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Battle Royale Recording

Here is a link to the piece:

DUE February 19th at 11:59pm

How to record
-Record with Zoom, your phone, or recording device of your choice.
-Use your Chromebook to look at the piece as well as listen to the click track.
-Listen to the Click Track with headphones in while recording.
-Feel free to practice with the click track as much as you’d like!
-Don’t start playing immediately when you start recording. Start the recording, take a
few seconds and prepare yourself, breathe, then go.
-Recording Option: You could record the audio first then record your video where
you don’t have to worry about the notes. (Could save a lot of time rather than
striving for only one perfect recording)
-Record so that your instrument and face are in the frame.
-Record in as quiet of an area as you can find with minimal background noise.
-PLAYBACK- Make sure your audio does not exceed your mics limit. Make sure that
you can only hear your instrument and not the metronome clicks.
- ​​ Click this link to see about adjusting
microphone settings on a Chromebook (If it is too high for your instrument, the
audio will peak and cut out. You’ll want to mess around with it and find the sweet
spot for your instrument (probably near the middle).)
-Be sure to enable Original Sound
-After you record, watch and listen to your recording and be sure there are no
technology issues.

(More Information on Next Page)


If you are able to record through Zoom, find these two files and label them as such:




If you record with any other device, please name your file if you are able and upload to
Google Drive
You’ll upload these to me through Google Drive. I will have separate folders for audio
files and video files.

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