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Jet 2015

Directions for Questions 1to 5: Read the passage 3. The word in the passage that is an antonym of the
carefully and answer the questions that follow: word 'facilitated' is :
With a little effort and a little luck, the global community (a) Commitment
will soon be within reach of a massive victory; meeting (b) Impeded
the Millennium Development Goal of halving global (c) Disenfranchised
hunger between 1990 and 2015. Despite this, (d) Inadequate
one-eighth of the global population (and nearly 4. Global hunger can only be dealt by :
one-third of those in Sub-Saharan Africa) remains (a) Upping agricultural production
chronically undernourished. Viewing this stark reality in (b) Technological 'silver. bullets'
tandem with projections for rapid urbanisation, (c) Removing political, social and financial
population growth, decreasing water and land barriers to food
availability and an increase in per-capita food demands, (d) Rapid urbanization
it is clear that the global community is at a crucial 5. The primary contribution of academic scholarship
juncture and needs to reignite agricultural development. in the study of world hunger has been :
Yet to succeed, we need to set aside a fondness for (a) To highlight how one-eighth of the world is
technological 'silver bullets', and remember two truths: still undernourished.
malnutrition is rarely about not having enough food and (b) To show the relationship between decreasing
food is not all that agriculture delivers. Academic water and land availability and an increase in
scholarship has highlighted the fact that food insecurity is per-capita food demands.
often not due to inadequate food availability, but rather (c) To prove that malnutrition is rarely about not
impeded access and utilisation, often poverty-based. having enough food-to-eat.
Upping production, which has grown tremendously (d) It is not lack of food availability, but impeded
over the past half-century, will not decrease hunger if access and utilisation that keeps one-eighth of
political, social and financial barriers constrain access for the world hungry.
the disenfranchised. ... Let's hope world leaders can
stomach this commitment; in so doing, they can make Directions for Questions 6 to 10: From among the
freedom from hunger a global human right. four choices given, choose the word that has been
spelled correctly.
1. The main focus of the passage is : 6. (a) Aforstation (b) Aforestation
(a) The challenges to meeting the Millennium (c) Aforrestation (d) Afforestation
Development Goal of halving world hunger. 7. (a) Sovereignty (b) Soveriegnty
(b) The problem with using technological 'silver (c) Sovereignity (d) Soveriegnity
bullets' in agriculture for halving world 8. (a) Homiopathy (b) Homiopethy
hunger. (c) Homeopathy (d) Homeopethy
(c) The meaning of malnutrition and hunger. 9. (a) Rehersal (b) Rehearsal
(d) The political, social and financial challenges to (c) Rehearsel (d) Reherseal
halving world hunger. 10. (a) Conscientious (b) Conscentious
2. The word in the passage that is a synonym for (c) Conscintious (d) Conscientus
'critical' is :
(a) Chronically Directions for Questions 11 to 15: From among the
(b) Tandem four choices given, choose the sentence that is in the
(c) Crucial opposite voice to the sentence given in the question. If
(d) Constrain the sentence in the question is in the active voice,
choose the option in the passive voice and vice versa.

Jet 2015

11. Rain disrupted the last day's play between England 15. A branch struck me on the head as I was walking
and Australia. home in the storm.
(a) Disrupted by rain was the last day's play (a) I was walking home in the storm and a branch
between England and Australia. struck me on the head.
(b) The last day's play between England and (b) I was struck on the head by a branch as I was
Australia was disrupted by rain. walking home in the storm.
(c) Last day's play between England and Australia (c) On the head was I struck by a branch as I was
disrupted the rain. walking home in the storm.
(d) Disrupted play on the last day between (d) As I was struck on the head by a branch, I was
England and Australia because of rain. walking home in the storm.
12. On 15th August every year, the national flag is
hoisted on the ramparts of the Red Fort by the Directions for Questions 16 to19: Tick the correct
Prime Minister of India. meaning of the words given in CAPITALS.
(a) The Prime Minister of India hoists the national 16. EXULT
flag on the ramparts of the Red Fort on 15th (a) To place high in rank
August every year. (b) To rejoice
(b) The national flag is hoisted on 15th August (c) To object to something
every year on the ramparts of the Red Fort by (d) To be considered extraordinary
the Prime Minster of India. 17. PERSECUTE
(c) The Prime Minister of India on the ramparts (a) To initiate legal proceedings against someone
of the Red Fort hoists the national flag on 15th (b) To pity
August every year. (c) To oppress
(d) The ramparts of the Red Fort hoist the (d) To admire a person
national flag by the Prime Minister of India on 18. STATUTE
15th August every year. (a) An image
13. We all went and saw Piku at a theatre near our (b) Written law of a legislative body
house. (c) Pertaining to the surface
(a) Piku at a theatre near our house was seen by (d) A narrow passage of water between the seas
all of us. or oceans
(b) At a theatre near our house on Sunday we all 19. INDEMNITY
went and saw Piku. (a) Partnership
(c) Near our house is a theatre where we all (b) Reparation
went and saw Piku. (c) Security
(d) Piku was seen by all of us at a theatre near our (d) Compensation
14. English is spoken by more than a million people in Directions for Questions 20 to 23: Re-arrange the
India. sentences given below to form a coherent paragraph by
(a) In India English is spoken by more than a choosing the right option.
million people. 20. (A) All levels of demand, whether individual, local
(b) More than a million people speak English. or national are subject to change.
(c) More than a million people in India speak (B) At the same time, science and technology add
English. new dimensions to products, their uses and
(d) Spoken English is used by more than a million the methods for marketing.
people in India.

Jet 2015

(C) Local demand fluctuates with changes in Directions for Questions 24 to 25: Select the correct
business activity, GNP and national income. sentence from each of the sets given below.
(D) The demand of individuals tend to vary with 24. (a) In spite of trying his best he could not convince
changing needs and rising income. the voters.
(a) (C)(B)(D)(A) (b) Despite of trying his best he could not
(b) (D)(C)(A)(B) convince the voters.
(c) (B)(C)(A)(D) (c) In spite of being tried his best he could not
(d) (A)(D)(C)(B) convince the voters.
21. (A) The open road still softly calls, like a nearly (d) Despite him trying his best he could not
forgotten song of childhood. convince the voters.
(B) Even after 400 generations in villages and 25. (a) But for your time of helping we could not have
cities , we have not forgotten. accomplished our goal.
(C) The appeal has been meticulously crafted by (b) But for your timely help, we could not have
natural selection as an essential element in our accomplished our goal.
survival. (c) Without on time help, we could not have
(D) WE invest far-off places with a certain accomplished our goal.
romance. (d) Despite your time of helping we could not
(a) (B)(C)(A)(D) have accomplished our goal.
(b) (D)(C)(A)(B)
(c) (C)(B)(D)(A) Directions for Questions 26 to 30: Read the passage
(d) (A)(C)(D)(B) given below and choose the correct answer from the
22. (A) The remaining chapters were written by options:
various writers to the author's directions. A leading Indian industrialist in an article on ways to
(B) The chapter that bears his name is his work strengthen India's economy has drawn attention to the
and nobody else's. problems of inflation and industrial sickness among
(C) The final editing of the book after the author's other things. One of the main reasons for industrial
death has been done by his wife. sickness in India has been the fact that business and
(D) Incidentally, it was written in English. industrial managers have not been able to look beyond
(a) (C)(B)(D)(A) the immediate future. They have been too preoccupied
(b) (A)(D)(B)(C) with their attempts to report favourable results for the
(c) (A)(C)(D)(B) ongoing financial year—higher profits and larger
(d) (D)(C)(B)(A) dividends to the share holders. The planning horizon has
23. (A) It is beyond our powers to predict the future. hardly ever exceeded five years. Investments have been
(B) Your own life, or your community's or your inadequate for new plants and towards diversification
species' might be owed to a restless few. and expansions.
(C) Long summers, mild winters, rich harvests, Modernisation and asset creation has seriously lagged
plentiful game—none of them lasts forever. behind. In business, growth is needed for survival; one
(D) Disasters have a way of sneaking up on us, of has to grow if one does not want to be wiped out. This is
catching us unaware. particularly true today with liberalisation of imports and
(a) (A)(D)(C)(B) increasing competition. Moreover, growth and higher
(b) (B)(C)(D)(A) productivity create employment and higher
(c) (A)(C)(D)(B) employment creates larger markets both for industrial
(d) (B)(D)(C)(A) and consumer products. It was Henry Ford who
brought home the need for the creation of a larger and

Jet 2015

more stable middle class, that is, a larger number of 31. The minimum value of 2 log10x + logx 100 is :
people who can afford more and more of goods and (a) 1 (b) -1
services. Even after more than six decades of (c) 2 (d) 4
Independence, Indian industrialists and managers have 32. If the mode of a data is 18 and mean is 24, then
not been able to enlarge their business vision. median is :
26. Which of the following shortcomings of Indian (a) 18 (b) 24
industrialist has been highlighted by the author ? (c) 22 (d) 21
(a) Unreasonably high investments in 33. There are 4 letters and 4 directed envelopes. The
diversification number of ways in which all the letters could be
(b) More concerned about the immediate net put into wrong envelopes is :
gains (a) 8 (b) 9
(c) Highly competitive (c) 10 (d) None of these
(d) Preference for trading 34. The points (2p, 4p + 1), (2p + 2, 8p + 3) and (4p,
27. The author attributes industrial sickness mainly to: l0p) are collinear if the value of p is :
(a) Lacunae in five-year plans (a) 1/2 (b) -1/2
(b) Preoccupations of managers with matters (c) 4 (d) 2
unrelated to business 35. Image of the point (4, 3) in the line 5x - 3y + 23 =
(c) Higher profits and larger dividends to 0 is :
shareholders (a) (-4,-3) (b) (6,-9)
(d) Lack of foresight among managers (c) (-1,6) (d) (-6,9)
28. According to the passage, growth and increasing 36. The probability of India winning a test match
productivity lead to : against West Indies is 1/2. The probability that in a
(a) Imposition of restrictions on imports 5 match series, India's second win occurs at the
(b) Employment, leading to an outlet for third test is:
industrial and consumer products (a) 1/8 (b) 1/4
(c) Encouragement to export excess consumer (c) 1/2 (d) 2/3
goods 37. If the system of equations 3x - 2y + z = 0, kx-14y
(d) Disproportionate surplus of commodities + 15z = 0, x + 2y + 3z = 0 has a nontrivial
29. Why did Henry Ford stress the need for a more solution then k =
stable middle-class ? (a) 9 (b) 29
(a) They are mostly service oriented (c) 39 (d) 19
(b) They hey do not have a trading mentality 38. A tap can fill a tank in 12 minutes and another tap
(c) They can afford to buy more and more can empty the same tank in 18 minutes, if the tank
expensive goods is 75% filled and both the taps are opened
(d) They are more unstable together the tank will be :
30. The italicised sentence in the passage means : (a) Filled in 9 minutes
(a) The five-year period is too short for (b) Emptied in 9 minutes
successful implementation of plans (c) Filled in 15 minutes
(b) The planners are not inclined to think of the (d) Emptied in 15 minutes
future 39. It was calculated that 75 persons could complete a
(c) Planning takes care of all the ups and downs in piece of work in 20 days. But 4 days after starting
the five-year period the work 25 persons left. The total number of
(d) Planning should not be a period of less than days taken to complete the entire work will be :
five years (a) 20 days (b) 28 days

Jet 2015

(c) 32 days (d) None of these 48. In a city 20% of the population travels by car,
40. Let R = {(1,1),(1,2),(3,1),(2,2),(1,3),(2,3) (3,2), 50% travels by bus and 10% travels by both bus
(3,3),(2,1)} be a relation on the set A = {1, 2, 3}. and car. Then the percentage of population
The relation R is : travelling by bus or car is :
(a) Reflexive and transitive (a) 80% (b) 40%
(b) Reflexive and Symmetric (c) 60% (d) 70%
(c) Non symmetric and non reflexive 49. The function f from the set of natural numbers to
(d) Equivalence the set of integers is defined by:
41. If the median of x, (where x>0) is
18 then x is equal to : is:
(a) 72 (b) 18
(a) One-to-one but not onto
(c) 12 (d) 6
(b) Onto but not one-to- one
42. Function 3x - 2x + 1 in the interval is: (c) Both one-to- one and onto
(a) Increasing (d) Neither one-to-one nor onto
(b) Decreasing
50. The value of
(c) Neither increasing nor decreasing
(a) 9 (b) 1
(d) Cannot predict
(c) 3 (d) None of these
43. If the vertices of a triangle are (4,0), (-1,-1) and
51. In the expansion of (1+x)50, the sum of
(3,5) then the triangle is :
co-efficient of odd powers of x is :
(a) Isosceles but not right angled
(a) 0 (b) 249
(b) Right angled but not isosceles
(c) 250 (d) 251
(c) Isosceles and right angled
52. Which of the following equations has no real roots ?
(d) Neither right angled nor isosceles
(a) x2 - 4x + 3 = 0
44. The equation of the tangent to the curve y = x +
(b) x2 + 4x - 3 = 0
, that is parallel to the x-axis, is:
(c) x2 - 4x - 3 = 0
(a) y = 0 (b) y = 3
(d) 3x2 + 4 +4=0
(c) y = 6 (d) y = 2
53. Four equal circles are drawn about the four
45. Equation x2 + rx+12 = 0 has 6 as one of the
corners of a square so that each touches two of
roots, while equation x2 + rx + s = 0 has equal
the others. If each side of the square is 14 cm,
roots, then the value of s will be :
then the area of the square not covered by the
(a) 14 (b) 15
circles is :
(c) 16 (d) 17
(a) 44 sq cm (b) 42 sq cm
46. The probability that A will speak the truth is 2/5
(c) 54 sq cm (d) 52 sq cm
while this probability for B is 8/10. The probability
54. A cube of edge 6 cm is melted and smaller cubes
that they contradict each other when asked to
of edge 2 cm each are formed. How many such
speak on a fact, is :
cubes are possible ?
(a) 23/50 (b) 14/25
(a) 21 (b) 22
(c) 21/50 (d) 11/25
x y x+y
(c) 27 (d) 26
47. If 2 + 2 = 2 , is equal to : 55. A ladder is inclined to a wall making an angle of 30
(a) (b) degree with it. A man is ascending the ladder at
the rate of 2 meter/sec. How fast is he
(c) (d) approaching the wall?
(a) 1 m/s

Jet 2015

(b) 2 m/s days prior to declaration of quarterly results. This

(c) 5 m/s is a case of:
(d) None of the above (a) Related Party Transaction
56. Two towns A and B are 60 km apart. A school is (b) Insider Trading
to be build to serve 150 students in town 'A' and (c) Front Running
50 students in town 'B' If the total distance to be (d) Fraudulent Trading
travelled by all 200 students is to be as small as 64. Match the following :
possible, then the school should be built at: (i) Varun Berry (p) Amul
(a) 45 km from town A (ii) R.S. Sodhi (q) Britannia Industry
(b) 50 km from town B (iii) Sunil Mittal (r) Sun Pharma
(c) Town A (iv) Dilip Shanghai (s) Airtel
(d) Town B (a) (i)-(q); (ii)-(r); (iii)-(s); (iv)-(p)
57. The value of is: (b) (i)-(q); (ii)-(p); (iii)-(r); (iv)-(s)
(a) 9 (c) (i)-(p); (ii)-(q); (iii)-(s); (iv)-(r)
(b) 15 (d) (i)-(q); (ii)-(p); (iii)-(s); (iv)-(r)
(c) 21 65. Bank rate is :
(d) None of the above (a) The interest rate at which a nation's central
58. If a population grows at the rate of 5% per year, it bank lends money to domestic banks.
will double after (in years): (b) The interest rate at which a bank lends money
(a) 15 to its customers.
(b) 2 log 2 (c) The interest rate at which banks lend money
(c) 20 log 2 to nation's central bank.
(d) 12 (d) The interest rate at which a nation's central
59. Consider the circle x2 + y2 = 14x. The point (6, bank lends money to foreign banks.
-7) is : 66. MAT refers to :
(a) On the circle (a) Modified Alternate Tax
(b) In the circle (b) Maximum Alternate Tax
(c) Outside the circle (c) Minimum Alternate Tax
(d) Cannot be ascertained (d) Minimum Added Tax
60. A polygon has 90 diagonals, then the number of its 67. 'Impossible is Nothing' is the advertisement slogan
sides are : of:
(a) 10 sides (b) 12 sides (a) Adidas (b) Nike
(c) 14 sides (d) 15 sides (c) BMW (d) Reebok
61. Which one of the following is the oldest stock 68. Vicks products are manufactured by :
exchange of India ? (a) Hindustan Unilever
(a) National Stock Exchange (b) Procter & Gamble
(b) Bombay Stock Exchange (c) ITC
(c) Delhi Stock Exchange (d) None of these
(d) Calcutta Stock Exchange 69. Bennet, Coleman & Co is the publisher of:
62. Dadasaheb Phalke Award 2014 was conferred on: (a) Times of India (b) Hindustan Times
(a) Gulzar (b) Amitabh Bachchan (c) Indian Express (d) None of these
(c) Shashi Kapoor (d) Pran 70. Who is the Chief Economic Advisor of
63. Mr. A is Finance Manager in PQ Ltd listed at NSE. Government of India ?
He purchased 100 shares from the market two (a) Arvind Subramanian (b) Kaushik Basu

Jet 2015

(c) C. Rangarajan (d) Raghu Ram Raj an (d) A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3
71. Which state has the lowest sex ratio in India ? 81. Who won the man of the tournament award for
(a) Elaryana (b) Sikkim ICC World Cup 2015 ?
(c) Puducherry (d) Kerala (a) Mahinder Singh Dhoni
72. Financial crisis of 2008 in US was triggered by : (b) Brendon McCullum
(a) Fall of Lehman Brothers (c) Mitchell Stare
(b) Default on claims by AIG (d) Chris Gayle
(c) Fall of interest rate by Federal Reserve 82. Match the following well known persons with
(d) Big Investment Bank Goldman Sachs went their respective fields :
bankrupt Person Respective field
73. Which among the .following countries is the A. Barkha Dutt 1) Music
largest trading partner of India ? B. Kedarnath Singh 2) Media
(a) UAE (b) USA C. Deepika Kumari 3) Literature
(c) China (d) Germany D. Bhupen Hazarika 4) Sports
74. Who is the founder of Chinese Giant 'Alibaba' ? (a) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
(a) Lee Kim (b) Kim John (b) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
(c) Jack Ma (d) Dorjey Tsering (c) A-1, B-3, C-4, D-2
75. “Duma" is lower house of which country : (d) A-2, B-4, C-3, D-2
(a) Russia (b) Japan 83. Vistara Airlines, the third full service carrier in
(c) China (d) Afghanistan India at present, after Air India and Jet Airways, is
76. Who is the CEO of the International Monetary a joint venture between which of the following
Fund ? entities ?
(a) Christine Lagarde (b) Dr. Jim Yong Kim (a) Tata Group and Emirates
(c) Roberto Azevedo (d) Takehiko Nakao (b) Kingfisher and Singapore Airlines
77. Who is the President of Sri Lanka ? (c) Tata Group and Singapore Airlines
(a) Maithripala Sirisena (d) Indigo and Emirates
(b) Mahindra Rajpaksha 84. The 14th Finance Commission which recently
(c) Arjuna Ranatunga submitted its report regarding the Centre-State
(d) Ranil Vikramsinghe sharing of tax revenues was headed by who
78. Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal are associated with: among the following ?
(a) Airtel (b) Snapdeal (a) Former Supreme Court Judge R.M. Lodha
(c) Flipkart (d) E-Bay (b) Former RBI Governor Y.V. Reddy
79. Reserve Bank of India was formed in which year ? (c) Former Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha
(a) 1935 (b) 1947 (d) Former FICCI President Sidharth Birla
(c) 1900 (d) 1920 85. Recently the retail super store brand 'Total
80. Match the following : Hypermarket' has been acquired by which of the
Names Companies following groups/entities ?
A) Satya Nadella 1) Microsoft (a) Flipkart
B) Indra Noovi 2) Pepsi (b) Future (Big Bazaar) Group
C) Anshu Jain 3) Deutsche Bank (c) Snapdeal
D) Ajay Banga 4) Master Card (d) Aditya Birla Group
(a) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1 86. Recently the RBI has approved the amalgamation
(b) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4 of Kotak Mahindra Bank with which of the
(c) A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4 following banks ?

Jet 2015

(a) ING Vysya Bank (b) Axis Bank of South Africa, USA, Ireland, France and England,
(c) ICICI Bank (d) Induslnd Bank though not necessarily in that order. The hair colors of
87. Who among the following has recently been the members are blonde, green, red, black and yellow,
named as the first President of the BRICS Bank ? again not necessarily in that order.
(a) Chanda Kocchar (b) D.V. Subbarao The following information is known.
(c) Naina Lai Kidwai (d) K. V. Kamath (i) John's hair is red. He is not from Ireland or France.
88. 'Das Auto' is the advertising theme/tag line of (ii) Andrew plays the drums. His hair is not yellow,
which of the following automobile companies ? and he is not from the USA.
(a) Mercedes (b) Jaguar Land Rover (iii) Paul and Simon have yellow and green hair, not
(c) Volkswagen (d) Datsun necessarily in that order.
89. Which of the following is the logo of the 'Make in (iv) Mark plays the guitar. He is from England.
India' campaign of Government of India ? (v) Paul and Simon are from France and USA, not
(a) Tricolour Indian Flag with wheel cogs necessarily in that order.
(b) Silhouette of a Gir Lion on the prowl (vi) The Irishman has blonde hair, and the Frenchman
(c) A Steam Engine Train has green hair.
(d) Four workers with their hands joined (vii) The South African plays the bass and the
90. The newly established policy think-tank 'NITI American plays the keyboard. One of them has
Aayog' has replaced which of the following yellow hair.
organizations ?
(a) Planning Commission 94. Which country is Andrew from ?
(b) Disinvestment Commission (a) Ireland (b) USA
(c) Knowledge Commission (c) England (d) France
(d) Center for Policy and Research 95. Which member of the band has black hair ?
91. How many Triangles are there in the given figure ? (a) Mark (b) Andrew
(a) 24 (c) Paul (d) Simon
(b) 28 96. From which countries do the Flute and Bass
(c) 25 players (in that order) come ?
(d) 26 (a) USA and South Africa
(b) Ireland and USA
92. You go North turn right, then right again and then (c) USA and Ireland
go to the left. In which direction are you now ? (d) France and South Africa
(a) North (b) South 97. If Simon plays the flute, which member of the
(c) East (d) West band has yellow hair ?
93. 2, 7, 27, 107, 427, ? (a) Mark (b) Andrew
(a) 1707 (b) 4207 (c) Paul (d) Simon
(c) 4027 (d) 1262 98. If Paul is French, what instrument does Simon play ?
(a) Bass (b) Guitar
Direction for Questions 94 to 98: Use the following (c) Drums (d) Keyboard
information to answer.
A rock band has five members. Their names are: John, Direction for Questions 99 to 101: Read the
Mark, Andrew, Paul and Simon. The instruments that information given below to answer.
the band uses are the drums, the flute, the keyboard, Lectures on 6 subjects viz. Physics, Chemistry, Math,
the guitar and the bass. Each member plays only one of Biology, Computer Science and Physical Education have
the instruments. Each member of the band is from one to be arranged in a week, starting from Monday to

Jet 2015

Saturday and have to be taken exactly by one professor MentoGunn means goodness
each, out of A, B, C, D, E and F. Only one lecture can be Which word could mean "happiness" ?
arranged for each day. (a) JalkaGunn (b) MentoHoze
I. Biology is to be scheduled on Wednesday. (c) MoftiHoze (d) HozeMento
II. Professor B takes classes on the very first day of the 104. If TRIANGLE is coded as SSHBMHKF in a certain
week, but doesn't teach Physics and Chemistry. code. SQUARE should be coded as :
III. Professor E teaches Physical Education, which is (a) RRIASF (b) RRTBQF
scheduled on Saturday. (c) RPVBSF (d) RPVBSD
IV. Class of Maths is to be scheduled immediately after 105. Consider the following statements :
Biology. I. Either A and B are of the same age or A is
V. On Wednesday, neither Professor C nor Professor older than B
A is available for teaching. II. Either C and D are of the same age or D is
VI. F takes class just on the next day of B and does not older than C
teach Chemistry. III. B is older than C
Which one of the following conclusions can be
99. Which of the following combination of drawn from the above statements ?
Day-Professor-Subject is definitely true? (a) A is older than B
(a) Tuesday-F-Physics (b) B and D are of same ager
(b) Thursday-A-Maths (c) D is older than C
(c) Friday-C-Chemistry (d) A is older than C
(d) None of the above 106. Select the related word from the given
100. Who is scheduled to take the class on Thursday ? alternatives : Tally : Votes :: ? : Population
(a) Professor A (a) People (b) Government
(b) Professor B (c) Census (d) Taxation
(c) Professor C 107. In a march past, seven persons are standing in a
(d) Data is not sufficient row facing north. Q is standing to the left of R and
101. Which of the following statements are definitely to the right of P. O is standing to the right of N
correct ? and to the left of P. Similarly, S is standing to the
(i) On Tuesday F takes class of Physics right of R and to the left of T. Who is standing in
(ii) A or C take a class immediately after D the middle ?
(iii) D teaches on Wednesday (a) P (b) Q
(a) Only 1 and 2 are correct - (c) R (d) O
(b) Only 2 is correct 108. Look at this pattern: BCB DED FGF HIH
(c) Only 3 is correct _______. What pattern should fill the blank ?
(d) All 1, 2 and 3 are correct (a) JKJ (b) HJH
102. If South East becomes North, North East (b) IJI JHJ
becomes West and so on. What will West
become : Directions for Questions 109 to 113: A school has
(a) North East (b) South East four sections A, B, C, D of Class X students. The results
(c) North West (d) South West of half yearly and annual examinations are shown in the
103. Here are some words translated from an artificial table given below.
language :
JalkaMofti means happy birthday No. of Students
MoftiHoze means birthday party Section Section Section Section

Jet 2015
Students failed in 28 23 17 27
both Exams
Students failed in 14 12 8 13
half-yearly but
passed in Annual
Students passed in 6 17 9 15
half-yearly but failed
in Annual Exams
Students passed in 64 55 46 76
both Exams (a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
109. If the number of students passing an examination
be considered a criteria for comparison of Directions for Questions 115 to 116: Study the
difficulty level of two examinations, which of the diagrams below and indicate which one of the choices
following statements is true in this context ? gives the valid conclusion.
(a) Half yearly examinations were more difficult
(b) Annual examinations were more difficult
(c) Both the examinations had almost the same Horses Cat Dogs
difficulty level
(d) The two examinations cannot be compared
for difficulty level 115.
110. How many students are there in Class X in the (a) No Horses are Dogs. Some Cats are Horses.
school ? (b) All Horses are Cats. Some Cats are Dogs.
(a) 430 (b) 189 (c) All Dogs are Horses. All Horses are Dogs.
(c) 335 (d) 334 (d) Some Cats are Dogs. Some Dogs are not
111. Which section has the maximum pass percentage Horses.
in at least one of the two examinations ?
(a) Section A (b) Section B 116.
(c) Section C (d) Section D Tables
112. Which section has the maximum success rate in
annual examination ? Pens Chairs
(a) Section A (b) Section B
(c) Section C (d) Section D
113. Which section has the minimum failure rate in half (a) All Pens are Tables. Some Chairs are Pens.
yearly examination ? (b) All Pens are Tables. All Chairs are Pens.
(a) Section A (b) Section B (c) No Pens are Tables. All Chairs are Pens.
(c) Section C (d) Section D (d) Some Pens are Chairs. All Chairs are Tables.
114. Find out amongst the four alternatives as to how 117. Given the following premises :
the pattern (X) would appear when the (i) All equilateral triangles have three equal sides.
transparent sheet is folded at the dotted line. (ii) ABC is a triangle with two equal sides.
Which of the following is the most logical
deduction ?

Jet 2015

(a) All equilateral triangles have at least two equal (c) 5/364 (d) 14/91
sides. 119. If 2 balls are picked at random, what is the
(b) ABC is not an equilateral triangle. probability that none is red ?
(c) Some triangles are equilateral triangles. (a) 45/91 (b) 1/7
(d) All triangles have three equal sides. (c) 5/14 (d) 9/14
120. Complete the Series. 17, 43, 81, 131, ?
Directions for Questions 118 & 119: A basket (a) 275 (d) 144
contains two blue, three green, four red and five black (c) 193 (d) 243
118. If 3 balls are picked at random, what is the
probability that either all are red or all are green?
(a) 9/14 (b) 6/91

Jet 2015

Answer key
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (a)

11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (c)/(d) 20. (d)

21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (a) 25. (b) 26. (b) 27. (d) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (a)

31. (d) 32. (c) 33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (d) 36. (b) 37. (b) 38. (a) 39. (b) 40. (d)

41. (a) 42. (b) 43. (c) 44. (c) 45. (c) 46. (b) 47. (c) 48. (c) 49. (c) 50. (c)

51. (b) 52. (a) 53. (b) 54. (c) 55. (b) 56. (c) 57. (a) 58. (a) 59. (c) 60. (d)

61. (b) 62. (c) 63. (b) 64. (d) 65. (a) 66. (c) 67. (a) 68. (b) 69. (a) 70. (a)

71. (a) 72. (a) 73. (c) 74. (c) 75. (a) 76. (a) 77. (a) 78. (c) 79. (a) 80. (b)

81. (c) 82. (a) 83. (c) 84. (b) 85. (d) 86. (a) 87. (d) 88. (c) 89. (b) 90. (a)

91. (b) 92. (c) 93. (a) 94. (a) 95. (a) 96. (d) 97. (c) 98. (d) 99. (a) 100. (d)

101. (d) 102. (b) 103. (a) 104. (b) 105. (d) 106. (c) 107. (b) 108. (a) 109. (c) 110. (a)

111. (d) 112. (a) 113. (d) 114. (b) 115. (a) 116. (a) 117. (c) 118. (c) 119. (a) 120. (c)

Explanatory Answers
31. (d) (x) = Since A, B, C are collinear. Slope of AB = Slope
= of BC.
Slope of AB = 2p+1, Slope of BC=
(x) =
(x)=0 ⟹log x = 1 ⟹ x = 10 2 p+1 = ⟹ 4p2-4p+1=0
Minimum occurs at x = 10 ⟹ (2p-1)2=0
(x) = positive. So minimum occurs at x = 10 ⟹ p=
(x) = ⟹
32. (c) 3 Median = Mode + 2 Mean 35. (d) 5x-3y+23=0 ⟹
3 Median = 18+2(48) Slope of line perpendicular to it =
Median = 22 Equation of line CD ⟹ (y-3) =
33. (b) Number of ways in which all letters can be ⟹ 5y + 3x = 27
put in wrong Point of intersection of lines 5x-3y+23=0 and
envelopes = n! 3x+5y-27=0 is
Which is point 0
= 4!
34. (a) A=(2p,4p+1), B=(2p+2, 8p+3),

Jet 2015

50 persons complete work in = 1 day

50 persons complete work in =
Total days = 24+4=28 days
A  B 40. (d)R={1,1),(1,2),(3,1),(2,2),(1,3),(2,3),
O 5x - 3y + 23 = 0 (3,2),(3,3),(2,1)}
A = {1, 2, 3}
Relation R is reflexive ⟹ (1,1),(2,2),(3,3) ∈R
Symmetric ⟹{(1,2),(2,1),(3,1),(1,3),(2,3),3,2)}
D (x, y) ∈R.
Since D is the image of C ⟹ Co=Do R is transitive also. Hence Relation R is
By Section formula x=-6, y = 9 Equivalence
36. (b) P(Wining)= P(Losing)= 41. (a) number of terms = 7
India's second win occurring at the third test can Median = term = 4th term =
come in two cases
Case I ⟹ (win lose win) Case II (lose win 18 = ⟹ x = 72
win) 42. (b) (x) = 3x2-2x+1
P(case I) = P (Case II) = (x)=6x-2
(x)=0 ⟹x=3
Prob. =
37. (b) 3x-2y+z=0, kx-14y+15z=0, x+2y+3z=0
Solving equation 3x-2y+z=0 and x+2y+3z=0
- 3
gives x=-z Function is decreasing in the internal
Putting value of z in x+2y+3z=0 gives y=-z
43. (c) Vertices (4,0),(-1,-1) and (3,5)
Putting value of x and y in kx-14y+15z=0
A= (4,0), B=(-1,-1) C=(3,5)
gives k=29
38. (a) Tank filled in minute = part
Tank emptied in 1 minute = part
Tank filled in 1 minute when both taps are open
= part Since AB=AC, ∆ABC is isosceles
part of tank is filled = 1 minute By Pythagoras theorem, (BC)2=(AB)2+(AC)2
0.25 part of tank is filled in = 36×0.25=9 Hence ∆ABC is an isosceles, right angled
minutes triangle.
44. (c) Tangent is parallel to x=axis
39. (b) 75 person 1 day work = Slope of x axis = 0
work done by 75 persons in 4 days = Slope of tangent = Slope of x axis = 0
Work done by 1 person in 1 day = Equation of curve y = x+
Remaining work = 1-
work done by 50 persons in 1 day ⟹ ⟹ ⟹
= Equation of tangent ⟹(y-6) =0.(x-4)⟹y=6

Jet 2015

45. (c) Equation x2+xr+12=0 has one of the roots It is an in finite series. So Sn = =1/2
as 6 then it will satisfy the equation 1/3+1/9+1/27+......
⟹62+6r+12=0 ⟹r=-8 9
x2+xr+s=0 has equal roots 91/2=3
D=r2-4s=0 ⟹ 64-4s=0 ⟹ 16 51. (b) (1+x)50
Sum of Coefficients of odd powers of x =
46. (b) P(A will speak truth) = , P(A will not speak n
truth) = =2n-1 =250-1=249
P(B will speak truth) = , P(Will not speak 52. (a) x2-4x+3 =0
Discriminant = b2-4ac=16-4(1) =
truth) = 16-16.92<0
P(they will contradict) = P(A) P(not B)+P(B) Hence this equation has no real roots
P(not A) = 53. (b) Area of square not covered by circles =
47. (c) 2x+2y=2x+y (Area of Square)-(Area of 4 Sectors)
⟹2xlog2+2ylog2 =2x+ylog2 = (14×14)-
⟹2x+2y =2x+y+2x+y =196-154=42 sq. cm

⟹ 4
48. (c)
C B 4

10 10 40

Percentage of population travelling by bus or 54. (c) Number of cubes =

Car. =
P(B∪C) = P(B)+P(C)-P(B∩C) 55. (b) Since the man is ascending the ladder at the
= 20+50-10 =60% rate of 2m/s So with this speed only 2m/s he will
approach towards the wall.
49. (c) (x)= : N→Z 56. (c) Since maximum students came from town
A. So total distance will be minimum when
Function is one-one school is situated in town A.
When n is odd the values of (x) are positive
57. (a)
When n is even the values of (x) will be
negative integers
Function is onto also as range of (x) is set of 58. (a) Let the population in the Starting be 100
integers. It grows at the rate of 5% per year
50. (c) 91/3 × 91/9 × 91/27 ×.......... So by Compound interest.
forms a G.P Population at the end of 1st year =

Jet 2015

Population at the end of 2st year = So Total there are 28 triangles

92. (c)
Population at the end of 2st year
Population at the end of 15 years
59. (c) Circle x2+y2=14x
Centre of the circle is (7,0) and radius is 7 93. (a)
The point (6,-7) will lie outside the circle
2, 7, 27, 107, 427, 1707
60. (d) no of diagonals in a polygon =
[Where n=no of sides] 5, 20, 80, 320, 1280,
90= x4 x4 x4 x4
n2-15n+12n-180=0 Solutions for Questions: 4 to 8
n=15,-12 Either Paul or
number of sides is 15. Simon
Name John Andrew Mark
91. (b) Color Red Blonde Yellow Green Black
Instrument Bass Drums Keyboard Flute Guitar
Country South Ireland USA France England

94. (a) Andrew is from Ireland

95. (a) Mark has blonde hair
There are 28 triangles in all as follows 96. (d) Flute and Bass players are from France and
Each square has four triangles namely 1, 2, 3, 4, South Africa Respectively.
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. So 12 triangles. 97. (c) If Simon plays flute
Then triangles (14), (23), (58), (6,7), Then Paul will have yellow colour hair.
(9,12),(10,11), (1,2), (34) (5,6) (7,8), (9.10) 98. (d) If Paul is French then simon will play key
(11,12). So 12 triangles. board.
Triangles (1,2,8,5), (5,6,12,9), (3,2,8,7),

Solutions for Questions: 9 to 11

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
C.S. Physics Biology Math's Chemistry Physical Education
Prof B Prof F Prof D Either Prof A or Prof C Prof E

Jet 2015

99. (a) On Tuesday prof F teaches Physics for (b) and (c) options, it is not definitely true.
100. (d) On Thursday, either Prof A or Prof C takes Classes. So data is not sufficient.
101. (d) All the three (i), (ii), (iii) are correct
102. (b) WS

W E → It is rotated Then SE NW
in clockwise
direction by an
angle of 1350

So west will become south east
103. (a) Jalka → happy 107. (b) Arrangement is NOPQRST
Gunn → ness So Q is in middle.
Happiness → Jalkagunn 108. (a) BCB DED FGF HIH ____________
104. (b) TRIANGLE→SSHBMHKF Alphabet next to middle one is written in end
T (20)-1=19(s) R(18)+1=19(s) After HIH. I is written in middle. Next alphabet
I(9)-1=8(H) is J So J-J next alphabet to J is K.
A(1)+1=2(B) N(14)-1=13(M) So option is JKJ
G(7)+1=8(H) L(12)-1=11(K) Solutions for Questions: 19 to 23
It is -1 and +1 type series 109. (c) Since number of students failing in half yearly
SQUARE is 47 and number of students failing in annual is
S(19)-1=18(R) A(1)+1=B 49.
Q(17)+1=18(R) R(18)-1=17(Q) So both the examinations had almost some
U(21)-1=20(T) E(5)+1=6(F) difficulty level.
It is coded as RRTBQF 110. (a) Total number of students in class × is sum of
105. (d) I Statement Says A=B or A>B all which is 430
II Statement Says C=D or D>C 111. (d) Students passing in one or both exams
III Statement Says B>C Section A→84
Option (a) and (c) are not correct because it is Section B→84
not definitely written clearly Section C→63
Option (b) is not correct, Hence, (d) is correct Section D→104
106. (c) Since Tally is to count votes so census is to So section D has maximum pass percentage.
count population.

112. (a) Students who passed in annual examination

Section A→78 Total Students in Section A = 112 Success Rate A = 78.57
Section B→67 Section B = 107 B = 62.61
Section C→54 Section C = 80 C = 67.5
Section D→89 Section D = 131 D = 67.9

Jet 2015

113. (d) Minimum failure in half year examination So option (a) is correct
Section A→42 Failure rate A = 37.5 117. (c) Option (a) is not correct as it is not
Section B→35 B = 32.7 concluded from the given statements.
Section C→25 C = 31.25 Option (b) is not correct as given statement do
Section D→40 D = 30.53 not say anything about the third side
114. (d) Second figure correctly represented it Option (d) is clearly not correct
115. (a) 118. (c) 3 balls are picked at random
P (either red or green) = P(red)+P(Green)
Horses Cats Dogs =
Diagram shows that some cats are horses and 119. (a) 2 balls are picked at random.
dogs oar independent.
P(none is red) =
So option (a) is correct
116. (a) 120. (c)
17, 43, 81, 131, ______? ,

26, 38, 50, 62,



12 12
Difference of 26 and 38=12
38 and 50=12
Diagram shows that all pens are tables. Some Next term is 50+12=62
chairs are pens and some chairs are tables. So 131+62=193


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