Math 32 - 07 - Binomial Distribution

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Math 32 Lecture 6: Binomial Distribution Spring 2021

1 Factorial

Due to the frequent use in advanced mathematics, we define the factorial as

n! = i
1! = 1

2! = 2 × 1 = 2

3! = 3 × 2 × 1 = 6

4! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24

5! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120

... = ... = ...

Also, mathematicians define 0! = 1 for later calculations.

Math 32 Lecture 6: Binomial Distribution Spring 2021

2 Bernoulli Trials

To continue our exploration of discrete distributions, we will look at situations

that have two disjoint possibilities.


working broken

success failure

survived died
For math symbols to represent a Bernoulli trial, the events {1, 0} have
respective probabilities p and 1 − p.

For example, for one flip of a coin

P (heads) = p, P (tails) = 1 − p

Math 32 Lecture 6: Binomial Distribution Spring 2021

3 Arrangements

• Permutations (and the number of permutations) are the arrangements

when order matters
• Combinations (and the number of combinations) are the arrangements
when order does not matter

Example 1: Flipping 3 fair coins, what is the probability that heads will be
observed exactly twice?

{HHH, HHT, HT H, T HH,HT T, T HT, T T H, T T T }

Observe that there are 4 combinations, and

• order matters (permutations) for visualizing the sample space
• selections made with replacement
• 1 permutation with 3 heads (probability: 1 × [P (H)]3 [P (T )]0 )
• 3 permutations with 2 heads (probability: 3 × [P (H)]2 [P (T )]1 )
• 3 permutations with 1 head (probability: 3 × [P (H)]1 [P (T )]2 )
• 1 permutation with zero heads (probability: 1 × [P (H)]0 [P (T )]3 )

Here, the answer is 3 out of 8 possibilities.

Math 32 Lecture 6: Binomial Distribution Spring 2021

4 Choose

n n!
k k!(n − k)!

• said “n choose k”
• This choose operator keeps track of the number
of arrangements
• note 0! = 1

Math 32 Lecture 6: Binomial Distribution Spring 2021

5 Binomial Distribution

We say that the probability of observing exactly k instances, where each

instance had a prior probability of p in a binomial setting, is

n k
P (x = k) = p (1 − p)n−k
•0 ≤ k ≤ n
•0 ≤ p ≤ 1

Example 2: Historically, Squirtle defeats Charizard 32% of the time. If there

are 5 battles, what is the probability that Squirtle wins exactly 2 times?

Chat query: what are the values of n, k and p?

• p = 0.32
Thus the requested probability is

5 5!
P (k = 2) = (0.32)2 (1 − 0.32)5−2 = (0.32)2 (0.68)3 ≈ 0.3220
2 2!(5 − 2)!

Math 32 Lecture 6: Binomial Distribution Spring 2021

Example 3: Historically, Charizard defeats Squirtle 68% of the time. If

there are 5 battles, what is the probability that Charizard wins exactly 3

• p = 0.68
• probability that Charizard wins 3 times: (0.68)3
• probability that Squirtle wins the other two battles: (0.32)2
• number of ways those 3 Charizard wins could happen: 53 = 10

Thus the requested probability is

P (k = 3) = (0.68)3(1 − 0.68)2 ≈ 0.3220

Math 32 Lecture 6: Binomial Distribution Spring 2021

6 Symmetry

The previous two examples had the same answer, which is true due to a
symmetry property in the choose operator:

n n
k n−k

is the same probability as

Q: How do we pick between p and 1 − p?

At first, it does not matter how you define the binomial setting for what
corresponds to p and what corresponds to 1−p, but you need to be consistent
in the rest of the task for how you defined your variables and use the value(s)
for k.

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