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Trecutul verbelor se formeaza

 cu ajutorul formei 2 din tabel si aceastea se numesc verbe neregulate: to eat e neregulat ,forma
a 2 a e ”ate”
I ate
You ate
He ate
She ate
It ate
We ate
You ate
They ate
 sau cu ajutorul lui ”ED” care se adauga la forma de baza a verbului si se numesc verbe regulate:
to play este un verb regulat si trecutul se formeaza adaugand ed la sfarsitul lui : to play----
I played
You played
He played
She played
It played
We played
You played
They played

 Afirmatii:
 Pozitive: Subiect+ verbul la forma a 2 a din tabel+......

Verbul to be foloseste forma 2 ,dar are doua forme: was si were.

I was

You were

He was

She was

It was

We were
You were

They were

 Negative: Subiect+ Did+NOT+ verb la forma 1 din tabel+....

Subiect+ Didn’t+verb la forma 1 din tabel+…..

!!! Verbul to be se comporta diferit la afirmatii negative:

Subiect+ was not/were not+.....

Subiect+ wasn’t/weren’t+......

 Intrebari:
 Pozitive: Did+ Subiect+ Verbul la forma 1 din tabel+.....?
!!Exceptie verbul to be: Was/Were +Subiect+...?

 Negative: Did+Subiect+NOT+verb la forma 1 din tabel+....?

Didn’t+Subiect+Verb la forma 1 din tabel+...?
!! Exceptie verbul to be: Was/Were+Subiect+NOT+....?


Afirmatii: pozitive: I played tennis. (Am jucat tenis) I was teacher. (Am fost profesor.)

Negative: I did not play tennis. I wasn’t a teacher.

I didn’t play tennis

Intrebari pozitive: Did I play tennis? (Am jucat tenis?) Was I teacher?

Negative: Did I not play tennis? Was I not teacher?

Didn’t I play tennis? Wasn’t I teacher?

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