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“THE NOUN” pp. 18-33 Lectures in Theoretical Grammar and Method Guides for
Seminars: навчально-методичний посібник / Т.Т. Врабель / від. ред. Когут
Аттіла; М-во освіти і науки України, Зак. угор. ін-т. – Ужгород: ПоліПрінт,
2. STUDY “Classes of Determiners” (p. 253).
Quirk R., Greenbaum S., Leech G., Svartvik J. Comprehensive Grammar of the
English Language (General Grammar): Longman; 1 edition, 1989.

Additional readings for the topics “The Noun” and “Determiners” (not required):
Quirk R., Greenbaum S., Leech G., Svartvik J. Comprehensive Grammar of the
English Language (General Grammar): Longman; 1 edition, 1989.

1. Analyze the categorial features of the underlined wordforms:
 We had just finished the cocktails when the door was flung open and the
Morstens's girl came in, followed by a boy.
 One day this man finds his wife putting on her overshoes and three months'
supply of bird seed into the canary's cage.
 He broke up garden parties, and got mixed up in the processional at Christ's
Church on Sunday, barking at the men in red dresses.
Ответы –
1) The cocktails – the nounal form is marked by the expression of the
categorial meanings of plurality and identification and is unmarked in the
categories of gender and case ;
the Morstens’s – the nounal form is marked by the expression of the
categorial meanings of plurality, of identification of the referent, of
appurtenance, and of animateness (the strong member of the upper
opposition of the category of gender); a boy – the nounal form is marked by
the expression of the categorial meaning of the masculine gender, and is the
unmarked member of the oppositions in the categories of case, number and
article determination.

2. Comment on the oppositional reduction of the categorial noun forms:

 He won't be retiring for another eighteen months.
 Music's voice went to his heart.
 The old man was soon asleep and dreamed of the ocean and his golden
 The moon was rising, blood-red. The boy was looking at her thinking that he
had never seen so red a moon.
 She shuddered. The child, his own child, was only an "it" to him.

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