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Luminus Technical University College -

Assignment Brief (RQF)

Higher National Diploma in Software Engineering

Language of
assessment En
(Please tick)

Student Name Learner’s ID


Learner’s ID

Unit Number and Title 11 Maths for Computing

Abdelqader Okasha and

Unit Assessor Name Academic Year 2020/2021
Yasmeen Al Mahameed

Assignment number & Title 2 Graphical Maths and Calculus

Completion Date (1st

Issue Date (1st Submission) 28/1/2021

Completion Date (2nd

Issue Date (2nd Submission)

Internal Verifier Name Omar Issa

Internal Verifier Approval Approval Date Jan-2021-28


Lead Internal verifier name

and signature (in case of Approval Date


Luminus Education – Quality Assurance Department

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Submission Format:

You are to submit an A4 word-processed document, or hand-written scanned

document. The choice of font face, font size and line spacing are left to your

discretion. However, as a professional report, clarity and readability are critically

important. You are encouraged to use diagrams, charts and graphics to help to

explain the topics. Any material (images, drawings, diagrams, text) that is derived from

other sources must be suitably referenced using a standard form of citation.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO Determine solutions of graphical examples using geometry and vector

3 methods.
LO Evaluate problems concerning differential and integral calculus.

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Assignment Brief and Guidance:

1- The following function represents the relation between C(x) (the cost of production in
JOD) and x (number of CPUs produced) in a startup CPU factory. ( 0< x <14 )

C ( x )=2 x 3−33 x 2+60 x +900

a. Estimate the marginal cost at a production level of 12 CPUs (Hint: The marginal
cost function is the instantaneous rate of change in cost function with respect to
the number of units produced).
b. Investigate the minimum and maximum costs of production.
c. Support your findings of the minimum cost found in part B, by providing
complete justification of the method by which you found this point, and the
reason it corresponds to a minimum.

2- You are working as an IT consultant for a graphical design company. A client sends you
two files containing two shapes to be used in the design of a logo. Your computer
could not recognize the format of the files sent in order to display them, so you
manually open the files on a text editor, and found the following content within each

File A File B
(-2.5, -2) START (-3, -2)
(0.5, 4) <√34, 30.964°>
(2.5, 3) <√10, 71.565°>
(-0.5, -3) <-5, -3>
<-1, -3>

a. Based on this data, name the types of the two shapes, justifying your answer
by assessing the properties of each shape, and drawing a small sketch for each.
b. It can be seen that the two files use different computer drawing techniques.
Thoroughly assess these two techniques, mentioning their names, the method
by which each technique draws, and the strengths and weaknesses of each.
c. The client wants the second shape (from File B) to be printed on a large
billboard advertisement. To achieve this, a scaled version of the shape is
needed, where the length of the larger side of the shape would become
10.2042 units, and the lower left corner vertex of the shape would be placed
at coordinates (0, 0). Produce the scaled version of the shape based on those
requirements, listing the scaling base, scaling factor, and the final coordinates
of each vertex of the resulting scaled shape.

3- Shown below is the graph and equation of a function describing data rate of an
internet service provider's data line. D is the data transfer rate, measured in Kilobytes
per second, and t is time in seconds. Produce an estimation for the total amount of
data transmitted (in Kilobytes) during the first 4 seconds.

D=10 e1.15 t +t 3 +500 sin (1.2 t )+ 500

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Place solutions (text/images) here

 The first question:

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 Second quwstion:

For EaseUS customers, we always recommend them to choose a different location to save
the recovered data to prevent data overwriting from happening, which is very likely to cause
file corruption.

If you're not an EaseUS user but facing the same issue, it's time to download EaseUS file
recovery software. The overwritten files could have lost their original names and directory
structure. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard is good at finding raw files. So, you're very likely
to find the intact piece of the corrupted files in the scanning results.

 Third question:
Step 1
Given: D is the data transfer rate, measured in Kilobytes per second,
and t is time in seconds. 

D=10e1.15t+t3+500 sin(1.2t)+500
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Step 2
Substitute t=4 , we get

D=10e1.15(4)+43+500 sin(1.2×4)+500

= 10e4.6+64+500 sin 4.8+500



=10e1.15(4)+43+500 sin(1.2×4)+500

= 10e4.6+64+500 sin 4.8+500



Step 3
About 1061 kilobytes of data is transferred during the first 4 seconds.

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Luminus Education – Quality Assurance Department
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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
Learning Outcome
Pass Merit Distinction
number and Title
P5 Identify simple
LO3 Determine shapes using co- M3 Evaluate the co-
D3 Construct the
solutions of ordinate geometry. ordinate system
scaling of simple
graphical examples used in
shapes that are
using geometry P6 Determine programming a
described by vector
and vector shape parameters simple output
methods using appropriate device.
vector methods.
P7 Determine the
rate of change M4 Analyse
LO4 Evaluate within an algebraic maxima and D4 Justify, by
problems function. minima of further
concerning increasing and differentiation, that
differential and P8 Use integral decreasing a value is a
integral calculus calculus to solve functions using minimum.
practical problems higher order
involving area. derivatives.

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Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all kinds and students who

break the rules, however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you

understand correct referencing practices. As a student in a university college level, you are expected to

use appropriate references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of

materials for material you have used in your work, including any material downloaded from the

Internet. Please consult the relevant unit teacher if you need any further advice.

Student Declaration

Date Received 1st

Date Received 2nd submission
Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the

consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student signature: Date:

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Assessor Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external

moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

Luminus Education – Quality Assurance Department

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