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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬

Jazan University ‫جامعة جازان‬

Faculty of Public Health & Tropical Medicine ‫كلية الصحة العامة وطب المناطق الحارة‬
Department of Health Informatics ‫قسم المعلوماتية الصحية‬

Assignment 1
Introduction to Database (341)

Date of submission: 25 Feb, 2021 Marks: 10


1) Explain how you can import data from other sources into Access database?

normally data is stored in various formats, files, and locations, which makes it hard to get
and use it. If you have data in a spreadsheet, a SharePoint list, or some other format, you can
import it into an Access database with just a few steps, making it much more, easily
available in Access.
 The Save As command is generally used to save a document in another format, so
that you can open it in another program.
 In Access you can’t use the Save As command in the same way, you can save Access
objects as other Access objects, but you cannot save an Access database as a
spreadsheet file.
 To save Access as a spreadsheet file, you will need to use the import feature on the
External Data tab.

In the import & Link group, you can see the different kind of options available for data
import in Access. Following are the most commonly used data import formats.

 Microsoft Office Excel

 Microsoft Office Access
 ODBC Databases (For example, SQL Server)
 Text files (delimited or fixed-width)
 XML Files

2) Explain what is the size limitation for an Access database?

Attribute Maximum
Total size for an Access database 2 gigabytes, minus the space needed for
(.accdb or .mdb), including all database system objects.
objects and data
Note: You can work around this size limitation
by linking to tables in other Access databases.
You can link to tables in multiple database files,
each of which can be as large as 2GB.

Tip: For more information on reducing the size

of your database,.
Total number of objects in a database 32,768

Number of modules (including forms 1,000
and reports that have
the HasModule property set to True)
Number of characters in an object name 64
Number of characters in a password 14

Note: For Access 2007, it is 20 characters.

Number of characters in a user name or 20
group name
Number of concurrent users 255

3) Between different data’s what are the types of relationship can be formed?
There are three types of table relationships in Access.
 A one-to-many relationship. Let's use an order tracking database that includes
a Customers table and an Orders table as an example. ...
 A many-to-many relationship. Now let's look at the relationship between a
Products table and an Orders table. ...
 A one-to-one relationship.

4) Explain how you can build a relationship between the different databases in
One of the goals of good database design is to remove data redundancy (duplicate data). To
achieve that goal, you divide your data into many subject-based tables so that each fact is
represented only once. You then provide Access with a way to bring the divided information
back together — you do this by placing common fields in tables that are related. To do this
step correctly, though, you have to understand the relationships between your tables, and then
specify these relationships in your database.
A one-to-many relationship

Let’s use an order tracking database that includes a Customers table and an Orders
table as an example. A customer can place any number of orders. It follows that for
any customer represented in the Customers table, there might be many orders
represented in the Orders table. The relationship between the Customers table and the
Orders table is a one-to-many relationship.

To represent a one-to-many relationship in your database design, take the primary key
on the "one" side of the relationship and add it as an additional field or fields to the
table on the "many" side of the relationship. In this case, for example, you add a new
field — the ID field from the Customers table — to the Orders table and name it

Customer ID. Access can then use the Customer ID number in the Orders table to
locate the correct customer for each order.

A many-to-many relationship

Now let’s look at the relationship between a Products table and an Orders table. A
single order can include more than one product. On the other hand, a single product
can appear on many orders. Therefore, for each record in the Orders table, there can
be many records in the Products table. In addition, for each record in the Products
table, there can be many records in the Orders table. This relationship is called a
many-to-many relationship. Note that to detect existing many-to-many relationships
between your tables, it is important that you consider both sides of the relationship.

To represent a many-to-many relationship, you must create a third table, often called a
junction table, that breaks down the many-to-many relationship into two one-to-many
relationships. You insert the primary key from each of the two tables into the third
table. As a result, the third table records each occurrence, or instance, of the
relationship. For example, the Orders table and the Products table have a many-to-
many relationship that is defined by creating two one-to-many relationships to the
Order Details table. One order can have many products, and each product can appear
on many orders.

A one-to-one relationship
In a one-to-one relationship, each record in the first table can have only one matching
record in the second table, and each record in the second table can have only one
matching record in the first table. This relationship is not common because, most
often, the information related in this way is stored in the same table. You might use a
one-to-one relationship to divide a table with many fields, to isolate part of a table for
security reasons, or to store information that applies only to a subset of the main table.
When you do identify such a relationship, both tables must share a common field.
5) Name some of the file extension for MS Access?
mdb extension for all database files. However, the underlying MDB format changed
significantly over the years. With Access 2007, Microsoft introduced a new default
file format, using the . accdb extension.

6) Explain what do you mean by queries?
 query is a request for data results, and for action on data. You can use a query to answer a
simple question, to perform calculations, to combine data from different tables, or even to
add, change, or delete table data.
7) Explain how you can open the database in Access?
Open an existing Access database
 On the File tab, click Open.
 In the Open dialog box, browse to the database that you want to open.
 Do one of the following: Double-click the database to open it in the default
mode specified in the Access Options dialog box or the mode that was set by
an administrative policy.
8) Mention how you can create a simple query in Access 2013?
Let's familiarize ourselves with the query-building process by building the simplest
query possible: a one-table query.

We will run a query on the Customers table of our bakery database. Let's say our
bakery is having a special event, and we want to invite our customers who live nearby
because they are the most likely to come. This means we need to see a list of all
customers who live close by, and only those customers.

If you think this sounds a little like applying a filter, you're right. A one-table query is
actually just an advanced filter applied to a table.

To create a simple one-table query:

1. Select the Create tab on the Ribbon, and locate the Queries group.
2. Click the Query Design command.
3. Access will switch to Query Design view. In the Show Table dialog box that
appears, select the table you want to run a query on. We are running a query
about our customers, so we'll select the Customers table.
4. Click Add, then click Close.
5. The selected table will appear as a small window in the Object Relationship
pane. In the table window, double-click the field names you want to include in
your query. They will be added to the design grid in the bottom part of the

In our example, we want to mail invitations to customers who live in a certain
area, so we'll include the First Name, Last Name, Street Address, City, and
Zip Code fields. We aren't planning on calling or emailing our customers, so
we don't have to include the Phone Number or Email fields.
6. Set the search criteria by clicking the cell in the Criteria: row of each field you
want to filter. Typing criteria into more than one field in the Criteria: row will
set your query to include only results that meet all criteria. If you want to set
multiple criteria but don't need the records shown in your results to meet all of
them, type the first criteria in the Criteria: row and additional criteria in the or:
row and the rows beneath it.

For this one-table query, we'll use simple search criteria.

We want to find our customers who live in the city of Raleigh, so in our City
field we'll type "Raleigh". Typing Raleigh in quotation marks will retrieve all
records with an exact match for Raleigh in the City field.
Some customers who live in the suburbs live fairly close by, and we'd like to
invite them as well. We'll add their zip code, 27513, as another criteria.
Because we want to find customers who either live in Raleigh or in the 27513
zip code, we'll type "27513" into the or: row of the Zip Code field.
7. After you have set your criteria, run the query by clicking the Run command
on the Design tab.
8. The query results will be displayed in the query's Datasheet view, which looks
like a table. If you want, save your query by clicking the Save command in the
Quick Access toolbar. When prompted to name it, type the desired name, then
click OK.

9) Explain how you can export data from access into Excel format?
1. Launch Microsoft Access on your computer. Click the “File” tab and
then click “Open.” Open the Access database that contains the report
you want to export to Excel.
2. Click the “Navigation Pane” on the left side of the main database
window. Scroll down to the “Reports” section at the bottom of the All
Access Objects pane.

3. Double-click the name of the report you want to export to Excel.
Access runs the report and displays it to the right of the All Access
Objects pane.
4. Click the “Browse” button in the “Export – Excel Spreadsheet”
window. Select the folder on your PC in which you want to save the
Excel version of the report and then click “Save.”
5. Click the drop-down arrow next to the “File Format” label. Click and
select the version of Excel for which you want to format the exported
file. The list contains two options: “Excel 97 – Excel 2003 Workbook”
and “Microsoft Excel 5.0/95,” which is the default. In most cases, you
should just leave the value set at the default.
6. Leave the “Export data with formatting and layout” option enabled
unless you want to export raw data without headers or layout
formatting. Enable the “Open the destination file after the export
operation is complete” option if you want the exported file to open
immediately in Excel after the conversion process finishes. Otherwise,
leave the box next to the option unchecked.
7. Enable the “Export only the selected records” option if you are
viewing a report that displays only certain records in the dataset.
Otherwise, leave the option blank.
8. Click the “OK” button. After a few seconds, the Save Export Steps
window appears on the screen. Enable the “Save Export Steps” option
if you want to use the same Excel export options in the future. Click
the “Close” button to close the “Export – Excel Spreadsheet” window.
If you enabled the “Open the destination file after the export operation
is complete” option, Excel opens and displays the report in spreadsheet
form. Otherwise, you must open the report in Excel using the “File |
Open” option on the ribbon bar.

10) In MS Access 2013 what are the different ways you can enter data?
 Here's an explanation of the main methods of adding data to a database.
 Datasheet View. You can type directly into the table while it's in Datasheet

 Form. You can set up a form, so that non-technical users can enter data into
the form.
 SQL View. You can use SQL view to insert data into your database. ...
 External Data.

11) Explain how you can create a form in Microsoft Access 2013?
Create a single item form
1) In the Navigation Pane, click the table or query that contains the data that you
want to see on the form.
2) On the Create tab, in the Forms group, click Form. Access creates the form and
displays it in Layout view.
3) To begin working with the form, switch to Form view:
12) Remark the correct relationship in the following ER-diagram-

The relationship between the writer and the book is a true one, whereby a writer can write
several books, and one book is written by one writer

The relationship between the publisher and the book is a correct relationship with a valid
relationship with a valid relationship with a relationship of gestures, data, drawings, and a
single book, which he can publish more than his publication and publishing house.

The next page is linked to the site with the author table

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