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The EIB System for Home & Building Electronics
Welcome to an open system.

1 Dozens of companies are already developing products for EIB, and experiencing double-digit
growth rates of their annual turnover in this business segment. Check below to find out what EIB
has in store for you.

EIB’s invitation! tions with 10'000 and more nodes are up and
running. (Note that the data-rate-to-net-
Answering all automation challenges for resi- performance ratio is very different from what we
dential and commercial buildings, EIB is the first typically find in more traditional master-slave bus
solution for Home & Building Electronic (HBE) systems.)
networks. EIB’s decentralised, open network
technology is the choice of more than 100 lead-
ing companies from industry and engineering.
Under various brand names, they market certi- EIB is a system for Home & Building Automation
fied, EIB compatible equipment for: based on a decentralised, peer-to-peer, OSI-
compliant network operating system. It uses a
• electrical installation,
serial transmission protocol and is available on
• measurement and control, the following media:
• heating, ventilation and air conditioning • twisted pair (9600 bps)
• powerline (1200/2400 bps; initially for
• security and alarms, 230V, 50Hz only)
• energy and load management • (e.g. 10 Mbit/s on Ethernet)
• household appliances, etc.
• radio frequency (1998).
Originally launched on Twisted Pair communica- • infrared (1999).
tion, EIB now supports all relevant fieldbus me-
dia including Powerline and Radio Frequency. defines a 10 megabit extension, based introduces automation-level capability on the ISO/IEC 8802-2 Logical Link Layer (in-
based on Ethernet. cludes Ethernet) as transport medium.
Local infrared extensions and ISDN gateways
The EIB bandwagon are available today.
Full scale commercial deployment of EIB prod-
ucts has started more than 5 years ago. Nearly Frames and Addressing Mechanisms
2’000 products are available in over 5'000 varia- EIB supports the following (mutually independ-
tions from dozens of manufacturers. ent) address spaces:
Today, several million nodes have been installed • 16-bit multicast "group address" space;
in tens of thousands of installations, ranging
from homes and apartments with 20 devices, up • 16-bit physical address space to identify
to large commercial buildings and campuses individual devices;
with 60’000 devices installed. supported by:
• 16-bit fast polling address space (for fast
Capacity and performance of EIB and reliable master-slave polling)
Data oriented (rather than command-oriented) • 16-bit (sub)system identification for open
and designed for extremely efficient multicast media (PL, RF, ...), to distinguish nearby
"group" addressing, EIB TP effortlessly reaches systems.
fieldbus performance. Today, dozens of installa-

EIB - We care about Home & Building Electronics.

EIB allows variable length packets. One packet In between, a chip set and Bus Interface Mod-
or "telegram" may carry up to 14 bytes of useful ules (BIM) offer various levels of integration.
data. A new specification extends this to 256 Contact EIBA for details on licensing EIB system
bytes. source code.
Importantly, EIB supports full multicast "group"
addressing. Full means that:
1. EIB is not limited to grouping devices: each The EIB Interworking Standards (EIS) allow
device may publish several variables (known components from various vendors to be com-
as "(Group) Communication Objects") indi- bined in a single installation. Many niche ven-
vidually, which can be grouped independ- dors and a multitude of OEM arrangements
ently from one another into network-wide prove that EIS are a solid claim indeed.
shared variables.
Tool Suites and API Component Framework
As a bonus, properties of Interface Objects
may be published as shared variables as In addition, this allows the use of a single, com-
well. mon tool (ETS, the EIB Tool Software) to be
2. A shared variable can be fully read/write bi- used for configuring and commissioning EIB in-
directional. In this way, all devices can also stallations. Today, about 6'000 copies of ETS
send unsolicited multicast frames. are used by electrical contractors, system inte-
grators etc. world-wide. EIB's Component-based
3. EIB makes a 16 bit address space available
Installation Design (built on ETS) radically re-
for these shared variables. Even with the
duces project engineering and maintenance ef-
limitation of some implementations to 15 bits,
this signifies that one installation may have
up to 32k shared variables (or "group ad- With the EIB Tool Environment (ETE) EIBA of-
dresses"), each with any number of local in- fers an open software development and con-
stances. nectivity framework with standard API's.

Object-based network management Easy Configuration

EIB’s Interface Objects permit abstract man- Not only PC-based tools may exploit the network
agement of device and network resources, via management features of EIB devices: any suffi-
the <device>.<object>.<property> addressing ciently powerful EIB device may itself act as a
scheme. The multicast extension configuration controller. This allows for “plug,
<group>.<object>.<property> is under consid- touch and play” Easy Configuration for smaller
eration. installations, aimed at the professional contrac-
Open System / Standard Implementations
The consumer dimension
EIB is open: the full "EIB Handbook" specifica-
tion is available to everyone interested at about A good deal of the power and flexibility of EIB
US$ 350. This even allows the EIB network OS was so far accessible to the expert user only. In
to be implemented on any industry-standard combination with the Home Assistant software
chip. platform for PC’s, the EIB Home Management
specification will open this “hidden” potential to
On the other extreme, fully integrated "Bus Cou-
the occupant as well.
pling Units" (BCU's) are available, combining a
transceiver and a microprocessor with RAM and Corresponding ranges of white goods have been
EEPROM. The BCU has a standardised inter- announced by several manufacturers, with
face to an application-specific module. As the brown goods to follow soon.
BCU's are compatible for the different media,
the same module may be combined with the TP-
BCU as well as the PL-BCU.

EIB - We care about Home & Building Electronics.

The EIB Association, Tinklaan 5, B-1160 Brussels,
Belgium – EIBcard 001 - 9805
EIB inside! • Home Elec- • Instabus
tronic System • Powernet
EIB products are also marketed by EIBA associ-
ated companies under various brand names in- • Tebis
cluding: • i-bus EIB
• Domotik • ImmoCAD etc. r

EIB - We care about Home & Building Electronics.

The EIB Association, Tinklaan 5, B-1160 Brussels,
Belgium – EIBcard 001 - 9805

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