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Yuliana Andrea Escobar Ordoñez

Id. 220572
ASOD VII Semester

Ingles III

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

La Vega Cundinamarca
Febrero 2021

Aristotle was born in 384 BC. in Estagira, a small Macedonian town near Mount Athos.
From a very young age, he was instructed by his father in the secrets of medicine, fueling
his passion for experimental research years later. A discipline in which Aristotle remains at
the forefront, as he is considered by many to be the first scientific researcher in history.

Aristotle was a philosopher, polymath and scientist born in the city of Estagira, north of
Ancient Greece. He is considered along with Plato, the father of Western philosophy. His
ideas have exerted an enormous influence on the intellectual history of the West for more
than two millennia.

In his 62 years of life, this great Greek scientist and thinker learned about various topics
such as culture and science, deriving his knowledge from contributions that continue to
influence today, such as:

1. The formalized system of thought

Aristotelian logic, according to this logic, Aristotle argues that the mind is only capable of
reproducing reality as it is, therefore, it is an exact and objective science.

2. The political analogy, politics was another field of interest that also led to various
contributions from Aristotle during his life.

3. Findings in medicine

His studies in biology made him the forerunner of comparative physiology and anatomy
thanks to the comparison of more than 50 living beings.

4. The importance of observation in science

Among Aristotle's contributions is the importance of observing when it was desired to

understand the functioning of things and he used it as part of the most important practice of

5. the shape of the earth although there are still supporters of the flat earth theory, aristotle
from the fourth century a. c. could argue and prove that the earth was round.

1. Who was aristotle?

Aristoteles was a philosopher, polymath and scientist who was very interested in

2. when and where did aristotle die?

He died in exile on the island of Chalcis, in 322 a. C. at the age of sixty-two.

3. What contributions did Aristotle make to philosophy?

Among the contributions of Aristotle is the importance of observing when it was

desired to understand the functioning of things and used it as part of the most
important practice of reasoning.

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