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IRON) - My thoughts in "Green" - bottom

I am Dr. Sebi, founder of Dr. Sebi's Research Institute. For over 28

years, the institute has been successful in curing diseases deemed
"incurable" by modern medicine. Through our methodology, A.I.D.S.,
Sickle Cell Anemia, Lupus, Diabetes, Arthritis, Cancers, Leukemia,
Herpes, Epilepsy, Fibroid Tumors, and a host of other diseases have
been successfully reversed. At this time, I would like to take this
opportunity to give you a brief synopsis of how our premise and
methodology achieves successful results in eradicating disease.
This brief, but concise illustration will reveal our premise and
methodology to be consistent. According to Western medical research,
diseases are the result of the host being infected with a "germ",
"virus", or "bacteria." Under this approach, in treating these
"infestations", inorganic, carcinogenic chemicals are employed.
Our research immediately uncovers flaws in their premise through
basic deductive reasoning. By consistently utilizing the same premise
and methods, they have consistently yielded ineffective results. In
essence, in the 400-year tradition of the European philosophy of
medicine, their approach in treating disease has yet to produce any
In contrast, as we examine an African approach to disease, it
diametrically opposes the present Western approach. Specifically, the
African Bio-mineral Balance refutes the germ/virus/bacteria premise.
Our research reveals that all manifestation of disease finds its genesis
when and where the mucous membrane has been compromised. For
example, if there is excess mucus in the bronchial tubes, the disease is
Bronchitis; if it is in the lungs, the disease is Pneumonia; in the
pancreatic duct, it is Diabetes; in the joints Arthritis. All of the African
Bio-mineral Balance compounds are comprised of natural plants;
which means its constitution is of an alkaline nature.
This is important - and instrumental in our success in reversing
pathologies - because disease can only exist in an environment that is
acidic; thus it is inconsistent to utilize inorganic substances when
treating disease because they are of an acid base. Only consistent use
of natural botanical remedies will effectively cleanse and detoxify a
diseased body, reversing it to its intended alkaline state.
Soror Onyx <>

Apr 30, 2017, 6:49 PM

to Comedian



The Mineral That Rules With An Iron Fist

The C H O chain is the chain of life, comprising of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
The most important thing of this trio is carbon, without carbon life is absent .
Carbon-based molecules are the basic building blocks of humans, animals,
plants, trees and soils. There are 142 minerals on the planet which each express
themselves in a different way. Electricity is only produced by the resonance of
the friction of copper and carbon. In humans the brain is the source of
electricity. The nervous system is the conduit that carries the electricity to
various points of the body to cause motion. The pineal gland is carbon and the
cerebral cortex is copper. We not only find that in the human being we find that
in the eel in Brazil that produces electricity to kill his prey and when you open
the eel all you find is copper and carbon.

Iron is the mineral that conveys oxygen to the brain. Iron should have carbon,
hydrogen and oxygen.

Iron is a trace element that is essential for human health, especially female
health since so much of it is lost due to the monthly menstrual cycle that causes
valuable nutrients to exit the female body.

Iron is present in our bodies as hemoglobin, the red pigment of blood. It is also
present in myoglobin, the form of hemoglobin found in muscle tissue.

Iron is stored in the liver, spleen, bone-marrow and muscles.

For maximum absorption of Iron, the following nutrients are essential: Vitamin
A and C, Copper, b-vitamins, Manganese and Molydenum.


Iron-deficiency anemia is an adverse condition most commonly associated with

severe shortage of iron. Anemia has been a prominent condition for many years
now. In fact, ancient Kemetic physicists studied anemia in 1,500 B.C.

Iron is required for the following:

Muscle "protein"

Improving physical performance

Preventing learning problems in children

Boosting energy levels

Essential for enzymes

Boosting the defense or immune system

Found in the human blood, iron is a mineral that is found in very large amounts.
Deficiency of this mineral is caused by an insufficient diet. Females can become
deficient in iron from excessive menstrual bleeding. If there is blood loss, there is
loss of iron.

Strenuous exercise also depletes the body of iron. Females who perform
rigorous and strenuous exercises damage the integrity of the female
reproductive system. The glands and organs can create internal imbalances,
especially regarding hormones.

Regular strenuous exercise may cause a decrease in the production of female

hormones, progesterone and estrogen. On the other hand, it may also cause an
increase in male hormones such as testosterone and androsterone.

Symptoms of iron-deficiency include:






Feeling cold

Brittle hair


Inflammation of the tissues of the mouth

Slowed mental reactions

White spots on the fingernails

African and African-American women require more Iron than any other race or
ethnicity of female. It is imperative that African women consume adequate
amounts of iron.

Dietary Thiocyanate and Iron are the two nutrients that are most important for
their overall health. These two nutrients are very important, especially if a
person has sickle cell and/or anemia. Both of these adverse conditions are
endemic to Africans in America and African-Americans. However, more than
90% of American females in general are reported to be anemic.

Iron Overload

Hereditary hemochromatosis (he-moe-kroe-muh-TOE-sis) causes your body to

absorb too much iron from the food you eat. The excess iron is stored in your
organs, especially your liver, heart and pancreas. The excess iron can poison
these organs, leading to life-threatening conditions such as cancer, heart
arrhythmias and cirrhosis.

Many people inherit the faulty genes that cause hemochromatosis — it is the
most common genetic disease in Caucasians. But only a minority of those with
the genes develop serious problems. Hemochromatosis is more likely to be
serious in men.

Organic vs. Inorganic Forms

It is best to avoid synthetic forms of Iron that are commonly found in
pharmaceutical products. They have been shown to cause constipation,
especially in females.

Pharmaceutical grades of Iron are derived from oxides such as metals and

Organic or botanical Iron is the kind that the human body requires and can
digest, absorb and use effectively.

Inorganic forms of Iron include: Ferrocholinate, Ferrous Fumerate, Ferrous

Gluconate, Ferrous Sulfate, Iron-dextran and Iron Oxide.

Natural Sources

Natural food sources of Iron include:

Green Leafy Vegetables (Kale, Dandelion, Lamb's Quarters)

Bell Peppers



Nuts (Raw Almonds, Brazil, Walnuts, Pecans)

Hemp Seeds




Sugar Apples

Chia Seeds

Grains (Fonio, Teff, Spelt, Quinoa,Wild Rice, Kamut, Rye, Black Rice, Amaranth)


Dried Apricots

Dried Prunes

Hemp Powder

Raisins (with seeds)


Sesame Seeds (Tahini)

Herbs that contain organic Iron include:

Red Raspberry Leaves

Alkaline Herbs

Blue Vervain

Mullein Leaves

Burdock Root

Dandelion Root

Yellow Dock Root






Seaweeds are also exceptional sources of organic, dietary
Iron. Seaweeds to consume for Iron purposes include: Kelp,
Dulse, Spirulina, Irish Moss, and Arame.
Plants with the highest iron content is Sarsasparilla. Other plants with high iron
content is Conconsa "an Africa plant" and Guaco.

A biochemist sat in the audience at one of Dr.Sebi's lectures and

questioned him about how he uses herbs in his products.
"The man asked me, 'Do you intend to isolate the active ingredients of
the plants and apply them to your therapeuticals?' Where do you think
this biochemist got his information? From his books, right? From his
schools, right? I know that. The active ingredient. There are 102
minerals in everything that exists that is natural. If you take clouds
and take them to a laboratory and break them down, you'll find 102
minerals. Sea salt, 102. The human body, 102. Well, anything that is
unnatural doesn't have that arrangement, like carrots and beets and
rice and beans. They don't have that. This man is asking do you intent
to isolate the active ingredient. Let us assume that this circle is the
burdock plant. Burdock has 102 minerals. But in the arrangement of
102, there is one that is called the active ingredient. That is the one
that is more in percentage. There is calcium. There is phosphorous.
There is iron. There is magnesium and zinc. But they all are
distributed proportionately. But iron is the largest one. Out of all the
minerals, iron occupies the majority of the structure. What he's asking
me is do I intend to remove the iron over here by itself and leave the
101 behind. But in the arrangement how much are there? 102. But if I
remove 1, I leave 101 behind, right? But this one was in an
arrangement with the other 101 to supply it with what it needs to exist.
If you remove it, sir, it becomes a protoplasmic poison. The man
looked at me and realized that the school didn't teach him that. The
school came out of philosophy, not out of seeing. When you see and
when you believe- two different things. When someone educates us is
one thing but when you see, it's all together different. So when the
man said do you intend to isolate the active ingredient I said no sir,
absolutely not. Life doesn't express itself in one. You've got to use the
whole plant, not part of it. And the man said thank you Dr.Sebi."

members of our being back together again)

consider "Humpty Dumpty" (He couldn't be put back together again?)... But!
That's The Western Mindset ... difference is ... OUR STORY Comes from out
of Ancient Khemet ...WE have the AUSARIAN RESURRECTION! and we
CAN be put back together again! And "Who" was it that resurrected
Ausar??? God of the Perfect Black and fertility ... none other than AUSET!
Goddess, The Divine Feminine breathes life back into that which can
sometimes appear to be "LIFEless!" Women are Natural Healers, she just
doesn't "Know" who she is ... yet!

"Women are the healers according to Dr. Sebi. There is a nurturing aspect to
women that is essential to healing that only women possess. Men have a role in
healing as it pertains to the growing of herbs and building of clinics. However,
the actual healing must be done by a woman. Dr. Sebi only had female
apprentices and refused to train men to heal.

What a person consumes will also have an effect on mental health. Starchy
foods break down to become cyanide in the body and reduce cognitive
function. Sugar breaks down to glucose and inhibits the function of the
hypothalamus. Chemical hair care products, such as relaxers, will also reduce
cognitive function" ... Dr. Sebi

HEALING IS ON THE HORIZON! The REstoration begins with how we

EAT ... The REeducation of what RE - AL (God is Light) ... EL-ectric FOOD

Integrity In The Pursuit of Healing

Soror Onyx <>

Dec 15, 2019, 10:01 AM


Soror Onyx:

With every body looking to monopolize off of Dr. Sebi Remedies and
compounds these days, ( and I get it, people tryna make a living, struggling
and wanna make a quick dollar here and there, it becomes advantageous for
these people to utilize the scarcity and rarity of these healing herbs for self
serving, opportunistic financial means of a "Get rich quick scheme." ) That
leaves us still stuck in the western, capitalistic mindset which so many of our
conscious communities professing to be against! Yet still, when you take a
closer look, they are no different from the very thing they condemn in all their
books, videos, lectures and so forth. So where does that leave those of us who
are true to the genuine search for solutions to the many and varied ailments
that plague us today???

That leaves those of us seeking to find truth in this healing, more often than
not, victimized and alone, not having the financial means or enough MONEY
to afford to be healthy! Can you see the insanity in this??? But the question
is ... when will it come a time when we, as human beings, spiritual beings feel
that it's time to rise above the westernized, capitalistic, monopolizing energy,
that further this type of mindset, and erodes at the very fabric of our
communities, the poor, the deprived, the sick, elderly and all those who don't
have the means to "BUY" what they need to be healthy?! These are people
we KNOW! Our FAMILY members and loved ones!
These so called "Conscious Scholars"... Holistic healers .... claim to be all
about the revolution and evolution of "Black People", in words only!
MONEY will be and is always number 1 in their pursuit for wealth! Money is
the objective, health and healing is simply a means or the instrument or vessel
by which they achieve their financial goal. Saying a lot of bullshit well, and
because of our state of desperation, we continue to support, pay to attend their
lectures, read their books, watch their videos and listen earnestly with hope ...
ending up ultimately, once again in a perpetual state of despair and without
hope. (Just keepin it real and raw)

I am the first to admit that it's much like a maze of sifting and sorting through
a Quagmire of websites and web pages, videos and on and on, not certain of
what motives most of these Alkaline holistic services are, or even if many of
the products being offered are legitimate, or maintains The integrity of Dr.
Sebi's original ingredients or if the formulas originally created by dr. sebi are
still in tact. Everything is questionable! If their agenda is real, or genuine ...
why isn't the knowledge of these herbs shared? When you call their offices
looking for information about the herbs or how to make your own, for self
healing, (Does not the “Bible say, give a man a fish and you feed him for a
day ... TEACH a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime!” Would it not be
more worth the while to teach someone to do for themselves than to do it for
them??? Especially on an ongoing basis!)“ You are never given any significant
or satisfactory information to assist you in that way. You're always side
tracked into believing in their formulas, their products, so buy buy buy mine!

It almost feels much like religious factions, my religion is best or better than
the next. Well it's seems to me the same thing is happening with the herbs
and herbal services available today! Each are in competion ... vying for your

So in keeping Dr. Sebi's Legacy alive, why aren't we looking into ways of
pulling together our resources, creating a network that would fulfill Dr. Sebi's
dream of "Healing Nations." If all the Healers and Herbalists out there
create a network of researchers, and natural botanists come together and
create an institute dedicated to real healers and affordable healing ... if not
"Free" healing for those who can't afford it ... the world we live in today can
be one that could become one of less death, sickness! ... yes I know it's a very
tall order, but if little ole me can see the bigger picture, surely others have to.

As much as I would like to think that humanity (particularly our people,

people of color) still have some remnant of integrity,moral aptitude and
principle left, I many times, find myself in a state of grave disappointment ...
especially where there's "Money" involved ... you can almost bet ...
literally ... your "last dollar" ... there's going to be some degree of deception
and exploitation involved ... sadly. Wouldn't it be wonderful that the reward
we'd receive was in the wellness of all people in spite of the "Money??? That
we would be more en(IN)riched knowing that we played an important part in
eradicating sickness and dis-ease that plagues this PLANET??? 🙏🏾🌿

Soror Onyx. (Fayetteville, NC)


Healing Disease
Soror Onyx <>

Jan 9, 2017, 12:08 AM

to me

It is very important that you understand that when trying to heal

yourself, the first step is to detox. Also, it is very important that
you surround yourself with positivity. Avoid negative things,
people, negative thoughts, news etc. Stay positive! Have positive
thoughts, believe, smile and laugh as much as you can, as these
are also natural healers. Our bodies react to our thoughts, so be
careful. (Mind over Matter). Drink plenty of water to help with
flushing out toxins. Last tip: Meditate, do Yoga and buy organic
everything for optimal health!
Some ailments are associated with pain. Natural pain killers
such as Turmeric, Cayenne, Devils Claw, Arnica, Acupuncture,
Meditation, Meadowsweet, Mullein, Wild Lettuce, Willow,
Wintergreen oil & Wood Betony are helpful. *All items
recommended on this page can be found at your local health
food/wholefoods store.
Although we strongly recommend following the diet of Dr. Sebi's
Alkalizing Foods, below are a list of common ailments with a
variety of natural remedies to choose from that may not
necessarily be one of Dr. Sebi's recommendations. Find one that
works for you. HAPPY HEALING!
Aids-Avoid second hand protein (All meats). Stay on a strict plant
based diet, eating plenty raw organic green veggies. Juicing
green veggies & making green smoothies are extremely helpful.
Per Dr. Sebi, Aids/HIV is caused by mucus. So to get rid of it, we
must get rid of the mucus. Along with this above diet change, you
will need the following: Guaco, Concansa & Sarsparilla powders.
Mix 1 teaspoon of each with raw honey to make a paste. With
warm water (as if making a tea) mix the paste into the water
and drink 3 times per day. Make sure the water is not boiling hot
because you don't want to lose any of the healing properties of
the Agave. So you want to make it slightly warm enough to
dissolve the Agave. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER! see Water Intake
Should have relief in less than 1 month. Oleander extract is also
Allergies-Avoid red meat, alcohol, dairy products, refined sugars,
and peanuts. You should eat dark leafy green veggies, Garlic,
Cayenne peppers. Herbs to take are Nettle, Milk Thistle, Bitter
Orange, Brewer's Yeast, Chippewa Pine and Licorice root. A liver
detox is extremely necessary.
Anxiety-Avoid alcohol, reduce caffeine, refined sugars and dairy
products. Eat more organic fruits, veggies, grains, seeds and
nuts. Take Magnesium supplements as it naturally calms the
nervous system. 5HTP helps elevate mood and is highly
recommended for anxiety with depression. If your body has low
levels of GABA, (an amino acid known for its calming effect on
our central nervous systems) it is possible to experience anxiety.
Greens, nuts and citrus fruits will increase its production. Herbs
to take are: St. John's Wort, Kava Kava, Celandine, Gentian,
Golden Bough (Mistletoe), True Saffron, Passion Flower, and
Valerian Root. Adding essential oils in infusers or hot bath such
as lavender, Ylang-Ylang, Geranium, Rose, Bergamot and Jasmine
are extremely beneficial when combatting anxiety. Acupuncture
is also helpful.
Asthma-Avoid Eggs, Peanuts, table salt (refined salt) and shell
fish. You should eat Avocados, green veggies, Apples,
Cantaloupes, Spinach, Flax seeds, Turmeric, Kale, and Carrots.
Herbs to take are Eucalyptus, Bitter Orange, Lobelia (Indian
Tobacco) and Mullein. Place a few drops of Eucalyptus oil in
boiling water, put a towel around your head, lean over the pot so
that you can breathe the steam.
Cancer- Avoid all processed foods, refined sugars, dairy products,
and meat. Eating these things feed cancer cells. You want to
starve them, not make them comfy. Instead, eat cruciferous foods
such as Arugula, Bok Choy, Kale, Turnips, Watercress, Collard
Greens, Radishes, Horseradish, Rutabaga and Wasabi. Herbs to
take are Oleander extract, Black seed oil/black seeds, Red Clover,
Whole Apricot, White Pond Lily, Turmeric, Greasewood and
Apply 100% Frankincense oil under the tongue and topically to
the affected area daily until cancer is gone. Taking Graviola and
Black seed oil/Black seed together will give you awesome results.
Graviola (soursop plant) boost your immune system drastically,
and increases your white blood cells. It has been found to be
10,000 times stronger at killing cancer cells than
Chemotherapy! It only kills the cancerous cells whilst leaving the
healthy cells alone. Black seed oil/Black seeds:take 3 teaspoons
of the oil daily or two teaspoons of the oil and one teaspoon of
the seeds/powder daily on an empty stomach with Manuka
honey or orange juice one hour before a meal. You can also
increase the dosage by one teaspoon per day after 2-3 weeks if
Raw seeds can upset the stomach, so if you’re using the seeds,
you must heat them first. To heat the seeds place about one
fourth of black seeds in a skillet on low heat. You may add more
just in case you burn the seeds. Stir the seeds every few minutes
until they become bland and they should pop slightly.
Remove them from the heat and leave to cool. Put the desired
amount in a coffee grinder and grind. Mix a teaspoon of the seeds
with some Agave and eat. When purchasing the oil keep in mind
that black caraway is not black seed. They are two completely
different plants, so don’t be fooled by the labeling. Lastly, Baking
Soda with Key Lime. Mix 2 teaspoons of Key Lime juice, 1/2
teaspoon of aluminum free baking soda in 8 oz. of water 4 times
a day. Works great when taken on a empty stomach. Drink Essiac
Tea at least 3 times per day.
Crohn's Disease-Avoid processed foods, yeast products, Eggplant,
Tomatoes, Potatoes, Peanuts, Eggs, Soy, Gluten, GMO's, red meat,
pork, Talapia, alcohol (including mixed drinks, beer, wine)
carbonated beverages & fried foods. It's also best to keep a log of
the foods you ate before flare up to help you identify other foods
to avoid. Eat Coconut products, as much raw organic fruit and
green leafy veggies as possible. You may also have Avocado. Red
Cabbage, & Coconut Kefir are phenomenal foods for restoring
healthy gut bacteria. Herbs to take are: Chamomile, Peppermint,
Slippery Elm, Licorice, Ginger, Astragalus, Turmeric, Boswellia,
Cinnamon, Rosemary, & Oregano. Should also take Calcium
Magnesium and Vitamin D3 supplements. Acupuncture is also
Depression- Eat grass fed meats, Cacao, high omega-3 fatty acids
such as, Hemp and Chia seeds, (NO TALAPIA) eat plenty of fresh
organic green raw veggies and juices. Stay away from refined
sugars and processed foods. Herbs to take are Maca, Cudweed
"organic lithium," Evening Primrose, Eyebright, Ginko, Gotu Kola,
Klamath Weed, Rosemary, Sage, Sutherlandia, Wood Betony.
Should also take mineral supplements such as Magnesium.
Diabetes- Foods to eat are Beans, dark green leafy veggies,
Berries, Citrus fruits & foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Be
sure to get nutrients such as: Calcium, Potassium, Fiber,
Magnesium, and Vitamins A (as carotenoids), C, and E.
Herbs to take are Chicory, False unicorn root and Goldenseal. You
may also grab a hand full of whole organic okra, cut both ends
and sit them in a cup of water over night. Drink the water the
and this will cause a dramatic change. Your diabetes will go
away and so will your shots. Do this method as often as you can.
Epilepsy/Seizures-Avoid caffeine, alcohol, processed foods,
refined sugar, artificial sweetners (especially Aspartame) and
fried foods.
Eat green leafy veggies, raw nuts and seeds. Drink "live" juices.
Organic yogurt and Keifer is also helpful. 2 tablespoons of
organic cold pressed olive oil daily has been said to relieve this
issue. Herbs to take are Alfalfa, Lobelia and Hyssop. It's also
helpful to take Epsom salt baths 3x per week. Vitamins/Minerals
to take are Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin B3,
Calcium, Selenium, Folic Acid, L-Carnitine, Taurine, L-Tyrosine
and OxyGen (an oxygen enhancing product). Make sure your
bowels are moving regularly. If not, try a bowel management
program. *It's important to note that giving children epilepsy
medications has been proven to significantly lower their IQ and if
taking these medications while pregnant, increases the
probability of fetal harm. It also increases the risk of suicidal
thoughts and behavior in both children and adults.
Fibroid Tumors-Avoid birth control at all cost as birth control is
known to accelerate the growth of the tumors. Herbs to take are:
Dong Quai, Red Raspberry Leaf, Black Cohosh, Yellow Dock,
Dandelion, Chaste Tree Berry, Dulse & Siberian Ginseng.
Cleansing the Liver is also important and will enhance the
healing process. Also warm caster oil compresses applied to the
stomach has been known to remove Fibroids.
Glaucoma- Drink plenty of green tea, eat plenty of green raw
organic leafy veggies and smoothies. Herbs to take are: Bilberry,
Eyebright, Marijuana (if its legal in your state) Ginkgo, Purple
Loosestrife, Wood Betony, Rue, Celandine, Black Currant. Must
detox the colon completely. This process should be done first.
Herpes-Avoid sugary processed foods as sugar feeds the virus,
fried foods, caffeine, white flour (since it turns into sugar)
chocolate, and nuts. Drink plenty of water (at least half of your
body weight).
Herbs to take (Take in high dosages): Dandelion, Peach Leaf
-helps with itching and irritation, Plantain & Oil of Cajeput-helps
with blisters. Myrrh, Tansy, Bayberry, Thyme, Cayenne, Licorice,
Garlic, Olive leaf, Lysine, BHT (Butylated Hydroxytolune)- this
stops the outbreaks. Vitamin C, Reishi Mushrooms, Cat's Claw,
Lapacho, Astragalus, Tea tree oil, Lemon Balm, Apple Cider
vinegar "with mother".
Internal use, mix 2 table spoons of Apple Cider vinegar with
mother with a teaspoon of Manuka honey in warm steam
distilled or filtered water and drink 3x per day. For external use:
Thuja cream and Propolis will soothe the irritation.
Lupus-Avoid Talapia (since Talapia is a inflammatory food) and
all processed foods. Reduce your alcohol intake and avoid table
salt (refined salt) You should eat fish that are high in omega-3
fatty acids such as Salmon, Sardines, Tuna and Mackerel. Dark
leafy veggies, raw fruits and veggies, lemon, garlic and peppers.
Herbs for Lupus are Chippewa Pine, Turmeric & Lapacho. You
will also need Vitamin D3. Although the sun is the best way to get
Vitamin D, may people suffering from Lupus get inflamed when
exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, supplementing 10,000 IU
of a high quality emulsified vitamin D3 for a period of time.
Vitamin D3 levels between 70-100 ng/ml. is recommended for
optimal healing.
Levels under 40 ng/ml are a major health risk factor for chronic
inflammatory disease development. Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Apple
cider vinegar, Coconut kefir, fermented ginger-ale & Kombucha
are foods that are extremely rich in enzymes, probiotics and key
amino acids that help the beneficial microflora destroy
pathogenic organisms in the body.

Soror Onyx <>

Apr 4, 2017, 12:10 AM
to tripleblaq

The Nutritional Guide

August 2016 this Nutritional Guide will be going through some
changes as it is set to only present the foods and herbs that I
have heard Dr. Sebi approve. If you wish to assist me with this, I
welcome you as we all should make continued effort to have a
recorded interview with him so that we can improve and update
this website.
Please keep in mind that the purpose of this website is to
advocate the things that Dr Sebi has presented over the years
and is still presenting; not what employees of the official office
presents, nor his sister, his daughters or sons. For instance, some
people view the key lime as acid and backward information in
regards to being alkaline; when all Dr. Sebi may be presenting is
that it is better to use than the lemon.
I have learned that we need constant confirmation from Dr. Sebi
because things change, just like his view on broccoli. He use to
promote the consumption of it in the past but as of 2016 he says
it needs to be completely left alone. His views on the nutritional
guide does not align with the office on several of the items. In
time, I will present webpages that will support the updated
version of the nutritional guide on this page.
If you would like to compare Nutritional Guides, In the future
when our recommended Foods on the Nutritional Guides match, I
will announce so. Below we start with the list that comes from
the office – when you see “{dropped}” it means that the office
dropped it from their list; and when you see “{new}” it means the
office added something new. When you see “{removed}” it means
that I removed if from their list because Dr. Sebi speaks against
it. And when you see a “{plus}” it means that I added it to their
list because they never had it on their list and Dr. Sebi approves.
When the reconstruction of this guide is complete, all these
markings will be removed and this page representing Dr Sebi’s
nutritional Guide will be promoted as Dr. Sebi’s own.


Dr. Sebi says, “Avoid using a microwave, it will kill your food.”

Amaranth greens – same as Callaloo, a variety of spinach.
Asparagus {dropped}
Bell Peppers
Chayote (Mexican Squash)
Cucumber {Sebi says unnatural but okay to eat}
Dandelion greens
Garbanzo beans (chick peas)-optional {Sebi says has a little
Green Banana {new}
Izote – cactus flower/ cactus leaf- grows naturally in California
Jicama {approved by sebi}
Lettuce (all, except Iceberg)
Mushrooms (all, except Shitake)
Mustard greens {approved by sebi}
Nopales – Mexican Cactus
Okra {Sebi says it’s not as poisonous as broccoli} {Sebi says
unnatural but okay to eat}
Poke salad -greens
Purslane (Verdolaga) {new} {plus}
Sea Vegetables (wakame/dulce/arame/hijiki/nori)
Spinach (use sparingly) {dropped} {Sebi says it’s not as
poisonous as broccoli}
String beans {dropped} {removed}
Tomato – cherry and plum only
Turnip greens
Watercress {new}
FRUITS Dr. Sebi says, “no canned or seedless fruits.”
Apples – {removed} Dr. Sebi says it has inorganic lead
Bananas – the smallest one or the Burro/mid-size (original
Berries – all varieties- Elderberries in any form – no cranberries
Chirimoya (sugar apples)
Grapes -seeded
Limes (key limes preferred with seeds)
Melons -seeded
Orange (Seville or sour preferred, difficult to find )
Peaches {removed}
Pears {removed}
Plums {removed}
Prickly Pear (cactus fruit) {new}
Raisins -seeded
Soft Jelly Coconuts
Soursops –Latin or West Indian markets)
Tamarind {new}
Alvaca {dropped}
Burdock {added}
Chamomile {removed}
Cloves {dropped}
Lemon grass {removed}
Red Raspberry
Red Clover {plus}
Tila {new}
Chickweed {plus}
[Mild Flavors]
Bay leaf
Cloves {new}
Savory {new}
Sweet Basil
[Pungent & Spicy Flavors]
Cayenne pepper
Coriander (cilantro)
Onion Powder
[Salty Flavors]
Pure Sea Salt
Powdered Granulated Seaweed
(Kelp/Dulce/Nori – has “sea taste”)
[Sweet Flavors]
100% Pure Maple Syrup – Grade B recommended {dropped}
Date “Sugar”
100% Pure Agave Syrup – (from cactus)
NUTS & SEEDS (includes Nut & Seed Butters)
Brazilian Nuts {new}
Hempseed {new}
Raw Sesame Seeds
Raw Sesame “Tahini” Butter
Pine Nuts {added}
Oils {new}
Avocado Oil
Coconut Oil (do not cook)
Hempseed Oil
Olive Oil (do not cook)
Grapeseed Oil
Sesame Oil
Dr. Sebi has recommended the foods that are listed here as the
least detrimental foods to consume while trying to ween our
selves away from acid/hybrid food and it has been beneficial in
its use for the reversal of disease for over 30 years. If your
favorite food is missing from the list, Dr. Sebi’s research and
results have proven that it has no nutritional value and may be
detrimental to your health.
It is no surprise that many people have “wheat-allergies”,
because wheat is not a natural grain; it is a hybrid product
created by science and it is acid-based. Natural Growing Grains
are alkaline-based; it is recommended that you consume the
following instead of Wheat:
Black Rice {dropped}
Fonio {new}
Wild Rice
These grains can be found at Whole Foods Market (or any health
food store) in the form of breads, flours, pastas and cereals.
First I want to congratulate you for deciding to live longer and
healthier. I am sure you were not aware of the possibilities
before Dr. Sebi came into your life. His challenge to you today is
to eat to live, not live to eat. The diet you are about to see below
is not the normal alkaline diet. If will counter anything you have
read about alkaline vs acid foods also. His great interpretation
of health has led many to support this lifestyle and to change
their lives. I for one was not sure I wanted to give up such
luxuries of desired foods but thankfully I did.
After my 3rd stroke I was near death and told a woman who sold
Dr. Sebi products that I was not sure I would live till tomorrow.
She told me I had to stop eating. She told me you must fast. So
fast I did. I fasted for 12 days and came out of it a new woman
who no longer feared death, but had hope.
After 30 years of insomnia, I can now sleep more than I should. I
no longer desire the bad foods or the sugars in my past and I
have lost 30 pounds too. I intend to do a water fast in a few days
and to further the cleansing process. I am just so positive that
you will find that there is hope when you thought there was none.
If you can't do the entire diet, then do what you can. If you can't
afford Dr. Sebi supplements then read the posts on how to make
your own herbs. I will list where to purchase them also. So again
congratulations on a new way of life for you and your family.
Read Making the Transition to Electric Food
Dr. Sebi Food List
Approved Vegetables
Amaranth greens
Bell Peppers
Chayote (Mexican Squash)
Dandelion greens
Garbanzo beans (chick peas)
Green Banana
Izote – cactus flower/ cactus leaf- grows naturally in California
Lettuce (all, except Iceberg)
Mushrooms (all, except Shitake)
Nopales – Mexican Cactus
Olives (and olive oil)
Poke salad -greens
Sea Vegetables (wakame/dulse/arame/hijiki/nori)
Tomato – cherry and plum only
Turnip greens
Fruits (You can have no canned fruits or Seedless fruits)
Bananas – the smallest one or the Burro/mid-size (original
Berries – all varieties- Elderberries in any form – no cranberries
Grapes -seeded
Limes (key limes preferred with seeds)
Melons -seeded
Orange (Seville or sour preferred, difficult to find )
Prickly Pear (Cactus Fruit)
Raisins -seeded
Soft Jelly Coconuts (and coconut oil)
Soursops – (Latin or West Indian markets)
Nuts & Seeds (Includes nut & seed butters)
Brazil Nuts
Hemp Seed
Pine Nuts
Raw Sesame Seeds
Raw Sesame “Tahini” Butter
Oils Minimize the use of oils please.
Olive Oil (Do not cook) - This is extra virgin. I use Virgin Oil for
cooking as it can heat at a higher point than Virgin.
Coconut Oil (Do not cook)
Sesame Oil
Hempseed Oil
Avocado Oil

Bay leaf
Cayenne – African Bird Pepper
Onion Powder
Powdered Granulated Seaweed (Kelp/Dulce/Nori ”)
Pure Sea Salt
Sweet Basil
100% Pure Agave Syrup – (from cactus)
Date “Sugar – (from dried dates)

Wild Rice
Herbs Allowed for Natural Teas
Lemon grass
Red Raspberry
Sea Moss Tea

Dr. Sebi Organ Cleansing Herbs

Burdock Root – blood and liver cleanser, diuretic,
Bladderwrack (seaweed) – vitamin and mineral supplement,
Dandelion– blood and liver cleanser, diuretic
Elderberry (Sambucus Nigra) – combats mucus buildup, colds,
Sea Moss – Irish Moss (seaweed) – vitamin and mineral
Sarsaparilla – blood purifier, diuretic, antibacterial, anti-

Below are a list of foods that are good sources of iron.

1. Anamu (Guinea Hen Weed)
Not only is it rich in iron, it is also used for cleansing the body of
harmful organisms and stimulating the immune system.
Used to make teas, tinctures and extracts.
2. Blue Vervain
Used to soothe the nervous system, detoxify the body, reduce
inflammation, stress and depression and protect the immune
Used to make teas, tinctures and extracts.
3. Burdock
Known as one of the best blood purifiyers, it has diuretic
properties, which means it aids the body in removing toxins
through the urine.
Use root as vegetable, drink as tea (root, leaf, flower) or add herb
powder to smoothies.
4. Callaloo (Amaranth, Jamaican Callaloo)
Also a good source of potassium and calcium. Callaloo is also rich
in antioxidants and is a great immune booster.
Leaves and stems can be cooked, blended into smoothie or added
to raw salad meal.
5. Chickweed
Used as an astringent, for kidney complaints, has anti-
inflammatory properties and helps to combat obesity.
Can be used to make tea, tinctures and extacts.
6. Concansa (Cancansa, Red Willow Bark, Cansasa)
Also contains a high concentration of Potassium Phosphate. It is
anti-inflamatory, used to soothe menstrual cramps, prevent
heart attack, reduce pains and alleviate headaches.
Can be used to make tea, tinctures and extacts.
7. Dandelion
Among its many uses include curing anaemia, cancer, liver
disorders, diabetes, urinary disorders, acne and jaundice.
Leaves can be cooked or added to smoothies or a raw meal. Root
taken in capsule or used to make tea.
8. Elderberries
Improve vision, boost the immune system, improve heart health;
coughs, colds and flu symptoms. It is also used for bacterial and
viral infections.
Prepare it as a tea (dried berries) or blend it into a shake.
9. Kale
Also high in calcium. It is an anti-oxidant and has anti-
inflammatory properties.
Can be cooked or added to smoothies or a raw meal.
10. Lamb’s Quarters
Also used for scurvy (preventing or curing), skin disorders –
including vitiligo, also stomachache and diarrhea.
Can be cooked or added to smoothies or eaten raw.
Lamb's Quarters - souce of iron
11. Lily of the Valley
Rich in iron fluorine and potassium phosphate. It’s used as a
diuretic, cardiac tonic (heart failure, irregular heartbeats),
breast cancer, kidney stones and addressing central nervous
Can be used to make teas, tinctures, extract, infusions and
essential oils.
12. Purslane
Used to strengthens the immune system, build strong bones,
diarrhea and intestinal issues.
Can be cooked, added to smoothies or eaten raw.
13. Sarsasparilla
Has high content of iron. Blood purifier. It is used for treating
kidney diseases, psoriasis and other skin diseases, fluid
retention; and for increasing sweating and also rheumatoid
Can be used to make teas, tinctures and infusions.
14. Sarsil Berry
It is the berry from the plant of the sarsasparilla. It has a high
concentration of iron. It calms the central nervous system
(ionisation), gives energy and strengthens the immune system.
Used to make juices. Dried berry can used to make teas, extracts
and tinctures.
15. Sea Vegetables / Sea Weeds (eg. Seamoss, Bladderwrack,
Wakame, Dulse, Arame, Hijiki, Nori)
Theses are rich in minerals. They can be used to improve overall
health, as a tonic for the body and also to detoxify the body.
Can be added to smoothies or cooking or taken in powdered
16. Stinging Nettle
An astringent, diuretic, used for prostrate, BPH (Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia), urinary problems (infections, inflammation) and
also kidney stones.
Used to make teas, tinctures, can be taken in powdered form.
17. Yellow Dock
Blood cleanser/purifer, liver cleanser, detoxifies the body, STD,
scurvy, respiratory issues
Use to make teas, tinctures, take in powdered form.

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