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Name ____________________________ Date___________ Hr_____

12 Powerful Words Crossword Puzzle

Analyze Compare Contrast Describe
Evaluate Explain Formulate Infer
Predict Summarize Support Trace
Across Down
1. When you see this word, think of constructing or 2. When you see this word, think of what is good or
building, like someone putting the pieces of a bad about the thing, like judges at the Olympics
puzzle together reviewing a performance by ice skaters
3. When you see this word, think of how things are 4. When you see this word, think of giving facts or
unalike or opposite, or think of how different apples reasons for a thing, or think of backing up someone
and oranges are or something
5. When you see this word, think of looking at 8. When you see this word, ask yourself, "What
something closely, like taking a bicycle apart to does this make me think?" or think of someone
examine it reading between the lines
6. When you see this work, ask yourself, "What will 10. When you see this word, think of how things are
happen next?", or think of a weather person alike or similar, or think of seeing how you are like
foretelling or forecasting the weather your image in a mirror
7. When you see this word, give details of
important information, or think of a person wrapping
up an important present to give to someone
9. When you see this word, think of following
something from the beginning to the end, like a
pencil drawing over a line
11. When you see this word, think of listing the
main points in a brief description, or think of
someone summing up
12. When you see this word, ask yourself, "What
does it look like?" or think of painting a picture with


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