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Self-Assessment of NBPTS

Directions: For each element, rate yourself in one of the following three categories. Then provide examples of your experiences in the
area of the NBPTS. Finally, identify areas within each domain where you are interested in growing. On the last page, summarize your
strengths and areas of possible growth. Boxes will expand as needed.
 Exploring/Emerging (E/E) - a level of practice in which the teacher relies on ongoing assistance from more experienced
colleagues for support, guidance, and survival. The teacher is moving toward becoming more self-directed and independent in her/his
 Applying (A) - a level of practice in which the teacher is able to provide independent instruction and easily applies what s/he has
learned about educational practice.
 Integrating/Innovating (I/I) - a level of development in which the teacher is fully skilled and confident. The Integrating/Innovating
teacher is contributing to the broader educational community through staff development, research, or publication in professional

Proposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and their learning. E/E A I/I
1. Teachers Recognize Individual Differences in Their Students and Adjust Their Practice Accordingly
2. Teachers Understand How Students Develop and Learn
3. Teachers Treat Students Equitably
4. Teachers Know Their Mission Transcends the Cognitive Development of Their Students
Three Examples of Proposition 1 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
 Differentiation takes place throughout the day-- in
guided reading groups, additional
scaffolding/reteaching, and challenge activities.
 All students are given access to the same content
and learning strategies-- but at different lengths to
which higher achieving students are encouraged
Teachers understand how students develop and learn-- I'd
deeper critical thinking activities and more like to learn more about reading and writing developmental
struggles students meet with me for additional readiness for my sturggling students.
help on the orginal activity.
 When it permits, there are times where I interact with
students for fun and silly times, as well as
experiences that allow students to grow socially and
mentally to become a responsible and worthy version
of themselves.

Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to
5. Teachers Appreciate How Knowledge in Their Subjects is Created, Organized, and Linked to Other
6. Teachers Command Specialized Knowledge of How to Convey a Subject to Students
7. Teachers Generate Multiple Paths to Knowledge
Three Examples of Proposition 2 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
 The reading curriculum is linked to first grade social Teachers command specialized knowledge of how to convey
studies standards and science standards. So when I a subject to students.
am teaching a specific study in science, our reading
unitalso celebrates that study (ie. bats/animal
survival skills).
 Curriculum trainings are provided each summer so
that we can better utilize, teach, and convey
content to students- Wonders, Math Expressions,
 Critical thinking questions are asked throughout
the curriculum. I use open ended questions to
Self-Assessment of NBPTS (adapted from NBPTS (http://accomplishedteacher.org/preface/). 1
intrigue students into sharing their ideas, and
utulize knowledge learned to find the answer to a
given scenario.

Proposition 3: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. E/E A I/I
1. Teachers Call on Multiple Methods to Meet Their Instructional Goals
2. Teachers Support Student Learning in Varied Settings and Groups
3. Teachers Value Student Engagement
4. Teachers Regularly Assess Student Progress
5. Teachers Engage Students in the Learning Process
Three Examples of Proposition 3 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
 Multiple modalities are used to reach students and
teach content: Phonemic awareness videos, read
alouds and comprehension through discussion,
song and dance for sight words.
 I meet with students in small groups each week for
Teachers engage students in the learning process--
guided reading. Student desks are grouped in a sometimes it is difficult to keep regular curriculum engaging.
way that allows for me to meet with students
based on level of scaffolding needed.
 Students are assessed in reading weekly, and per
trimester. Fast Fact assessments and sight word
assessments are per trimester.

Proposition 4: Teachers think systematically about their practices and learn from experience. E/E A I/I
1. Teachers Make Difficult Choices That Test Their Professional Judgment
2. Teachers Use Feedback and Research to Improve Their Practice and Positively Impact Student Learning
Three Examples of Proposition 4 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
 There are many times where students provide the
opportunity for them to lead their own learning and
discovery, rather than continuing on with the lesson
or curriculum. I often let students lead the
discussion, or I found our class looking for google
photos or videos to answer a question they
wondered based on content we read
 When teaching about Easter, the Holy Spirit, and
how stained glass windows often show symbols
and pictures of the Holy Spirit, students began Teachers use research to improve their practice and
commenting and asking about the stained glass positively impact student learning.
windows. This led to a discusson about different
churches and what is inside, then to researching
the Missions to other various churches and how
their inside décor can represent the Holy Spirit.
 I consistently take advice from my Mentor, as well
as my principal to better my practice and responses
to parents and student learning. I talk daily with my
Mentor. I also use my Principal's feedback from
daily observations and Corrected Papers to adjust
my teaching.

Self-Assessment of NBPTS (adapted from NBPTS (http://accomplishedteacher.org/preface/). 2

Proposition 5: Teachers are Members of Professional Communities E/E A I/I
1. Teachers Collaborate with Other Professionals to Improve School Effectiveness
2. Teachers Work Collaboratively with Families
3. Teachers Work Collaboratively with the Community
Three Examples of Proposition 5 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
 As a school, we collaborate with the Diocese and
Superintendent for advice and guidance. I partook
in new teacher training as well when I first entered
the diocese so that I could understand and
cooperate well at the school.
 As the teacher, I work with my Room Moms to
ensure we get the supplies we need to succeed in
Teachers work collaboratively with the community.
the classroom. I also meet with families for
conferences 1-2 times a year to ducsuss progress,
concerns, and success with their student's learning.

 Each trimester, my class partakes in an event that

helps out the community- Food Drive, St. Baldwicks
fundriaser, Pink for Pennies.

Summary of Strengths and Areas of Possible Growth

Overall I feel strongly that I am able to communicate effectively with students and families, understand differences and
differentiate my teaching to student needs. I'd like to grow in areas that allow me to use more research to work more
effectively with low, struggling students, and to dive deeper into collaborating with the community.

Self-Assessment of NBPTS (adapted from NBPTS (http://accomplishedteacher.org/preface/). 3

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