambitious, independent and dislike being supervised. They
are good at starting projects, but not so good at completing them. They have abundant
enthusiasm and are very resourceful. Cardinal people generally don't hold grudges.

22% Fixed
The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius. The more planets you have in
any of these signs the more Fixed you are:
Fixed people are persevering and enduring. They achieve results in life through
determined and persistent effort. They tend to do one thing at a time and are extremely
practical in their approach to everything. They are not easily influenced by others and can
be quite firm or stubborn once their minds are made up about something. They tend to
hold onto things and are reluctant to change. They are staunch, but they can also be
inflexible and at risk from becoming set in their ways.

45% Mutable
The Mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces. The more planets you have
in any of these signs the more Mutable you are:
Mutable people are the most flexible of the three types. They are able to go with the flow.
They are changeable and adaptable, but also indecisive and restless. They are sensitive to
the opinions of others, but they can also be impressionable and easily influenced by
environmental circumstances. Mutable people lack the stubbornness of the Fixed signs
and the forcefulness of the Cardinal signs, which makes them good mediators and go-

The Elements

11% Fire
The Fire signs are Aries, Leo & Sagittarius. The more planets you have in the Fire signs
the more pro-active and self-determining you are:
The Fire signs go for freedom of action and power. They strive for recognition in life.
They are out-going and enthusiastic, adventure seeking and powerful. They are ardent,
passionate, assertive, demonstrative, bold and courageous. They can also be impatient
and bossy, willful and reactive, especially when they face delays or obstructions in their

44% Earth
The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn. The more planets you have in the Earth
signs the more practical and needful of security you are:
The Earth signs seek material security. They are down-to-earth, pragmatic, cautious,
sensible and conservative. Hard-working and industrious, Earth signs are able to put into
effect the ideas and inspirations of the other signs. They can be accumulative, possessive
and overly materialistic. They are also sensual and pleasure seeking.

22% Air
The Air signs are Gemini, Libra & Aquarius. The more planets you have in the Air signs
the more pro-active and self-determining you are:
The Air signs go for freedom of action and freedom of movement. Air signs need to be
able to come and go at will. They are mentally alert and intellectually stimulating. They
can also be fickle, inattentive and swayed by the opinions of others.

23% Water
The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces. The more planets you have in the Water
signs the more needful you are of emotional security:
People with a majority of planets in the Water signs are motivated by the need to gain
security in their emotional lives. They are sensitive, deep, compassionate, imaginative
and intuitive. Their inner lives and dream lives are very active. They are spiritually
inclined and potentially psychic, with an ability to tune into others. They can also be
hypersensitive, impressionable and emotionally needy.

Astrological Terms & their Meanings

The Zodiacal Signs Principle Keywords Ruler
i ARIES........... I Am.............. Motivated to act.............. Mars
j TAURUS........ I Have........... Practical & persevering.. Venus
k GEMINI......... I Think.......... Duality. Communicative. Mercury
l CANCER....... I Feel............ Emotional & nurturing..... Moon
m LEO............... I Will............. Desires recognition........ Sun
o VIRGO.......... I Analyse...... Attention to detail........... Mercury
p LIBRA............ I Balance...... Relates to others............ Venus
q SCORPIO..... I Desire......... Intense & forceful........... Mars/Pluto
r SAGITTARIUS. I Aspire......... Broad outlook, idealistic. Jupiter
u CAPRICORN. I Use............. Realistic & responsible... Saturn
v AQUARIUS... I Know.......... Human understanding.... Saturn/Uranus
w PISCES......... I Believe....... Spiritual & sensitive........ Jupiter/Neptune

The Planets & Personal Points

! SUN.............. Spirit, life force & identity. Masculine principle
# MOON........... Soul, emotions and instincts. Domesticity. Feminine principle
$ MERCURY.... Intellect and power of communication. The reasoning mind
& VENUS.......... Love, beauty, art and attraction
( MARS............ Energy, action, aggression and conflict
) JUPITER....... Wisdom, expansion, optimism & success
* SATURN........ Restriction, limitation, restraint & sorrow
: URANUS....... Change, originality, revolution & eccentricity
; NEPTUNE..... Imagination, spirituality, inspiration, illusion & deception
g PLUTO.......... Power, forces beyond personal control & transformation
> NORTH NODE. Alliances, family ties and links with others
? SOUTH NODE. Karma and challenges in associations
@ ASCENDANT. Face you show the world. Primary motivation in life
B MIDHEAVEN. Aim in life

The Houses
1st HOUSE Physical appearance, self-expression and vitality
2nd HOUSE Personal assets, wealth and earning ability
3rd HOUSE Immediate environment, siblings, mentality and communication
4th HOUSE Home, family, origins, father and later life
5th HOUSE Pleasures, amusements, love & children
6th HOUSE Service, work & health
7th HOUSE Partners, other people generally & open enemies
8th HOUSE Other people's resources, wills, legacies & death
9th HOUSE Long journeys, higher learning, religion and law
10th HOUSE Reputation, career & the mother
11th HOUSE Friends, benefactors and groups
12th HOUSE Self-undoing, withdrawal, retreat and seclusion
The Aspects
] CONJUNCTION. Unity of energies, which can be harmonious or aggravating
^ OPPOSITION. Destructive or learning
_ TRINE........... Harmonious and flowing
` SQUARE....... Tension
a SEXTILE....... Easy, creative and harmonious
e QUINCUNX... Energies that work independently of each other
c SESQUISQUARE. Problems that can become chronic if not addressed
b SEMISQUARE. Petty annoyances that can escalate
d SEMISEXTILE. Minor disruptions, which usually work out for the best

Natal Chart Report


Astrology House

Welcome to your Natal Chart report.

Your Natal Chart report is an astrological chart based on the mathematically precise
positions of the planets and the Sun & Moon at the time, date and place of your birth. It
provides you with insights into your character and personal life potentials by indicating
the strengths you have and the challenges you experience in life.

Your Natal Chart report covers among other things your primary motivation in life, your
identity, emotions, mentality, love and sexuality, spirituality, earning ability and career
potentialities and so on.

In some parts of the report you will come across apparent contradictions in the
descriptions of your character. This is to be expected; people are complex and have many
contradictory facets to their personality.
We trust you will find the report insightful and helpful.

Birth Data
.Michaud Natal Chart.
.23 Aug 1989 7:42:00 AM EST +05:00:00.
.Brooklyn New York USA 73w56'00 40n38'00.
.Geocentric Tropical Zodiac.
.Placidus House System.
The 1st House

The 1st House cusp is, in most cases, the Ascendant or Rising Sign of your chart. It
indicates your primary motivation in life and describes you, your self-expression and
vitality. It is your physical appearance and the way others see you and interact with you.
The house placement of your 1st House ruler shows the areas of life that are of primary
importance to you. Also, planets in your 1st House influence how you present yourself
to the world.
Ascendant in Virgo
Your primary motivation in life is to gain secure material circumstances and to acquire
possessions. You have a practical outlook on life, coupled with the desire for an orderly
and tidy environment. You are cautious when meeting people for the first time and tend to
be reserved until a connection has been established. You have a critical attitude but can be
over-critical and fussy. There is a risk of experiencing difficulties with others through
fault-finding or nagging. Work and health matters are important to you.

1st House Cusp Ruler, Mercury, in 12th House

You achieve your primary motivation in life by working quietly behind-the-scenes. You
are a force to be reckoned with in a subtle way. You tend to keep your own counsel and
value your privacy and time spent in seclusion. Hidden enemies can, on occasion, attempt
to undermine you.

Venus in 1st House

You have a keen sense of beauty and refinement and display a pleasant manner to others.
You have an appreciation of the arts and music, with a sense of fashion and an ability to
make yourself attractive. You like beautiful things in your environment and know how to
dress well and make a good impression on other people. You are naturally charming and
people generally like being in your company.

Venus in Libra
To feel whole, you need to be part of a personal union. Harmony and equality are first
and foremost in your intimate relationships. You have a love of beauty and intellectual
stimulation and tend to look for these qualities in a partner or lover. You are an attractive
and obliging person who has well-developed social skills. Problems can arise in your love
life, if you scatter your affections or try to please everyone. You have artistic inclinations
and a love of the arts.

Venus Square Jupiter (2z00' S)

Even the 'difficult' aspects, such as this, between Venus and Jupiter are not as challenging
as other planetary combinations. There can be a tendency towards laziness or over-
indulgence and wastefulness. Romantic encounters are generally positive and happy and
artistic ability is evident. Positively, you have a pleasant and affectionate nature, which
warms people to you easily. You have an attractive personality with the ability to gain
popularity or favoritism from others.

Venus Square Saturn (1z07' A)

Regarding matters of the heart, you are cautious and inclined to put practical
considerations before romantic desires. You have a tendency to exercise self-control in
love, perhaps at the expense of emotional satisfaction and spontaneity. You are attracted
to people older than yourself and respect their life experience and maturity. At times, you
enjoy time alone and are content in your own company. Alternatively, you can be
emotionally cool and indifferent, even hard-hearted and cold. There may be difficulties in
expressing affection and discomfort with intimacy. You can lack self-confidence in love,
resulting in periods of loneliness. Estrangements and separations in love are possible.

Venus Square Uranus (5z00' S)

You tend to be choosy in love because you need someone who can accommodate your
need for freedom and independence. You are attracted to exotic and unusual partners who
are independent and up-to-date in their outlooks. You thrive on change and variety in love
and the thrill of the new. Adventurous and receptive to different experiences, you are fun
to be with and open to experimentation. Emotionally, there can be a proneness to anxiety,
stress and unpredictability.

Venus Square Neptune (3z21' A)

You possess good taste, refinement and artistic appreciation or talent. You have a keen
sense of beauty, coupled with creative imagination and inspiration. You may develop a
talent for music, dance, drama, poetry, painting or photography. Emotionally, you are
highly romantic and inclined to dream and wish for perfect love. In regard to matters of
the heart, you are idealistic but can be unrealistic and susceptible to seducing influences.
There is a danger of poor judgment in love, emotional disappointment and difficulties in
relationships caused through deception.

Venus Conjunct Ascendant (7z47' A)

You have a pleasant and friendly personality that other people find attractive and alluring.
You possess physical appeal, a charming nature, sophistication and a good fashion sense;
all of which favor you socially. You may have artistic talents; you will certainly have an
appreciation of the arts and culture. You have good taste and an eye for style and design.

Venus Square Midheaven (7z59' A)

You are a warm-hearted and loving individual and, in general, enjoy good relationships
with family members. You have a unique sense of style and have quite individualistic
fashion tastes and preferences. You have high expectations in love and, at some point in
your life, will experience a love union that all others are measured by. Negatively, you
can turn others off through laziness or vanity. There may be disharmony with others
caused by family and vocational demands impinging upon one another.

Ascendant Trine Moon (1z35' S)

You have natural empathy, coupled with an ability to make others feel at ease in your
company. You enjoy good relations with others because you are generally easy-going,
obliging and able to adapt to most situations. Women play an important role in your life
and you have many contacts with them.

Ascendant Conjunct Mercury (1z48' S)

You have a keen mind and quite possibly an above average intelligence. You are sharp-
witted and alert to what's happening around you; so much so that you rarely miss a trick.
A clear communicator, you express yourself lucidly and frankly. Also, you are a good
conversationalist because you are curious about what interests others. You are animated
and expressive in company and probably talk with your hands. Intellectually, you have a
questioning mind, coupled with the capability to form your own opinions and, when sure
of your facts, tend to dominate discussions. Your personal environment is extremely busy,
which is just as well as you tend to be quite restless and find it nearly impossible to sit
still for very long.

Ascendant Square Jupiter (5z46' A)

You have a larger than life personality that others find attractive. You easily make a good
first impression on people because you are friendly and outgoing. Broad-minded and
enthusiastic, you have an eagerness for knowledge and travel. You come into contact with
people who can help you socially, financially and professionally. There can be a tendency
to self-importance, self-indulgence and weight gain.

Ascendant Square Uranus (2z46' A)

You are an original personality and delight in your uniqueness and individuality. You
insist on having the freedom to do as you wish, even if it unsettles or upsets others. To
some people, you are an exciting person to be around; to others you are unconventional
and hard for them to understand. You need to take care not to come across as overly
eccentric, because you may isolate yourself socially. You are intrinsically restless and will
tend to have many changes of environment throughout the course of your life.

Ascendant SemiSquare Pluto (1z03' S)

You have great will-power, which you can direct into projects of personal interest,
however, you will need to learn how to work with others if you want their cooperation.
You are intense and dominating and, as a consequence, often find yourself involved in
power struggles.

Ascendant Quincunx Moon's North Node (2z54' S)

You have the ability to get along well with others through adaptability and putting others'
needs before your own. However, difficulties can arise in your personal relationships
through standoffish or unsociable behavior.

The 2nd House

The 2nd House is associated with personal assets and financial affairs. It governs all
moveable possessions and wealth.

2nd House Cusp in Libra

You may like to spend your money on beautiful things, such as fine clothes, jewelry and
art. You may also make money through investing in the arts. Your financial affairs may be
linked to a personal or professional partner.

2nd House Cusp Ruler, Venus, in 1st House

Your income is directly proportional to your self-motivation and the personal effort you
put into creating wealth. Your physical condition and general health are determining
factors in your ability to earn a living. The more vital and physically fit you are, the more
drive you have to acquire possessions and money. You may tend to spend money on

Pluto in 2nd House

Money and possessions are power to you. You have a strong motivation to acquire and
own things. Your financial circumstances are likely to undergo re-cycling periods of
change, possibly caused by forces outside of your own control. Power struggles involving
money or possessions are possible.

Pluto in Scorpio
You are a member of a generation who has the ability to wield a powerful influence on
others through the correct use or misuse of energy. You may have fanatical traits and be
motivated by deep seated passions. By nature, you are emotionally intense and prone to
power struggles.

Pluto SemiSquare Mercury (0z45' A)

You have the power to be a dynamic and persuasive communicator. Perceptive and
observant, you possess psychological insight into the motivations of others. Alternatively,
your relations with others will be strained if you come across as overbearing or
intellectually arrogant. You are unable to make compromises.

Pluto Sextile Mars (0z01' A)

Your commitment to activities that you are passionate about is clear to all. You invest a
lot of emotional energy and vigor into your objectives. You have the motivational power
to work long hours to see any task through to a successful conclusion.

Pluto Sextile Saturn (5z04' S)

Everything you achieve in life is as the result of sheer determination and effort. You have
great powers of endurance and perseverance, coupled with a tenacious attitude and the
self-discipline to see things through to their successful conclusion.

Pluto SemiSquare Uranus (3z49' A)

You were born during an era that witnessed much social change, unrest and revolution,
some of which was unsettling and potentially destructive. Sometimes you can be
confronted with situations that are so intense that the only thing you can do is take sudden
or drastic measures. You challenge the accepted standards of society and resist
conforming to others' values if they compromise your own.

Pluto Sextile Neptune (2z49' S)

Neptune and Pluto are the solar system's slowest moving planets; consequently, aspects
between them last for a great number of years and their effects are more collective than
personal. Since 1940 and continuing until about 2040 they are in sextile aspect to each
other. The major effect of this is to accentuate spiritual awareness and development en
masse. You are part of a generation that is intent on exploring and refining the inner
aspect of life and consciousness itself. You will be aware of a universal interest in
metaphysical subjects, clairvoyance and psychical research.

The 3rd House

The 3rd House is associated with your immediate environment. It rules your neighbors
and your relationship with your relatives, especially your siblings and cousins. It also
rules all forms of communication. It describes your early education and ability to learn.

3rd House Cusp in Scorpio

You are a quiet but persuasive communicator and, rather than mince your words, you
prefer to tell it like it is. You can be sharply critical and incisive in your observations,
which gives you an edge for investigative or research work. At times, you can be
secretive, suspicious and sarcastic. Relations with siblings and neighbors may be tense on

3rd House Cusp Ruler, Mars, in 12th House

At times, you can worry and fret without others being aware of it. Intellectual work is
best done in seclusion. You may act as a behind-the-scenes adviser to others. Spreading
stories could get you into trouble. There may be occasional upsets with or through
relatives or neighbors.

The 4th House

The 4th House is associated with home and family matters. It describes your parents -
especially the father - and your relationship with them. It gives information on your
family history or ancestry and the nature of your later life. Real estate and property
belong here.

4th House Cusp in Sagittarius

Your home is an open house; family members are frank with each other and generally get
along well. Your parents tend to be optimists or idealists and of good character and will
try to instill good moral and philosophical values in you. Your home should preferably be
as large and sprawling as you can afford. Your family may move around a lot or be spread
far and wide. You may travel or change residence frequently.

4th House Cusp Ruler, Jupiter, in 10th House

You may be groomed for public life or positions of responsibility. Equally, there may be
family members who hold important stations in life or are well-known. Your career may
be connected to your home or family business.

Uranus in 4th House

Your domestic arrangements may be unconventional in some way. There may be sudden
strains or tensions in the family or with one or both parents. You may experience many
changes of residence or sudden upsets in the home.

Uranus in Capricorn
You are inclined to rebel against, or reorganize, the established order of things. You are
part of a generation that reforms business practices, government structures and national
or global economies. You can make innovative use of whatever resources you have at

Uranus Trine Sun (1z06' A)

You are open to anything contemporary and progressive, including the possibilities
offered by modern technology or science. Change rarely fazes you; in fact, you tend to
welcome it. Keenly intuitive, you seem to have an uncanny sense for the 'next big thing'.
You are an original personality, with insight and the power to reform and carry out
innovations. You are highly independent and freedom loving and refuse to be bound by

Uranus Square Mercury (4z34' A)

You are independently minded and intellectually flexible. You have original ideas,
coupled with the capability to think laterally and progressively. You have reformatory
views and are always prepared to challenge the status quo. Sharp-minded and astute, you
comprehend things quickly. In some cases, your views may be too radical, which can
isolate you socially or make you appear eccentric. You can also be contradictory and
easily distracted. There can be a proneness to bouts of nervous tension, anxiety and
mental stress.

Uranus Opposition Jupiter (3z00' S)

It is difficult to say for certain how this aspect will play out in your life because it is truly
unpredictable. For example, you are prone to experiencing sudden events that can change
your life dramatically, for better or not. You are quite happy doing your own thing and
don't concern yourself with other people's opinions. Your faith in your own abilities is
usually strong and, regardless of what may be happening in your life, your trust in the
future rarely wavers. You have an eye for good opportunities, coupled with a keen
intuition and a great sense of timing. At times, you can be contradictory and opinionated.
Uranus Conjunct Saturn (6z07' A)
This aspect happens only once every 46 years due to the slow orbital speeds of these two
planets. Socially, it represents periods of disruption in the world and the sudden tearing
down of established structures: consider, for example, the resulting breakup of the Soviet
Union following the most recent conjunction of Saturn and Uranus in 1988. On a
personal level, you often feel tense and churned up inside, as you struggle between the
urge to conform and the urge to assert your individuality. One side of you wants to be like
everyone else while the other side fights against it. For your own peace of mind, you need
to find a balance between these conflicting urges. You are quite rebellious and can buck
against anyone or anything that restricts your freedom. Also, when you feel the pressure
for change building up within you, don't suppress it as you may cause yourself stress,
nervous tension and possible physical injury.

Uranus Sextile Moon's North Node (5z40' A)

You are attracted to original, innovative and unusual people. You enjoy change and
variety with regard to your associations and can be inclined to make and break contacts
suddenly and unexpectedly.

Uranus Opposition Midheaven (2z59' A)

A born reformer, others see you as a unique personality who is strongly individualistic.
You assert your right to be independent and original. Professionally, you will choose a
career that is unusual or innovative in some way, or you could be attracted to modern
occupations, involving the latest technological or scientific advancements. One word of
warning, this aspect can sometimes cause reckless and rash behavior, which can lead to
sudden reversals of fortune or disgrace. Your domestic circumstances are often

Saturn in 4th House

Your home and family life are very important to you, however, there can be problems
attaining domestic harmony and security. You may experience hardship in your place of
birth, which can be alleviated by moving to another locality or country. There may be
some difficulties in your relationship with one or both of your parents.

Saturn in Capricorn
Your will is strong and unyielding. Ambitious for power, status or authority, you tend to
measure your self-worth through how satisfied you are with your personal achievements.
You are self-contained, practical and aware of your responsibilities. There can also be the
tendency to use people or situations for your own advantage.

Saturn Trine Sun (7z14' A)

You view life seriously and realistically, with clear vision and the awareness that nothing
is achieved without effort and industry. Your advancement in life is steady but sure. You
have good powers of perseverance and patience and will achieve your objectives by
making sacrifices and exercising self-discipline. You are very good at focusing on the job
at hand, are well organized and capable of sorting out priorities. In general, you have a
strong sense of right and wrong.

Saturn Trine Mars (5z03' S)

You are a hard worker and have the power to realize your objectives through
perseverance and determination. You are good at physical and manual work, or activities
requiring self-discipline and stamina such as endurance sports. In stressful or dangerous
situations, you can be counted on to keep a clear and cool head.

Saturn Opposition Jupiter (3z07' A)

In general, your life alternates between periods of optimism and pessimism and periods
of abundance and hardship. It can sometimes seem that everything good that happens to
you comes at a cost. Your challenge is to find the middle path between enjoying life and
keeping it real. Occasionally, you experience feelings of dissatisfaction with your lot in
life, however, this can serve as a motivation to improve your situation. All of your
personal successes - academic, financial or emotional - are hard won and gained through
industry, perseverance and self-discipline. You have a good head for business because
you understand the cycles of expansion and consolidation.

Saturn Conjunct Neptune (2z14' S)

You experience periodic struggles between pursuing your spiritual inclinations and
meeting the demands of the material world. Physically, you are prone to re-cycling bouts
of low vitality and illness. You may also contend with feelings of insecurity and a lack of
clarity. In spite of the challenges you encounter in life, you have the ability to make
sincere sacrifices and help others in need.

Saturn SemiSquare Moon's North Node (3z13' S)

It is very likely that you'll establish unions with others of a wide-age difference to
yourself. Older people play an important role in your early life. You have a sense of
responsibility towards others, coupled with strong feelings of duty. At times, other
people's actions can inhibit, restrict or frustrate you. Separations or losses can be
experienced at certain junctures in life.

Neptune in 4th House

You may find it difficult to put down roots. There may be uncertainty concerning your
family history or ancestry. Difficulties with a parent are possible; perhaps there is
substance abuse or alcoholism in the family. If possible, you should try to live near water,
as this can be soothing and comforting.

Neptune in Capricorn
You are inclined to hold idealistic or unrealistic views about big business, multi-
nationalism and government policies. However, you are equally aware of the danger of
placing indiscriminate faith in established structures because you recognize their inherent
fragility. You are part of a generation that witnesses the dissolving of national boundaries,
through such phenomena as the Internet and global communication.

Neptune Trine Mars (2z49' S)

You have the ability to succeed in activities that involve your creative and imaginative
powers. You can effectively direct your energies into spiritual pursuits and may develop
an interest in metaphysical subjects and physical disciplines such as yoga. Swimming and
water sports may appeal.

Neptune Opposition Jupiter (5z22' A)

You are a compassionate person who is receptive to the needs of others. Spiritual subjects
may interest you and it is possible that you possess psychic ability. You have a great
amount of imagination and inspiration, which you may effectively channel into creative
expressions such as music, theater, dance, film or painting. You are essentially an idealist
who sometimes sees the world through rose-tinted glasses. As a result, you can perceive
situations to be quite different from what they are in reality. On a more mundane level,
you may have an enthusiasm for taking risks, however, it is impossible to tell if your
speculations will succeed or fail - so you need to take care.

Neptune SemiSquare Moon's North Node (0z58' S)

Your judgment of other people's character is often unreliable and you can be easily prone
to misconceptions regarding others. There is a danger of being deceived and betrayed
within connections and relationships. Positively, you may associate with creative and
artistic people and share an appreciation of the arts, music and spiritual subjects.
The 5th House

The 5th House is associated with pleasure, sex, love affairs and children. It also
governs artistic creativity, music, the fine arts, fashion, social entertainment, games and

5th House Cusp in Aquarius

In regard to matters of the heart and romance, anything is possible as far as you are
concerned. You like to be innovative and inventive in love and are attracted to original
and unconventional personalities. For fun, you enjoy mental pursuits and learning about
new things.

5th House Cusp Ruler, Saturn, in 4th House

You enjoy being at home or spending time with your family. If you are artistic, you will
probably like being creative at home. Most of your socializing and entertaining tends to
take place at home.

Moon's North Node in 5th House

You know how to enjoy yourself and like to participate in pleasurable and fun activities.

Moon's North Node in Aquarius

Friendship is the most important form of relationship for you to make in life. You are
drawn to free-thinking, independent and innovative people, who have original outlooks.
There may be a tendency to make and break contacts suddenly. You may belong to groups
who advocate reforms.

Moon's North Node Opposition Sun (4z34' S)

You have a testing relationship with others, either with authority figures or in your own
capacity as an authority figure. You may feel blocked by other people from achieving
your objectives, or experience difficult relations with others due to ego clashes. You
count important and significant people among your connections.

Moon's North Node Square Moon (1z19' S)

You are motivated by the urge to establish spiritual and emotional connections with
others. You judge another's character on your initial instincts. Family ties are extremely
important to you, however, there can be tensions between members of your family.
Difficulties with others can arise through a lack of adaptability or insensitivity.

Moon's North Node Quincunx Mercury (1z06' S)

You are motivated by the need to establish intellectual and mentally stimulating
connections in life. Your associates are likely to be business people, academics, students
and teachers. Misunderstandings between people are possible through insincerity and

Moon's North Node Trine Midheaven (2z42' S)

The best friends you can make in life are with people who share similar ambitions and
aspirations as yourself. You have a strong need to be with people who understand and
appreciate you at an inner level. You may be quite status conscious.

The 6th House

The 6th House is associated with work and employment or service. It describes your
dependents such as pets, employees, servants and tenants if you have any. It is the
house of health and sickness. It governs doctors, nurses and dentists.

6th House Cusp in Pisces

You are sensitive to the mood of the work environment. Stressful or negative energies can
affect your health. Unreliability can become an issue, if you are unhappy as an employee.
If you are an employer you may experience difficulties with staff members. Addictive
tendencies can be harmful and create health issues.

6th House Cusp Ruler, Jupiter, in 10th House

You are inclined to view your job as a calling in life. Your work skills and expertize can
bring success and recognition. You have the potential to attain positions of authority.

The 7th House

The 7th House is associated with partnerships, both personal and professional. It rules
your relationship with other people generally, including those who oppose you. It also
describes the sort of person you will attract as a mate.

7th House Cusp in Pisces

Although you are quite practical and realistic, your relationship needs can be hard to
fathom. You are in touch with your senses and enjoy being pampered a partner. You may
attract idealists and dreamers but can also experience disappointment or disillusionment
through others.

7th House Cusp Ruler, Jupiter, in 10th House

Your personal relationships and dealings with others can affect your reputation. You may
meet partners through your profession and may be helped in your career by them.

The 8th House

The 8th House is the house of shared resources, other people's money, including the
partner's. It is associated with wills, inheritances, death and loss.

8th House Cusp in Aries

You are a survivor, even when the odds seem to be stacked against you. Challenging or
risky situations get your adrenaline pumping. You can be reckless and look danger right
in the eye, yet you instinctively know how far to take things. You are prone to arguments
with others over money and shared resources. Problems and disputes may arise over
legacies and inheritances.

8th House Cusp Ruler, Mars, in 12th House

You may have secret fears and anxieties that can be overwhelming from time to time.
Hidden enemies can cause difficulties. Mismanagement of another's resources or
dishonest taxation practices could land you in hot water.

The 9th House

The 9th House is associated with philosophy, wisdom, spirituality, religion, higher
education and travel. It also rules those you seek for advice such as lawyers, priests
and astrologers.

9th House Cusp in Taurus

Your philosophical and religious outlooks tend to be traditional or orthodox and, in
general, you don't change your beliefs readily. Likewise, you are inclined to have a
conservative approach to spiritual and mystical subjects. Important teachers and advisers
tend to be pragmatic, but can also be inflexible. If you travel, it is usually for practical
reasons such as business.

9th House Cusp Ruler, Venus, in 1st House

Acquiring a good education and broadening your personal horizons is important to you.
You will probably travel and gain first-hand experience of other cultures and belief
systems. You may be a philosopher, spiritual aspirant or teacher.

Moon in 9th House

You may have strong spiritual or religious inclinations. Your philosophies about life are
instilled in you through your mother or significant women. You have a desire for
knowledge and wisdom and may travel or pursue tertiary studies to broaden your

Moon in Taurus
You have a need for financial and material security in order to maintain emotional well-
being. While it is in your nature to manage your financial affairs with care, it is probable
that you will have changeable material circumstances in life. In your emotional life, you
desire constancy and faithfulness in others. You know how to enjoy the good things in
life and an attachment to possessions and acquisitions is likely. There can be a risk of
weight gain through over-indulgence.

Moon Square Sun (3z15' A)

You desire inner harmony. However, you often feel discontented and tense. At times, your
drive for recognition can override your emotional needs and vice versa. Your
relationships with the opposite sex are occasionally strained. There may be discord
between your parents.
Moon Trine Mercury (0z13' S)
Your thoughts are influenced by your feelings and vice versa. You are highly perceptive
and can easily sense the moods and feelings of others. Your mind is both fertile and
imaginative and hungry for knowledge. You are an instinctual student and teacher, whose
understanding of a subject is emotionally based. Articulate and able to impart knowledge
effortlessly, you have a good memory and may be a good storyteller.

The 10th House

The 10th House is associated with your status in the world. It describes your reputation
and level of public success. It is the house of career and, traditionally, the house of the
mother. In most cases, your 10th House cusp is at the Midheaven.

Midheaven in Gemini
Your aim in life is to have many and varied experiences. You have an enthusiasm for
change and variety. Self-realization is achieved through having an open mind and being
adaptable. Your self-esteem grows through the acquisition of knowledge.

10th House Cusp Ruler, Mercury, in 12th House

Achieving personal recognition in your professional life may be difficult, however,
working behind-the-scenes in a supporting role can be satisfying. You may do charity
work or enjoy helping people in need.

Jupiter in 10th House

You are ambitious and can rise to prominent positions in life and attain a measure of
public recognition. You have a strong sense of justice and other people tend to look up to
you. You may receive favor from superiors or from those who are able to assist your
advancement. One or two words of warning, you need to guard against arrogance or the
abuse of power, as these could lead to dishonor.

Jupiter in Cancer
You have a strong attachment to your home and family. The creation of a secure and
comfortable home for yourself and your loved ones is important to you. Your educational,
spiritual or religious outlooks are established in early life. Financial assistance is often
available through the family. You have a caring and protective nature, coupled with a
genuine concern for the emotional needs of others.

Jupiter Sextile Sun (4z06' A)

You have an essentially positive and healthy outlook on life. Generosity of spirit and
goodwill towards others makes you a popular companion and a fun person to be around.
You are motivated by a strong urge to expand in life and to broaden your personal
horizons. You have the ability to successfully advance your material, social, intellectual
or spiritual aspirations

Jupiter Square Mercury (7z34' A)

You are basically an optimist at heart and usually express a positive and confident
outlook on life. In your desire to broaden your knowledge, you will most likely travel,
correspond with people in other countries and possibly study or have business
arrangements overseas. Possibly, you may have a tendency to be absent-minded, or
inclined to overlook important details. Poor judgment or negligence can lead to problems
with investments, contracts or legal documents. At times, you may be intellectually
arrogant or prone to exaggeration.

Jupiter Conjunct Midheaven (5z59' A)

This is one of the most beneficial aspects anyone can have as it almost always guarantees
success or accomplishment in the world - both spiritually and materially. Your personal
aims and aspirations are high and generally honorable. You know what you want to
achieve in life and will get the support you need to realize it. Higher learning, education,
travel, acting, law, religion and spiritual matters may be important to you. In fact, you
may become an authority or find acclaim in any one of these areas.

Midheaven Sextile Sun (1z52' A)

You have an awareness of your purpose in life from an early age. A positive attitude will
assist you to achieve your personal objectives. Success and professional respect are
important to you and you take pride in your vocational accomplishments. Your parents
may assist in deciding your vocational direction and your family will probably support
your career moves.

Midheaven Square Mercury (1z36' S)

For the most part, you are a thinker and a strategist. You have the ability to advance
vocationally through being clear about what you want to achieve and keeping abreast of
developments in your field. Alternatively, you may experience miscommunications with
family members, professional colleagues or authority figures over matters of outlook.
Your career path is unlikely to be straight and clear, as you are inherently restless and
prone to frequent job changes.

The 11th House

The 11th House is traditionally known as "the house of good fortune". Your friends and
benefactors are described here, as well as your hopes and wishes.

11th House Cusp in Leo

You may have friends in high places. You tend to prefer the company of creative,
confident and ambitious people. As a rule, you are generous and warm-hearted towards
your friends. However, if they offend you in any way, you can become disdainful and
distant. You may have friends who enjoy being the center of attention.

11th House Cusp Ruler, Sun, in 11th House

Friendships are very important to you. You are socially active and can meet friends
through common interest groups or in social settings. You may have a talent for
cultivating connections who can help realize your hopes and ambitions.

Sun in Virgo
You are a perfectionist and you set yourself high standards, especially in your work.
Intellectually, you have an analytical mind, coupled with an appreciation of order and a
practical approach to things. Precise and exacting work is your forte and you are
exceptionally talented when attention to detail is required. You are well-suited to
specialized work and are likely to be an expert of some description. You have a critical
nature and the ability to offer constructive criticism wherever appropriate. However, you
can also be over-critical or ready to point out fault.

Moon's South Node in 11th House

You may experience difficulties with friends or groups.

Moon's South Node in Leo

An over-bearing attitude or excessive pride could undermine relationships.
The 12th House

The 12th House is the house of ill luck. It is associated with sorrow and sadness, your
self-undoing and downfall, as well as your secrets, worries and anxieties. It rules
hospitals, hospices, retreats, hideaways and prisons.

12th House Cusp in Virgo

Nit-picking and finding fault can back-fire on you and irritate others. You can be prone to
states of anxiety or nervous tension and may display hypochondriac tendencies.

12th House Cusp Ruler, Mercury, in 12th House

You are quite discreet and can be secretive. You need periodic seclusion in order to re-
charge your mental, physical and spiritual batteries. Addictive behavior can lead to
unhappiness and possible illness.

Mercury in Virgo
You have an analytical and logical mind, with practical reasoning abilities. Naturally
studious, you have the capability to acquire specialized skills. Others will recognize your
areas of expertize. Your thinking is orderly and methodical. Precision is your forte. You
have a talent for gathering and classifying information. You can also be critical and

Mars in 12th House

You may find it difficult to keep motivated or to take action when required. You can
benefit from taking time out to recharge your batteries. Secretive behavior can create
difficulties. Be aware that there is a danger of being exploited or undermined by others.

Mars in Virgo
Your goals and actions are usually practical and useful. You are economical in the
expenditure of energy. Precise and exacting, you are motivated to do the best you can at
any task. You approach projects in a logical and methodical manner. You tend to get
angry or irritable when routines are upset or things don't go to plan.
The Qualities and Elements

The signs of the zodiac are grouped into two basic categories. These are known as the
Qualities and the Elements. The Qualities describe fundamental modes of activity and
the Elements describe temperament. There are three Qualities: Cardinal, Fixed &
Mutable and four Elements: Fire, Air, Earth & Water. Your horoscope has varying
degrees of each Quality and Element. The percentages you have of each will determine
their importance in your life. The higher percentages will be more powerful in your life,
the lower percentages will be less powerful.

The Qualities

33% Cardinal
The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn. The more planets you have in
any of these signs the more Cardinal you are:
Cardinal people are action oriented and initiating. They are interested in promoting
change and bringing new things into the world. They are direct, assertive and like to take
charge of situations. They are ambitious, independent and dislike being supervised. They
are good at starting projects, but not so good at completing them. They have abundant
enthusiasm and are very resourceful. Cardinal people generally don't hold grudges.

22% Fixed
The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius. The more planets you have in
any of these signs the more Fixed you are:
Fixed people are persevering and enduring. They achieve results in life through
determined and persistent effort. They tend to do one thing at a time and are extremely
practical in their approach to everything. They are not easily influenced by others and can
be quite firm or stubborn once their minds are made up about something. They tend to
hold onto things and are reluctant to change. They are staunch, but they can also be
inflexible and at risk from becoming set in their ways.

45% Mutable
The Mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces. The more planets you have
in any of these signs the more Mutable you are:
Mutable people are the most flexible of the three types. They are able to go with the flow.
They are changeable and adaptable, but also indecisive and restless. They are sensitive to
the opinions of others, but they can also be impressionable and easily influenced by
environmental circumstances. Mutable people lack the stubbornness of the Fixed signs
and the forcefulness of the Cardinal signs, which makes them good mediators and go-
The Elements

11% Fire
The Fire signs are Aries, Leo & Sagittarius. The more planets you have in the Fire signs
the more pro-active and self-determining you are:
The Fire signs go for freedom of action and power. They strive for recognition in life.
They are out-going and enthusiastic, adventure seeking and powerful. They are ardent,
passionate, assertive, demonstrative, bold and courageous. They can also be impatient
and bossy, willful and reactive, especially when they face delays or obstructions in their

44% Earth
The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn. The more planets you have in the Earth
signs the more practical and needful of security you are:
The Earth signs seek material security. They are down-to-earth, pragmatic, cautious,
sensible and conservative. Hard-working and industrious, Earth signs are able to put into
effect the ideas and inspirations of the other signs. They can be accumulative, possessive
and overly materialistic. They are also sensual and pleasure seeking.

22% Air
The Air signs are Gemini, Libra & Aquarius. The more planets you have in the Air signs
the more pro-active and self-determining you are:
The Air signs go for freedom of action and freedom of movement. Air signs need to be
able to come and go at will. They are mentally alert and intellectually stimulating. They
can also be fickle, inattentive and swayed by the opinions of others.

23% Water
The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces. The more planets you have in the Water
signs the more needful you are of emotional security:
People with a majority of planets in the Water signs are motivated by the need to gain
security in their emotional lives. They are sensitive, deep, compassionate, imaginative
and intuitive. Their inner lives and dream lives are very active. They are spiritually
inclined and potentially psychic, with an ability to tune into others. They can also be
hypersensitive, impressionable and emotionally needy.

Astrological Terms & their Meanings

The Zodiacal Signs Principle Keywords Ruler
i ARIES........... I Am.............. Motivated to act.............. Mars
j TAURUS........ I Have........... Practical & persevering.. Venus
k GEMINI......... I Think.......... Duality. Communicative. Mercury
l CANCER....... I Feel............ Emotional & nurturing..... Moon
m LEO............... I Will............. Desires recognition........ Sun
o VIRGO.......... I Analyse...... Attention to detail........... Mercury
p LIBRA............ I Balance...... Relates to others............ Venus
q SCORPIO..... I Desire......... Intense & forceful........... Mars/Pluto
r SAGITTARIUS. I Aspire......... Broad outlook, idealistic. Jupiter
u CAPRICORN. I Use............. Realistic & responsible... Saturn
v AQUARIUS... I Know.......... Human understanding.... Saturn/Uranus
w PISCES......... I Believe....... Spiritual & sensitive........ Jupiter/Neptune

The Planets & Personal Points

! SUN.............. Spirit, life force & identity. Masculine principle
# MOON........... Soul, emotions and instincts. Domesticity. Feminine principle
$ MERCURY.... Intellect and power of communication. The reasoning mind
& VENUS.......... Love, beauty, art and attraction
( MARS............ Energy, action, aggression and conflict
) JUPITER....... Wisdom, expansion, optimism & success
* SATURN........ Restriction, limitation, restraint & sorrow
: URANUS....... Change, originality, revolution & eccentricity
; NEPTUNE..... Imagination, spirituality, inspiration, illusion & deception
g PLUTO.......... Power, forces beyond personal control & transformation
> NORTH NODE. Alliances, family ties and links with others
? SOUTH NODE. Karma and challenges in associations
@ ASCENDANT. Face you show the world. Primary motivation in life
B MIDHEAVEN. Aim in life

The Houses
1st HOUSE Physical appearance, self-expression and vitality
2nd HOUSE Personal assets, wealth and earning ability
3rd HOUSE Immediate environment, siblings, mentality and communication
4th HOUSE Home, family, origins, father and later life
5th HOUSE Pleasures, amusements, love & children
6th HOUSE Service, work & health
7th HOUSE Partners, other people generally & open enemies
8th HOUSE Other people's resources, wills, legacies & death
9th HOUSE Long journeys, higher learning, religion and law
10th HOUSE Reputation, career & the mother
11th HOUSE Friends, benefactors and groups
12th HOUSE Self-undoing, withdrawal, retreat and seclusion

The Aspects
] CONJUNCTION. Unity of energies, which can be harmonious or aggravating
^ OPPOSITION. Destructive or learning
_ TRINE........... Harmonious and flowing
` SQUARE....... Tension
a SEXTILE....... Easy, creative and harmonious
e QUINCUNX... Energies that work independently of each other
c SESQUISQUARE. Problems that can become chronic if not addressed
b SEMISQUARE. Petty annoyances that can escalate
d SEMISEXTILE. Minor disruptions, which usually work out for the best

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