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Printing AERO Coordinates

NAS 110, Workshop 18, December 2011

Copyright© 2011 MSC.Software Corporation WS18 - 1
• Workshop Objectives
– Create alter to print
• Aero element corner node locations
• Aero element center locations
– Print the following datablocks
• AEGRID Basic grid point definition tables for the aerodynamic model.
Output by APD as BGPDT
• AEBGPDT Family of aerodynamic basic grid point definition tables. Output
by APD.

• Software Version
– MSC Nastran 2012

• Files Required
– wkshop18.dat
– wk18.alt

NAS 110, Workshop 18, December 2011

Copyright© 2011 MSC.Software Corporation WS18 - 2
• Suggested Steps

1. Find out where the AEGRID, and AEBGPDT are being created
• Hint 1: AERO0 Module
• Hint 2: Find out where they come out or available. Usually, there are multiple
places that can be used

NAS 110, Workshop 18, December 2011

Copyright© 2011 MSC.Software Corporation WS18 - 3
Model Details
• Idealization of the FSW Configuration
• Half model
– Right-hand side modeled
– Detailed shown on left-hand side for clarity

NAS 110, Workshop 18, December 2011

Copyright© 2011 MSC.Software Corporation WS18 - 4
Model Details (cont.)
• AEROS – Basic parameters for static aero


AEROS 1 100 10.0 40.0 200.0 1

NAS 110, Workshop 18, December 2011

Copyright© 2011 MSC.Software Corporation WS18 - 5
Model Details (cont.)
• Coordinate Systems
– Aerodynamic coordinate system (ACSID=1)
– Reference coordinate system for rigid body (RCSID = 100)

NAS 110, Workshop 18, December 2011

Copyright© 2011 MSC.Software Corporation WS18 - 6
Model Details (cont.)
• The following alter (wk18.alt) is provided
– Insert the proper Compile statement for the appropriate SubDMAP
– Insert the proper alter statement
$ DMAP alter to write out aero element corner node locations
message //'NDDL format of box corner locations in CID 0'
tabprt aegrid/////1 $ NDDL Format of data
message //'Nicely formatted box corner locations in CID 0'
tabprt aegrid//'bgpdt' $ Column format of data
message //'NDDL format of box center locations in CID 0'
tabprt aebgpdt/////1 $ NDDL formatted print
message //'Nicely formatted box center locations in CID 0'
tabprt aebgpdt//'bgpdt' $ Column format of data
endalter $

NAS 110, Workshop 18, December 2011

Copyright© 2011 MSC.Software Corporation WS18 - 7

NAS 110, Workshop 18, December 2011

Copyright© 2011 MSC.Software Corporation WS18 - 8

compile aero0 souin=mscsou nolist noref

$ DMAP alter to write out aero element corner node locations
alter 'aebgpdt.*aegrid' $ v2012
$alter 'return'(2,-1) $ v2012
message //'NDDL format of box corner locations in CID 0'
tabprt aegrid/////1 $ NDDL Format of data
message //'Nicely formatted box corner locations in CID 0'
tabprt aegrid//'bgpdt' $ Column format of data
message //'NDDL format of box center locations in CID 0'
tabprt aebgpdt/////1 $ NDDL formatted print
message //'Nicely formatted box center locations in CID 0'
tabprt aebgpdt//'bgpdt' $ Column format of data
endalter $

NAS 110, Workshop 18, December 2011

Copyright© 2011 MSC.Software Corporation WS18 - 9
AEGRID Output (Box Corner)
• NDDL Format


• Nice Format

NAS 110, Workshop 18, December 2011

Copyright© 2011 MSC.Software Corporation WS18 - 10
AEBGPDT Output (Box Center)
• NDDL Format

• Nice Format

NAS 110, Workshop 18, December 2011

Copyright© 2011 MSC.Software Corporation WS18 - 11
NAS 110, Workshop 18, December 2011
Copyright© 2011 MSC.Software Corporation WS18 - 12

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