Visual Programming Assainment 2

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Student Name: Muhammad Taimoor Raza


Registration Number: MCS-021R19-19

course Code Course Title

C S - 2 1 5 Visual programming

Department (Computer Science / Information Technology)

Class & Semester MCS 3rd

Assessment Item Title Due Date/Time: 10-5 2020

Tutorial Group (If applicable): Word Count (If applicable):

Lecturer/Tutor Name: Maira Khalid

Extension Granted: Yes No Granted By:

I declare that this assessment item is my own work unless otherwise acknowledged and is in accordance
with the University’s academic integrity policy.
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I acknowledge that the assessor of this assignment may, for the purpose of assessing this assignment:
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I certify that any electronic version of this assessment item that I have submitted or will submit is
identical to this paper version.

Signature: Muhammad Taimoor raza

Date: _____6-5-2020______________
Assignment No.2

Question No.1

Identify the event consumers and event producers in the flower example shop.
Name any 3 event consumer and event producer along brief description.

Answer: Ordering flower is event produce by customer and by receiving order is

event consumed by flower shop. Then pick up event is produce by shop keeper on
control system is Event Producer and control system become consumer. After that
control system place a biding which is event producer and nearby rider confirm for
picking and become event consumer. Rider Pick up the flower from shop which is
event producer and delivers to customer then customer becomes event consumer. At
the same time rider also confirm the order on system an become event producer and
control system become event consumer. The Control system send an confirmation
msg to customer this is an event producer and customer becomes event consumer.
After this customer give rating about Rider and become event producer and system
become event consumer.

Event producer names: 1. Ordering 2. Pick up request 3. Biding request 4. Pick up

order from shop 5. Confirmation on system by rider. 6. Confirmation Msg form
system to customer is event producer

Event Consumer name: 1. Accepting order by flower shop 2. Accepting Pickup

request by system 3. Accepting pickup request by nearby Rider 4. Receiving flowers
by customer 5. System received confirmation of delivery from Rider and become
event consumer.6 Receiving confirmation from customer become consumer.
Question No 2:
Identify control in the given form Write down how many controls are on the
form and what are their control name and user defined name.
e.g Subject. Marks, OOP, DB etc are LABELs. Which property change there
Mention all controls and their specified properties.

Control and their Properties

Control Name Text Font Color

Form1 Form1 Default Default Blue
Labal1 Default OOP Default Default
Labal2 Default DB Default Default
Labal3 Default Algo Default Default
Labal4 Default C++ Default Default
Labal5 Default Accounting Default Default
Labal6 Default Subject Default Default
Labal7 Default Marks Default Default
Labal8 Default Total Marks Changed Default
TextBox1 txtOop Default Default Default
TextBox2 txtDb Default Default Default
TextBox3 txtAlgo Default Default Default
TextBox4 txtC Default Default Default
TextBox5 txtAccounting Default Default Default
TextBox6 txtTotal Default Default Default
TextBox7 txtAvg Default Default Default
TextBox8 txtGrade Default Default Default
Button1 btnCalculation Calculate Default White
Button2 btnClear Clear Default White
pictureBox1 None pictureBox1 Default White

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