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Australasian Journal of Herpetology 1

Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6 (2009):1-21. ISSN 1836-5698 (Print)

ISSN 1836-5779 (Online)

A reclassification of the Rattlesnakes; species formerly

exclusively referred to the Genera Crotalus and Sistrurus.

Raymond Hoser
488 Park Road, Park Orchards, Victoria, 3114, Australia.
Phone: +61 3 9812 3322 Fax: 9812 3355 E-mail:
Submitted 24 February 2009, Accepted 1 March 2009, Published 9 March 2009.

In spite of the fact that the taxonomy of most rattlesnakes at the species level has been
established for many years, the genus Crotalus as referred to by most taxonomists up to
2008 failed to properly distinguish relationships within the group commonly defined as
“rattlesnakes”. The genera Crotalus and Sistrurus (the latter sometimes subsumed in whole
or part within Crotalus) as defined by most authors also fails to properly delineate relationships
between taxa and fails to account for the modern definition and use of the “genus” level in
terms of grouping closely related species only.
This paper principally redefines the rattlesnakes at both genus and subgenus levels, formally
naming a number of well-recognised species and species groups at the genus level for the
first time.
In summary rattlesnakes are subdivided into nine genera for which names were previously
available for a total of five. For the other four genera, they are formally defined, diagnosed
Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

and named for the first time.

A further seven well-defined subgenera are also defined and named for the first time.
Later workers may choose to elevate some or all of these to full genus level.
Keywords: new taxa, snake, rattlesnake, taxonomy, Crotalus, Sistrurus, Piersonus, Matteoea,
Cummingea, Hoserea, Caudisona, Aechmophrys, Uropsophus, Cottonus, Smythus, Pillotus,
Sayersus, Mullinsus, Edwardsus, Crutchfieldus.

overlooked taxa have been formally named since
Rattlesnakes are among the most well-studied Klauber’s seminal 1972 work, with the bulk of new
serpents in the world. For a detailed appraisal of work (post 2000) involved in resolving the specific
these snakes, see for example Gloyd (1940), status of snakes referred to at the subspecies level
Klauber (1972), McDiarmid (1999), Schuett, et. al. for some time prior, largely through the use of new
(2002), Campbell and Lamar (2004) and the many molecular methods.
sources cited therein and other more recent
Newly named taxa based on apparently previously
publications that are readily available.
unseen rattlesnakes include: Crotalus lannomi
Both predating and postdating those major Tanner, 1966, C. tancitarensis Alvarado-Diaz and
publications there has been the inevitable disputes Campbell, 2004 and C. ericsmithi Campbell and
among herpetologists in terms of the status of given Villela 2008, but even these distinct new species
populations in terms of their species, or subspecies have close affinities with other earlier named
status (see examples below). (species-level) taxa as seen in their generic and
However only a handful of new hitherto unknown or subgeneric placements below and would in the

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2 Australasian Journal of Herpetology
absence of contrary evidence readily key out to I deferred splitting or naming further subgenera for
other species within their assigned genus or distinct taxa such as “C. cerastes” (from other/s),
subgenus and not another. pending further research by myself or others.
(For the above trio of species taxa, lannomi and Some of the herein named subgenera may be
ericsmithi to Matteoa gen. nov. and tancitarensis to elevated by other herpetologists to the rank of full
Cottonus subgen. nov.). genus.
As mentioned, other taxa first described as All are named here either by resurrection of
subspecies have been elevated to full species available names or the designation of new ones.
ranking or relegated to synonymy based on a Numerous phylogeny’s have been published,
number of detailed studies, including molecular. including by Klauber 1972 and more recently several
Some of these studies (post 1990) and results have by Murphy et. al. 2002 and others, including those
been ignored for the purposes of this paper pending cited already.
further confirmation of the results by other The relationships between the species as indicated
herpetologists. by the authors have been broadly consistent in spite
Most authors have referred to the rattlers with of various means used to derive their results.
(usually nine) large plates on the crown of the head Newly described species (post 1990) derived from
to the genus Sistrurus. This is often touted as a the splitting of species into more than one, generally
“primitive form”, with the rest being assigned to the in accordance with subspecies designations, are
catch-all genus Crotalus. obviously (and in the absence of evidence to the
Within the generally recognised genus Sistrurus, contrary) to be placed in the same genus or
one of the three species, S. ravus is regarded by subgenus, even if not recognised or mentioned in
most authors as quite separate from the other two the text of this paper.
(e.g. Knight, et. al. 1993, McCranie 1988), with Molecular methods are currently being used to
recent papers sometimes reassigning the taxon to identify new species on a regular basis and so it is
“Crotalus” (e.g. Bryson, 2007, Valencia Hernandez obvious that the species list/s within this paper will
et. al. 2007). not be complete.
This itself creates further problems in that in too The results of Murphy et. al. 2002, using molecular
many ways the taxon has affinities with other data to identify groups of rattlesnakes by
Sistrurus. relationships broadly accord with those of Klauber
In reality the only sensible options are to subsume 1972 who at the time was relying on virtually
Sistrurus within Crotalus (as in to “lump”) or everything but molecular data.

Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

alternatively to create a new genus for the taxon. Where the results differ, the main cause appears to
In line with the above and as the placement of ravus be a lack of information or data, especially in the
in Crotalus isn’t in accordance with all the evidence, case of early conclusions by Klauber (1972 or
it is herein placed in a new formally named genus of earlier), shown to be in error by later authors.
it’s own, namely Piersonus gen. nov. Most of Klauber’s errors related to rarer or little
Within the genus Crotalus as recognised to 2008, known taxa for which Klauber had little if any access
there are numerous distinct subgroups which should to specimens.
be recognised as genera in their own right, including The purpose of this paper is not to voluminously
for example the so-called atrox group, the so-called rehash the detail of these earlier studies, including
long-tailed rattlers and others. all the intricate details of their studies and the
Authors who have tackled the problem of grouping results.
rattlesnakes into their most obvious subgroups This paper does not by any means seek to rehash
include: Gloyd (1940), Klauber (1956) and again in the general knowledge base for rattlesnakes or for
(1972), Brattstrom (1964) and Foote and MacMahon that matter provide elaborate descriptions of taxa
(1977) all as detailed and summarized in Murphy et. beyond that deemed necessary to formally resolve
al. (2002). the taxonomy and nomenclature of this group of
Unnamed subgroups are formally named for the first snakes.
time. Instead this paper’s main aim is to formally describe
As mentioned in the abstract, the total number of and name the relevant groups at either the genus
well-defined species groups for all rattlesnakes is level or the subgenus level as appropriate to resolve
now nine (9) well defined genera, along with an and stabilize the taxonomy and nomenclature of the
additional seven (7) well-defined subgenera within rattlesnakes in accordance with the ICZN’s rules as
these. published in 1999 (effective 2000) (cited here as

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Australasian Journal of Herpetology 3
ICZN 1999) and similar. subgroups, each at the genus level a long time ago.
In the main the phylogeny accepted is similar to that Comparative splits of taxa as diverse as “Egernia”
published by Murphy et. al. 2002, with relevant skinks and pythons in Australia (Wells and
changes in accordance with findings by other Wellington (1984) and (for the “Egernia”), supported
authors since then and allowing for the formal by Gardner et. al. 2008), and other groups initially
descriptions or redefinitions of new taxa at various lumped in large genera for convenience’s sake have
levels that have been accepted herein. long ago had their phylogeny’s sorted out and then
A logical question that will be asked by some, is why been split into genera more reflective of the origins
should the “established” genus “Crotalus” be split up and relationships of the component species.
into the obvious subgroups with their own genus Put simply, the time has come for the same to be
names? done for the group generally known as the
In retort, I’d ask, why hasn’t it been split up already? rattlesnakes, now consisting of about fifty described
and broadly accepted species level taxa and who’s
In answer to the second question, which in part
ancient origins are now not in doubt.
answers the first I note the following.
Klauber’s seminal works on the rattlesnakes
including Klauber 1972, were regarded by many as Detail has been kept to a minimum.
the defining tome/s on these snakes. He For simplicity’s sake, generally recognised or named
recognised just two genera (Sistrurus and Crotalus) subspecies have been generally ignored unless
in line with most other herpetologists of the time. taxonomically significant in terms of the context of
As a matter of convenience this position has this paper or otherwise worthy of mention.
remained until now. If a subspecies is relevant in terms of this paper, it is
Reptile taxonomists have tended to look elsewhere dealt with within this paper.
in terms of the discovery of new taxa at all levels, For convenience’s sake the three species often
although for the rattlesnakes there has recently (formerly) assigned to the genus “Sistrurus” have
been renewed interest at the species level as new been dealt with first and more-or-less separately as
diagnostic methods have been employed. they have been readily separated from the others on
It is also well-known that there are other available the basis of head scalation for many years (the large
names for some of the subgroups if elevated to the shields at the center of the top of the head) and a
status of genus. In terms of this, there has been suite of other distinctive characters.
confusion among biologists and taxonomists as to This is followed by a brief diagnosis of the genus
which names are available, which are not and which “Crotalus” herein and now restricted to the taxa C.
Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

major groups do in fact have names and which horridus, C. viridis (and six other species-level taxa
don’t, as well as the true affinities of the various formerly treated as subspecies of this taxon) and C.
taxa, which have to a large extent been masked by scutulatus.
convergent evolution between species that are not Note that recent authors such as Ashton and de
necessarily as close as their similar forms may Queiroz (2001) and Campbell and Lamar (2004)
indicate. elevated C. oreganus from C. viridis, to be a species
Molecular data published by several authors, as in it’s own right and viridis has also had a further five
cited in this paper indicates a more ancient split for species extracted from synonymy.
the various groups than their morphology would This genus is in turn subdivided to include two
imply, giving further weight to the need to split the subgenera, with one containing C. horridus (as the
group up according to obvious phylogenies. nominate group) and the other the remaining eight
This paper resolves this issue by resurrecting recognised species-level taxa (seven derived from
names when available and by assigning new names (recent) synonymy with viridis.
when none is available. Following are descriptions and diagnosis of the
The net result being an effective tidying up of the other relevant genera, firstly being those for which
taxonomy of the snakes placed until now into the names are available, but including descriptions,
genera “Crotalus” and “Sistrurus” with all rattlesnake diagnosis and formal naming of the relevant
taxa being properly assigned at the genus and subgroups as subgenera in the context of what is
subgenus level. now known and to provide a usable diagnosis for
Based in Australia, and looking at this group of each genus.
snakes (mainly) from the outside, it seems patently In effect each genus has been redescribed and
obvious that the snakes grouped into the genus rediagnosed for the first time.
“Crotalus” until now, should have been split into Then are the descriptions, diagnosis and formal

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4 Australasian Journal of Herpetology
naming of the new genera and appropriate C. oreganus - Northern Pacific rattlesnake
subgenera. C. abyssus - Grand Canyon rattlesnake
Then there is a checklist of known rattlesnakes (as C. cerberus - Arizona black rattlesnake
applied in this paper) and their new designations by C. concolor - Midget faded rattlesnake
genus and species. C. helleri - Southern Pacific rattlesnake
(including the conventional subspecies
When listing known species in given genera, the
caliginis, which is considered a synonym of
species assigned to subgenera within the genus are
listed under the subgenus heading. However they
C. lutosus - Great Basin rattlesnake
are also incorporated within the genus preceding it,
(above) and listed in the subgenus as would be the Some of the many divisions by Grismer 2002 are
case when the genus is partitioned into the various ignored for the purposes of this paper, although it is
subgenus components, and/or in the event that later my view that the findings of Grismer will be broadly
workers choose to elevate the subgroups to full validated by further research.
species level. Furthermore as new methods of research are
The various species within each newly diagnosed employed on rattlesnakes, further hidden species
and described genus, including those resurrected may be yielded.
from the synonymy of “Crotalus” as “available Failure to recognise such newly proposed taxonomic
names” are generally identified under the name of divisions in this paper does not necessarily mean I
the new genus, but are readily identifiable by their do not agree with their views.
species names (unchanged from earlier literature), However exclusion of recently diagnosed species
including for example Murphy et. al. 2002 (excluding derived from earlier descriptions of subspecies and
new taxa described since including for example “C. “races” of species does not alter the generic and
tancitarensis” (2004) and “C. ericsmithi”(2008)), both subgeneric placement of taxa. That is in that no
now assigned herein to genera outside “Crotalus”. new groups or potential new groups, genera,
Excluding the newly named taxa as identified herein, subgenera or the like are excluded or potentially
all others are described and diagnosed in Klauber excluded and “new” taxa can be readily assigned to
1972 either as species or subspecies, or Campbell the same genus or subgenus group as from where
and Lamar (2004). the taxa was “split” by the relevant author (unless
Those descriptions are relied upon herein as the compelling contrary information arises).
simplest and most expedient means to identify the Taxa, generally regarded as subspecies until
said taxa in greater detail in the event of conflict in recently and since elevated to the status of full

Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

terms of the species names used and/or as species, would as a matter of course be placed in
alternative means to place in appropriate genus or the same genus or subgenus as the taxon from
subgenus as named here and as added diagnostic which they were previously regarded as
information for each group if required or needed. synonymous at the species level unless compelling
Having said that, each species/description does in evidence to the contrary emerges that is not noted in
turn refer back to the original description and the this paper or dealt with by means of species
associated museum-based holotype or similar, as placement within this paper.
applicable by the relevant zoological code/s, which If there are any exceptions to this, they are noted in
is what is ultimately of utmost importance. this paper and dealt with appropriately.
A number of well-recognised subspecies (e.g. In terms of references cited, these have been kept
“Crotalus viridis oreganus”) have been shown to be to a bare minimum. Many useful studies inspected
species in their own right by recent authors (e.g. and assessed are not cited in this paper or at it’s
Ashton and de Queiroz 2001 and Douglas et. al. end as they are not directly referred to in the text of
2002) and are in terms of this paper adopted herein. this paper and/or key findings and conclusions are
The latter authors went even further, splitting what mirrored in material cited herein. The majority of
was originally known as viridis into a group of seven referred to papers are however cross-cited in the
full species, all previously named as subspecies, but limited number of references provided.
listed here as full species within the subgenus Hence all cited references should be treated as also
Sayersus subgen. nov.. incorporating those cited within those texts.
Listed below with their common names the taxa are: In terms of the diagnosis for each genus or
C. viridis - Prairie rattlesnake (including the subgenus, all other diagnoses in this paper should
previously named subspecies viridis and as needed by incorporated into the given diagnosis.
nuntius, the latter being treated by most This is because assigning a given taxon to a given
authors as a synonym of C. viridis) group may be made either by directly using the

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Australasian Journal of Herpetology 5
diagnosis and/or by alternatively using the others in the number of named and widely recognised genera
a process of elimination. has increased in recent times.
Alternatively, species level descriptions and/or GENUS SISTRURUS GARMAN 1883
diagnosis are available for all species level taxa Type species: Crotalinus catenatus Rafinesque
described prior to 1972, in Klauber 1972. Some are 1918.
described and diagnosed in the Klauber text as
Diagnosis: Large plates on the crown, including the
subspecies, but listed as full species here.
centre, 21-25 mid body rows. Those with 21 mid-
The species not included in Klauber 1972, but body rows and an average tail length (for entire tails
described since (e.g. “Crotalus ericsmithi”) are in adults) of 9.8 per cent or less males or 7.7 per
readily aligned to other taxa in their respective cent or less in females (as compared to total body
groupings at genus or subgenus levels and in the length), (namely ravus) are herein referred to the
absence of other information, would be easily new genus described below, namely Piersonus gen.
diagnosed in the subgenus they are listed in and nov.
would key to another species in that grouping as
In Sistrurus the lateral hook of the squamosal
opposed to a taxon in another genus or subgenus
makes an acute angle (45 to 80 degrees) with the
(for ericsmithi, it would automatically diagnose as
main part of the bone. In Piersonus gen. nov., the
another taxon in Cummingea gen. nov. as opposed
lateral process of the squamosal is substantially at
to any other rattlesnake species listed in another
right angles to the main part of the bone.
genus or subgenus).
In Sistrurus, the upper preocular is in contact with
the postnasal, the rostral is not curved over the
Rattlesnakes for the purposes of this paper are snout, cathus rostralis is sharply angled, dorsal body
defined as follows: blotches are square or wider than long. By contrast
They are (venomous, with fangs to inject venom) pit- in Piersonus gen. nov. the upper preocular is not in
vipers within what’s treated here as the family contact with the postnasal, the rostral is curved over
Crotalidae Oppell 1811. There is considerable the snout, canthus rostralis is rounded, the dorsal
published evidence to relegate Crotalidae to the body blotches are longer than wide or the colour is
rank of subfamily within the so-called “True vipers” black.
(Viperidae), thereby making pit-vipers the Crotalinae Sistrurus are found only in the United States of
subfamily. America and nearby Canada. Records for Sistrurus
The rattlesnake snakes, called rattlesnakes are from far northern Mexico, are either doubtful or
known only from the western hemisphere (most outliers.
Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

species in lower North America, including southern Piersonus gen. nov. occurs in Mexico only and away
USA and Mexico), which has been guessed by most from the US border.
herpetologists as being the center of evolution for
Species in genus:
the group.
S. catenatus (Rafinesque 1818)
This however may not be the case as there is a
counter-argument that some so-called primitive taxa S. miliarius (Linne 1766)
may in fact have derived their present forms GENUS PIERSONUS GEN. NOV.
secondarily in relatively recent geological times. Type Species: Crotalus ravus Cope 1865
The rattlesnakes are moderate to large and thickset Diagnosis: Large plates on the crown including the
snakes, often with keeled scales. centre. 21 mid-body rows. Relatively short tail as
They are separated from all other venomous pit- compared to the snakes in the genus Sistrurus. For
vipers by the possession of a rattle or pre-button Piersonus gen. nov. males have an average tail
segment which is different to the tail arrangement in length of 9.8 per cent of the total body length and
any other kind of snake. This assumes that the tail females 7.7 per cent of the total body length.
end has not been cut-off, otherwise removed and/or In Sistrurus the lateral hook of the squamosal
the snake has not suffered an extremely aberrant makes an acute angle (45 to 80 degrees) with the
birth defect, all of which would be self-evident. main part of the bone. In Piersonus gen. nov., the
Pit vipers, which include numerous genera outside lateral process of the squamosal is substantially at
the rattlesnakes genera, are venomous snakes right angles to the main part of the bone.
distinguished from other “true vipers” and similar In Sistrurus, the upper preocular is in contact with
snakes by the presence of a distinct heat-sensing pit the postnasal, the rostral is not curved over the
organ located between the eye and the nostril on snout, cathus rostralis is sharply angled, dorsal body
either side of the head. Excluding the rattlesnakes, blotches are square or wider than long. By contrast

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6 Australasian Journal of Herpetology
in Piersonus gen. nov. the upper preocular is not in Fia Cumming, the ban was lifted.
contact with the postnasal, the rostral is curved over (Cumming subsequently lost her job as a result of
the snout, canthus rostralis is rounded, the dorsal this, but the book became a best-seller).
body blotches are longer than wide or the colour is
Fighting the ban ultimately cost Pierson his home in
the expensive Sydney suburb of Mosman and he
McCranie (1988) has also identified significant lost his business.
features and differences in the hemipenes between
However this huge life-altering sacrifice against the
this and those snakes in the genera Sistrurus/
tyranny of a corrupt and oversized bureaucracy
Crotalus (as defined prior to this paper).
should be permanently recognised. This is
Sistrurus are found only in the United States of especially so in the context of reptiles, those who
America and nearby Canada. Records for Sistrurus choose to study them and their conservation,
from far northern Mexico, are either doubtful or including those many people who have the right to
outliers. keep live reptiles as pets, solely as a consequence
Piersonus gen. nov. occurs in Mexico only and away of Pierson’s selfless actions.
from the US border. Pierson also put wildlife conservation on the global
Piersonus gen. nov. is found only in mountainous agenda, with the publication of the seminal works
areas of central and southern Mexico. Endangered Animals of Australia, (Hoser 1991) and
Known from the Mexican states of Hidalgo, Mexico, Australian Reptiles and Frogs (Hoser 1989), the
Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Veracruz and latter used extensively by the late Steve Irwin and
Federal District. other television “personalities” as a reference source
to bring Australian animals to TV viewers globally.
It’s common name is the Mexican Pygmy
Rattlesnake. Unfortunately as this paper goes to press in 2009
there are new assaults on the rights of reptile
Etymology: Americans historically have cherished
keepers and herpetologists both in the USA and
the freedom of the individual.
Australia with new restrictions either passed or
Included here is the freedom of individuals to keep about to be passed in both jurisdictions.
and study snakes and other wildlife. In recent years
Species in genus Piersonus gen. nov.
this right has come under threat from a raft of
ridiculous bureaucratic impediments. In Australia in P. ravus (Cope 1865)
the early 1970’s these rights were removed from OTHER RATTLESNAKE GENERA AS
most Australians. It was only as a result of the DIAGNOSED AS NEW GENERA BELOW
publication of two different books, Smuggled and

Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

As part of the diagnosis for each, all are separated
Smuggled-2 (Hoser 1993 and 1996) that led to from Sistrurus and Piersonus gen. nov. (described
these rights being restored to most Australians. above) by the absence of large head shields at the
The success in Australia in terms of these books center of the crown of the head. This difference is
and their legislative outomes reverberated around not necessarily repeated for the individual diagnoses
the world and in the case of the United States, below, but is of course an obvious part of each
meant that a major push to outlaw private ownership diagnosis and should be treated as such.
of reptiles in 1993 was also stopped in it’s tracks. GENUS CROTALUS LINNE 1758
Charles Pierson as publisher of the first book, took Type Species: Crotalus horridus Linne 1758
an incredibly courageous step in publishing the
Medium to large rattlesnakes.
For North Americans reading this, it should be noted
that the Australian government (at all levels) has They are separated from all other rattlesnake
considerably more powers than their North genera by the following suite of characters, either
American counterparts and persons publishing individually and/or in any combination.
material critical of government run the risk of The top of the head has scales of various sizes,
immense fines, jail or similar. more than one scale in the frontal area and the
I have suffered both! parietals, if enlarged are not in contact or
The book Smuggled: The Underground Trade in
Australia’s Wildlife (Hoser 19993) was (as totally The outer edges of the supraoculars are not
expected), illegally banned by the NSW National extended into raised and flexible hornlike processes
Parks and Wildlife Service, NPWS, NSW in May that are distinctly pointed at the tip.
1993 and as a result of a supreme effort by Pierson Males have less than 40 subcaudals and females
and an extremely brave and courageous journalist less than 35.

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Australasian Journal of Herpetology 7
There are two or more internasals. The tail has rings across the dorsal surface, often giving the
which may or may not be distinct, unless the tail is appearance of mite faeces, and otherwise described
black. as a “mite phase”. This is especially so for M.
The pattern is generally of blotches, as opposed to mitchellii, but also applies to others in the genus,
say crossbands (like in Uropsophus). namely M. tigris and M. angelensis.
Unlike the genus Hoserea gen. nov. (below) the tail These snakes also have small scales between the
does not have distinct dark and light bands of similar rostral and prenasals. The supraoculars are pitted
width and/or if they do, they merge into the dorsal and creased.
pattern anterior to this, as opposed being of a For separation from Aechmophrys, Uropsophus,
distinct cocoon-like appearance as distinct from the Caudisona, Matteoea, Hoserea and Cummingea,
dorsal pattern before it. see the diagnoses below.
All Hoserea gen. nov. are separated from other Separated from Sistrurus and Piersonus gen. nov.
rattlesnakes by their tail markings. In the case of (described above) by the absence of large head
Hoserea, there are distinct thickened dark and light shields at the center of the crown of the head.
cross-bands of similar width, which are separate Species in genus:
from the rest of the snake’s dorsal markings, giving
C. horridus Linne 1758
the tail a cocoon-like appearance. This bold
patterning is not seen in other rattlesnakes. Species in subgenus sayersus subgen. nov.
Another diagnostic for that genus is that the line C. viridis (Rafinesque 1818)
markings on the face run up at a sharp 45 degree C. scutulatus (Kennicott 1861)
angle which exceeds that of other rattlesnake C. oreganus Holbrook 1840
genera, excluding Crotalus (as diagnosed here).
C. abyssus Klauber 1930
However Crotalus (as diagnosed here) is separated C. cerberus Klauber 1949
from the genus Hoserea gen. nov. by the tail C. concolor Klauber 1936
markings which merge into the dorsal patterning C. helleri Meek 1905
anterior to this, as opposed to being of a separate C. lutosus Klauber 1930
cocoon-like appearance.
Also Hoserea gen. nov. have distinct diamond
Type species: Crotalinus viridis Rafinesque 1818
shaped blotches with light edges running down the
spinal region, quite unlike markings seen in other Diagnosis: The diagnosis for the subgenus
rattlesnakes excluding Caudisona, which are in turn includes as for the genus Crotalus above.
Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

readily separated from that subgenus by other In terms of separating the taxa within Sayerus
factors (see both diagnoses). subgen. nov. from Crotalus (now restricted to C.
C. horridus lacks any vertical or near vertical line horridus), the following applies. Dark tail rings
running anterior or posterior to the eye. contrast with a lighter background in Sayersus
subgen. nov. For the remaining Crotalus as in C.
For Cummingea gen. nov., as diagnosed in this
horridus (not in this subgenus), the tail is uniform
paper, they are separated from all other rattlesnake
black or at best with very indistinct rings.
genera by the following suite of characters.
There are more than two internasals in snakes of
The top of the head has scales of various sizes,
this subgenus, as opposed to only two internasals
more than one scale in the frontal area and the
for C. horridus, herein restricted to Crotalus. C.
parietals, if enlarged are not in contact or
scutulatus is separated from C. horridus by the
presence of 2 or 3 large scales on the top of the
The outer edges of the supraoculars are not head between the supraoculars.
extended into raised and flexible hornlike processes
C. horridus lacks any vertical or near vertical line
that are distinctly pointed at the tip.
running anterior or posterior to the eye, which all
The simplest diagnostic trait of Cummingea gen. Sayersus subgen. nov. have.
nov. is that there are more than 40 subcaudals in
Dorsal pattern and colouration of specimens is
males and more than 35 in females. In all other
highly variable.
rattlesnakes, including Crotalus as defined here,
there are fewer than 40 subcaudals in males and Etymology: In honour of the late Ron Sayers, a
fewer than 35 in females. mainly USA-based herpetologist for his many
contributions to our understandings of reptiles in the
For Matteoea gen. nov. those snakes are highly
20th century, through his practical work as well as
rugose rattlesnakes, separated from other
many articles, photos and the like. I first met him
rattlesnakes by distinct salt and pepper markings

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8 Australasian Journal of Herpetology
when catching Death Adders (Acanthophis and narrower heads than those taxa in the nominate
antarcticus) in the late 1970’s on the now famous subgenus and likewise as compared to the defined
West Head Road, in NSW, Australia, as part of a (here) genera Crotalus, Caudisona and Hoserea.
research project (NSW/NPWS scientific permit For separation from Crotalus, Uropsophus
number SLF486). Caudisona, Matteoea, Hoserea and Cummingea
Species in subgenus Sayersus subgen. nov. see the diagnoses above or below.
C. viridis (Rafinesque 1818) Separated from Sistrurus and Piersonus gen. nov.
C. scutulatus (Kennicott 1861) (described above) by the absence of large head
shields at the center of the crown of the head.
C. oreganus Holbrook 1840
Uropsophus is separated from this genus by the fact
C. abyssus Klauber 1930
that males have less than 40 subcaudals and
C. cerberus Klauber 1949
females less than 35.
C. concolor Klauber 1936
C. helleri Meek 1905 Species in genus:
C. lutosus Klauber 1930 A. cerastes (Hallowell 1854)
GENUS AECHMOPHRYS COUES 1875 A. polystictus (Cope 1865)
Type species: Crotalus cerastes Hallowell 1854 Species in subgenus Cottonus subgen. nov.
Diagnosis: A group of smaller sized rattlesnakes all A. intermedius (Troschel 1865)
with 21 mid body scale rows. One of the group is A. pricei (Van Denburgh 1895)
separated from all other rattlesnakes by the fact that
A. tancitarensis (Alvarado-Diaz and Campbell 2004
the outer edges of the supraoculars are extended
into raised and flexible hornlike processes that are A. transversus (Taylor 1940)
distinctly pointed at the tip. That is the species A. willardi (Meek 1905)
cerastes, known commonly as a “sidewinder” in SUBGENUS COTTONUS SUBGEN. NOV.
reference to one of it’s preferred forms of motion
Type species: Crotalus intermedius Troschel 1865
across sand dunes.
Diagnosis: Separated from all other Aechmorphrys
For A. polystictus, also placed in this genus, it is
as diagnosed above in this same paper by having a
separated from all other rattlesnakes by the
small narrow head.
presence of two squarish darker blotches on the
upper labials, one at about the eye and running into As for others in the genus, all have 21 mid body
it and the other anterior to it. A. polystictus is further scale rows.

Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

separated from all other rattlesnakes by a dorsal Cottonus subgen. nov. as recognised at least in part
pattern consisting of a series of longitudinal ellipses. by Smith (1946) and Klauber (1972) although
It also has a pair of slim intercanthals, each about obviously not by this name (Cottonus), is separated
twice as long as wide. from other rattlesnakes and characterised by a
There was a strong argument to place polystictus dorsal scale row formula of 21-21-17, 8-10 labials (a
into a subgenus of it’s own, however this has been low number for rattlesnakes), a relatively small
deferred pending further research. head, weak or no keeling in the parietal region, and
simple arrangement of relatively few scales on the
All others in this genus Aechmorphrys, herein
side of the head.
transferred to the subgenus Cottonus subgen. nov.
have a distinct whitish streak running across the Further separated from all other Aechmorphrys by a
upper labials running slightly higher towards the distinct white line running across the upper labial
snout, and terminating around the back of the mouth region including below the eye and terminating
region at the posterior end. around the back of the mouth region at the posterior
end. In the rest of Aechmorphrys that is not part of
Other rattlesnakes with a similar streak invariably
this subgenus, namely A. cerastes and A.
have the streak running through the eye, even if only
polystictus, there is no such line. In A. cerastes, at
the lower part, which is not the case for this genus.
best there is a squarish light blotch under the eye,
In the rest of Aechmorphrys that is not part of the while in A. polystictus, any white line terminates
subgenus Cottonus subgen. nov., namely A. before (posterior to) the eye.
cerastes and A. polystictus, there is no such line. In Cottonus subgen. nov. taxa have distinctly smaller
A. cerastes, at best there is a squarish light blotch and narrower heads than those taxa in the nominate
under the eye, while in A. polystictus, any white line
subgenus and likewise as compared to the defined
terminates before (posterior to) the eye.
(here) genera Crotalus, Caudisona and Hoserea.
Cottonus subgen. nov. taxa have distinctly smaller Uropsophus is separated from this subgenus (and

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Australasian Journal of Herpetology 9
genus) by the fact that males have less than 40 head length more than two and a half times. The
subcaudals and females less than 35. anterior subocular fails to reach any supralabial.
Etymology: Named after Australian wildlife There are two internasals only. The upper preocular
demonstrator Tom Cotton in honour of his is not split vertically, or if split the anterior section is
conservation work with our company “Snakebusters” not conspicuously higher than the posterior and not
which leads the way in wildlife conservation in curved over the canthus rostralis in front of the
Australia. Tom’s educational efforts have brought supraocular, dorsal body blotches occupy more
countless people in contact with reptiles and created longitudinal space than the interspaces, and the
a whole generation of herpetologists, scientists and pattern of diamonds, hexagons, rectangles or
conservationists. ellipses usually exceeds 24 in number.
Species in subgenus Cottonus subgen. nov. There are more than 164 ventrals.
A. intermedius (Troschel 1865) Tail rings are indistinct or absent. There are usually
four or less often six or more large flat scales
A. pricei (Van Denburgh 1895)
occupying the internasal/prefrontal area and not
A. tancitarensis (Alvarado-Diaz and Campbell 2004) including the subcanthals or supraloreals.
A. transversus (Taylor 1940) For further separation from Aechmophrys,
A. willardi (Meek 1905) Uropsophus, Crotalus, Matteoea, Hoserea and
GENUS CAUDISONA LAURENTI 1768 Cummingea, see the diagnoses above or below.
Type species: Crotalus durissus Linne 1758 Separated from Sistrurus and Piersonus gen. nov.
(described above) by the absence of large head
Diagnosis: The best known taxon in the genus is
shields at the center of the crown of the head.
the so-called Neotropical Rattlesnake, C. durissus.
It is listed here as the type species, even though the Species in genus:
form originally described was “terrificus”, now C. durissus (Linne 1758)
regarded as a subspecies, including herein. C. culminatus (Klauber 1952)
A number of the recognised species in the genus, C. simus (Latreille 1801)
were in the first instance described as subspecies of
C. tzabcan (Klauber 1952)
C. durissus and later found to be valid species in
their own right as herein recognized. C. vegrandis (Klauber 1941)
These include: C. culminates, C. simus and C. C. unicolour (van Lidth de Jeude 1887)
tzabcan. Species in subgenus Pillotus subgen. nov.
Quijada-Mascarenas and Wüster, W. (2006) found C. enyo Cope 1861
Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

the group as defined here and similarly in their Species in subgenus Smythus subgen. nov.
paper, diverged from all other rattlesnakes about 13
C. basiliscus Cope 1864
million years ago, making the placement of these
snakes in a genus apart from Crotalus as previously C. estebanensis (Klauber 1949)
defined an inevitable position. C. molossus (Baird and Girard 1853)
The name Caudisona Laurenti 1768 is available and C. totonacus (Gloyd and Kauffeld 1940)
Snakes of the genus Caudisona are defined as Type species: Caudisona enyo Cope 1861
Diagnosis: The above diagnosis for Caudisona
The top of the head has scales of various sizes, Laurenti 1768 defines and separates this subgenus
more than one scale in the frontal area and the from all other rattlesnakes in combination with the
parietals, if enlarged are not in contact or following.
Pillotus subgen nov. is further separated from all
The outer edges of the supraoculars are not other Caudisona by scales in the internasal and
extended into raised and flexible hornlike processes prefrontal area totalling 12 or more as opposed to 12
that are distinctly pointed at the tip. or less for all other Caudisona. Scales in the crown
Males have less than 40 subcaudals and females and in the frontal area are rough, ridged and knobby
less than 35. in Pillotus (subgen. nov.) enyo, as opposed to the
Prenasals contact the rostral. The body pattern same scales being smooth in all other Caudisona
comprises diamonds, hexagons, rectangles or species.
ellipses, or if bands, not made up of conspicuous Etymology: Named after Australian reptile
dots; dorsoventral width of the proximial rattle in the enthusiast Christian Pillot in honour of his

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10 Australasian Journal of Herpetology
conservation work with our company “Snakebusters” information within this paper.
which leads the way in wildlife conservation in Separation of other Smythus subgen. nov. from C.
Australia. Christian’s educational efforts have totonacus is given above.
brought countless people in contact with reptiles and
Pillotus subgen nov. is separated from all other
created a whole generation of herpetologists,
Caudisona including subgenus Smythus subgen.
scientists and conservationists.
nov. by scales in the internasal and prefrontal area
Species in subgenus Pillotus subgen. nov. totalling 12 or more as opposed to 12 or less for all
Caudisona enyo Cope 1861 other Caudisona. Scales in the crown and in the
SUBGENUS SMYTHUS SUBGEN. NOV. frontal area are rough, ridged and knobby in Pillotus
(subgen. nov.) enyo, as opposed to the same scales
Type species: Crotalus molossus (Baird and Girard
being smooth in all other Caudisona species.
Klauber 1972, provides keys to further separate the
Diagnosis: The above diagnosis for Caudisona
species herein listed under the subgenus Smythus
Laurenti 1768 defines and separates this subgenus
subgen. nov.
from all other rattlesnakes in combination with the
following. Etymology: Named after Australian wildlife
demonstrator Michael Smyth in honour of his
Pillotus subgen nov. is further separated from all
conservation work with our company “Snakebusters”
other Caudisona and this subgenus by scales in the
which leads the way in wildlife conservation in
internasal and prefrontal area totalling 12 or more as
Australia. Michael’s educational efforts have
opposed to 12 or less for all other Caudisona.
brought countless people in contact with reptiles and
Scales in the crown and in the frontal area are
created a whole generation of herpetologists,
rough, ridged and knobby in Pillotus (subgen. nov.)
scientists and conservationists.
enyo, as opposed to the same scales being smooth
in all other Caudisona species. Species in subgenus Smythus subgen. nov.
Caudisona that remain in the nominate subgenus as C. basiliscus Cope 1864
a rule are separated from other Caudisona by the C. estebanensis (Klauber 1949)
fact that on the neck there are a pair of regular dark C. molossus (Baird and Girard 1853)
stripes, one to three scale rows wide separated by a
C. totonacus (Gloyd and Kauffeld 1940)
single light mid-dorsal stripe two to three scale rows
wide, these stripes extending from one to four head GENUS UROPSOPHUS WAGLER 1830
lengths behind the head before they meet the first Type species: Uropsophus triseriatus Wagler 1830
dorsal blotches. Diagnosis: A group of small rattlesnake species

Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

The only exception in terms of this diagnosis and as found in Mexico and adjacent southern USA.
part of the diagnosis for the nominate subgenus They are separated from all other rattlesnake
(above), is for specimens without the above genera by the following suite of characters.
mentioned markings, which are in turn separated
The top of the head has scales of various sizes,
from other Caudisona, including Smythus subgen.
more than one scale in the frontal area and the
nov. by a black or dark bar bordered before and
parietals, if enlarged are not in contact or
after with cream or buff, crossing the head between
the anterior points of the supraoculars (namely
specimens of C. totonacus). The outer edges of the supraoculars are not
extended into raised and flexible hornlike processes
Snakes in the subgenus Smythus subgen. nov. do
that are distinctly pointed at the tip.
not have the transverse bar in the prefrontal area as
just described, the preceding, excluding C. Males have less than 40 subcaudals and females
totonacus, which is herein also placed within less than 35.
Smythus gen. nov.. The tail has rings which may or may not be distinct,
In Smythus subgen. nov. on the neck there are no unless the tail is black.
regular dark stripes, one to three scale rows wide The tip of the snout and the canthus rostralis are not
separated by a single light mid-dorsal stripe two to raised into a sharp ridge.
three scale rows wide, and no stripes extending There are no thin, black-bordered transverse lines
from one to four head lengths behind the head on the supraoculars; no clearly outlined round or
before they meet the first dorsal blotches, oval blotch below the eye and the intercanthals, if
separating Smythus subgen. nov. from other paired aren’t long and slim. The mid body scale
Caudisona, either alone or when used in rows plus the supralabials on both sides of the head
combination with any or all other diagnostic total 42 or more.

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Australasian Journal of Herpetology 11
The nominate form (triseriatus) is separated from time of his description the other two species in the
others in the genus by the fact that the upper genus were not known to science. He wrote: “A
preocular isn’t split vertically, or if split, the anterior small Crotalus with a long slender tail, a very small
section isn’t conspicuously higher than the posterior rattle with the first pair of lower labials long and
and not curved over the canthus rostralis in front of produced backwards broadly in contact behind the
the supraocular. The dorsal body blotches occupy symphysial”. Obviously The word “Crotalus” should
more longitudinal space than the interspaces and be substituted with the word “rattlesnake” to make
there are usually more than 24 primary body the diagnosis for Cummingea gen. nov. accurate
blotches. and relevant and for the purpose of this description,
Members of Uropsophus can be easily separated the sentence is repeated here with the correction:
from Aechmorphrys and the herein inclusive “A small Rattlesnake with a long slender tail, a very
subgenus Cottonus subgen. nov. by the presence of small rattle with the first pair of lower labials long
prefoveals, usually 23 or more mid body scale rows and produced backwards broadly in contact behind
(versus 21), a relatively larger and broader head and the symphysial.”
a stouter body (Dorcas 1992, Klauber 1972 and In all Cummingea the rostral is wider than high.
Smith 1946). For further separation from Aechmophrys,
For separation from Aechmophrys, Caudisona, Uropsophus, Caudisona, Crotalus, Matteoea, and
Crotalus, Matteoea, Hoserea and Cummingea, see Hoserea, see the diagnoses above or below.
the diagnoses above or below. Separated from Sistrurus and Piersonus gen. nov.
Separated from Sistrurus and Piersonus gen. nov. (described above) by the absence of large head
(described above) by the absence of large head shields at the center of the crown of the head.
shields at the center of the crown of the head. Etymology: In honour of leading Australian
Species in genus Uropsophus: journalist Fia Cumming, who over a 20 year period
U. triseriatus Wagler 1830 was often the only news reporter employed with the
mainstream media with the courage to take on the
U. aquilus (Klauber 1952)
corruption and lies from government officials who
U. lepidus (Kennicott 1861) sought to outlaw all private ownership of reptiles in
U. pusillus (Klauber 1908) Australia.
CUMMINGEA GEN NOV. Without her efforts, including her being the first and
Type species: Crotalus stejnegeri Dunn 1919 main reporter to break the news story of the illegal
banning of the book Smuggled:The Underground
Diagnosis: Separated from all other rattlesnake
Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

genera by the following suite of characters.

Trade in Australia’s Wildlife (Hoser 1993) in May
1993, there would be no person in Australia allowed
The top of the head has scales of various sizes, to have contact with reptiles in any way, save for a
more than one scale in the frontal area and the handful of privileged persons in government run
parietals, if enlarged are not in contact or zoos and the like.
That was the legal situation in most of Australia
The outer edges of the supraoculars are not before the publication of the Smuggled books in
extended into raised and flexible hornlike processes 1993 and 1996 (Hoser 1993, 1996).
that are distinctly pointed at the tip.
See also for Piersonus gen. nov. above.
The simplest diagnostic trait of Cummingea gen.
Species in genus Cummingea gen. nov.
nov. is that there are more than 40 subcaudals in
males and more than 35 in females. In all other F. stejnegeri (Dunn 1919)
rattlesnakes, there are fewer than 40 subcaudals in F. ericsmithi (Campbell and Flores-Villella 2008)
males and fewer than 35 in females. F. lannomi (Tanner 1966)
In common with larger rattlesnakes, snakes in this HOSEREA GEN. NOV.
genus also have a high number of ventral scales as
Type species: Crotalus atrox Baird and Girard 1853
compared to other small montane rattlesnake
species. Diagnosis: Separated from other rattlesnakes by
the following characteristics (this diagnosis) either
All are slender in habit and moderate in size (50-75
individually and/or in any combination, including or
cm), canthals not in contact at dorsal midline,
excluding by reference to the diagnoses for any of
separated by 1-3 scales.
the other genera of rattlesnakes herein (this
The description by Dunn 1919 for the species paper)(alone and/or in any combination) and/or
stejnegeri also serves as an excellent description for including or excluding the diagnoses for the
the genus Cummingea gen. nov., noting that at the

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12 Australasian Journal of Herpetology
component species as listed herein, via reference to black or near black in colour and without obvious
the texts of Klauber (1972) (taxa may be identified banding.
as subspecies within), or Campbell and Lamar The species atrox is separated from all others in the
(2004). genus Hoserea by the following suite of characters.
Hoserea gen. nov. are generally large species and Above, it is grey, brown or pink with brown diamond
include the largest recorded living rattlesnakes or hexagonal blotches on the back and fainter
recorded since European settlement, with H. smaller blotches on the side. Markings are usually
adamanteus being quoted as exceeding 180 cm in indistinct and peppered with small but distinct dark
total length and H. atrox being recorded at slightly spots, giving a dusty or speckled appearance, (but
lesser lengths. not “mite phase” as seen in the genus Matteoea
Records above this length are usually doubtful or gen. nov. as described in this paper).
exaggerated. There are 25 mid body scale rows, rarely 23 or 27,
Also see Jones, (1997). five or less scales between the supraoculars and it
is rare for the first infralabials to be transversely
However Klauber (1972) and others do quote larger
measurements for these taxa.
Snakes of the genus Caudisona are defined and
The top of the head has scales of various sizes,
separated from Hoserea gen. nov. as follows.
more than one scale in the frontal area and the
parietals, if enlarged are not in contact or The top of the head has scales of various sizes,
symmetrical. more than one scale in the frontal area and the
parietals, if enlarged are not in contact or
The outer edges of the supraoculars are not
extended into raised and flexible hornlike processes
that are distinctly pointed at the tip. The outer edges of the supraoculars are not
extended into raised and flexible hornlike processes
Males have less than 40 subcaudals and females
that are distinctly pointed at the tip.
less than 35.
Males have less than 40 subcaudals and females
All Hoserea gen. nov. are separated from other
less than 35.
rattlesnakes by their tail markings. In the case of
Hoserea, there are distinct thickened dark and light Prenasals contact the rostral. The body pattern
cross-bands of similar width, which are separate comprises diamonds, hexagons, rectangles or
from the rest of the snake’s dorsal markings, giving ellipses, or if bands, not made up of conspicuous
the tail a cocoon-like appearance. This bold dots; dorsoventral width of the proximial rattle in the
patterning in this manner is not seen in other head length more than two and a half times. The

Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

rattlesnakes, excluding in Caudisona, whose anterior subocular fails to reach any supralabial.
differentiating characters are given below. There are two internasals only. The upper preocular
is not split vertically, or if split the anterior section is
Hoserea gen. nov. are also identified by having a
not conspicuously higher than the posterior and not
body pattern of diamonds, hexagons and similar
curved over the canthus rostralis in front of the
blotches as opposed to crossbands. These are
supraocular, dorsal body blotches occupy more
bordered by rows of lighter scale colour.
longitudinal space than the interspaces, and the
Another diagnostic for the genus is that the line pattern of diamonds, hexagons, rectangles or
markings on the face run up at a sharp 45 degree ellipses usually exceeds 24 in number.
angle, the angle of which exceeds that of other
There are more than 164 ventrals.
rattlesnake genera, excluding Crotalus (as
diagnosed above), noting the differences between Tail rings are indistinct or absent. There are usually
Crotalus and Hoserea gen. nov. as given here and four or less often six or more large flat scales
elsewhere in this paper. occupying the internasal/prefrontal area and not
including the subcanthals or supraloreals.
However Crotalus (as diagnosed above) is
separated from this genus (Hoserea gen. nov.) by The species Hoserea atrox is separated from the
the tail markings which merge into the dorsal similar in appearance H. ruber, by the fact that H.
patterning anterior to this, as opposed to being of a ruber has a more reddish colouration, less distinct
distinct and separate cocoon-like appearance and markings and the first lower labial is divided
not related to the body pattern. transversely.
This only applies to subgenus Sayersus subgen. All other Hoserea species, excluding H. tortugensis,
nov. (as diagnosed here) as for the remaining but including ruber and adamanteus have been
Crotalus (namely horridus only), there are of course assigned to other subgenera, namely Edwardsus
no obvious tail crossbands as the tail is invariably subgen. nov., Mullinsus subgen. nov., and

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Australasian Journal of Herpetology 13
Crutchfieldus subgen. nov.. They are further in turn For further separation from Aechmophrys,
separated from H. atrox by the diagnoses within Uropsophus, Caudisona, Crotalus, Matteoea, and
those descriptions within this paper and Cummingea, see the diagnoses above or below.
incorporated herein as part of this genus diagnosis. Separated from Sistrurus and Piersonus gen. nov.
The diagnosis for H. atrox as given in keys and (described above) by the absence of large head
elsewhere in Klauber (1972) for “Crotalus atrox” also shields at the center of the crown of the head.
applies to the taxon. Etymology: In honour of my wife, Shireen Hoser
H. tortugensis remains in the Hoserea subgenus who must put up with myself with all imperfections
nov. and is diagnosed as for H. atrox above save for (there’s not too many) and long absences for a
what follows. whole host of matters, herpetological and otherwise
It is however separated from H. atrox by the fact that and also for untold assistances in terms of running
the upper preocular is not in contact with the “Snakebusters”, Australia’s best known wildlife
postnasal and there is no loreal present. In H. atrox, rescue business and the first company in Australia
the upper preocular is generally in contact with the to be licenced to remove so-called nuisance snakes,
postnasal and/or such contact is prevented by an which prior to my receipt of such a licence in 1982,
upper loreal. The taxon H. tortugensis is known only were always killed on site. Even as of 2009, most
from Isla Tortuga located in the Gulf of California. Australians think that the best snake is a dead one
Isla Tortuga is the remnant of a volcano. The and it is a sad fact that Australia’s wildlife
island’s landscape is dry and barren. conservation record is absolutely abysmal.
Castoe et. al. 2006, suggest that H. tortugensis As recently as late 2008 at a VCAT (Tribunal)
(named in their paper as Crotalus tortugensis) hearing the head of the (Australian) Victorian
should be placed in synonymy with H. atrox. This Wildlife Department’s licencing branch (DSE,
placement is based on DNA evidence, phylogeny WAGLS), Mr Ron Waters, told the tribunal that he
and also their definition of “species”, the latter not was happy to see licenced snake catchers go to
clearly defined in their paper. houses and kill snakes, including by using metal
“snake tongs”. This he has repeated a number of
Regardless of the placement of the taxon, it is clear
that tortugensis is most closely affiliated with atrox,
in terms of the rattlesnakes (see also Klauber 1972). Interstate counterparts have expressed similar
While this paper treats H. tortugensis as a full
species (as seems to be the case for most Unfortunately the attitude of Ron Waters is typical of
herpetologists in terms of this taxon as of the period wildlife bureaucrats in Australia and also reflected by
Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

1998-2008), it is my view that the current evidence a sizeable chunk of the general public who are
suggests that subspecies is in fact a more unfortunately educated by the government and the
appropriate definition. money they spend on “information” (sometimes
better described as propaganda).
The subspecies level treatment of the taxon is also
more in line with the current views in Australia for Species in genus Hoserea gen. nov.
taxa isolated in similar circumstances, most notably H. atrox Baird and Girard 1853
being those in the genus Notechis (see Keogh et. al. H. tortugensis (Van Denburgh and Slevin 1921)
(2004) and reference sources therein.
Species in the subgenus Edwardsus subgen.
Similar applies for the H. atrox taxon, from Santa nov.
Cruz Island in the Gulf of California.
H. adamanteus (Beauvois 1799)
Some authors have listed it as a species-level taxon
Species in the subgenus Mullinsus subgen. nov.
(Murphy et. al. 2002), while others have treated it as
synonymous with H. atrox (Castoe et. al. 2006). H. ruber (Cope 1892)
Regardless as to the placement of the taxon at the H. exsul (Garman 1883)
species level, it will readily be identified as being of H. lorenzoensis (Radcliffe and Maslin 1975)
the genus Hoserea gen. nov. and nominate Species in the subgenus Crutchfieldus subgen.
subgenus Hoserea when the genus is in turn nov.
subdivided. Likewise applies in the event that the
H. catalinensis (Cliff 1954)
eastern and western clades of H. atrox are split,
based on their recent (in geological terms) EDWARDSUS SUBGEN. NOV.
phylogenetic history, notwithstanding recent Type species: Crotalus adamanteus Beauvois 1799
evidence of gene flow between the clades. Diagnosis: At the present time, Edwardsus subgen.
All are treated as H. atrox for the purposes of this nov. is monotypic with only one taxon within, namely

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14 Australasian Journal of Herpetology
H. adamanteus. following separates this subgenus from H. atrox, H.
While the diagnosis for Hoserea (above) and tortugensis and H. adamanteus.
Mullinsus subgen. nov. below applies to this In the subgenus Mullinsus subgen. nov. the first pair
subgenus, the following separates this subgenus of lower labials are divided transversely. This
from H. atrox. separates the taxa within the subgenus from
This species E. adamanteus the only taxon in this Hoserea atrox, H. adamanteus and H. tortugensis.
subgenus is the largest species of rattlesnake in the All taxa within Mullinsus gen. nov. have a distinct
world. Fossils attributable to this taxon are also white marking on the scales of the upper labials
believed to be from specimens larger than those in more or less between the eye and the nostril.
existence today. Instead of being in the form of an upward facing
The taxon is easily separated from Hoserea atrox by diamond or line as seen in other rattlesnakes, it
it’s dorsal patterning. For adamanteus, it is a presents as a partly broken diamond shape, with the
distinctive row of diamonds running along the spinal anterior point flattened out and the posterior pointing
ridge, with each dark area separated by thinner towards the eye.
white edges, over a mid-shade background. Crutchfieldus subgen. nov. (a monotypic subgenus
For H. atrox, the patterning is far less distinct (see containing the taxon H. catalinensis) is separated
also Mullinsus subgen. nov. below). Also see the from all other rattlesnakes by the fact that the rattle
diagnosis for H. atrox above. matrix is shrunken. There is no loose rattle
segment. That subgenus is endemic to to Isla Santa
In H. adamanteus, the upper pre-ocular is not split
Catalina, Mexico.
vertically or if split, the anterior section is not
conspicuously higher than the posterior and not Etymology: Named after Australian wildlife
curved over the canthus rostralis in front of the demonstrator Dylan Mullins in honour of his
supraocular. conservation work with our company “Snakebusters”
which leads the way in wildlife conservation in
There is a vertical light line (sometimes slightly
Australia. Dylan’s educational efforts have brought
triangular) on the posterior edges of the prenasals
countless people in contact with reptiles and created
and first supralabials in H. adamanteus. These are
a whole generation of herpetologists, scientists and
not present in H. atrox, H. tortugensis, any other
Hoserea, or any other rattlesnakes except
(occasionally) for those in the genera Sistrurus and Species in the subgenus Mullinsus subgen. nov.
Piersonus gen. nov., both readily identifiable (and H. ruber (Cope 1892)
separated from Hoserea) by their large H. exsul (Garman 1883)

Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

symmetrically placed enlarged shields (usually nine)
H. lorenzoensis (Radcliffe and Maslin 1975)
arranged in the middle of the head.
The diagnosis for H. adamanteus as given in keys
and elsewhere in Klauber (1972) for “Crotalus Type species: Crotalus catalinensis Cliff 1954
adamanteus” also applies to the taxon. Diagnosis: While the diagnosis for Hoserea
Crutchfieldus subgen. nov. is separated from all (above) and other relevant subgenera as also
other rattlesnakes by the fact that the rattle matrix is named herein applies to this subgenus, the following
shrunken. There is no loose rattle segment. separates this subgenus from other Hoserea and for
that matter all other rattlesnakes.
That subgenus is endemic to to Isla Santa Catalina,
Mexico. This subgenus is separated from all other
rattlesnakes by the fact that the rattle matrix is
Etymology: In honour of Queensland, Australia-
shrunken. There is no loose rattle segment.
based Euan Edwards for his many contributions to
herpetology in Australia, Madagascar, the USA and It is endemic to to Isla Santa Catalina, Mexico.
elsewhere. Etymology: Named after herpetologist, breeder and
Species in the subgenus Edwardsus subgen. dealer, Tom Crutchfield, mainly based in Florida,
nov. USA, for his many contributions to herpetology.
H. adamanteus Species in the subgenus Crutchfieldus subgen.
H. catalinensis (Cliff 1954)
Type species: Crotalus ruber Cope 1892
Diagnosis: While the diagnosis for Hoserea gen.
nov. (above) and Edwardsus subgen. nov. as
applicable above applies to this subgenus, the

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Australasian Journal of Herpetology 15
MATTEOEA GEN. NOV. projects the net result including there being a legal
Type species: Caudisona mitchellii Cope 1861 regime in most parts of Australia, whereby as of
2009 most people can legally obtain, keep and study
Diagnosis: A group of small rattlesnakes, (adults
well under 100 cm in length).
Species in genus Matteoea gen. nov.
The top of the head has scales of various sizes,
more than one scale in the frontal area and the M. mitchellii (Cope 1861)
parietals, if enlarged are not in contact or M. angelensis (Klauber 1963)
symmetrical. M. tigris (Kennicott 1859)
The outer edges of the supraoculars are not SUMMARY AND END COMMENTS
extended into raised and flexible hornlike processes
Based on recent reclassifications of other reptile
that are distinctly pointed at the tip.
groups and the undisputed evidence of phylogeny of
Males have less than 40 subcaudals and females the rattlesnakes as detailed in the papers cited
less than 35. herein, the group arrangement of rattlesnakes as
The tip of the snout and the anterior canthus described herein is simply a statement of the
rostralis is not raised into a sharp ridge. obvious.
These snakes are highly rugose rattlesnakes, I do not by any stretch of the imagination claim to be
separated from other rattlesnakes by distinct salt the first to group known rattlesnakes into distinct
and pepper markings across the dorsal surface, subgroups for which genus level classification is the
often giving the appearance of mite faeces, and obvious next step.
otherwise described as a “mite phase”. This is Amazingly however, I do herein claim to be the first
especially so for M. mitchellii, but also applies to to actually take that logical step and define and
others in the genus, namely M. tigris and M. name the main genera of rattlesnakes, beyond the
angelensis. All three taxa are separated from all now antiquated “catch all” genus “Crotalus”,
other rattlesnakes by their distinctive crossband effectively abandoned here (excluding taxa
pattern. remaining in the genus).
These snakes also have small scales between the The division of rattlesnakes into just nine genera is
rostral and prenasals. The supraoculars are pitted in fact very conservative in terms of modern
and creased. classification methods and taxonomy.
Compared to other rattlesnakes the head is In reality, the 16 named genera model, incorporating
relatively small and the rattle large (note this the seven named subgenera, elevated subsequently
Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

combination). to be full genera, may be the consensus position of

M. tigris is separated from other Matteoea gen. nov. most herpetologists some decades from now.
by the fact that the prenasals contact the rostral (it Rather than naming all 16 groups as genus level, I
doesn’t in M. mitchelli and M. angelensis). have taken the most conservative position possible,
All snakes in the genus Matteoea gen. nov. have a while allowing for a consistent position in terms of
body pattern of 35 or more crossbands on a buff, defining the various main groups of rattlesnakes at
pink or grey background. the genus level.
For separation from Aechmophrys, Uropsophus, The delineation of the main groups, largely reflective
Caudisona, Crotalus, Hoserea, and Cummingea, of the evidence as tabled in Murphy et. al. (2002), at
see the diagnoses elsewhere in this paper. the genus level in this paper effectively names all
Separated from Sistrurus and Piersonus gen. nov. major groups based on earliest divergences.
(described above) by the absence of large head Secondarily divergent groups have been named at
shields at the center of the crown of the head. the subgenus level, so as to allow future workers the
The taxon referred to here as M. mitchelli clearly option of continuing the conservative arrangement
consists of more than one species, (see for example herein, or if so inclined to elevate the subgenera to
Douglas et. al. 2007 or Grismer 2002). However full genus level.
they are not identified here separately pending Rather than having this happen at an ad-hoc basis
further research on the species group, including all within given groups, I have dealt with all rattlesnakes
currently named subspecies. globally to keep matters consistent and for the
Etymology: In honour of Cathryn Matteo, a close benefit of other herpetologists working on one or
personal friend, with no direct interest in more groups of rattlesnakes.
herpetology, but whom over 20 years has provided An advantage of the process within this paper is that
untold and immense assistance’s in all kinds of affinities between subgroups remain identified, while

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16 Australasian Journal of Herpetology
allowing all obvious subgroups to have valid names. However of note is that no species of Homo is
The genera and subgenera as defined herein can known from more than three million years ago, with
be reasonably inferred to have been separate most authorities putting the furthest date at about
groups for a long time. In the case of the genera two million years ago.
defined and based on the references cited, it can be LIKELY REACTIONS TO THE NEW
reasonably inferred that all have been separated CLASSIFICATION OF RATTLESNAKES
from one another for at least ten million years. Upon publication of this paper, I can safely anticipate
By way of example Quijada-Mascarenas and the likely result in the herpetological community.
Wüster 2006 claim a 13 million year divergence If consistency means that the four higher ape
between Caudisona (as defined herein) and genera of Homo, Pan, Gorilla and Pongo remain
Smythus subgen. nov. as defined here, making the separate, then surely the same must apply to the
designation at the subgenus level conservative rattlesnakes described above.
Some will accept the classification within and use it
By any reasonable stretch, this time span allows for forthwith and others won’t.
differentiation at the genus level, making this name
However by relying on published data, including the
available in the event this becomes the consensus
molecular and morphological and consistent criteria,
position later.
two sets of arguments should be avoided.
The results of Murphy et. al. 2002 show that for
One argument raised at times of reclassification, is
other herein named generic groups the divergence
to question the evidence. The papers of Murphy et.
almost certainly well predates the 13 million year
al. 2002 and data within, as well as other cited
figure for the Caudisona/Smythus split.
studies of the molecular biology of these snakes
Referring to the species taxon ravus, it is clear from provides more than sufficient evidence of
the molecular evidence, that short of lumping all differentiation between named genus and subgenus
former Sistrurus and Crotalus into a single genus, groups.
there is absolutely no realistic alternative but to
As the differences between groups are not in
place the taxon in another genus, herein named
dispute (except perhaps by so-called “flat earthers”),
Piersonus gen. nov.
the only potential for argument is to where one
For the lay person, I can simply compare the current draws the line in terms of defining “genus”, or
taxonomy and nomenclature of the great apes “subgenus”.
(defined herein as Humans, Chimpanzees, Gorillas
Reference to recent reclassifications elsewhere
and Orang-utans) and the taxonomy and
involving reptiles also shows that it is consistent to

Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

nomenclature of the rattlesnakes.
apply the same reasoning to the rattlesnakes to
Humans, Chimpanzees, Gorillas and Orang-utans derive the said genera, at the above identified points
have all been placed in separate genera (by most of division as a most conservative position.
biologists for many years), namely Homo, Pan,
On that basis, I see it as inevitable that the broad
Gorilla and Pongo and yet have had their divergence
thrust of what is presented here, will be accepted in
dates (from the human line) reliably plotted in the
total by herpetologists within a generation (20
vicinities of 4, 8 and 12 million years, all being under
the time frames postulated for the various
rattlesnake groups within this paper. See for In the short term there will be two main lines of
example, Hobolth, A., Christensen O. F., Mailund T, resistance.
Schierup M. H. (2007), Stauffer et. al. (2001), Chen One will be from those opposed to any change and
and Li (2001), Carroll (2003) and sources cited prefer to use nomenclature they know is wrong, but
within these papers, the primary (2007) paper know (as in remember) nonetheless.
quoting a 4.1 million-year-old date for the Human/ For some herpetologists, there is short-term
Chimp split. argument this way.
For Gibbons, with a diversion from the human However over time this will subside.
lineage plotted at between 18 and 12 Million years
More insidious is the inevitable resistance from a
ago, biologists have gone so far as to place them in
small group of so-called herpetologists and others,
a separate family, Hylobatidae, which if cross
who oppose anything I do. Known generally as the
applied consistently to the rattlesnakes would place
“truth haters”, they include individuals by the names
some genera as defined here within the same
of Wulf Schleip, Wulfgang Wüster and David
Williams, who between them have a consistent and
Please note, I do not advocate such a split for these long track record of form including repeated
snakes (at family level).

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Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

Table One:
New generic and subgeneric arrangement of rattlesnake species.
(Hoser 2009).

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18 Australasian Journal of Herpetology
scientific frauds, plagiarisation, lies, including “toxinologist”), for many years himself a
misrepresentations, convictions for wildlife private keeper of reptiles was one such person
smuggling, animal cruelty, illegal rigging of online who’s own interests could be conceivably impacted
hotel competitions and more. from any government ban in keeping reptiles.
If their past (last 10 years) performance is anything His actions against private keepers have however
to go by, you can expect them to threaten journal been fuelled in part by his own recently found
editors who dare to publish so-called “Hoser security in that he has associated himself with
nomenclature”, and to stalk and harass internet sites Melbourne University as a newly incarnated
that use any “Hoser names”. “academic” and can run around the countryside
For a better appraisal of the tactics of these men collecting and keeping reptiles under their
see Hoser 2009. government owned umbrella.
The warnings against these people and their tactics His close friend Wulfgang Wüster has been in a
apply here again. similar position in Wales (UK) and actively aided and
abetted the removal of the rights of private keepers
While arguments with merit are always worthwhile, I
in his jurisdiction, happy in the knowledge that this
can’t recall seeing one from any of these people (or
helps remove his potential “competitors”.
their aliases and assumed names they post under),
at any stage in the last ten years in terms of claims In the USA, where until recently individual freedoms
against my papers and the like. were greatly cherished, the same threats to private
ownership of reptiles has re-emerged, with both
There is no doubt that this small group of “truth
above-named men working hard to white-ant
haters” will present the greatest resistance to the
resistance to these new proposed bans on keeping
adoption of the taxonomy and nomenclature within
and studying reptiles.
this paper.
This includes inflammatory posts on internet forums
However I liken their expected resistance to that of a
and elsewhere with a view to attacking and
man trying to stop the tide from coming in.
discrediting the main advocates in favour of
Fortunately the ultimate test of science is the truth retaining the rights of private individuals to have
and not which group of individuals makes the most contact with wildlife.
The attempts to ban ownership start on species
RATTLESNAKE AND REPTILE CONSERVATION perceived as “dangerous”, like rattlesnakes and
While this paper isn’t about this topic, it is clear that “killer pythons”, as seen in proposals like that
it is close to my heart as indicated by the names currently before the US Federal government.

Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

assigned to some taxa and the histories of those Once “law” the anti’s use this success as
persons so honoured. encouragement to go further and to seek to ban
It is a fact of life that people only desire to protect other “pets”, the endpoint a total removal of public
and study animals if they have access to them. access to wildlife.
To that extent I have worked for this ideal in At that point a general desire to study and conserve
Australia, the USA and elsewhere for more than 30 these species is also removed.
years. The long term endpoint is a heightened risk of
It is no co-incidence that my greatest adversaries extinction for taxa for several reasons.
are also included among the greatest threats to the This includes the fact that there are few if any
conservation cause. captive stocks to protect against any calamity that
In Australia, the very group of people just named may exterminate wild stocks.
who have spent years doing little more than stalking At the present time, few rattlesnakes are regarded
the web and attacking my interests, have also been as threatened, however as seen with the frogs
responsible for the recent attempts to remove the declining through Chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium
hard-won rights of private individuals to keep reptiles dendrobatidis) over the last three decades (Di Rosa,
as pets in this jurisdiction. et. al. 2007, Stuart, et. al. 2004), it is entirely
They have also perpetuated the idea that is possible for common and “secure” species to
acceptable to inflict cruelty and death to snakes by become rare, endangered or even “extinct” within a
mishandling with back-breaking tongs and other few short years.
brutal methods, which when copies lead to Noting that numerous pathogens have been spread
increased deaths of reptiles and humans alike. worldwide, the details of which are generally little
Convicted smuggler David John Williams (posting known, it’d be reckless to do anything that may
on the internet under countless pseudonyms, reduce the chances of survival for any higher

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Australasian Journal of Herpetology 19
vertebrate taxa, including rattlesnakes and all other Castoe, T.A., et. al. 2006. Phylogeographic structure
reptiles. and historical demography of the western
To that end, readers are asked to use common diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox): A
sense and support the right of all sections of the perspective on North American desert biogeography.
community to have legal and unfettered access to Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 42
wildlife including rattlesnake species. (1)(January):193-212.
The claims of danger and the like in terms of the Chen, F.C. and Li, W.H. 2001. Genomic divergences
snakes do not carry weight either. between humans and other hominoids and the
effective population size of the common ancestor of
The number of people killed annually be these
humans and chimpanzees, Am J Hum Genet (Feb)
creatures is nothing compared to the millions who
die from smoking, driving, skin cancer and diet/
obesity related diseases, and yet there are no major Di Rosa, I., et al. 2007. The Proximate Cause of
pushes to ban people from smoking, sunbaking, Frog Declines. Nature 447.31.
driving or eating rubbish food. Dorcas, M.E. 1992. Relationships among montane
Keeping younger (under 18 year-old) people away populations of Crotalus lepidus and Crotalus
from so-called dangerous snakes like rattlesnakes triseriatus. pp. 71–88. In J. A. Campbell and E. D.
does not do any benefit to the long term safety of Brodie, Jr. (Eds.), Biology of the Pitvipers. Selva,
the majority. Tyler, Texas, U.S.A.
With common sense, bites (of humans) are virtually Douglas, M.E., Douglas, M.R., Schuett, G.W.,
unheard of and children discouraged from Porras, L.W. and Holycross, A.T. 2002.
interacting with wildlife, including rattlesnakes are Phylogeography of the western rattlesnake (Crotalus
more likely to turn to harmful alternatives like drugs, viridis) complex, with emphasis on the Colorado
violence and the like. Plateau. Pp. 11-50, in Schuett, G.W., Höggren, M.,
Douglas, M.E. and Dunn, E.R. 1919. Two new
In other words it is in our own self-interest and that
Crotaline snakes from western Mexico. Proceedings
of our children to conserve wildlife including the
of the biological society of Washington. 32:213-216.
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to this wildlife. Douglas, M.E. et. al. 2007. Genealogical
Concordance between Mitochondrial and Nuclear
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Many herpetologists in Australia and elsewhere, Panamint Rattlesnake (Crotalus mitchellii
including the USA and Europe and other people with stephensi). Copeia 2007(4):920-932.
no direct interest in reptiles have assisted with this
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Foote, R. and MacMahon, J.H. 1977.

and other projects.
Electrophoretic studies of rattlesnake (Crotalus and
Most have been named previously either at the end Sistrurus) venom: Taxonomic implications. Comp.
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Gardner, et. al. 2008. Molecular systematics of
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20 Australasian Journal of Herpetology


Type species: Crotalinus catenatus Type species: Caudisona enyo Cope 1861
S. miliarius (Linne 1766) Type species: Crotalus molossus (Baird
GENUS PIERSONUS GEN. NOV. and Girard 1853)
Type Species: Crotalus ravus Cope 1865 C. basiliscus Cope 1864
P. ravus (Cope 1865) C. estebanensis (Klauber 1949)
GENUS CROTALUS LINNE 1758 C. totonacus (Gloyd and Kauffeld 1940)
Type Species: Crotalus horridus Linne 1758 GENUS UROPSOPHUS WAGLER 1830
SUBGENUS SAYERSUS SUBGEN. NOV. Type species: Uropsophus triseriatus
Type species: Crotalinus viridis Rafinesque Wagler 1830
1818 U. aquilus (Klauber 1952)
C. scutulatus (Kennicott 1861) U. lepidus (Kennicott 1861)
C. oreganus Holbrook 1840 U. pusillus (Klauber 1908)
C. abyssus Klauber 1930 CUMMINGEA GEN NOV.
C. cerberus Klauber 1949 Type species: Crotalus stejnegeri Dunn
C. concolor Klauber 1936 1919
C. helleri Meek 1905
C. ericsmithi (Campbell and Flores-Villella
C. lutosus Klauber 1930
C. lannomi (Tanner 1966)
Type species: Crotalus cerastes Hallowell

Hoser 2009 - Australasian Journal of Herpetology 6:1-21

Type species: Crotalus atrox Baird and
A. polystictus (Cope 1865)
Girard 1853
H. tortugensis (Van Denburgh and Slevin
Type species: Crotalus intermedius 1921)
Troschel 1865
A. pricei (Van Denburgh 1895)
Type species: Crotalus adamanteus
A. tancitarensis (Alvarado-Diaz and Beauvois 1799
Campbell 2004
A. transversus (Taylor 1940)
Type species: Crotalus ruber Cope 1892
A. willardi (Meek 1905)
H. exsul (Garman 1883)
H. lorenzoensis (Radcliffe and Maslin 1975)
Type species: Crotalus durissus Linne
Type species: Crotalus catalinensis Cliff
C. culminatus (Klauber 1952)
C. simus (Latreille 1801)
C. tzabcan (Klauber 1952)
Type species: Caudisona mitchellii Cope
C. vegrandis (Klauber 1941) 1861
C. unicolour (van Lidth de Jeude 1887) M. angelensis (Klauber 1963)
M. tigris (Kennicott 1859)

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Australasian Journal of Herpetology 21
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ISSN 1836-5779 (Online)

Histories and Influence on Mankind, 2nd ed.
Publishes original research in printed form in relation
University of California Press, Berkeley and Los to reptiles, other fauna and related matters, including
Angeles, U.S.A. the subjects of classification, ecology, legal, captivity,
Knight, A., Styer, D., Pelikan, S., Campbell, J.A., etc. in a peer reviewed journal and has a global
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among hypotheses of rattlesnake phylogeny: a best- Our flexibility of publication size and format as well
fit rate test for DNA sequence data. Systematic as the routinely short time between submission and
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possible quality and maximum impact for targeted
McCranie, J.R. 1988. Description of the Hemipenis readers.
of Sistrurus ravus (Serpentes: Viperidae).
Full details of editorial policies, publication
Herpetologica, 44(1): 123-126. procedure, author submission guidelines, peer
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Herpetologists’ League, 511 pp. by following links from:
Murphy, R.W., J. Fu, A.L., Athrop, J.V., Eltham, F.
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Crotalus and Sistrurus) inferred from sequences of PO Box 599
five mito-chondrial DNA sequences. Pp. 69–92. In Doncaster, Victoria, 3108.
Schuett, G., Hoggren, M., Douglas, M, and Greene Australia.
H. W. (Eds.), Biology of the Vipers. Eagle Mountain
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