Grammar Bank: Present

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3A present simple I±l and Q 0
Cont ract ions: (10"'/ = do 11 0 1. doesl/" = does 11 0 1.
To make negal i\'cS use lloll't ll/o eStl'/ + verb (in fin if i\'c): 3A b Co mplete the sentences with a
[!)o r r::Jvcrb.
Hedoesl!'/ work . N OT H~ONrI·r-\I."".b; a C hange rhe se ntences.
Hri! ish people like animals. 2 " ') ~
They l ive in h OIl5C~ wilh ga rde ns. spelling rules for hel shel it My mum drinks tea. I drill!; lea , eat have listen play read
1\'1) husband works from 9.00 10 5.00.
Ann h aSlhrr('childrcn.
I work I play / live. IHe works I plays Ilives . I [ go (Q cinema.
dlC She
speak study wear work

I watch I finish / ga l do. She watches I finish es I goes / does. 2 We li ve in tl flat. He [!) They S1lliJ.)! cconom ies.
I study. I She studies. 3 She has t wo ch ildre n. The,. 1 G Pedro in an o ffi ce.
4 My dad doesn't like cats. I 2 G Eva books in English.
I work. I don't work . 0
The spell ing ru h."s for the he /she! it form s arc the l>:UllC as for
You work. You don't work . the plurals (sce G ramm a r Ba nk lA p. 116). 5 The shops close at 5.30. The supe rma rket 3 [!] You Arabic vcry well.
He / She lit works. He I She lit doesn't work. 6 We don't srudy French. My sister ~ El I games 011 my phone.
We work .
Vou work.
We don't work .
You don't work , P Be careful with some he/shel it f orms 7 I do housework. My husband S [!) Paolo glasses.
They work , They don't work, I have He has NOT He haves 8 [ want a guita r. My SO il
6 (!J We to music on rhe bus.
He goes ~pt.1
We use the present simple fo r th ings that arc generall), true o r Ido Hedoes ll\1 9 [dmit work on Satu rdays. My frie nd 7 G They fast food.
that habitu ally happen, I say He says 'l'/ 10 Our lessons fi nish at 5 o'clock. Our English lesson 8 G Ju li a ____ (WO ch ild ren.
<f( p.20

38 present simple rn P doanddoes I

do: .Iu: , does = d\1 3B b Make'l uest ions.
Do yo u \I'ork in an oRic,,? No, J d on'[. 2 14 ") Do and does can be:
a Complete the questio ns with do o r does. A She works at n ight. B Docsshc work at t he weekend?
Does ~ hc work outsid..-? YC'. ,he does. 1 the auxiliary verb to make present simple
questions. Do you speak English? Does she A I don't play the guitar. B Do)'oJl play IIIe piano?
live here? .Qayou work with a com puter?
I A He likes span. B tenn is?
rn 121 0 2 a normal verb. I do my homework in the ___ she have any qua lifications?
2 A She spe:Lks foreign languages, B Germ an?
Do l work? Ido. I don't . evening, He does eKercise every day. 2 ___ you speak a foreign lan guage?
Do you work? you do. you don't. J 3 A I don't eat fast food. B pizzas?
Does he I she lit work? he Ishe l it does. he Ishe l it doesn't . 3 l:Lmic play the guitar?
Yes, No,
The word order fo r present simple queslions is 4 A They cook Italian food. B _ _ _ _ _ lasagne?
Do we work? we do. we don't. AS I '" Auxitiary verb (do, does), S ubiect (I.)'ou, lIe. 4 _ _ _ you like Italian food?
Oo you work? you do. you do n't. 5 A Teresa doesn't live in a nat. B in a house?
she, elc .), I nfinitive (work, lil'c. etc.). 5 ___ yO ll study a no ther language?
Do they work? they do. they don't . 6 A I want a new phone, B a n iPhone?
6 school chi ldren weara uniform ?
7 A My clad drives a Fe rrari, B fast?
Use do (or does with he,she. ill to make questions. 7 ___ you rdadcook?
8 ___ people in your count ry work long <f( p.22
3C word order in questions P Word order in be questions
Remember the word order in
Q u est io n wo rd f phra se A u x ilia r y S ubject Infi n itive 2 20 ") questions with be. Put be before 3C b Complete the questions.
the subject. Where are you from?
What's your name? Is he Spanish? Wh:Lt's )'QIIC J!ame? My name's A ndrew,
Do yo u live near here? a Order the words ro make questions.
I How mallY child ren ? Three. t wO gi rls a nd a boy.
Doe~ I'o ur mother \I'ork~- you li\'(' whe re do ? \Vl/eredo)'o/lIi,'e?
2 What kind of fi lms ? He likes science-fict ion films.
\\'h;1I do I'OU do? I phones how many do you have?
3 Where ? We're from New York,
Wln're does he live? 2 interesting is job it an? ... What _ _ _ _ _ your father ? He's a lawyer.
How malll' children do ),O ll have? 3 you drink how do coffee much?
S What kind of food ? [like Japa nese food.
What kind of Illusic does she like? 4 brOlher you r whe re from is?
6 Where ? S he works in an office.
5 you w ith work com pmers do?
How do you spell your surname? 7 Where ? OUT flat is near the market.
6 read of what do kind you magazines?
8 How man)' fo re ign la ng uages ? [ speak French and
The 1I'0rd order for present simple questions with do and does is; 7 do what does weekend he at the?
Span ish.
ASI (Auxiliary, Subject, Infinitive), e,g, D o )'ou li\'c Ircre?; OR 8 want you do dri nk anorher?
9 When to the gym? I go 011 Mondays, Wednesdays,
QUAS I (Q uest io n. Auxiliary, Subjcct. I nfin ilil'C), c.g, IV/lere '/0 )'ou /il'l:? 9 your where does sister live? and Fridays.
Wt' often use question phrases beginni ng with \Vlw!. e,g, \VIral c%rlr. ,,,'
to do how that you say English in? 10 How old _ _ _ _ _ ? I'm 2 1.
\Viral Si:l' ... ? Wlwl flllIke ... ? Wlwllim e".? etc.
<f( p.25
4A Whose ... ?, possessive's J Wc usc \V/lOse ... ? 10 ask abo ut possessions. 4A
Wc can ask W/lOse is this b(/B? O R Wh osebafJ is [his?
Yo u can answcr/(s Mariu'sbtlB' OR It 'sMaria's. a @ rhecorrectform.
I He's G('org(" Cloo ncy 's father. 2 31) ) -,---::-,-~
It's lames's ho use.
4 We don', usually usc a thi ng + '5, c.g.I"el'lIIl ofrheclass NOT Monica C ruz is<tjireiopc Cru::'s s~ sisters Pene/ol1c Cru::.
rhe-rltUH1>'tn.lhecil), ccUlre NOT rht!'ril)':fft'nlrt',
2. They're my parents' friends . I It's my mOlller's birtht/a)' I my birthday's mOllrer.
3 \V h osc is this bag? I['s 1-.hri;t's. 2 That's her Irollse's pllrC1I/s I'ler parents 'Iro/lse.
~ The cnd of [he Ii IIII is ram aSI ic. J Ii\'(' in [ he cil \' ccm re .
P :ecareful with 's,lt can be two things;
Moria's mother (,s = of Maria)
3 I'm tired when [ go home at the er,d DJ rlre da), I tire day 's ellt/.
1 We use's with a person 10 la lk about family a nd possessio ns: 4 Those are friends' lily sister I my sister's f riends.
Mar;a's Spanish ('s = is)
Gl'orBc Cloolley's mori/er NOT thNltorhcrofGrorge-Elooney 5 That 's Alllle'.~ ba{j I A !mes' ba{j.
Whose I Who's
2. \Vc use S' I101 's with n.-gular plu ral nouns. e.g. Who's = Who is, e.g. Who's that girl? She's my sister. 6 Those arc tIre stllt/enrs' desks / Ih e stllticllr 's desks.
Tlrey're lily J1t1rcllrs'!ricmls. NOT 1=ht!)~Y1mren~rff: Whose = of who, e.g, Whose ;s this bag? It's Jack's.
b Look at the piClures. A nswer the questions with a shon sentence.
• With irregular plu ra lllouns. e.g. childrell . mell. use :~: whose and who's are pronounced the same.
the c/ri/drt'u's room. lilt' " 's dot hI's. Whose is rhe Japtop? if's Bill s. 3 Whose arc Ihe magazines? _ _ __
Whose arc the cars? _ _ __ of Whose is the watch? _ _ __
2 Whose is the wallet? 5 Whoscarctheglasscs? _ _ __
4B prepositions: (at, in, on, to)
c Comple te with Wllose or \Vho's.
Time Movement and place
~ caris this? 1Yh.a..'.s: the Illall wilh dark hair?
in on 2 4 2 »)) 1 I-k goes to work;ll 8.00 , 2 43 »)) ____ book is this? 4 _ ___ Kcvin's girlfriend?

the Illorn i ng Mond;lY Ih reco'clock

2 I-k has ll1llO.:h al \\'ork. 2 keys arc these? 5 _ _ _ _ bag is thi s?
I-k works in ;111 nffic{'. 3 your favourite singer? 6 _ ___ Ihei r English teacher?
the aftl'rnoon TUl's day (morning) ll1id(b~
I midniglu
tht'cV{'ning lunchtime
I \Ve use 10 for movement or direl'lion : Site goes to I lIe ID'III. ~ p.2B
the summcr night
the Wl'l'kend NOT S ht"'B0et"tH-IIrf./J)'ftT'
Wc do n't usc 10 before ho me: {lo Il om(' NOT go to /TOm!'
Christ mas
2. Wc us('(I/ and i,1 for posirion .
48 b Complerewith IO, m,illor - .

• Wc use i/I for pa n s of thc da), and scasons. • \Vc use m + work, ItOIllI'. scltool. 11II;I'ers; /)"- a Complete w irh ill,ml.orm. We go ta school by bus. T hey gel -=- home larc.
• Wc use on for days. • \Vc use ill + mher places: af/m, 1111 office. 11 room, ctc, I Sorry, John's Ilot here. He's work.
01/ Saturday
• Wc usc ttI for timl'S o f !lIC day. n;BIII. lit e weeki'll.!. and f('Slj\'a ls. • Wc can use i/I or III wirh some public places: 11 rt'Slmmmt. lire 2 It's a lovely day. Let'S go the beach.
, il/cl/w, ('re.
t the eve nin g
3 Sally's boyfriend works an office.
P Other uses of ;n and on 011 slII/lrdllJs Ite /lslIlIlI)' Iws lu"d, il' l at Il rI'SIIllIrlWI. 2 22nd Scprcmbcr
4 My brother studies maths the U n i\'crsit)' of M :lI1chcsrcr.
We also use in with months and years. 3 the su mmer
e.g. in December, ;n 201S 5 I go __ the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
4 7.30
We also use on with dates, 6 Whattime do you go __ home?
e.g. on 1 January 5 night
7 Wc hvc a flat.
(See Grammar Bank. 7A p.l36) 6 Monday mornings
8 It's Monday. The children arc school.
7 th e weekend
9 Mv fat her'S a doctor. He works a hospital.
8 January
10 Jack isn't home. He's on holiday. ~ p.31
4C adverbs and expressions of frequency
I Wc lIS(" adl'erbs of frC(luc nc), fO sa)' how ofrt' /l you do somet hing, 4C b Order the words lO make semences.
I I a lways haw toa~1 for brl·;lkfa~1. 2 49 ))
Du ~'Ull u s ually go tll w'"'k by b lL ~? • Adwrbs ur freqU('IK), go l.2.!:.fur.t all main \'e r b~ (('Xl'C pt 1)(')' always she at six up gcts /)(.'. a Pur the ild\'erb or ex pression of frequency in the right place.
S hl dOl 'n'{ often );!o {o tlll' cim 1ll.1. Sllc tllll'tl)'s gets Ill' lIt six.
T Ill'y'rl' som et imes I.ltl'. a [+1 vcrl, with rr el'a and lumlly ('l'(' r, HI' IIc\'cr sm okes,
U~l:' They drive - they don't have a ca r. never
I for late nevcr I alll class
SIll' hard ly e\'er W.lll'lll,, '1 V. NOT HJ;'doJ;'5tt 'f 1I("1'J;'r ;frt1 nkl'. They II CI'er dril'C - 1I1(:y dOlI 'f IU/lle a C(Jr.
In lu'gati\'c SClllences t ht, ad\'erb of fn'(lllclKYgoes bl" W('CIl dOli " Idu('s,,'/
Z eat ever fast hardly we food
I-k i~ ncver ~{fl'~~ed. 1 Do you wear glasses? usually
nd the \'erb.
;I 3 whar work you usua lly rime do finish?
2 r hJI'c Engli~h da~~(', (wice a wcek . 2 I'm bored. hardly ever
2. Ex p rl's~ion s or rrl'lj lll'IK )' u ~ uatly go al 1h.:- l'l ld of a St'lllCllCt' 01' wrb ph r;lse. 4 parenrs radio often dte my listen don't to
Sill' dUl'~n '{ wurk cver y day, 3 Sh(.' does housework. sometimes
5 always brother lunchtime is Illy hungry at
4 We go [Q thccineTnn, onceaweck _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 don'r hOlllework always om wc do
5 Why arc you late? a lways
7 you work every day to do dri ve ?
6 I wa lk to work. every day
8 hilrdly ft',tcher angry is our cver
7 My girlfriend i~ stressed. never
8 Does it ,,(in in the w inter? often ~ p.32

SA b Complete the sentences wirh call or call ', and the verbs.
['m sor ry. I CO !! ' , remember your na me. (remember)
a Rewr ite rhe sentences using the corren form of eml or
can't. 5 11(' Fre nch, bur not Span is h. (sp('a k)
2 YOll m e? These bags a rc
I know how to play t he pia no. I CO li play rb ep.i..ruw.
vcry heavy. (help)
It 's possible for her 10 meet me after wo rk.
5hc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3 I you toniglu . I'm very bu s)'. (sec)
4 the window? It 's cold in here. (close)
2 Please open the door.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ yO ll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • please? 5 you you r address. please? (repeat)
6 It says 'No parking', We here. (StOp)
3 My boyfriend doesn't k now how !O sk i.
My boyfriend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 7 And)' doesn't want to go IQ the beach because
4 [s it OKi(luscyourcar?
he . (sw im)
- _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _- - -' 8 ___ I ___ yourphone? I wa nt to ca ll my dad. (use)
5 It isn't possible for us to come tayour part)'. ~ p,36
IV, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,

58 b Pu t t he verbs in b rackets in the p resent co m inuou s.

a W r ite a q uestio n a nd a nswer. A (O llthe rclep/lOlIe) Hi.'s Tin a.

B Hello, Tina . [t's good to hear from you. W here arc you?
A I'm here in Bri stol.l·m o n holiday so [ '171 vjsitil!fJ (visit) my parent's.
Il (stay) wi th the m all this week. They're reti red, Right
nowthey 2 (work) in the garden and 13 (sit) in
the sun . A nd you, Frank? What 4 _ _ _ yOll these days?
B IS (look) for a job.
A Good luck! What about you r parents. How arc they?
\V/HIt 'SsllC dOjlliJ? She s cryifllJ. B Fine. My mum 6 (lea rn) to d rive! She 1 (not
enjoy) it much beca use she's very nerVOllS. At the moment she
1 ---------, --------------, B (make) the d inner and my dad 9 (help) her,
2 ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
3 ' _ _ _ __ ___ ' A It's grea t ro spcak to you. Frank . Can we meet?
4 _ _ _ _ _? _ _ _ _ _ _ _'
B Yes, Let's ha ve d inner IOn iglll ,

5 - - - - - - - - -? --------------, ~ p.39

se b Put the ve rbs in b rackets in the prese nt simple o r

a @ theco rrectform.
Look. h 's mi"illiJ' (ra in)
A What do you cook l€-)-
'o-,,-co-~ I'm really hungry. A Hi. Sa rah! What you _ _ _ here? (do)
B Spaghetti . \Ve can eat in ten m inutes. B I for a friend. (wa it)
A Hello. Is Martin at home? 2 A Let's have lunch. _ _ _ you _ _ __
B No, plays l ire's playillg football wi th hi s fri ends. hamburgers? (like)
2 A Do ),ollr I'arellts livel Are ),our parents livilZ{J nea r here? B No, sorry. I'm a vegeta rian. meat. (not eat)
B Yes. They /iave I are Iravirlg a nat in the same 3 A Listen! T he neighbou rs a party again. (have)
building as mc. B The)' a pa rty every weekend! (have)
3 A How often do )'01/ go I are ),011 goil/g to the hairdresser's? 4 A What your boyfriend ? (do)
B About once a mont h, When I tlll'"k f I'm tl'i"ki/lg m)' B He's a teacher. He at the local school, (work)
hairs vcry long.
5 A Hi, Li sa, Where you ? (go)
4 A Don't make a noise! Your fa ther sleeps I issleel'ilZ(j!
B TothegY Ill . _ _ _ _ to rhe g)'tll every evening, (go)
B Is he OK ? He tJoeSl/'t I/sually sleep f iSIl'tllsllally slcepirr{J
in the afternoon. ~ pAl
4jMj;yJ . .
6A object pronouns: me, you, him, etc. Prono uns lake Ih(> place o f nouns.
We use s ubject pronouns when the noun is the subject ora \'crb (Le. the
person who does the action): Jo"" is a doelor. He lives ill LOlldoll ,
subj cc l obj ec t 3 211») We use object pro nouns when the no un is the o bject of a verb (i.e. the
pro no un pronoun
person who receives rhe act ion): AIl1I11 meeu ) a/lll . She ill1'ites "i". 1011
me C lIl you hel p me? cOllccr/ .
you ),ou J kll o\\ y ou . Object pronouns go afu:.r
I" him S he i ~ n'( in lovc wi t h him . the \'crb:
she he< He phones her evcry day. l io"(' ),011 . NOT Iymrfot't:.
;, ;, I don"! like it.
• We also use object pro noun s
we 0' Wail fo r u s!
after prepositions (lI'ilh , /0 .
t h c~ them Ca ll1hcm Ihis e\'ening.
f rom. etc.):
U SICII /0 m e! I 'm iu/oI'e wilh
her, NOT f!tn-irt-101"t"11-f'h-m~
He loves her but she doesn·t love him,

68 like (+ verb + -ing) • We use vcrb + -i1l8 a ft er like. IDI·e, dO Il '1 milld. and hale.

~ " ~" I love shopping. 3 3 4 »)

spelling rules for the ·ing form
spelling -1
~" I like goin g to the ci nema .
cook l cooking add ·ing
study studying
" I don't mind gCllingupearl y.
dance dancing e + ·;ng
~" I don't like doing housework . shop shopping one vowel + one consonant -
~ " ~" , hare driving at night. double consonant +-ing

6e bear do?
be do/does
P do a s a main verb
HLI'm Jim . 3 36 »)} Do you spea k Engli sh? 3 37» ) Remember. we also use do as a
main verb.
She is n't vcry fri endly. Where do they li\'c?
"m doing my homework.
Are YOII German? Thcy don't ha\·echildrcn.
Does he do the housework?
2 J ca n't tal k. I'm
dri ving. Does your sister have a job?
The}' aren't working today. Wh at does your father do?
Is it rain ing? Alan does n 't li ke j:l'l.z.

1 \Ve use lJeas a main \·erb. We use dof does and dO li ' , fdoeslI 'lto
2 We also use be to fo rm the prese ll! make questions and negatives in the
continuous. Be here is an auxiliary present sim ple.
vcrb, Remember ASI and QUASI (Sec
G r ammar Bank 3C 1'.128).
7A past simple of be: was / were m El 7A b Complete the d ialogues with was. waSl/'/.
l/He / She/lt j was there. l/ He / She / lt was n't there. were. o r weren',.
You / we / They were there. You / we / They weren't there. a Compic[c rhe past si mple sentences wi th \\'as I waSII 'r or
King Edwa rd VI [['~ wife was America n. 3 44 1)) A U!~)'OLL and Ch .. rl ic at rhe COlleen last night ?
She wasn 't in class yesterday. \Va s she ill?
were I were,,'t.
I'!l IZl It] B Yes. we I
T he Beatles we re fam ous in the I 960s. p resen t s imple past simple
Where were ),ou laSt night? You weren'r at home. l/ he/she/it Yes,l was. No, 1wasn't A 2: irgood?
W" My father's a painter. My gra ndfather llill a painter. tOO.
famous? B No. it 3_ _ _ . The singer 4_ _ _ terrible.
Were you / we / Yes, you were. No, you Today is Monday. Yeste rday Su nday.
We use was I wcre to ta Ik about the past. they weren't. A S rhe tickets expensive?
We o ften use wa s / were with past time expressions, 2 \ Vhere are yOll now? Where you yesterday?
B Yes , they 6._ _ __
e.g. ycs/erday. las/ll i8hl, ill 1945. etc, 3 I'm in [ta ly. in Germany last month.
We use was/ were with hom: I w as borll ill HUII8ar)'. 4 Is it hot rod ay? it hot yesterday? A Where 7_ _ _ _ your mother born ?
5 The cafe isn't o pe n now, It opcn t h is morn ing. B She 8 born in Argelll inai n 1955.
6 My neighbours aren't at home. They at home yesterday. A9 her pa rcntsArgentin ian?
78 past simple: regular verbs m El
7 \ Ve're in Romc now. We in Venice yesterday. B No, they to . Her fat he r 11_-:--_
l/You / worked l/ You/ didn't work
S They're tired. They tired last week. Germ an , lIld her mot her 12_ _ _ from Italy.
I played tennis this morning. 3 53 ))) He /She / lt / yesterday. He /She/It! yesterday.
We watch ed:l good film on TV la~t night. We / They We / They
~ p.S2
My gra ndfather li ved in Vienna when he was young.
I s tudied Germa n when I wasal school. I'!l IZl It]
11 11 11 7B b Complete the senten ces with a ve rb in the
• We use the pa st simple for finished actions in the past, you/ you / you / past si m ple.
he t he t he t a Rewri te t he sentences in rh e past simple wi th yesterda),.
S_EF work No, she /
spelling rules for regular verbs Did she / Yes, she/ did. didn't.
yesterday? P r esent Past not call cry dance finish not listen play
it! it! it /
infinitive past spelling wet we t we t I wa tch TV. I lI'atched TV ycs /mltt),. Wc finished work late yesterday.
watch watched add -ed they they they
play played Westu dy English. I I my mother o n her bi rthday.
Co ntractio n: didn'l = (lid no /. 2 D o YOlL listen to t he news? 2 The film was vcr)' sad. _ __
live lived add-d
Regular verbs in the pasr [!] cnd in -ell. 3 He doesn't cook d inner. you :>
stop stopped one vowel + one consonant e.g. 1I'0rk ed, fil'etl, pla),ed.
= double consonant 4 D oes she play SPOrt? 3 My brorher ____ video games all day
• The past simple is the same for all persons (1.)'011, she. etc.),
study studied consonant + y > led 5 T hey work tate. yesterday.
Use auxiliaries did Idillll " + infiniti\'e for past si mple[1] and G.
6 I use IIll' internel at work. 4 ____ to the news Ih is morning
Did is t he past of do.
because I was late.
7 S hc chats ro her friend s.
8 My brot her doesn't da nce. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ 5 ____ Sarah ____ wi th Ma rtin at
7C past simple: irregular verbs Use the irregular past fo rm only in[!] sentences: the pa rty?
[sa w a film laS! " i8/rl.
Use t he infinitive aft er did I didn '/: ~ p.S4
[we nt to Spa in last mo nth . 3 59 1))
I didn't go 10 Madrid. Did ),011 see afilm /tIS/ll i8ht? NOT 9id-)'Off-mll~
o id you go to Harcclona? I didrr'r 80 OIa lasl night. NOT hiit#n" -lI'mt';7; 7C c Cor rect t he inform a tio n usi ng the word in
Remember word o rder in questions:o AS I (Au xiliary. S ubject, Infi nitive), brackets.
e.g. Did ),011 80 olllitlslllig/rl?or QUASI (Q uestion word . Auxiliary, Subject. a Com plete th e text w ith the verbs in b rackets in t h e pas t Simple.
infinitive past +' past --=-- I nfinit ive). e.g. Wlrere did)'0" liD? They got home al m idnight. (1 1 p.rn.)
L:ls t weekend , I lfflll (go) ro London wit h some friends. Wc TIIey didn't £1'/ bOllle at midllialll. The)' 8Q.l
go went didn't go There is a list of irregular verbs on page 165.
I (meet) at the train station at 7.30 a. m . O ur tra in hOllle at 11.
have had didn't have
get got
didn't get
didn't teach
p could 2 (leave) at 7.45 a.m. 1n t he morn ing, wc 3 (buy)
She wore a red dress. (blue)
teach Past of can = could. some sou,·eni rs. T hen. we 4 (have) lunch in an Italia n
hear heard didn't hear G = couldn't NOT didn't-can reStaurant . In the cve ning, wc 5 (sce) a Sha kespea re play at
feel felt didn't feel 2 I left work early. (Iale)
leave left didn't leave rn= Could you ... ? NOT Did yoo can. .. ? t he G lobe T hea t re. We 6 (get) home "cr), latc th:lt night. We
lose lost didn't lose al1 1 (feel) very ti red but vcry happy.
meet met didn't meet 3 We went by t rai n . (bus)
see saw didn't see b C o mplete the questio ns in t he past s im ple.
wear wore didn't wear
~ last nigh t? Yes, [ d id. 4 He 1051 his mobi le phone. (wallet)
speak spoke didn't speak
do did didn't do I W hal ? I wore jea ns.
2 W herc your frie nds? We met in a cafe. 5 You had a sa ndwich. (salad)
3 What time ? We got home late.
~ How ______ home? We wem home by taxi. ~ p.57
5 a good rim e? Yes. we had a great ti me.
BA past simple: regular and irregular verbs The past of be is was/were. We add ,ro1 to make
negatives and ill\'ert the subject and ve rh co make
8A b Complete the (ext with the past simple or
question s. the verbs in brac kets.
be 4 11 »)) a Com plete rhe di:doguc usi ng the past simple of rhe verbs in brackets.
2 Regu lar verbs add ·elf or ·d in the past simple B Last night [.ll1ti (be) ilsleep in my room when
[!] 1was horn in Japan . They were I:J.[~. for class yesterday. e.g. like-liked, II'IlIIt- II'lHrted. A Where ~ (be) you last nigln at 8.00? a st range noise 1 (wake) me up. I
8 She was n 't at home last night. Yuu we ren't I-c r y nice [ 0 her. 3 Irregu lar \'erbs change thei r form in the past B JI (be) at home, Inspector. \\Iillll11)' wife. Wc 2 (not wam) to le;I\'(' 111)' room
rn \Vcrc you ill yes terday? W hen was he born? si mple 8 e.g. 8o- lI"ellt, see- sllll'. 2 (be) arhomc all c\'cni ng. because 13 (fecl) vcry sca red.
2 regu lar verbs Regular and irregu lar verbs (except cm,) use: A What 3,_ _ _ _ _ _ yOll _ _ _ _ _ _ (do)? Then]4 (hear) the noise ;Igai n . so
G J rc;dly like d the present . 51](' wanted to bl' a doctor. - tlld,,'t to infinitive to make nega tives. e.g. / did'I ', B Wc 4 (watch) T\' and then \\' C 5 _ _ _ __ r5 (decide) TO go and invesrigate.
El Shl' di d n't e nj oy Ih" cono.:cn . They d idn 't ar ri ve until vcry latc. like it . SIre ,/idll't see/rim .
[1] D id you watch the match I,[st night? When d id YOll fi nis h 1he book ? -,lid t subject t infinitive to ma ke questions. e.g. (have) a liglu dinner. We 6 (nO! be) hungry. Afte r When] 6 (t urn on) the light in the
Did )"ou 11'11111 to collie? \Vhere d;,1 she go? that, we 7 (go) to bed. kitchen, a bird 7 (fl)') Out ohhe
3 irregu la r ve rbs
A What time 9 you (go) ro bed? window.
CB I we nt to Pari s la st SUIllIll('f. She s lept o n Ill{' sofa.
G I-k d idn't com e home last night. They d idn't hea r tl1l' mu sic. P can / could can B l\bOllt IOo'clock. Ja (dose) the win dow so that the
rn D id you s peak to your sis te r ycst('rday? W here did YOll have lunch? The past of is could. We add not to
make negatives (/ couldnl fin d my glasses.) A 9 you (he;tr) a noise during the bird 9-:::___ (nOl can) come in again and
and reverse the subject and verb t o make night? then J 10 (go) back to bed.
questions (Could you use your mobile on the
I B No. I 10 ______ (nO( hea r) anything. -c: p.61

8B b Write B []. o r [1] sente nces with lI,erc is I are + {/ I all,

BB there is I there are, some I any + plural nouns a/ an, some and any
sOll1e or any.
• We often use Ilt ere is/ lil ere (lrl' with a Complete wit h [!] or [1] of There 's or TI,ere tire.
11/ 1111. some. a nd Illly . [!] trees / t he ga rden Tllere Me sOllle trees il' Ille 8tJrdell.
Sing ular Plura l 4 16 ')) 'lli!fi a dishwasher in the kitchen.
• Use sollle andllllywilh plural nou ns. I [!] table f thekitchen
[!] The re's a ga rage.
G The reisn't aswimrningpool.
T he re arc sOl11e pictur{'s on Ih{' wall.
T here aren't any plant s inlhe roOI11 .
So me = n OI an exact number. Arc thm.. an)' people in tile room?
2 [1] fireplace / the living room ,
• Use 50111 1.' in [!]semences and lIIry in G I an)' books on the shelf?
[1] Is t here a bathroom dow nstairs? Arc t here any n{'ighbours with ch ildr{'n? and [1). 3 G plantS f your flat
2 a toilet dow nstairs?
I2J Yes. there is . Yes. t he re a re. 4 rn people / the hall ---------------------'
It] No. th er e is n'£. 1'\'0 . t he re are n'£. P There is or It is?
3 some stairs over there.
5 [!] piclures fyour bedroom
t here is/ there are
Be careful. There is and It is are

a carpet on tbe floor .
some pictures o n the wa ll .
6 G TV {thekitchcn
There 's a key on the table. It's the 7 [!] complll'er {the study
• We use flr erl.' is{ flr ere arc to say that somebody o r somel hi ng exists. We use IlI ere is + 6 a shower in the bathroom?
a singu lar noun and there arc t plu ral nouns. key to the kitchen. 8 G ch:tirs {the dining room
7 some chai rs in the garden.
Th ere is is often cont racted 10 TI, ere's. Th ere (I re is no t usually contracted. 9 [1] mirror {the bathroom ?
S a lamp in the bedroom?
When we talk about a li st of things we use there is if the first wo rd in the li st is 10 G car / thcgarage
singu lar or l!rerellrc jfl he first word in the list is plural : 9 a motorbike in the garage.
III my bedroom there's a bell. tll'O chairs, mrd 1I llesk. 10 any glasses in the cupboard? -c: p.63
III lire lil'ill8 room there (Ire 111'0 armclr airs alld a SOJII.

8e b Complete the se ntences wit h Ihere II'(lS / were / was/J't / were/J '/ +
BC there was I there were a / all, or some /nlly.
a Complete the dialogue wit h the correct
There \\'ereSO/l!L' ghosts in Ihe haunled cast le J stayed in,
form of t',ere "'{IS o r Illerc were.
Sing ula r Plura l 4> 27» ) My si SIer didn', have a shower becau::,e spider in the
A How many guests ~ t.h.m in the hotel? bath.
G T he re was an old T V. T here were o nly three guests.
B ' ___ four includ ing me. 2_ __
G T he r e was n't a remote control. T he re were n't any more people. 2 \Vc couldn't watch the news because TV in our room.
[1] Was t her e a ghosl? We re t he re alH' wi ndows? _--,-_ a French tOurist and 3_ _ _ _ __
3 I cou ld n'( sleep 011 the pb Ile bec;llLsc Ilob), ~ h ildrcn
t wo businessmen.
I2J Yes. t here was . Yes. the r e we re.
A '__
behind me .
It] No. t here wasn't . No. t here we re n't. a restaurant?
4 The), cou ldn't play ICnnis because ,ennis balls.
B No, S _ _.bur 6•_ _
5 She didn't have a coffee becalls<" cups.
• Ilrere WIl S/ were is 1he past of Iltere is {Il re. bar.
6 He took a phoro because beautiful view.
A7 a minibar in your room?
B Yes, 8_______ bur 9 any 7 The),cou ldn't park near the restaurant because car
drinks in it.
S I could n't work in the hOle I because comput er,
A How many beds 10 ?
B One. A double bed. -c: p.65

9A countable / uncountable nouns a/an, some/any

9A b Complete the dialogue with a, all. some, or all)'.
! countable uncOllnmb lc 4 30»)
A What can w(' cook for your brother a nd his girlfriend?
0- an apple. some bill [cr. a \Vrirell,llll.or some+a
e:~ food / drin k word . B Let's make!! lasagne.
some apples.
A Good Idea Arc there I onIons?
IIIJ {lPI'll' Ihrcc(lJlP/cs rice mctlt
There afe 111'0 kinds of nou n in English: countable
(C) and uncoumable (U).
[J\Vt.'don'[ ne,'cI a IOmalO.
any tomatoes.
any dcC'.
@ ITJ~ 0& B Yes. And there are 2_ _ tomatoes. tOO.
A G reat!
ill Do we nCl'd a n orange? I any sugar?
- ~©
e" things you can coum. e.g. apples. C nuuns can B Oh no! There isn't l _ _ pasta!
an)' ora nges?
be si ngubr (nil apple) or plural (apples). A Oh. Wait a minute. I bought 4_ _ fish yesterday. Arc there 5. potatoes?
U "" things yo u can', (Qum. Wc use (llml with singula r C nouns: a "onc.'IW 8 Yes. there are.
VI/Her. //Ii'IIf NOT two-btlHM'S.lh~t'tlts
U nOllns arc normally si ngular.
Some nouns can be C or U bUl thl' meani ng is
W" use sOllle[!j with plural C nouns and Wi1h U nounS:SQmc" no t an
exact number o r qlwnrit y. a- ~ A Good. So we ca n have fish and chips. Do wc have 6__ fruit?
BYes. [ think we have 7 _ _ or:Lnges, Why?
Wc use fill)' in Gand!1]with plural C nouns and with U nouns. some bread
different. A You can make B_ _ fruit salad fo r dessen . There's 9 apple and 10_ _
I 5
p somein !1]
1 6
bananas, too.
B OK. Let's stan coo king.
We use some in!1] to ask for and offer things.
3 7
1111 ice crcalll (Cl some ice crCl/1I! (U)
Can I have some apples, please?
Would you like some coffee? 4 8 « p.69

98 b ~)rhe correct word or phrase.

98 quantifiers: how much/ how many. a lot of. etc. Wc use Hol\' mrld, .. . ? with uncou nt able (U) no uns and
HolI' mml)' ... ? wit h pluT3.1 countable (C) nouns. a Complete wit h How f11l1ch 11-1011' matl)" [don't pur 9mall)'salton my food.
\Ve use: 1 We don'r eat a 101 of/ a 101sweets.
uncou ntable s hort answers fu ll a ns wers 4 37» ) How rm/cl! suga r do you PUt in your (ca?
a /0/ (on with C and U nouns for a bi g qua nt it y. 2 A How Illuch chocolate do you C(lt ? B t\ lilllel t\ few.
IA lol. qui/clllOI (on for a me dium q u a ntity.
[ butter do you use?
cans of cola did shcdrink?
3 My fr iends do n't d rin k mudl / mallY coffee.
I <'3.t a 101 of sugar. a lilf/c l uor .. .muclr with U noun s for a sma ll quantity. 4 A How much fruit doyou buy? B Quilealotl Qllile alolof
How much ~ugar
Quite a 101. I cat quite a lot of .,ugar. 3 oildo[nced?
IIfell' l ,rol .. .mlln)'wilh C plural nouns fora sma ll quantity 5 We caT a 101 of/ mllch fish. We love it!
A little. I eat a litrle ~ugar. 4 chocolates were in that box?
do "ou eat? lIar .•. /HI)' (I[Olle in shOT! a nswers) for z.ero qua nt ity. 6 A Doyourch ildrcndrinkan),milk? B No.NolmuchINoll//tUlY.
Not much. I don·t e3.t l11u ch sugar.
5 rice do you wanl?
None. I don·t CJ[ any sugar. 7 Don na ate her hamburger, but she didn't eat IIwdl l malJ), chips.
a lot of and much ! many 6 coffee does he drink?
countable (plural) 8 A How many vcgetablcsdoyolL cat? B All)'INo lle. l don't like them.
I n CB s(,ntences we usually us(' {/ 101 of 7 bottles of water did you buy?
A loL I C3.[ a 101 of S\\'CI.'"15.
9 1 ha\'e a cup of tea and (/ fell' l a lillle cereal for breakfast.
InGscllIcnces 3.ndlll \\'C usually usc /lllId, 3.nd mlllly: 8 tinsoftunadowehavc?
Qu ite a lot. J ca[ quit c a 101 of swel'[s. 10 A Do you eat lllllciJ { mall)' meat?
How m a nys"cl'[S / dOll·1 dri"k mud, Il'lller. Do ),011 tlril,k mlld[ coffee? 9 orange juice is there in that
A fcw. I c;![ a few swect". B No. I do n"t cat 110 fa llY meat. I'm (I vegetarian.
do\oul'at? It is also possible to use {/ 10/ ofi n Gand!1]: Do ),011 drink carton?
NO! many. J don·t cat many <;W('('[5.
No n e. I don·t cat a ny 5\\'('etS.
a lot ofcoffee? / dOll·/ eM alO f of l'e8crablcs. 10 ____ biscuits did you eat? « p.70
9C b Comple te with a compa rative adjective + ,IJaIl.
9C comparative adjectives adjective comparative
My sister is ),O!lIIfJer IIwl! me. She's on Iy 18. (you ng)
a \Vrite the comparat ive form of
old older 1 The ma rket is the supermarket (or \·egetables. (cheap)
one-syllable adjectives: add -er these ad jectives,
1,~oursi"teroldertha l1 you? 4 47 ))) cheap cheaper
2 Italian is for Spanish st udents it is fOT
Huckingham Pabcc i:. bigger t h an rhe White big bigger adjectives ending one vowel + one big IJioocr English students. (easy)
I-louse. hot hotter consonant: double consonant, add -er high
Femall' mosquitOl':' are 1110rc cla ngerous I ha 11 3 It rains a lot in the spring. April is July (wet)
d" drier one- or two-syllable adjectives ending 1 diny
mall'S. healthy healthier consonant + y > -ier 4 This restaurant is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when it first opened. (busy)
l\1~ ne" job is bell er than m~ old one.
3 dangerous 5 Come in the summer. The weather is ________ in t he spring. (good )
famous more famous two- or more syllable adjectives: more + 4 good
The traffic is always worse in I he e\·l·ni n~. expensive more expensive adjective 6 1 love science. 1find it _____________ history. (i me resti n g)
5 thin
good better 7 Milan is from the sea Rome. (far)
Use comparati,·c adjectives + rlum [0 bad worse irregular 6 slow 8 I'm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lll)' brother. He's very tall. (shon)
compare [WO things. people. elc. f" further 7 healthy
9 The situation is ________________ it was last year. (bad)
8 far
10 Sk iing is I thoughl it was. (difficult)
9 comfonable
10 bad « p.73
4jMiD "
10 lOA b Complete the sentences w ith a su pe rlati ve. Use the adjectives in bracket s.
lOA superlative adjectives adjective comparative superlative
a Write rhe oppos it e. The tigers :'Ire rhe IIIOSI dtw./Jerruu anim als int he 7.00. (da ngerous)
cold colder the coldest Our house is hou se in the s trccl. (big)
add -est Ihe s mallest lh£.Jlj8LiC5J
[t"s l h ehotlcslll1onth o f thcycar. 55 ))) high higher the highest 2 Fo r mc. Saturd ay is day of th t" week. (good)
It'~ Ih t! mosl da n gerous ro:,d in the world . big bigger the biggest double consonant, I Ihe coltlesl
.3 My bedroom is room in our hOlLse. (!>mall)
She's t ile best ~t\l(k'n[ in the cla~s. hot hotter the hottest add -est 2 the mu.!> ! ('xpensiw
\ 100l(b~ i ~ t he worst cia) of I he week. 4 July is month in my CO UllI fy. (hot)
dcy drier the driest 3 the best
) -iest 5 ~ l y neighbours up'Hairs a re people in the world. (noisy)
Use I/Ie + supe rl:llive acl jccl ivc IQ say wh ieh is [he
more dangerous
the sunniest
the most dangerous the most +
• rhe
rhe mo~t
6 dri,cr ill Ill)' fa mily is my dad. (b .. d)
(bi88cSI. etc.) in a group. adjective 7 Sophic is srudcm in our Engli'ih c1a'is. (young)
Aft('r superlatives. we use ill (not of) + places. e.g. 6 the shorrcst
good better the best 8 building in my (Own is thc caqic. (bcamiful)
Ihe world. rill'c/llu. bad worse the worst irregular 7 the nearc .. !
f" further the furthest 8 the c1cam~st ~ p.76

lOB be going to (plans) III lOB b Complete the sc nre nCl'S with be 8°;"810 + .. ve rb.
Am i
['m go ing ro have a holiday nexI month . 5 11 )) Are you have a holiday next a Complcn.. the sentences with the correc t form of not buy call not come eat
Is he I she I it going to month. belJoing /0 a nd rhl' verb in brackers. go not see sleep watch
I'm nOI goi n g to study English.
Are we study English tonight.
Are you going to h ave.1 h(Jliday lOO? Are they She doesn'l h:l\'e a GIr. SbeS goj"a!O mild by lra jl!. (rravel)
I'm slayi ng w ith a rriend. 1'/11 gQ;1I1J fQJicrp on [he couch.
We nced a holid;,). Wc _ _ _ _ _ _ :1 hotel near dle
I need to lalk ro my mum . I her tonight.
full form contraction beach . (book)
l am. I'm not. 2 Thefe isn't a n v rood . What
l am I'm 2 Tomor row i ~ Saturday. I in bed. (stay) we _ _ _ _ _ _ 1
you are. you aren't.
You are You're have a holiday next Yes, he I she lit is. No, he I she I it isn't . 3 M y sister wants [0 be a do(tor. She
He I She litis He I She lit's going to month. 3 M y rrie nd is ill. Slw 10 the pilrty.
we are. we aren't . mcdicine. (st udy)
We are We're study English tonight. they are. they aren't . -4 They d on 't havc any mone),. They any
They are They're 4 Laura and D:lvid <I re in 10\'c. T hey
l am not I'm not We use be 80;11810 .. \'erb (in ll niri\"e) re tal k aboUl married . (get)
You are not You are'nt have a holiday next
5 Ger m a ny a rc playing Engla nd . you
fmure plans. 5 lan i . . bll~y. I-l c latc tonight. (work)
He I She lit is not He I She lit isn't going t o month. the llHII Ch?
\Ve often usc futu re rime exprcssions with goillg 6 Thei r house is n'l \"Cry tiely. T hcy the
We are not We aren't study English tonight. 6 Our rriend .. arc away. \Ve them [his week .
They are not They aren't housl'\\ork this a ftern oon. (do)
IOmorrow. lI eXI week. II('X/ yetlr. ele. 7 The children a rc tired. The), tobed.
7 It's rain in g. Wc an ulllbrella. (tilke)
8 I have:1 problelll at work. I to Ill)' boss. (speak) ~ p.78

10C be going to (predictions)

We ca n u'c begoing 10 .. verb (in ll n ith'c) 10 makc
10C b Complete the predi ct ions with be [Joil/[J /0 and a \·crb.

predict ions (: [0 say wh at you thin k or can scc is a Write prcdiClion!> for the piet ures. be break not finish forget have
going [0 happen in [hc futurc) . not like not pass tell win
Ithinki[·sgo ing t oraill. 519 ))
I'm a fort une teller. I"m_
nallin to tell ),ou about your fut lire.
You're goi n g to be Vl'rr h'lppy.
rill ~u re [hl'y're going 10 win . You're driving very fa ~ r ! 1'111 sure wc _ _ __ an
2 She's a vcr)" bad studem. SIll' Iheexam .
3 Be (areful with that glass! You it !
A be catch make p]ClY send
4 Wc h ave a lo t ofhomc\\"ork. I'm sure we it.
B the bus an email a nice day an omelette tennis 5 T hl'y're pl:Lying w ry well. [Ihink [he),
6 Look ;lIlhe time. We [,lie.
I·k:.r.[juill{j 10 pltl~lt',,"iJ ~ 7 Oh no, it'S:t horror fi lm . I'm sure I it.
8 l-I e J idn 't put her number in his p hone. He it.
~ p.81

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