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Section 2 Asian Regionalism

Exercise 1: Towards a Formidable Asian Integration


Date:​ JANUARY 12, 2021

Section: ​3-A

Instructions:​ Identify two strengths of the Philippines that may contribute to a greater integration
among countries in the Asian region. Explain.

● Easier  and  cheaper  travel  options  for  everyone  Of  course,  it  only  makes sense 
that  ASEAN  wants  to  provide  easier  travel  services  for  their  service  providers. 
However,  even  citizens  can  enjoy  the  benefit  of  improved  air,  sea,  or  land 
travel.  Thanks  to  ASEAN,  there  are  now  VISA-free  entry  countries  like 
Cambodia,  Indonesia,  and  Malaysia.  Last October 2017, during the 23rd ASEAN 
Transport  Ministers  Meeting,  members  signed  several  plans  to  improve 
transportation within the region. 

● Cheaper  goods  and  services  Other  than  better  travel  options,  ASEAN  also 
gives  nations  within  the  region  to  do  more  trade  for  goods  and  services.  Tax 
on  imported  goods  is  lowered  or  even  eliminated.  Navotas  Mayor  John  Rey 
Tianco  said  it  best  during  the  50th  ASEAN  Anniversary,  “A  fully-implemented 
ASEAN Economic Community could mean lower taxes and tariffs for imported 
goods  and  this,  in  turn,  could  lead  to  lower  cost  of  living  and  a  greater 
purchasing power for us."


Section 2 Asian Regionalism

Exercise 2: PH and the World

Group Members:

1. Jamie Benogsudan 
2. Maria Monica Amores 
3. Nicole Ugay 

Instructions:​ In triads, discuss among yourselves how the Philippines reacts to regional and global
challenges listed below. Choose only two (2) and list down three (3) actions for each.

● International Terrorism
● China's Revival of the Silk Road
● International Monetary Fund (IMF)
● Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
● Asian Development Bank (ADB)
● Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Challenges Actions
1.International Monetary Fund (IMF) a. The government underspending
b. Structural reform momentum and
infrastructure push is strong, landmark
reform bills have been signed into law
recently, including rice tariffication, a
national digital ID, the ease of doing
business here in the Philippines.
c. Revised the list of priority flagship
infrastructure projects based on
feasibility and cost-benefit consideration,
with the objective of raising
infrastructure investment to over 6
percent of GDP in 2022.
2. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) a. To improve the competitiveness of
domestic producers and sectors here in
the Philippines.
b. Upgrading domestic facilities to meet
global standards and the aligning of
domestic regulations this also addresses
behind the border barriers that limits the
flow of goods and services and expand
the coverage of businesses to overseas
market for the Philippines.
c. Study and Seminars on energy, transport,
and environmental benefits of transit
oriented development here in the
Philippines. Provide training in
management of security, safety, and
emerging technology in intermodal
transportation and supply chain systems.
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Section 2 > Asian Regionalism

Assignment 7: Metacognitive Reading Report

Instructions:​ Read the referenced article and complete the statements that follow. Shiraishi, T.
(2004). The rise of new urban middle classes in Southeast Asia: What is its
national and regional significance? The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and
Industry, 237-271.

1. The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are…

1. I’ve learned that this report examines the intersection of urbanization and the rise of the new
creative or middle class in Southeast Asia.

2. I’ve also learned that Singapore occupies the first tier, ranking third in terms of the share of
its population who work in the creative class occupations and ninth on the Global Creativity
Index, with levels of development and of the creative class similar to the most advanced
nations of the world.

3. Lastly, I’ve learned that Malaysia and the Philippines occupy a second tier with economies
that are developing rapidly and a substantial middle class.

2. The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are…

1. It was unclear to me that Cambodia is one of the poorest country but it seems not.

2. and also that the Southeast Asia is at the center of a significant economic transformation.

3. Lastly, the Technology Index in Southeast Asia combines innovation and R&D investment into
a single index. It provides a benchmark for a country’s overall level of technological

3. I use to think that… ​Cambodia is one of the richest country

4. The three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings are....
1. Is really Malaysia and the Philippines occupy a second tier with rapidly developing economies
and a substantial middle class similar to China?

2. Did they rank among the top fifty or so of the world’s nations both in terms of their creative
class and performance on the Global Creativity Index?

3. And is the country Thailand and Vietnam fall into a third tier? Which the creative class
comprises roughly 10 percent of their workforces.


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