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IMCO 349: Advertising Copy and Layout 

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Creative Brief  2 - 3 

Full Page Magazine Ad  4 

Half Page Magazine Ad  5 

Billboard  6 

Strengths and Weaknesses in Ads  7 - 8 

Potential Digital Promotion  9 

Online Ad: Carousel  10 

Online Ad: Skyscraper  11 

Social Media Content: Instagram Post  12 

Social Media Content: Instagram Post  13 

Social Media Content: Facebook Post  14 

Ad Storyboard  15 - 18 


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Client: Working women, primarily plus sized Agency: K&S Agency 

Brand: Stitch Fix Campaign deadline:October 4th, 2020 

Why are we doing this campaign? 
੦ Raise awareness about Stitch Fix personalized styling services, specifically for a 
plus size market 
੦ Make customers feel trendy and professional 
੦ Make customers feel a personal connection to their virtual stylists 
੦ Give consumers a new way of shopping for clothes 
Who is our target audience​? 
੦ Plus size women ages 25-35, single 
੦ A working woman who doesn't have time to shop all weekend. Lives a fast paced 
੦ Needs trendy clothes that can transition from business meeting to dinner with 
੦ Women who are looking to feel good with the body they have through the clothes 
they wear 
੦ Wants quality, well fitted clothing from sustainable brands 
੦ Women living in urban areas 
੦ Women who are not familiar with the Stitch Fix brand 

What is the key consumer insight? 

“I need to inject style into my wardrobe, but I’m too busy to wander around shopping 
malls that only cater to size 2 models. I want to rock outfits that nobody else is 

What is/are the main propositions/offers? 

੦ Stitchfix sends personalized styles directly to your door, simplifying your shopping 
੦ Stylists have chosen clothes for your size, color, and fit preferences 

What is the convincing support for the claim? 
Customers take a styling quiz when they join 
Assigns a personal stylist 
Curate boxes that fits the customers style 
Reviews/hauls by influencers 
Don’t pay for clothing until you receive the package 
What is the core brand positioning? 
Your style, delivered. 
The personality? 
Fresh, charismatic, and sophisticated. Stitch Fix is a friend who knows what is best for  
Tone of voice of the campaign? 
This campaign reflects the nature of Stitch Fix’s service. A friendly, approachable voice  
will be used to remind customers that there are real women behind the company’s  
Any mandatories? 
੦ Logo/symbol 

Potential headlines 
● Your Style: Reinvented 
● No boundaries 
○ Your style with no boundaries 
○ Be bold, break the mold 
● Late nights, early mornings 
● Real bodies, real style 
● Real style, our choice 
To include in body copy 
● Stitch Fix sends personalized styles directly to your door. Our stylists carefully curate a 
wardrobe to support your fast paced lifestyle.  
● Stylists choose clothing that fits your style, size, and color preferences, eliminating the 
stress of shopping. 
● You won’t spend a dime until you try on your personalized looks 


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Currently, Stitch Fix has TV and online advertisements. The company also 

creates sponsored posts for social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. Their TV 

spots typically use the slice of life approach to depict how the curated outfits are used 

to improve the lives of the subscribers. We believe this is an effective approach that 

allows the target audience to understand​ why​ they should consider switching to a 

clothing delivery service. 

Stitch Fix’s website is immersive. Videos and photos help guide the reader 

through the body copy on the pages, which clearly explain the concept behind Stitch 

Fix. Hyperlinks help take the reader to the style quiz, which is the first step in the 

process of joining Stitch Fix. Overall, the owned media works well. 

The company has recently been raising awareness for its new men’s and 

children’s styles, which means Stitch Fix wants to be perceived as a service that is 

useful for the whole family. The existing owned and paid media do a good job of 

representing the diverse target audiences for each line. Models are representative of 

the many ages, sizes, and ethnicities that Stitch Fix targets with their different 


Stitch Fix’s Pinterest account is a great source of visual material for the brand. It 

features both flat lays and models wearing clothing. This Pinterest presence could be 

improved, though. We believe that stylists should create their own boards so viewers 

feel a connection to the stylists as individual creative minds.  

Not all aspects of Stitch Fix’s advertising strategies are strong. Some ads don’t 

raise awareness for the style quiz feature, which may lead some viewers/readers to be 

confused by Stitch Fix’s claims that their styles are tailored to the customer’s personal 

style. Additionally, some social media posts fall flat, as there is little call for interaction 

and little variation in the photos. Sure, it is 

important to display the product in 

advertising, but the Facebook ads aren’t 

representative of the company’s colorful and 

dynamic Instagram feed. Our goal is to merge 

Stitch Fix’s famous flat lays with more 

immersive imagery. 



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Introduce a Stitch Fix stylist and allow the stylist to pick out an outfit for viewers 

to recreate. The idea is that viewers should be able to create outfits using basics from 

their own closets, like black jeans and a statement heel. Encourage followers to 

photograph themselves and post the photos onto their Instagram feeds using the 

hashtag #MyPerfectFix. Repost entries on the Stitch Fix Instagram page for free 

user-generated content. Promote coupon code (for example, MYFIX20 for 20% off your 

first delivery). This will create a relationship between the customer and the stylist and 

it will encourage adoption of the service via the coupon code   



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This 4 slide carousel will feature the following textual information: 
Caption​: Need a style refresh? Let us show you how! 
Slide 1​: Take our style quiz. Tell us about yourself. 
Slide 2​: Receive professionally styled outfits right to your door! 
Slide 3:​ A Stylist just for you. 
Slide 4​: Sign up now. Get your fix 


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Animation​: As the viewer scrolls onto this ad, the box will open and clothing will fly 
out, one by one, toward the top of the screen. The message, “open up to new styles”, 
will appear as this happens. Then the box itself will float up as an image of the model 
appears, accompanied by the message “meet your personal stylist with Stitch Fix”. 
This animation will happen quickly, in a total of 3 seconds. That way the viewer will 
see the movement and text even if they are scrolling past the ad while attempting to 
view something else on the webpage. 


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This Instagram post will feature a 5 page gallery of photos as shown above. 
Full Caption​: Your Stitch Fix stylist, Dinah here! Need a few ideas for a day at the 
office? Check above for some inspiration!  
Want the exact look in your closet? Head over to and #GetYourFix. Which 
outfit is your favorite? #StitchFix #GetYourFix 


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This Instagram post will feature a single photo as shown above. 
Full Caption​: "I'm feeling so much more confident in myself now that I have Stitch Fix 
in my life. Look! I finally have a great outfit to wear with my favorite shoes!" - Jessica 
We’re so glad @heyitsjessica23 is loving her new look! Her stylist, Bradley, picked out 
this #LBD and taupe cape to match her favorite shoes. #GetYourFix #StitchFix #repost 
Want us to feature your favorite fixes? Just tag us @StitchFix and use the hashtag  


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This Facebook post will feature a hyperlink to the Stitch Fix website. 
Full Caption: U
​ nleash your personal style with Stitch Fix! 
Our personal stylists curate your wardrobe using your size, color, and fit preferences. 
Then we deliver styled looks directly to your door. The best part? You don't have to 
spend a dime unless you love your new wardrobe. 
Comment what you would like to see in your own Stitch Fix package! 


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Client: Stitch Fix 
Length: 1 minute 
Ad title: Boss lady energy 
Tessa is getting ready for a career-setting presentation at work. She may have her 
boss, Emily, behind her for support, but Tessa is looking for an outfit that will help her 
feel confident. There’s a lot of pressure to nail this presentation. Out of nowhere, a 
stylist pops into her closet while she’s struggling. The woman, shocked, asks who she 
is. The stylist says that she’s from Stitch Fix, and that she knows exactly what Tessa 
needs. Tessa sports her new look to gain a confidence boost. The stylist proudly 
watches as Tessa solidifies her place as a campaign manager for this huge client​. 


The boss Emily and her    EMILY:​ Tessa, this ad 

employee Tessa are seen  campaign is genius! I want 
standing in their bright,  you to present to that big 
modern office observing  client at the end of the 
Tessa’s newest work. Tessa  week. 
is a star employee and is   
receiving praise from Emily,  TESSA:​ Yeah, of course! I 
but she doesn’t give herself  can’t wait! 
enough credit when she 

Emily walks away after  TESSA:​ You got this, Tess. 

giving Tessa a supportive pat  Big client? No big deal! 
on the back. Tessa looks 
down at the ad campaign 
and gives herself a short pep 
talk for reassurance. 

At Tessa’s home, we see her  SFX:​ alarm tone, rustling 
alarm go off as it displays the  sheets 
time and day (Friday,   
presentation day). Tessa   
stops the alarm, stretches, 
and leaps out of bed, excited 
for her big milestone at work. 

Tessa is seen walking into  SFX:​ Background music 

her mirror wearing different  plays to suggest conflict, 
drab outfits. She doesn’t feel  Tessa sighs with frustration 
confident in anything she   
wears. If she doesn’t find an  TESSA​: No, no, no. 
outfit, she won’t have the 
confidence she needs to 
proudly show off her   

Tessa is rummaging through  SFX:​ tapping sound on 

her closet when a woman  shoulder, background 
taps her shoulder out of  music halts 
nowhere. Tessa is shocked.   
TESSA:​ Oh my gosh! Who 
are you?! 

The stranger is a very perky,  GINA: I​ ’m your Stitch Fix 

charismatic personal stylist  personal stylist! I heard you 
named Gina. The stylist  had a big presentation this 
explains that she can help  week, and that outfit is ​not 
Tessa make the right  giving you boss lady 
decision to get the boost  energy. Come with me, I 
she’s looking for. Gina leads  can help. 
Tessa back to the mirror. 

The well dressed Gina snaps    GINA:​ Watch this. 
her fingers to make Tessa   
appear in a colorful suit.  SFX:​ snap of Gina’s fingers 
Tessa expresses delight and   
confidence in the mirror.  SFX: B​ right, confident 
background music plays 
TESSA:​ Woah! This is 
GINA​: Now ​that’s ​boss 
lady energy! 

Tessa appears outside the  SFX:​ Tessa sighs, sound of 

presentation room. She takes  footsteps on hard floor 
a deep breath, buttons her   
bright blazer, and saunters   
into the presentation space. 
She knows she looks 
successful and experienced.    

Tessa enters the conference  SFX:​ Optimistic business 

room and greets the clients.  talk from attendees 
Emily is among the group of   
people watching Tessa enter  TESSA:​ Welcome, 
the conference room. The  everyone. Let’s get started. 
attendees are chatting and 
greet Tessa with smiles and   
hearty handshakes. 

Gina proudly watches Tessa    TESSA​ (muffled through 

through the glass wall of the  glass wall): As you can see, 
conference room, giving  our services can help your 
looks of approval as Tessa is  revenue grow. 
presenting confidently to the   
potential client.  

Switch to a bright room with  GINA:​ Need to find your 
the slogan “Get Your Fix” and  source of boss lady 
the Stitch Fix logo. Gina  energy? Get your fix at 
walks into frame as she 
speaks. The website appears 
below the logo as Gina 
states the website URL. 


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